Random shit

Eroticon 2018: Meet & Greet

Next week I’ll be attending my 5th Eroticon! That makes this my 5th meet and greet post – masochists among you can find the rest here, here, here, aaaaaaand here. Can I think of anything new and interesting to say this time? Only one way to find out…

NAME (and Twitter if you have one)

Exhibit A, though I think my real name will be on my badge this year. Pretty sure most people know it by this point anyway. On Twitter, I’m @ea_unadorned.

What are you most looking forward to about Eroticon 2018?

The best thing about Eroticon is always the people, and I’m sure that will remain the case this year. Between them, they create an environment that’s open, generous, welcoming, and fun – Eroticon is the one place each year where I don’t have to filter or dilute any aspect of who I am, which is what makes it so wonderfully perfect (and perfectly wonderful!).

As far as the schedule is concerned, Annabelle Knight and Oloni are both new names to me, but their sessions sound really interesting. I’m also looking forward to seeing Kayla Lords, Anna Sky, and the two Sarahs in action, as they’re all awesome people with great things to say.

We are creating a play list of songs for the Friday Night Meet and Greet. Nominate one song that you would like us to add to the play list and tell us why you picked that song.

Love Me Like You Do, by Ellie Goulding. It’s the song Livvy and I used for our first dance when we got married in September, and was written for the first Fifty Shades movie – a steaming turd of a film, obviously, but one with a surprisingly excellent soundtrack. Feels somehow apt that it should make an appearance at Eroticon, if only so everyone can boo!

What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?

Pilot! I grew up near RAF Brize Norton, and went there on a school trip when I was 6 or 7. They let us sit in the cockpit of a fighter jet, which made far more of an impression than previous outings to the local farm museum. I quickly realised that a life in the sky wasn’t for me – aided by a diagnosis of astigmatism at the age of 8 – but I did get to work on that same RAF base 15 years after my first visit in a slightly less glamorous capacity, as a clerk for the Ministry of Defence. My main takeaway? The gender balance in a military environment is definitely not for me…

Weirdest place you’ve ever gotten up to mischief (define ‘mischief’ however you like…)

I actually wrote about sex in interesting places way back in 2013 – in fact, it was one of my first proper blog posts. Among all the planes, trains and automobiles (and pubs, parks, department stores…), it’s hard to pick just one place, but I’m going to go with the High Line in New York…even though we didn’t get up to anything that mischievous. It was a cold, soggy January afternoon in the middle of our engagement-moon (yes it’s a thing), and there was no-one else in sight at one of Manhattan’s trendiest tourist destinations. What else were we meant to do??

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Tell us two truths and a lie about yourself

  • I’ve had flings with two best-selling authors.
  • Boris Johnson once stole my pen in a meeting (then broke his chair).
  • My GCSE Art project still hangs on the wall of my school’s main corridor.

Complete the sentence: I want…

…everyone to enjoy this year’s Eroticon as much as I’ve enjoyed the last four!

6 replies on “Eroticon 2018: Meet & Greet”

Skype was the way Michael and I communicated for over a year. Without it I doubt we would have ever made it to being together Mollyx Psmissed you at Eroticon, hope you make 2019

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