
On Dating Rules

About a month ago, shortly after writing this blog post, I tweeted the following request:

The response was fascinating, not least because it confirmed something I’d been thinking even as I tapped out the tweet on my phone. Here’s a small, representative sample of what people said:

“I am not that comfortable with having a guy front the bill. I like to split the bill. I pay my half, he pays his. I won’t ever bite a dude’s head off for wanting to pay for me, but I have never and will never expect him to take care of it just because.”

“I think a first date should be paid in rounds or halves…[but]…in my opinion a man should always pay for the first drink. I like it when it’s not completely equal, when the men pay attention to when you’re about to finish your drink and offer to get the next one. It’s a nice feeling, it shows – in my opinion – that the guy is having a good time and is interested.”

“If I’ve been taken out for dinner by a gentleman, they tend to be precisely that and have always paid. They’ve asked to take me out for dinner and chosen the place, so I believe that’s right. I’m quite traditional, I suppose and get extremely annoyed when women mount their high Shetland Pony of feminism on this particular issue.”

“I find it so annoying that this is a ‘thing’. It harks back to daft old fashioned ways of dating from when men were in charge. I don’t think you should ever assume a man will pay for a first date. You wouldn’t go out with a friend and wonder who was paying, you’d go with money in your pocket because it’s fair to pay your way – so why would you assume someone you’ve never even met would pay for you? By the same token, really don’t sweat the small stuff – play it by ear. If the bloke really wants to pay then let him, don’t be a twat and make a song and dance about it on principle, just say ‘thank you’. But also, be intuitive and pay the whole bill yourself sometimes if it’s appropriate.”

“This is the bane of my life. I believe that if a guy asks you out then really I’m expecting him to pay. I find it very unattractive when someone isn’t generous. Recently I went out with a guy and he came in as I was at the bar ordering; I asked what he wanted, and when the bartender brought our drinks he didn’t offer to pay. I paid. From that we went round each but I was a bit put off. I’m a feminist and wouldn’t expect to always be paid for but it’s manners and a good first impression.”

Conclusion: even women are all over the place on this subject. So much so that as a guy it can often feel like a bit of a minefield: take the initiative, pay the bill, and risk being side-eyed as a chauvinist; or casually suggest going Dutch and leave your date silently fuming at your lack of generosity.

That was going to be my original angle, anyway. I had my sleeves rolled up, ready to dig into both sides of the argument, with the ultimate aim of calling for some sort of consensus – some sort of compromise – which would enable all of us poor benighted men to know exactly where we stand. ‘Just get together, decide among yourselves, and let us know the outcome,’ I wanted to say. ‘We don’t care what that outcome is, we just don’t want to think about it any more!’

Stirring stuff…with one tiny drawback. Because whenever I sat down to write the damn thing, a giant wave of apathy just swept right over me; I’d sit here, fingers poised over the keyboard, waiting for the words to form in my head, only to realise each time that as much as I’d love to work up a mental sweat on this one, ultimately I Just. Don’t. Care.

To some extent that’s economic privilege talking, along with the experience (and thickness of skin) I’ve built up over the years. For the most part I can afford not to care, and of course that makes it a lot easier to avoid at least some of those awkward post-dinner moments; if I’m unsure – and that happens much less often these days – I’ll generally err on the side of picking up the bill, even though it jars a bit with my overall outlook on dating etiquette.

Either way, I stayed in that holding pattern all the way through till Sunday night, when I stumbled into a Twitter conversation about another hot-button dating topic: first-date sex. It was sparked by this particularly unpleasant tweet…

…after which, things kicked off in predictably riotous fashion. And that was the lightbulb moment. The more I thought about it the next morning, the more I just felt thoroughly depressed by the whole fucking concept of dating rules – and not just because most of them are rooted in outdated gender-based bullshit. It’s more that they miss one of the fundamental truths about how we approach pretty much any human interaction…

…actually, no, that’s not the fundamental truth. That’s just because I like pirates.

The fundamental truth is pretty closely related though, and here it is: there are no fucking rules! Trying to codify dating – something so deeply personal – is like trying nail jelly to a wall; it will always slip away from you, because we are just not wired to let other people dictate our social interactions. In that sense, we are cats rather than dogs: herd us at your peril!

