
Cup of Tea & an Orgasm

Earlier today, I posted a (very) happy tweet about the excellent start to my morning:

20 minutes ago, a Twitter friend slid into my DMs with a very specific request:

“Tell me about your morning orgasm and brew – with the same level of detail for both please.”

Never one to shirk a challenge, I started tapping away, and before I knew it I had exactly 500 words on the first 1h 10m of my day. After sending them across, I decided to post them here too. Just in case anyone’s interested…


Thanks to a work meeting that meant I had to be in on time, I’d set my alarm for 0730, with the intention of leaving the house at 0800 – a plan that wouldn’t have allowed time for either tea or orgasm. Instead, I woke at 0655 and quickly realised I wasn’t going to get any more sleep. We keep the patio door open most nights at the moment, so the sunlight streams in each morning, and I rolled over to give Liv a hug.

My cock was hard, and I had my arms wrapped round her tits and stomach, so you can probably guess how long it took me to start thinking about a pre-work fuck. Her alarm went off at 7 – she never gets out of bed straight away, and was quite happy to nestle back into me for a bit while I kissed her neck.

Like any sensible people would, we keep lube on the shelf above our bed. I reached up and grabbed it without her noticing, then smeared a generous amount on the head of my cock. Liv likes it when I enter her like that – when we’re spooning and I just sort of pull her onto my cock without warning. So that’s what I did. We fucked for 10 minutes or so, then I held her all the way down against the base of my cock and came hard. At the end, I used my hand to make her come – feeling my jizz inside her, and smearing it over her clit and labia each time I brought my fingers out – before packing her off to the shower.

While Liv was in the bathroom, and once I’d fed the cats, I realised that with the extra 10 minutes I’d bought myself – even after the sex – I had enough time for a cup of tea and a crumpet before heading off to work. I boiled the kettle while the crumpets were in the toaster, and poured hot water over a Yorkshire teabag in my favourite Tintin mug.

Liv had finished in the shower by the time I’d added butter and jam to the crumpets, so I took hers into the bathroom and went back to finish making my tea. I squeezed the bag out against the side of the mug, finished it off with a dash of cold, semi-skimmed milk. It was too hot to drink immediately, so I pottered for another few minutes while Liv put in her lenses, etc, then brought it into the bathroom with me.

I still had about half a mug left when I finished getting dressed at 0755, and I allowed myself a few extra minutes to drink that in peace on the sofa – the tea by now at the perfect temperature – while replying to a few work emails and checking Twitter. When I finished, I rinsed out the dregs and put my mug in the dishwasher, then grabbed my keys and laptop bag, and went out to the car.

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