
No Mercy

Three years ago, I wrote a two-part story called ‘No Mercy’ for Rebecca Black, an erotica author who hosted guest pieces on her blog. That blog has been dormant since late 2015, so I feel like the time is right to reclaim the story and publish it here too! I’ve pulled the two parts together into one long (~2,600 words) whole, but other than that it hasn’t been edited/changed at all. Enjoy!

For the third time in under 10 minutes, I checked the programme and glanced down at my watch. Four speakers still to come. Another four hours of industry analysis, laboured anecdotes, and thinly disguised self-promotion.

“Kill me now,” I mouthed at Scott, who merely rolled his eyes in response. His notebook was filling up with page after page of his neat cursive; my colleagues’ ability to drink in and digest bullshit had never ceased to amaze me, and Scott certainly had no intention of breaking that streak.

My work phone buzzed on the desk in front of me, and I grabbed it like a drowning man clutching at a tossed rope. Oh please, please let there be some sort of emergency back at the office. Angry client, IT failure, building fire – by that point, I’d have taken any of them. Maybe even all three. I thumbed over the keypad and a message flashed up. It was Becky.

“He flew in last night. Be outside my door in 10 minutes. Can’t believe it – so excited.”

I squinted at my phone and reread her text. Sam was officially the one who got away – the man Becky still squirmed at the mere mention of, even 18 months after he’d packed his bags and flown halfway around the world to start a new life. I probably should have resented the hold he had over her, but jealousy had never really been a part of our arrangement. We were two like-minded souls in a company staffed almost exclusively by the dull and the moronic; it was an office fling whose genesis lay in necessity and circumstance, rather than any sort of romantic urge. If whispered fantasies about a threesome with her ex made her come even harder around my cock, that was just fine by me.

I scrambled out from the back row of the conference hall, mumbling apologies to the delegates who had to half-stand to let me past. My hand shook as I leaned against the door and remembered the last conversation we’d had about Sam.

“I want the two of you together,” she’d said. “I just adore that idea. I want to be completely at your mercy.”

I tapped out a quick response to her message on my phone. “Be up in five minutes. This had better not be a joke!”

Her reply was almost instantaneous. “Five minutes? You’re missing out. We’ve already started…”

The hotel lobby was empty as I floated across it, my mind already on the 15th floor. I followed a porter into the lift and swore under my breath as I saw him punch 7 on the dashboard – even one extra stop felt like it would add an eternity to the ascent. He threw an apologetic look my way as he wheeled the luggage cart out of the lift, as if he could sense my annoyance, but I was already jamming my thumb against the button to close the doors, thinking about all the scenarios we’d discussed, and wondering which of them was already under way above me.

The lift doors opened on the 15th floor and I reached into my pocket for Becky’s spare key card. Both of us enjoyed sneaking around behind our colleagues’ backs, even though in reality few would have cared had they known. Gossip didn’t really exist in our office, not least because it would have required imagination and curiosity about something other than the company’s profits. Even when a carpenter had to be called out one morning to fix the Managing Director’s desk, no-one seemed to suspect that its overnight collapse might have been triggered by the weight of our bodies as I bent Becky over and fucked her till we heard the first crack.

Thick carpet muffled my footsteps as I trotted down the corridor. Sunlight streamed in through the windows on my left, and I basked in its warmth; in the thrill of what I was about to do, and the prospect of a different, darker heat. I counted off the rooms on the right – 19, 20, 21, 22… – and as I got closer to number 28, I felt the blood start to pound in my ears.

A ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hung on the door handle, even though the maid had long since finished her rounds: Becky was nothing if not thorough. I pressed my fingertips against the heavy wood in front of me and slowed my breathing, listening for the sound of hers – or his. Only the whirr of the air-con broke the silence, its steady hum a counterpoint to the thumping in my chest.

I slid the key card into the lock and pushed down on the handle. The door made no sound as it swung open, but I did. My gasp was involuntary, a sharp intake of breath that was released as something between a sigh and a moan when I took in what I saw in front of me.

