
Sinful Stories: runners-up

2nd Place: Seven Inches, by Ian Jade (inspired by Ruby & Mrs Goodnight)

Prize: Countess Clit dildo from Sh!; and an e-book copy of Immoral Views from Sweetmeats Press

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In truth, Ian’s story takes this one by a nose, over four other excellent pieces about having a penis, wanting a penis, or craving/envying someone else’s. The Goodnights’ photo, as well as Rose Monrou’s and Molly Moore’s, brought out some seriously phallic urges in a number of authors, and this slot could easily have been filled by Oleander Plume, Tabitha Rayne, Anna Sky or Bawdy Bloke instead, all of whose entries I absolutely loved.

I gave it to Ian because I think he gets the dynamic between his two characters spot-on, even though as readers we don’t hear from one of them until the very end. It’s playful and mischievous, but there’s also an edge to it, and we get the sense that what happens next might venture into some pretty kinky territory. His touch is really deft, and the way he allows the transformation of his female character to unfold feels smooth, natural, and very insightful. I loved this story.

3rd Place: If you go down to the woods today, by HappyComeLucky (inspired by Bawdy Bloke)

Prize: Pyxis Finger Massager vibrator from Vibrator Kingdom; and a paperback copy of ‘Curious’ from Dreamspinner Press

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I’m sure the author of this story would be the first to admit that it’s not the most polished piece among the contenders. There are one or two minor errors, which a more experienced writer might have smoothed out before submitting it, and occasionally the flow breaks down a bit. However, I thought the idea behind it was really clever and incredibly sexy, and the whole thing is told with a dash of flair that more than makes up for the odd bumpy moment. It’s a piece of erotica with no sex scene, no orgasm, and no physical contact between the two characters, but it still managed to turn me on: for a debut piece of writing, it shows a huge amount of promise, and I hope the lady behind it puts pen to paper again in the future.

Honourable mentions


Sinful Stories: Readers' Choice Award

As I explained on Twitter the other day, I’m not going to give a full breakdown of the voting for the Readers’ Choice Award. With 27 stories to choose from, it was inevitable that some would fall through the cracks, in terms of both what people read and what they voted for, and I don’t see any need to list the ones which, for whatever reason, didn’t garner much support.

In total, there were 132 votes, of which 83 were shared by the five most popular stories. That’s testament to the quality of those pieces, and also, I’m sure, to how effectively their authors spread the word – an important (and often overlooked) element of building a fanbase.

That top five ended up as follows:

1=. Dark Fantasy, by Marie Rebelle (21 votes)

1=. Eleven Hours to Finland, by Ticky Sowdenham (21)

3. The Second Letter, by Malin James (17)

4. Penis Envy, by Tabitha Rayne (13)

5. The Sword in Miss Stone, by Oleander Plume (11)

That means we have joint winners! As there are two prizes, I’m taking the executive decision to split them between the two authors, taking into account where each is located.

Readers’ Choice Award #1 (sponsored by Sh!): Marie Rebelle

Prize: Handmade Satin Ties with D-rings

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Readers’ Choice Award #2 (sponsored by Alison Tyler): Ticky Sowdenham

Prize: Six erotica anthologies

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Congratulations to both, and thank you to both Sh! and Alison for the prizes. Marie, Ticky, the two sponsors will be in touch with you directly to make the necessary arrangements.


Sinful Stories: Thank You!

When it comes to ‘mainstream’ fiction, I read a lot of novels and hardly any short stories. When it comes to erotica, my shelves are full of anthologies, but I could count on one hand the number of novels I’ve read and enjoyed (and Kristina Lloyd is responsible for most of those). Why? Because I read erotica to get off.

I don’t need to invest emotionally in the characters. I don’t need the plot to unfold slowly before me, or to draw me into its complexities and nuances. Good literary fiction makes me want to hug myself with glee, or go straight to Amazon and have it delivered to half-a-dozen of my friends; good erotica makes me want to wrap my hand tight around my cock and keep it there till I’m a sweaty, sticky mess. One is a less complex reaction than the other – and generally requires far fewer pages.