Dating rules often do one of two things, neither of them good. They tell us that men and women are fundamentally different (“don’t put out too quickly, he won’t respect you”, “always pay, she should be treated like a lady”) or they ask us to insert structural gender politics into what, for most of us, are inherently individual choices (“while the wage gap exists, men should still pay”, “letting him pick up the bill just reinforces the patriarchy”). In doing so, they not only heap even more pressure onto those interactions – because we’re all working from different manuals, they also fail the basic test of pretty much any set of rules: things become less safe, less fun, and somehow less clear to just about everyone.

I’m not saying there can’t – or shouldn’t – be dating dealbreakers. We all have our lines in the sand, many of which will appear arbitrary or shallow to other people; even if, in reality, they merely align with our own moral and aesthetic values, both voiced and subconscious. I won’t date someone who smokes cigarettes, for example, or who votes Conservative. I probably won’t date someone who doesn’t drink alcohol, or who only wants to have sex with the lights off. Fair or not, those are things that matter to me – in isolation and because of what they tell me about our general compatibility – and that makes them hard to ignore when assessing potential partners.

What’s important to keep in mind though is that those aren’t dating principles – they’re preferences. And more to the point, they’re my preferences. If I wind up having a drink with someone who doesn’t share them – or doesn’t fit them – that’s just how the game works. Suck it up and move on.

Are there exceptions? Sure, I’d say so. Violent? Racist? Violently racist? I’ll call you a terrible person, and my conscience will be clean when I do so. I’ll probably tell other people that you’re a terrible person too. Don’t offer to pick up your half of the bill, on the other hand? Insist on a three-date sex rule? Meh, I’m not ecstatic about either, but I’ll live. I might even go out with you again.

What I won’t do is seize on that preference and universalize it, or extrapolate it out into a wider assessment of your ‘dating character’. I might be mentally rolling my eyes while you talk about it, but in the end that’s just how you’re wired, or what you think/feel/believe. With a few big exceptions, moral absolutism has no place on a first date: if your values are different to mine, I should be able to accept that without feeling like I’ve been personally wronged in some way.

In the end, “should men pay on a first date?” and “should women have sex on a first date?” are (or should be*) fundamentally meaningless questions, because the answer will always depend on the individuals concerned, and on the situations in which they find themselves. Even asking them has the potential to do damage, because in doing so we risk implying that external moral judgment – whether good or bad – can be applied to those actions…when in fact they really ought to be navigated and negotiated between the two (or more) people involved, according to their various, respective preferences.

So yes, by all means have your own dating rules, and draw those from whatever sources and principles you like. Always pay your share on a first date or never pay. Fuck someone you just met if you feel like fucking them, or don’t fuck anyone until date three. Unless and until it affects me, I don’t care. What I do care about is people who use their own set of dating rules to judge the behaviour of others, or to tell them what they should be doing. There is no ‘should’ in dating: there is only what works for you, and no-one else gets to decide what that has to be.

That’s why my initial take on this was off the mark. Asking y’all to decide on a common approach just doesn’t work with this kind of thing. Awkward or not, we’re going to have to keep figuring it out as we go along.

*A small caveat: there is obviously value in asking/discussing stuff like this where doing so illustrates – and challenges – harmful conventional wisdom. When we ask “should women fuck on a first date?”, we’re often really saying “hey, let’s have a conversation about slut-shaming and why it sucks”…and that’s definitely not something we should shy away from doing.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Show or tell?

One of the things I think about most often when posting photos here is how much of myself to show, and how much to leave to the imagination. How explicit I should be.

That’s not a dilemma rooted in any sort of prudish concern about reader sensibilities, nor in a fear of showing off my own body. It’s more that the photos I put up here are going to be viewed by people with very diverse views on what constitutes ‘sexy’, and I’m perhaps overly conscious of that – for every person who tells me “yes, more cock, more cock!”, there’s someone else saying “mm, just hint at it – that’s hot.”

This week I went back and forth…and ended up with this. The original image obviously shows a lot more (well, like another 4″…), but I feel like it works better with some of that cropped out. Maybe…


Sinful Sunday

Homecoming, by Ella Dawson (OMG, guest post special!)

They say good things come in threes…where guest posts by Ella Dawson are concerned that could not be more true*. After Slush in August 2014 and Camille in January this year, Homecoming is yet another mini-masterpiece, and I slightly hate-love her for it. I could pick out any one of a dozen – a hundred – exquisite lines from this story, but actually it’s far better if you just go check them out for yourself.