Becky lay on her back on the bed. She wore only the bracelet I’d bought for her birthday, and her spine was arched in pleasure as her fingers moved frantically over her cunt. Kneeling next to her was one of the most attractive men I’d ever seen. His hair was dark, and fell down almost as far as his muscled shoulders. He’d broken his nose at some point, but that merely lent his face an even fiercer aspect, as he stared down at Becky’s naked body.

His tanned arse flexed rhythmically; I watched the skin tighten and relax, setting off a chain reaction that flowed through his hips and pushed his hard cock forward, through his curled fist. Even from the doorway, I could see that one hand was barely enough to cover half his length, and I thought about the way Becky’s eyes always shone when she described it.

“It’s the best fucking cock I’ve ever seen. Seriously, his dick is huge and it’s always hard – I get wet just thinking about it.”

I tried not to stare as Sam turned and registered my presence.

“Hey man, I hope you don’t mind but we got going without you. Look at how much of a mess she is already. Come over here and get stuck in.”

I shrugged off my jacket and unbuttoned my shirt as I walked over to the bed. Becky lifted her head and our eyes met. I held her gaze, my face fixed in a deliberately impassive mask. She reached out a hand, but I stayed just out of reach, forcing myself to focus on my cuff links. I unhooked first one, then the other, and laid them on the bedside table. I stepped out of my shoes and Sam flashed me a lopsided smile.

“Ok, you do know how to make an entrance. Becky’s going to start humping the bed if you don’t hurry up with those.”

My belt buckle clinked as I opened it. My own cock strained against my boxers, and when I let my suit trousers fall to the floor Becky made a second attempt to grab me, her fingers clawing at the air as I stepped to one side. She tried to pull her arm back, but I held on to her wrist with one hand. I glanced at Sam, who gave a brief nod.

“I think I speak for both of us when I say that’s the last thing you do without our permission. You wanted to be at our mercy? Well maybe you should be careful what you wish for…”

I turned Becky’s arm over and pressed my thumb against her palm. With my other hand, I pulled at my boxers, lifting them over my erection till they slid down to join the suit trousers at my feet. Fully naked, I climbed up onto the bed, opposite Sam. Becky’s eyes closed in surrender, as we each took one of her nipples in our mouths.

I worked my tongue over her warm skin, my shoulder pressed almost companionably against Sam’s. Between us, we had her pinned to the bed; our hands were on her biceps and stomach, and I felt her muscles tense as she tested the weight of our grip. Her movements were shaky and uncontrolled though, and when I swept my fingers down across her belly to brush over the soft curls above her cunt, she sighed and fell still again.

I flicked my eyes back to Sam’s body. His cock had remained fully erect ever since I’d entered the room, and I recalled the pride in Becky’s voice every time she talked about sucking it.

“It might be over eight inches, but I can still get all of him in my mouth. He said he’s never seen anything like it.”

Becky’s eyes were still squeezed shut as we caressed her skin, but her mouth opened and closed with each short, shallow breath. I reached up and took her jawbone between my thumb and forefinger. Her face was flushed already, and warm to the touch when I stroked her cheek with the back of my hand.

Sam leaned in closer, but I laid my fingertips against his chest and pushed him back onto his haunches.

“Becky,” I whispered. “Becky, look at me.”

She nuzzled my hand, but her eyes stayed shut. I forced her lips apart with my thumb, and pushed down on her bottom front teeth until her mouth opened wide.

“Mm, that’s better,” I said. “But it’s about time you did some of the work. I want you to suck Sam’s cock for me. Take as much as you can. Show me just how much you love having his fat dick in your throat.”

Sam grunted his approval, as I leaned back and pulled Becky up onto her knees. Her body was limp in my arms, and she allowed me to turn her sideways until she faced him. I saw their eyes meet for the first time; there was trust and affection in the way he looked at her, and she practically glowed in response.

Becky reached a hand out – no longer tentative or shy – and cupped Sam’s heavy balls. I wrapped her dark hair tightly around my fist, ready to guide her movements, but something about the way she touched him made me pause. I opened my fingers again and let her hair fall down over her shoulders, then moved my fingers back along her spine until I reached her arse.

Sam’s cock twitched, as Becky continued to stare up at him.

