Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Parallel Lines

Like a lot of couples, Liv and I don’t really ‘do’ Valentine’s Day. Yes, we exchange cards, and this year we used it as an excuse to cook a nice meal together and drink champagne, but for the most part we treat it just like another date on the calendar.

For that reason, I was both surprised and delighted when Liv presented me with the perfect gift on Valentine’s morning – my own bedside tea set! Complete with travel kettle, water carafe, milk thermos, pot for teabags, and cute new mug, it was exactly what I need for all those weekend mornings when neither of us want to get out of bed but I do want a cup of tea…or two cups…or three…

This morning I plugged in the kettle and took my thoughtful gift for a test drive. Both of my girls were fast asleep: Liv curled up next to me and Martha in her crib at the end of our bed. As sun poured in between the blinds of our patio door, I was able to settle back and relax with mug in hand.

It was only afterwards that I noticed just how neatly my body had arranged itself; how the pale, parallel lines of cock, thigh and pelvic groove stood out against the black duvet. It was a quiet moment of perfect Sunday bliss, and I thought I’d share it here tonight…

Sinful Sunday

6 replies on “Sinful Sunday: Parallel Lines”

What an AWESOME image!! As I read your words, I found myself smiling… you have painted the perfect picture here…and then you topped it off with your photo!! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS !!

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