Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Reunion

Smutathon weekend was wonderful for many reasons. The writing, obviously, and the collaborative, encouraging environment in which it took place. The hot tub – much to my surprise, as someone who’s only ever been able to enjoy them for 5-10 minutes at a time. The music, conversation and laughter over wine and takeaway pizza on the sofa.

Even the dull or stressful bits of the weekend were redeemed by the company I had around me; a nightmare 6h journey on Friday was made bearable by the chance to chat away about everything and anything with Jayne Renault – someone I’d met a grand total of once before, at Eroticon this year, but now count as a firm friend.

Because it really is the company that counts. Seeing all those wonderful people gathered in one place is like putting on your favourite cosy sweater in winter – it warms you up from the inside out. And some reunions bring with them the memory of very specific experiences you’ve shared together…along with the promise of joy still to come…

(This photo was based on an image found on Twitter by @exposing40, and posted by @jefferybme)

Sinful Sunday

13 replies on “Sinful Sunday: Reunion”

This is such a delightful picture, made more so by the words you put with it, even as a stand alone image though it says so much. Wonderful and big well done to all of you for your awesome smutathon efforts 🙂

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