Instead I’ll say this: Homecoming is a story I couldn’t have dreamed of writing at 23, and even at 34 I’d be really proud to have my name attached to it. This girl is going to go far – hell, she already has – and erotica is lucky to have her. Enjoy!

*Or do they come in fours? (Hint hint…)

She didn’t miss college. Honestly, she didn’t. The outrage, the noise, the up-jumped rich kids letting loose on the weekend as if their lives were so hard. Being a college student made everything feel so urgent, and the slow burn of adulthood suited her better. Every so often she still wound up with her head in the toilet, but at least it was her toilet and there was no term paper to write through her hangover. Her friendships were based on mutual interest instead of proximity and the collection of drunk memories. Plus, if she wanted to spend her Saturday night watching the newest Netflix original series, there was no one to judge her for it. There were perks to graduating.

But the sex… She missed college sex. She missed frantic, reckless, relatively anonymous sex: meeting someone at 11pm and knowing his body by 2am. Every weekend was a different sweaty culinary palate. Sex in the real world was structured; it wasn’t safe to go home with strangers when that meant Uber rides to unfamiliar neighborhoods, missing keys and fingers too tight on her wrist. Sex post-college was a geographical puzzle because good sex meant traveling. Good sex meant train tickets to a guaranteed enjoyable time with someone she could trust. It didn’t necessarily mean new. But with him, it meant exceptional.

He, of course, was still part of college. So that helped. There was some Peter Pan syndrome to explain why she was here, lurking in the back of the library at just after midnight. Her skirt was too tight—her thighs were a little thicker than they had been senior year, the last time she’d had an occasion to slink around wearing a pleather miniskirt. That was the real college anyway: messy, uncomfortable, and goddamn desperate to fuck. It had been a while. She checked her phone again. No new texts, but Theo had said he was on his way over. It couldn’t take more than eight minutes to get across the—

“This is a terrible idea.” She looked up from the screen and while she didn’t exactly lose her breath, it quickened more than she’d expected it to. They’d been having sex for years so the sight of him wasn’t a striking revelation, but she hadn’t seen him dressed up to go out since she graduated. Since then it had been comfy clothes in their hometowns, tank tops and shorts and the occasional button-down if they grabbed dinner. She’d forgotten how he was on campus: everything about him was intentional here, right down to the tight black shirt under his jacket. He looked like that when they met each other.

Theo swatted at a dark lock of hair that had swept across his forehead and politely ignored the awed look on her face. He leaned over her shoulder to open the bathroom door, heat radiating from his body. God, he smelled like sweat and cigarettes and laundry detergent from the school store—familiar and very much home. “This is a high traffic area. Drunk freshmen love the vending machines over there.”

“I don’t care,” she said, studying a cord of muscle in his neck. She followed him into the small bathroom as the automatic lights winked on. Theo studied the two stalls before picking the one on the left. “Bucket lists are important. This is the only item I have left.”

He raised his eyebrows but smiled and extended a hand to her like a driver helping her into a limousine instead of a college senior pulling her into a dirty bathroom stall. The stall was darker than outside and they blurred into each other, her hand still in his, his warm breath spilling across her face. “Anything I can do to help,” he offered as her back pressed gently against the stall. “I always aim to please.”

And then he was kissing her, slow and firm, and the snarky comeback she’d had to his cliché fell away. It never failed to amaze her how much she loved kissing him. When you kiss someone for years, you learn every trick and brush and moan, but it had always been like this with him, even at the beginning. Their kisses were both urgent and luxurious, a mixture of what took you so long and this feels like just yesterday. His body melded to hers and her stupid skirt twisted up her waist in the crush to get him closer. One of her legs hooked around his calf and he groaned as her hips jerked. She smirked against his mouth—he was usually the quiet one.

“Are you laughing at me?” he murmured, lowering his lips to her neck in retribution.

She huffed, one of her hands tangling in his soft hair. “Maybe.” He nipped at her collarbone and she yelped.

“You would be a terrible spy,” he said. One of his hands slipped between her legs and his fingers found her wet. She’d forgone underwear, having thought ahead; she had imagined every twist and turn of the fantasy on that long train ride upstate. He recovered from that surprise remarkably well. “You’re going to get us caught.”