Anthologies are also a safer bet, because my reaction to erotica is pretty binary: either it makes me horny or it doesn’t. If I’m at the airport, I’ll happily buy a couple of novels to read on the plane: even if I’m not familiar with the author, the back cover and the first couple of pages will normally tell me whether I’m going to hate it. If I don’t hate it, I’ll invariably get something out of the reading experience, regardless of whether it’s a masterpiece or something I’ll have forgotten by the time I pick up my suitcase at the other end. That’s not the case with erotica: I want it to get me hard, and if it doesn’t, I don’t feel like I’ve got value for money.

In an anthology of 30-40 short stories, I usually think the editor’s done a good job if roughly half of them turn me on in some way. It’s rare that more than a handful will get me so hot under the collar that I have to make myself come right then and there, but if 50% at least give me a bit of a buzz, I’ll be happy.

In the end, 21 of you submitted 26 stories, one Youtube video, and one poem for this competition. Of the 28 entries, I liked 18, and of those 18, I really liked 10. Over the last week, half a dozen of them have been directly responsible for orgasms I’ve had. As a group – and not forgetting all the people who generously allowed their Sinful Sunday photos to be used – I’d say you pretty much nailed it. Thank you.

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Guest-blogging for the Brit Babes

I met lots of great people at Eroticon in March, including a handful of filthy, fabulous, female British writers who go by the collective name of the Brit Babes. A few weeks later they asked me whether I’d be interested in contributing a guest post for their blog. I was wary at first: writing stuff here is one thing, but doing it for other people felt like it might be proof I was actually taking the whole thing seriously. In the end though, ego won out over caution – these were published authors, asking me to write something for them! How could I say no to that?!

I wrote the guest post yesterday afternoon, and it went live on their site this morning. You’ll find it here. What did I learn from the experience? Well if you’ll permit me to channel my inner Swiss Toni, I learned that guest-blogging is a lot like being on the receiving end of a good, hard anal pounding: even with the right lubrication (beer, in this case), it might take a little while for you to relax into it and for everything to loosen up properly, but once that happens it becomes an incredibly enjoyable and satisfying experience…just not one you necessarily want to go through every night. Especially not when there are eight of them and one of you.

If you’re reading this and you’d like me to write something for your blog, you’ll find my email address on the ‘About’ page. I can’t promise it’ll happen any time soon – life is about to get very busy again, and I’m still not walking properly after yesterday’s session – but now that I’ve got a taste for it, I’m sure it won’t be too long before I dive back in.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Switch


I will kneel and I will watch as you kneel before me.

I will use your mouth and I will give you my mouth to be used.

I will take control and I will surrender it to you.

I am both men, because both men are me.

I am dominant. I am submissive.

I am a switch.

Sinful Sunday


Sinful Stories: Readers' Choice Award

As I appear destined to spend my weekend ploughing through all of the (largely wonderful) Sinful Stories submissions, it only seems fair that I encourage others to share the load. Along with the main prizes, there’s a Readers’ Choice Award to be won, and for that to happen, I need a whole bunch of you lovely people to take a look at the poll below, and to cast your votes for whichever story you like the most.

I haven’t found a way to hyperlink the stories in the poll, but if you want to go back and re-read some/all of them, you’ll find a full list here.

The winner of the Readers’ Choice Award will receive this fabulous set of satin ties from Sh!, and six (yes, SIX!) erotica anthologies from the fabulous Alison Tyler. The poll will close on Tuesday 13th May at 1800 UK time, and I’ll announce the results later that evening.