“Fuck, man,” he said, his voice husky and thick. “I’ve missed this mouth so much. No-one sucks my cock quite like she does.”

“Oh, I can believe that. She practically drools every time she talks about it. Filthy little slut, our Becky – her cunt is soaking wet already.”

I dipped my fingers between Becky’s arse cheeks. She was a mess; a soft, slick, hot little puddle of need, and I struggled to keep my thumb on her clit as she ground back against me.

“Stop squirming and do as you’re told. Get your fucking mouth around his cock.”

I held my middle and ring fingers together, and slid them inside Becky’s cunt. She squeezed them like she’d squeezed my dick so many times over the previous few months, but her focus had returned to Sam, who thrust his hips expectantly towards her. With an audible intake of breath – like a swimmer preparing to dive underwater – she pressed her lips against the end of his cock, and slowly let them open around it.

Even with my fingers inside her, I felt suddenly like a voyeur, such was Becky’s sudden concentration on Sam’s pleasure. She had to stretch to fit him in her mouth, and she made no effort to hide the wet hiss of saliva each time the head dragged back and forward over her tongue. It seemed to arouse him even more, the sound of her sucking his cock, and I watched it get even thicker as he tossed his head back and let her work further and further down the shaft.

I dug my nails into Becky’s arse, and started to move my fingers deeper inside her, matching the rhythm of her mouth on Sam’s cock. Her hand twisted around his length as she sucked him, simultaneously holding him in place and coaxing him further into her throat. I was almost afraid to break the spell, but couldn’t resist letting her know what effect the whole scene was having on me.

“God, you look so fucking hot like that. You really were born to do this, weren’t you? I can feel how tight you are around my fingers right now. Don’t you dare come though. Not till you’ve tasted his.”

I spat on my other hand and pumped it over my own cock, as Becky swallowed even more of Sam’s. I suddenly understood how she deep-throated mine with such apparent ease; Sam’s was a good two inches longer, but finally her nose pressed against his pubic hair and she moaned in triumph, the sound muffled by the sheer volume of dick in her mouth. Gasping for breath, she let it slide all the way out again, and I felt pre-cum smudge the ball of my thumb as I saw how wet his long shaft was with her spit.

Becky looked back over her shoulder for the first time. Her eyes widened at the sight of me stroking my cock. I took my fingers out of her cunt, and gently rolled them in circles over her clit.

“Did I tell you to stop sucking him? Look, now he’s having to get himself off – and that’s meant to be your job.”

Becky turned back to Sam, who had replaced her mouth with his hand. Sweat glistened on his chest, and the veins that criss-crossed his cock were thick and swollen with blood. I realised he was seconds away from orgasm; Becky clearly saw it too, because she batted his arm away and fell on him with renewed vigour. The mattress shifted beneath us, but an earthquake could have struck the hotel and still Becky would have sucked him, such was her determination to finish the job.

I looked up at Sam’s face. His jaw was clenched, but his eyes were wide open, and he stared back at me. Neither of us could keep our gaze off Becky for long though; the sexual energy that radiated from her body was like nothing I’d ever seen. With a final shudder, Sam pushed his cock inside her mouth, and I knew without question that the first shot of cum had just hit the back of Becky’s throat.

“Oh…fuck, fuck, fuck,” he said. “Oh, you fucking beautiful little bitch.”

He tried to pull away, but Becky wouldn’t let him. Only when I put my hand on her shoulder did she release his cock, just in time for the last few drops to spill out over her lips. I struggled not to laugh with joy at what had just happened.

“That was incredible. You were incredible. Jesus.”

Becky rolled onto her side and smiled weakly up at me. My hand was still clamped between her legs; I knew it wouldn’t take much to bring her to the same shaking, breathless orgasm that she’d just given Sam, but something told me there was no need to rush things. Keeping her on the edge for a while longer might be to everyone’s benefit, after all.

I straddled Becky’s motionless body, as Sam crawled round behind me. Her eyes followed my cock, which bobbed closer and closer to her face. I nodded at Sam, who licked his index finger and found her clit. He slowly rubbed it, as I reached round and lifted Becky’s head up towards my crotch.

“You were incredible…but don’t think for a moment that you’re done yet.”

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