His belt was clunky and he helped her shaking fingers unhook it and push his jeans and boxers down. “I’m not the one who won’t stop talking,” she said, watching him idly stroke the length of his cock. Her voice was a joke at this point, ragged and low. For once he listened to her, and then his mouth was crashing against hers even as he gently picked her up and let her wrap her legs around his waist. She reached one arm up to grab onto the top of the stall, but she was mostly relying on his strength to keep her upright. “Oh god Theo please—”

Fucking Theo was like kissing Theo: years of trust and precious seconds of desperate electricity. It was always new somehow. This time he was nervous; she could feel it in his tense spine, in the way he buried his face in her shoulder. But she trusted him, and her own judgment, and this bullshit fucking campus, and every time he thrust into her he pressed up against nerves they’d only discovered after she graduated. You get to fuck like an adult after college. You learn to demand what you want, which was: “More.”

His grip was tight on her ass to keep her up and she knew there would be a huge red mark once they finished. This would be all over her, bruises at her neck, sweat glistening in her hair, their eventual climax dripping down her thighs. He was so polished but she never wanted to be like that again; she had learned the fun was in the destruction of who you were supposed to be. What she wanted was this, a brutal fuck from someone she loved, new memories staining the place she became herself, or a version of herself, once. Her hand found its way under his shirt and she scratched evidence down his back. More frantic, muffled gasps against her neck—her head knocked against the stall and she couldn’t feel it. Didn’t care, more like. Not about that or the fabric of her skirt squeaking against the plaster or how she was slipping just a little now, but she trusted him, she trusted this disaster of a feeling. It was breaking and changing and falling all at once, it was home and white and hard and his hand covering her mouth because she is close now yes there please there now she just and… and…

His orgasm was more graceful than hers, mostly because he was trying to keep them both upright and maintain some semblance of control. But he crushed her against the wall in an uncomfortable, surprisingly pleasant embrace and she wasn’t thinking, just noticing the little fragments of words escaping from his lips. Her name, mostly. He always said it differently from everyone else, like it was a gift. Like some sort of stupid dorm room miracle.

And then he was pressing a wad of tissue paper into her hand, and she wiped herself off as he buckled his belt. She remembered where they were and saw all that green-grey tile and flickering, murky light. It was a Saturday, and it was just after midnight, and now she knew what it was like to fuck Theo in the bathroom of their college library. Bucket list complete. Except—

“I think I prefer beds,” he said, and he reached out and carefully tugged her skirt back down. “Specifically mine.”

Her grin tasted twenty-one years old.


On sleeping together

A little while ago I was talking to someone about a guy she’d been seeing over the summer. They first met in a bar one Friday night, and went back to his place for sex at the end of the evening.

“When we woke up on the Saturday, he asked whether I had any plans for the day. We wound up just staying in his bed having sex, and the same thing happened on Sunday too. I didn’t leave till Tuesday morning.”

She said it so casually, as if that was the most natural thing in the world. Four nights and three days of lazing around with a sexy stranger, shagging like bunnies – what’s not to love? In truth though, just listening to her describe that scenario made me a little panicky. Claustrophobic too, in a way that I was almost embarrassed to articulate.

Thinking about it afterwards, I tried to imagine how I’d actually feel in that guy’s shoes. I’ve brought people home at the end of first dates before, of course, but always with the expectation that they’ll leave at some point – if not later that night, then certainly the  next morning. The idea that they might not – that they might stay in my flat, sleep in my bed – for four whole nights feels so alien to me these days that we may as well be talking about a month or a year.

And yet, I don’t think that was always the case. There was a time when I embraced intimacy with less caution, even in the earliest stages of a romance. I was more naive then, of course, but also incredibly open with my thoughts and feelings; open with my life generally. I guess I had less to protect back then, and while I’ve always been fairly solitary by nature, I wasn’t yet so used to being alone.

I’m going to explore that change a bit more over the next few weeks, I think. For reasons I’ll explain in an upcoming blog post, November 2005 was a pretty important month for me, so 10 years on it feels appropriate to look back at its impact in more detail; part of that will inevitably touch on intimacy, and what I guess could be described as my shifting relationship with it.

