
Sinful Sunday: Social Justice Warrior!

A few weeks ago, I found myself on the receiving end of a nasty little rant from a troll on Twitter. Mid-diatribe, she accused me of being a ‘social justice warrior’, who wraps himself in ‘a cloak of pseudo-feminist virtue-signalling’.

Well quite.

Rather than let the whole thing get me down, I shared the offending messages with some brilliant people on Twitter, who pointed out that my virtue-signalling cloak would definitely have to be rainbow-coloured. And probably shouldn’t have anything underneath it (ok, I may have added that bit).

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and this Social Justice Warrior is ready to fly! To crush TERFs, SWERFs, Islamophobes, fascists and Tories, and to fight for one-legged lesbian immigrants everywhere…or whatever it is the Daily Mail thinks ‘virtue-signalling millenials’ do with their time.

Who’s with me??

Sinful Sunday

15 replies on “Sinful Sunday: Social Justice Warrior!”

This is brilliant! Trolls are a pain in the backside but how much fun to hit back with humour and good grace rather than feeding them with the venom and hatred they seem to crave. Job well done I say x

I am most definitely with you. ‘Social Justice Warrior’ is a massive compliment…hilarious that people think it an insult.


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