P.S. I would ask you all not to vote for your own story, but I sense that might be a futile endeavour! I’m hoping for enough votes from non-entrants to balance things out…


Walk of Shame

I’ve been living in Warsaw for nine months now, but until recently I’d never woken up in a bed here that wasn’t my own. When it finally happened, I was completely unprepared: no toothbrush, no change of underwear, no toiletries, and a sudden moment of panic when I realised that I had no idea where to find the kettle.

Luckily I was close enough to my flat that I could get back without having to hop on a tram, so after saying goodbye and stepping out into the sunshine, I was able to enjoy that most deliciously filthy of sexual experiences: the walk of ‘shame’.

When it comes to sex – and to pretty much everything else – the English language is full of misleading terminology. As far as I can tell, cottaging rarely takes place in a cottage. When done correctly, blowjobs involve very little blowing (as a rather sheltered teenager, that one left me with some strange ideas about oral). And as far as I’m concerned, the walk of shame ought to be a walk of pride.

Let’s break it down:

  1. You went out for the evening, not expecting to get laid.
  2. You got laid.
  3. The other person – often a stranger – had the decency to let you stay over, which means that
    1. You didn’t have to get a bus/taxi/etc home late at night
    2. There’s a decent chance you got laid the next morning too
  4. And you’re meant to be ashamed of that??

Sure, it’s not always quite so smooth, but for the most part what other people call a walk of shame, I call a pretty fucking good result.

And yet, and yet… It might be misleading, but a part of me likes the idea of a walk of shame. Personally, when it works it’s because it puts the cherry on top of the night of filth I’ve just enjoyed when I embark on one. I like feeling dirty – literally and metaphorically – especially when I know that other people can tell I’ve been out all night. I like opening the front door and emerging onto an unfamiliar street in an unfamiliar neighbourhood, the morning sun a little too bright for my hungover, sleep-deprived eyes, and the taste of someone else’s toothpaste in my mouth.

If I’ve been really lucky, there’s also that ache – the one that comes from sex that’s too rough or too plentiful or, ideally, both. My thighs will burn as I walk down the steps outside her house. My sweat-stained shirt will be buttoned up to the neck to hide the bite-marks. I’ll still be able to feel her hand on my cock, wanking me back to hardness again and again, leaving the skin raw and sensitive; she doesn’t realise that my poor circumcised cock needs lube, and I’m too caught up in the moment to stop for a quick Hand Job 101. I just want to fuck and fuck and fuck and FUCK, and apparently so does she.

The caveat, of course, is that I’m a (straight) man. I get to put on or shrug off sexual shame as I please, because for the most part society doesn’t judge me harshly if I’m promiscuous or driven by desire. No-one wolf-whistles when I dare to show some skin, and I only get called a slut as a joke (or by women bearing down on me with an 8” strap-on). Whether I want it or not, I carry that privilege around with me, not least on the mornings when I stroll through town wearing last night’s clothes and a sloppy, satisfied smirk.

So let’s be clear on one thing: sex is not shameful. Sex is something to celebrate, whether we do it with our partner of 20 years or the person we met last night in the queue for the pub toilets. It doesn’t matter if they looked like Maggie Gyllenhaal when we went to bed and Maggie Thatcher when we woke up the next morning. It doesn’t matter whether the sex was fantastic or terrible – it doesn’t even matter if we were too drunk when we got to bed to do anything other than roll around together before passing out semi-clothed with your head buried in my crotch.

None of that is shameful at the time. None of that is shameful the next morning…unless we want it to be. Like anything else when it comes to sex, shame should be consensual – something for people to adopt as they please (to whatever degree) and to shape to suit their needs. It isn’t – yet – and we need to work on that.

I like to feel dirty, slutty, and well-used; so do lots of people I know, male and female. But when I’m at the counter in M&S, buying a two-pack of boxers and a new shirt before I head into work, and I catch the sales clerk’s eye, I really don’t give a flying fuck what he or she think of me. The shame is a conscious, personal choice, and should only serve to enhance the experience I’ve just had.

Walk of shame: internal fetish, not external label. That’s the only form in which I want to preserve it.