Right now though, I’m going to limit myself to writing about a specific bit of my friend’s story. It struck a chord because even with people I know well, sleeping together – actually sleeping – is not something I always find easy; with strangers, it often makes me far more uncomfortable than I like to admit.

Look, I love sleep, and for the most part I’m really fucking good at it. I might not always get a solid eight hours, but I don’t suffer from anything approaching insomnia unless I’m really stressed, which means that when I’m on my own any lack of sleep can mostly be chalked up to my inner night owl. If I go to bed far too late – and I do – it’s for what I think of as good, happy reasons, powered by my natural circadian rhythms. Who doesn’t have more fun after dark, right? The flip side is that I’m really not a morning person, even now; I don’t bounce out of bed at 6am, ready to face the day, and if I’m forced to get by on less than 5-6 hours I will rarely be happy about doing so.

It’s natural, then, that having someone else in bed next to me can disrupt things. I’m obviously fine with it immediately after sex – I’m free and easy when it comes to post-coital snuggling – nor is it because I need to starfish across the mattress when I do go to sleep. I slept in a single bed till I was 24, and even now all I really need is a steady, constant amount of space…at some point though, that’s the bit that tends to be problematic. Other people don’t just take up their own portion of the bed – in many cases, they have an unfortunate habit of encroaching on mine too. And when they cross that border, they often do something even more disruptive, even more alarming: they touch me.

More often than not, the raid comes in the very early morning, long before the alarm is due to go off. Lost in the depths of whatever dream I’m having, my brain will find itself pulled up slowly towards the surface; not until it’s bobbing up and down on the waves do I tend to register the hand gently caressing my back, or the fingers playing with my hair. Sometimes it curves round my body to brush over my cock, testing how ready I am to pick up wherever we left off a few hours earlier.

It’s always done with the best of intentions, which is why I’m slightly ashamed to admit that my standard response in that situation is to keep my eyes closed and pretend I’m still asleep, in the hope that the other person will lose interest and roll back over. If that fails, I might try to bat their hand away, or shift position so I’m lying on my front, as if doing so might somehow signal ‘closed for business’. Some partners get that hint, but others don’t – instead they double down and become more insistent in their attentions, as I lie there with teeth gritted and all hope of further sleep diminishing rapidly.

That’s ridiculous, right? Absolutely crazy. If I don’t like being touched – disturbed generally – in my sleep, I should just be able to say so. “Don’t wake me up for sex – please, just don’t” – there, how hard is that? All those idiotic avoidance tactics achieve the square root of fuck all, especially with someone I’m going to see more than once. Even worse, the prospect of doing that awkward dance is what makes me choose a night bus or an expensive taxi home after sex, rather than risk having my sleep disrupted in a new partner’s bed; sometimes that’s fine, of course, but it does feel like there ought to be a better reason for taking off than “aargh, I don’t want to be cuddled all night or woken for sex, and I don’t know how to tell you that.”

If leaving someone else’s house late at night can be tricky, indicating that I’d rather they didn’t stay over at mine is even more uncomfortable. It’s sort of fine if we know beforehand – or early in the date – that sex is on the cards, as there’s then time to figure out the logistics in a sensible way, but if I have someone back at my place late at night it’s obviously not acceptable just to chuck them out onto the street and expect them to make their way home. That’s not just bad manners, it potentially puts them in danger, especially if they don’t know the area or live far away.

All this just feeds into and reinforces my instinctive horror at my friend’s story. Alongside that horror though, is just a little bit of envy. I’m a private person, and I guard my own space more fiercely than I should, so anyone who doesn’t – who actually opens themselves up to someone new without thought or hesitation – is difficult for me to understand. I don’t know if I should buy them a drink or question their sanity.

Either way, it makes me really appreciate any relationship, casual or serious, that manages to push past that first set of intimacy barriers. I’m lucky enough to have people in my life who I can sleep with these days, and who make me happy and relaxed when they share my bed, rather than edgy and tense. Whether for good reasons or bad, I think I value that more now than I ever have done before.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Sideways

Another week, another photo from Luke Austin’s Butt book that caught my eye. Or caught someone’s eye, anyway.

