
15-Minute Fucks

One lunchtime last weekend, Liv and I got stripped off and jumped into bed. We kissed for a bit, then I went down on her till she came. As she was recovering from that, I slid my hard cock inside her and pulled her legs up onto my shoulders so I could fuck her fast and deep.

Conscious of the noise – it’s maybe the position in which Liv gets the loudest – and of just how hard I was slamming it into her, I pulled out after a few minutes and flipped her onto all fours. Of course that was only a temporary solution; fucking her from behind also gets hard and loud pretty quickly, especially with my hands on her hips and ass, pinning her in place.

So when she’d come again, she rolled back over and smiled as she wrapped her legs around me, pulling my cock in deep and watching my face as I got closer and closer and…

From start to finish, the whole thing took almost exactly 15 minutes. Afterwards we relaxed on the bed for no more than a few seconds, before getting up and heading in separate directions: me to the kitchen, where dirty pans and dishes needed to be cleared away, and Liv out to the washing line in our back garden, to collect clean and freshly-dried laundry. By the time we reconvened in the living room, Martha was awake again, and another afternoon of active parenting had begun.

Relationships endure – and thrive – for any number of reasons. Shared interests. Compatible life goals. A mutual understanding of the relative importance of romance and friendship. The ability to argue without liking each other less. Love. Respect. Trust. Fun. In some cases, parenthood. But high up the list for me, at the moment anyway, is a willingness to understand and accommodate what you need from each other sexually. And sometimes – maybe a lot of the time – that means 15-minute fucks.

15-minute fucks are our bread and butter. Our M&S ‘Dine In’ meal deal. Our working week, rather than our Sunday best. They’re perfect for times when we’re tired or busy; when Martha is asleep and we have to get 37 other things done, as well as have sex; when we’re both really horny and just want the immediacy of a good hard fuck; or indeed when we only have 15 minutes in which to do it.

As well as the convenience, it’s the versatility of those short sessions that I really value. In that respect, we’re helped by the fact that Liv rarely finds it difficult to have an orgasm. Sex is about far more than just coming, of course, but if you’re someone who does typically prefer to get off when you’re being fucked, it’s handy when a) there are multiple ways to achieve that, and b) none of them tend to take very long! It means we’re not limited to using our 15 minutes in a particular way, and that whether I’m going down on her, using fingers (and sometimes toys), using my cock, or some combination of the three, it’s not uncommon for Liv to have a couple of orgasms during that time.

It’s easy versatility too. 15 minutes is long enough to enjoy all sorts of variations on a small number of well-practiced themes, without having to develop entirely new movements. After five years, we know each other’s bodies pretty well, but the subtle changes in angle, position, speed, and pressure that come with those short sessions can still reveal sensations and experiences that we haven’t previously had together. It’s taught me that keeping sex fresh and interesting can be an incremental/iterative process, as well as a transformative one; you don’t have to take some big plunge into new kinks or completely reinvent your sexual style in order to avoid falling into a rut – if you have a solid enough foundation, there’s almost no limit to what you can tweak from one fuck to the next.

None of that means we’re not equally keen on longer (or indeed shorter) sessions. Nothing-but-nothing beats the freedom of knowing you have virtually unlimited time in which to get naked together; to fuck, nap, chat, fuck, maybe nap again…and so on. Nor should one EVER dismiss the visceral thrill of a proper quickie, with all its shuddery skirt-bunching, belt-tugging, knee-trembling hotness. For me, for us, a full and varied sex life means finding time and headspace for all three; in reality that’s not always easy – or even possible – but even when both the more involved and the more opportunistic fucks don’t feel like options, we can always find room for those bread and butter, everyday sessions.

Most of all then, 15-minute fucks are about keeping an unbroken thread of passion running through our life together. Yes, cadence and regularity are really important when it comes to sex, but the whole they create is much more than the sum of those two parts. It’s a reminder that we’re not just together because we have similar interests, or because we have a child, or even because we love one another; we’re together also because there’s no-one else we’d rather go to bed with at the end of the day, and because once we get there, we don’t just want to sleep together.

During periods when one of us is going through a tough time at work, or is tired and run-down, or just doesn’t feel very connected to our body or our sexuality, a 15-minute fuck is a way to say “I still fancy the pants off you, even if that doesn’t come with many bells or whistles right now.” It’s one of our love languages, I guess! And a really bloody important one. Sex is a habit, and while there will always be things that come along and interrupt its regular flow, there’s value in making sure that you don’t let it drop off altogether, because it can be harder than you think to get it back.

Plenty of people will read this and think that 15 minutes really doesn’t sound like long enough – or indeed that 10 would do just fine for a routine midweek fuck. We’re all different, so that makes perfect sense. If it takes you longer to relax and get in the mood, or to have an orgasm, or simply to feel like you’ve got everything you wanted/needed out of a sex session, then maybe 20 minutes is your magic number. Or 25. There’s no single formula that will fit all cases, or all couples.

For us though, it’s 15 minutes, give or take. A couple of those each week, either right after M goes to bed, late at night before we need to sleep, or at the weekend during M’s lunchtime nap, feels like an ideal foundation for the rest of our sex life, in all its myriad forms.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find my wife…

One reply on “15-Minute Fucks”

I love this. I love that you two make it work so well and that your 15 minute fucks are so hot. I want to champion the knowledge that these sorts of fucks are as important to have as the time rich ones.

And that picture is all sorts of wonderful and intimate.

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