The Tiergarten (and the normalisation of nudity)

I’ve just got back to Warsaw after a couple of days in Berlin. I went there as a treat to myself: Berlin is my favourite European city, and the opportunity to spend some time exploring Kreuzberg, ticking off some more of the (excellent) museums, and drinking beer in the sunshine was too good to pass up.

On the first afternoon, I went for a walk in the Tiergarten, and was quickly reminded of another awesome thing about Berlin (and about Germany in general): they have an incredibly relaxed attitude to public nudity, at least in comparison to other countries. In the UK, a man lying naked in the park would be viewed as some sort of sex pest, but as I turned off one of the main avenues that runs through the Tiergarten, there he was.

And then there they were. Sprawled out on a lush green lawn, alone, in pairs, or even in small groups, the men and women of Berlin basked in the warm April sun, their clothes piled neatly beside them. No-one stared as they walked past, and there were no signs to warn tourists that they were about to enter an area where – gasp – it was ok to strip off and let it all hang out. It felt relaxed. It felt normal.

It’s not just Berlin, either. In Munich’s Englischer Garten, there’s a large area down by the stream where nudity is encouraged. In Hamburg, no-one bats an eyelid at the sight of someone casually disrobing outside their building. German saunas expect you to be naked during treatments – swimsuits are considered unhygienic and, frankly, a bit ridiculous, given what you’re there for.

There are restrictions, of course. A little digging reveals that, in fact, Munich has only very recently made public nudity fully legal, and has created six areas around the city specifically for that purpose. In most places, you will still raise eyebrows (and almost certainly a few complaints) if you stroll casually through the town centre in your birthday suit. However, my German friends inform me that as long as you’re not forcing your nudity onto other people in an aggressive or political way, you’re largely free to strip off in most big city parks, in the forest, or on both coastal and inland beaches.

I didn’t join the naked sunbathers in the Tiergarten – the hot weather had caught me slightly by surprise (and without suncream), so I was desperately trying to cover up every inch of my pale, freckled skin – but as I left them behind and headed for the Grosser Stern in the centre of the park, I thought about how good it felt to be in a country where, to some extent, nudity is considered normal. We tend to forget that the evolutionary reason for clothing is to protect us against the elements; modesty is a social (and religious) construct, as is body-shame. There is nothing wrong with wanting to cover up, but equally there’s nothing wrong with the desire to be naked, and the Germans (and Scandinavians) understand that better than most. They realise that nudity doesn’t have to be sexual – one you acknowledge that, the reasons for criminalising it begin to seem mildly ridiculous.

Nudity doesn’t have to be sexual, but I’m pretty sure that in addition to creating a more open and tolerant environment, a relaxation in nudity laws (or in attitudes towards nudity) would have a positive impact on our sex lives. That’s not rocket science, of course: the more comfortable we are with our bodies, and with the idea of bodies in general, the better we’re likely to be in bed.

I was 15 the first time I went naked in public. It was on a beach in France, in the middle of a family holiday; on our first day there, I’d noticed that a lot of the bathers didn’t bother with swimsuits, either in the sea or on the sand, so the next morning I sneaked off the campsite, heart thumping in my chest, and went down to the beach to join them. I don’t really know why I did it, except that I was curious, and felt liberated by the time away from school and my hometown, where I was negotiating the most awkward phase of pubescent change, and couldn’t imagine being naked in front of anyone. On the beach, away from my family, and even further away from the girls (and boys) at school, it was different. I only stayed down there for 20 minutes or so, but as I walked along the sand, self-conscious at first and sort-of proud by the time I finished, I realised some pretty important things about myself and my body – things I’d forget many times over the years, of course, but which at the time made me feel a lot better about life.