Austin’s model is languid and light, but to me this felt like a darker image. I wanted pools of shadow falling around me as I lay there, waiting for someone to join me…ready for whatever they might need…

Sinful Sunday
Other photos Sex

Dick Pics interview

Back in August, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Rachel Kramer Bussel for her sex column in the Philadelphia City Paper. It turned out to be one of the newspaper’s final editions, as after almost 34 years it ceased publication on the 8th October.

I obviously don’t live in Philadelphia, but by happy coincidence Molly Moore and her husband were visiting family there when my interview with Rachel was published. They were kind enough to bring back a copy, which Molly handed over to me on Friday night.

At the age of maybe 10 or 11, I was certain I wanted to be a journalist, and when I read the paper each morning I would visualise my own name above the articles I loved the most. Perhaps for that reason, it feels ten times stranger (and more wonderful) to see my pseudonym and photo in a physical newspaper than it did when I first clicked through to the online edition. I don’t know what I’ll do with this blog in the long run – things change quickly, and planning too far ahead is always dangerous – but if I walked away tomorrow I think that interview (silly as it may be) would sit alongside Chemical Sex and Eroticon as one of the coolest things* to happen as a result of writing it.

While I’m tempted to frame the column and hang it in my bathroom, that would obviously raise a few uncomfortable questions, especially when my parents come to visit. Anonymity definitely has its drawbacks. Instead, I’ll tuck it away in a shoebox, alongside all the other bits and pieces of my life that have to stay hidden. Before I do that though, I wanted to share a photo of the article here, and to say thanks (again) to Rachel for having me…it was really cool just to be asked.

*I’m not including in this list all the amazing people I’ve met. They are their own separate category of awesomeness.



This is my first time participating in Kayla Lords’ Masturbation Monday meme (guest posts aside). I’d been meaning to join in for a while now, and then today’s prompt just sort of blew me away a little bit. It also felt like a perfect match with an image from this book, by Luke Austin, which I’m hoping to have a chance to replicate at some point…

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story, and do click on the purple square below to read more from the Masturbation Monday canon!


With the camera comes anonymity. With the camera comes power.


She is not accustomed to taking control – not in the bedroom, anyway. There she prefers to let Matt direct things. It’s not that she is silent or shy, nor is she passive, but his hands on her body generate a sensation almost unbearable in its intensity, and she gives herself up to him without hesitation. It is as if he draws all the heat inside her up to the surface, till her skin glows golden-red and each breath burns in her chest and throat.

Afterwards, serenity kisses the top of her head and falls around her like a soft towel at the end of a warm bath. The way they fuck is nourishing, or at least that’s how she thinks of it. Too long without his touch and her hair feels limp and dry; all the colour washes out of her. Shadows gather.

They often take photos together, just the two of them; she loves the way his camera feels like an extension of his eyes and hands, roaming over her as she moves into position for him. It is silent foreplay – she always knows exactly what he wants – and when they are done she falls back onto the bed, cunt slick with anticipation, and closes her eyes, not daring to move until she feels his arms hook under her knees, and the first long, languid stroke of his tongue between her legs.

She guards those private moments fiercely, and that’s why it jars, at first, when he asks her to shoot him with someone else. It’s for work, she gets that – there is no budget for a professional photographer, and it will be hard to sell tickets without an eye-catching poster to put up outside the theatre – but it still feels like an intrusion onto territory she’s always considered to be hers.

They arrive fresh from rehearsal, and she hears them clatter through the hallway below her apartment. Rich autumn sunlight spills through the living room window, wiping away the sullen expression she’d fixed carefully in place; she is left helpless by its beauty, and by the sound of Matt’s deep, carefree laughter echoing up the stairs.

She has met Liam once before, not long after the auditions. He’d given Matt a lift home from the pub, and they’d chatted briefly on the doorstep outside her building. She remembers only how self-contained he seemed; how soft-spoken, with a lilt to his voice that even now she can’t quite place.

When they bounce into the room, she already has the camera set up on its tripod, ready to go. It feels steadier fixed in place like that – or maybe she feels steadier. In her hands earlier it just seemed bulky and awkward; the weight threw her off-balance, robbing her of the poise she likes to wear as a shield in moments of discomfort.

Matt hands her a bottle of wine, and she roots around in the sideboard for glasses. It feels cosmetic – surely they have done this a thousand times – but she gives each man a half-filled glass anyway, and watches as they drain them in silence. She looks over at the record player in the corner, unsure what to do next. Matt clears his throat and the sound relaxes her; no, she’s really not used to calling the shots. He frowns, and gestures at the space in front of them.