It was also the first time I really thought about nudity. When I was a kid, they used to draw the big, heavy curtain across the viewing gallery windows at the swimming pool before the weekly naturist session, so I’d been conditioned to view it as something that shouldn’t be public – something to hide away and protect people from. When I took my clothes off down on the beach, all that went away somehow. Suddenly naturists weren’t weird or creepy or perverted – they were just people who enjoyed being naked. If French families in their shorts, t-shirts, bikinis and swimming trunks could relax on the beach next to their naked compatriots, rather than shunting them off to a separate, secluded stretch of sand, maybe people who enjoyed being naked shouldn’t be defined by that at all.

I thought about most of that much later. At the time, and in the immediate aftermath, I was mainly just incredibly horny. Not at the sight of other naked people – it was more the knowledge that they could see me. It was a little embarrassing getting hard in public, but no-one seemed to care, and that felt amazing too. I mean, I was 15, so I did a lot of wanking on that holiday anyway, but for about 48 hours after my trip to the beach I could barely keep my hand off my cock. That was mainly the novelty, I think, mixed in with the first real emergence of the exhibitionism I wrote about the other day.

In Berlin, and in other places where I’ve seen people relaxing naked, with no fear of being stigmatised or shamed for it, I’ve always felt very happy, but I’ve also usually gone away with a bit of a buzz between my legs. Maybe that’s because I grew up in a country where public nudity was considered taboo, so it still carries with it that thrill of the forbidden. If so (and as much as I’d like to have my cake and eat it), the unselfish part of me would like to see that fade with time: yes, being bad will always be hot, but as long as taking your clothes off in public continues to push that button, it will be a sign that as a society we’re still not ok with something that ought to be seen as perfectly normal.


Sinful Stories: competition entries

This post will collate all of the public entries to my Sinful Stories writing competition. I’ll try to update it every day between now and the deadline (Thursday 8th May); if you want to enter, and are happy for others to read your submission, please send me the link and I’ll add it below.

If you’re planning to take part, or if you’re a regular Sinful Sunday contributor, please do take the time to read some of the entries, and offer feedback where appropriate – I’m pretty sure it’ll be appreciated!

  1. Eleven Hours to Finland, by Ticky Sowdenham
  2. The Quiet Train, by Horny Geek Girl
  3. The Second Letter, by Malin James
  4. Dust Bunny, by Åsa Winter
  5. Dear George, by Bawdy Bloke
  6. Dear Sir, I Lost The Game, by Ruby Goodnight
  7. Sweet Sword, by Cammies on the Floor
  8. Penis Envy, by Oleander Plume
  9. The Accidental Exhibitionist, by Oleander Plume
  10. The Sword in Miss Stone, by Oleander Plume
  11. Shaved, by Horny Geek Girl
  12. Among The Bluebells, by LadyS
  13. Mine Is Bigger Than Yours, by Beck
  14. Happy Birthday, by Maria Sibylla
  15. Saturday Fun, by The Long Bean
  16. Cock Tease, by Anna Sky
  17. The Great Rite, by Alastor Musing
  18. If you go down to the woods today, by HappyComeLucky
  19. Dark Fantasy, by Marie Rebelle
  20. Penis Envy, by Tabitha Rayne
  21. Lick Here, by Measha Stone
  22. Seek and You Shall Find, by Measha Stone
  23. Academic Integrity, by Bawdy Bloke
  24. Torment, by Bawdy Bloke
  25. Third Base Chase, by Kenny C
  26. Seven Inches, by Ian Jade
  27. Her cock vs his cock, by Bawdy Bloke

…plus one story that has not (yet) been made public by its author.

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Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Hung

I had another photo in mind this week (described by one person I showed it to as ‘BDSM Ninja’), but then I was on the train down to Krakow yesterday, all alone in one of those old-fashioned European compartments, and, well, I couldn’t resist…

luggage rack

I like the fact that, suspended from the luggage rack like this, I could be at the start, in the middle, or at the end of a very kinky train-based adventure, so if you’re planning to enter my story competition and would like to use this image as the basis for what you write, please be my guest.

Sinful Sunday