“Let’s get started, shall we?”


Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Cat

It’s been, for one reason or another, a pretty turbulent week. Lots of highs, a couple of real lows, and lots to process both mentally and emotionally. It culminated yesterday afternoon in a physically exhausting game of hockey, after which I felt broken in just about every sense.

When I got home, I cancelled my Saturday evening plans, opened a bottle of wine, put on some music, and chilled the fuck out. By this morning, I was feeling a lot happier – rested, if not fully restored and recharged. After tea and toast, I padded back down to my bedroom, just in time to see a beautiful patch of sunlight form across the end of my bed.

During the week, a business operates from the two windows directly opposite mine. For obvious reasons, that limits what I can do in my room when the curtains are open. On Sundays, no such restrictions exist. I shucked my dressing gown, crawled up onto the bed, and stretched out on my stomach. I could feel the sun warming my back; soothing the sore muscles in my arse and thighs. My cock was pressed between my stomach and the sheet, tight enough that it started to get hard without me even having to shift and thrust my hips.

I eventually rolled over, closing my eyes against the blinding sunlight. I arched my back and tensed my abs, letting my arms slide up the wall behind my head. Even though I knew no-one could see through it, the open window in front of me was somehow very exciting, especially when I pushed my legs apart and wrapped a hand around my throbbing cock.


Elust #75

Kilted Wookie
Photo courtesy of Kilted Wookie

Welcome to Elust #75

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #75? Start with the rules, come back November 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Is it hate? Am I a fraud?
On Rape Fantasy
Just Breathe


~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

sex, surgery, celibacy

Sex, Death, and Squirting

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

On Filth

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!

Erotica Other photos

Friday Flash: Torrent

She sends me out just as the storm hits. Her kiss is brief, almost perfunctory, but her hand lingers on my forearm for just long enough to tell me that she knows – that the timing is not a coincidence.

Few things turn me on more than being properly caught in the rain. I’m not talking about your pissy, London drizzle – the weather equivalent of having someone repeatedly sneeze in your face – but instead the sort of torrential downpour that leaves you gasping when it first hits your skin. Rain that churns up a shimmering cloud a foot high and makes it impossible to see the ground in front of you.

It’s a battering I’m powerless to resist, so I close my eyes, spread my arms wide, and embrace it. Who wouldn’t? We are drawn to that sort of elemental fury, precisely because it strips us down, layer by layer, and leaves us feeling utterly exposed. Pinned under nature’s microscope.

I love the way water always finds a path. Always. It sneaks down my collar, and gathers in the hollow at the base of my throat. It spatters and freckles the backs of my hands, clinging to the hairs that tuft out of my jacket sleeve at the wrist. When I touch my face, it is like skimming a stone across the surface of a lake; the skin dimples under my fingers, and is filled quickly by the water that already covers it in a thin, cool film.

Sodden and heavy, my clothes plaster themselves to my body. It should be unpleasant, but even the cold denim wrapped tightly around my thighs sets off a shudder of arousal rather than discomfort. It prickles at my nerve endings, leaving me twitchy and primed; charged with a restless sexual energy that makes me want to toss my head back and scream at the sky.

The heat rushes to my stomach and groin as I splash through the puddles. I must look half-mad, with my head bare and a smile so wide that the corners of my mouth start to ache. Saturation is liberating somehow, and I am so giddy that I start to feel like I’m floating above the spitting, bouncing raindrops as they hit the ground.

She is waiting for me on the doorstep, a towel draped over one arm. She makes me stand there in front of her, stamping my feet impatiently, my cock starting to push out a dark blue bulge in the front of my jeans.

She takes a half-step forward and extends one arm, just far enough to brush my chest with her fingertips. The rain attacks her bare skin immediately; it is fierce and greedy for her, and we both stare as it runs off in fat, glistening streaks.

I clear my throat to speak, but she shakes her head and pulls me towards the door. When it closes behind us, I am momentarily disorientated by the change. It is quiet here – the surge and roar of the storm replaced by expectant silence. By the low hum and purr of her voice, as she looks me up and down. Slowly, and with deliberate, obvious intent.

“Come on. Let’s get you out of those wet clothes…”
