Erotica Sinful Sunday

Sinful Stories 2 (COMPETITION!!)

Back in April, I linked up with Molly Moore to run a short story competition. Writers were invited to use photos from Molly’s Sinful Sunday project as inspiration for erotic stories, and boy did they deliver. I was overwhelmed by the volume and quality of the submissions, by the generosity of some really brilliant sponsors, and by the general enthusiasm the contest generated.

Six months later, it feels like time to see whether lightning can strike twice. Molly has been kind enough to agree to another Sinful Sunday tie-in, and once again I have some fantastic prizes lined up for the winners. Excited? You should be…

The Challenge

Write an erotic short story, no longer than 2500 words, using a photo from the November 9th edition of Molly Moore’s Sinful Sunday meme as the inspiration (please please read the full rules below for more details)

The Prizes

Winner: a £50 (~$80) online voucher for Sh!, London’s multi award-winning sex store; and a $15 voucher for Dreamspinner Press, the hottest gay erotica publisher around


Runner-up #1: an electronic or paperback copy of Candy Box, the latest illustrated erotic anthology from Sweetmeats Press

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Runner-up #2: a paperback or electronic copy of Chemical Sex, edited by Oleander Plume

Readers’ Choice Award: TBC

Huge thanks to Sh!, Dreamspinner Press and Sweetmeats Press for agreeing to support this competition for a second time. They’re all lovely, enthusiastic, sex-positive organisations, which I’m happy and proud to be associated with. If you’re planning to enter the contest, or if you have any interest at all in sex toys and erotic fiction, please do check out their websites and enjoy what they have to offer.

If you’d like to get involved and sponsor either the second runner-up prize, or the Readers’ Choice Award, please do contact me by email or DM.

The Rules

  1. The first rule is the most important. You absolutely must obtain the WRITTEN consent of the person whose photo you wish to use in your story. There will be no exceptions on this one. Sinful Sunday photos are, by their very nature, personal and intimate; some regular contributors will (understandably) not want to have their images used as inspiration for a story. Please do not disrespect their wishes or breach their copyright.
  2. You may not use your own photo.
  3. The story must not be explicitly/directly written about the person/people whose photo you use. Please make your character(s) fictional.
  4. There is no minimum word limit. If you want to write a 250-word piece of flash fiction, it will be treated in exactly the same way as something that comes in one word under the limit.
  5. This is an erotica competition. You can blend in other genres, but fundamentally something sexy should happen at some point. It can be M/F, M/M, F/F, any combination of Ms and Fs, trans, or just a hot piece about one person getting up to no good. It can also be as graphic/explicit as you like – there’s no need to tone down the language or turn dicks and cunts into throbbing members and flowers in full bloom.
  6. You can post your story on your own blog/site and send me the link, or just email it to me directly. You own the piece, so can do with it as you please outside the competition, but to be eligible for the prize you must be happy for me to post it here in the event that you win (and then probably go and wank over it afterwards).
  7. You do not own the photo you use. That remains the sole property of the person who took/published it.
  8. The deadline for entries is 2300 (GMT) on Monday 24th November. Winners will be announced on Thursday 27th November. I’m a fast reader.
  9. As with all the best sex parties, multiple entries are permitted.
  10. The winning entry will be the one I like the most. I’m really curious to see what people come up with, so I don’t want to set out a whole load of judging criteria here. Write what interests you, or makes you horny, not what you think I want to read.

If you have any questions, or feel there’s something important that I haven’t covered here, please do get in touch.

I loved running this competition last time round, for the buzz it generated and for all the super-hot stories people submitted. I’d love to get the same sort of response this time, so check out next week’s Sinful Sunday (note: not this week’s), put on your perviest thinking cap, and…happy writing!



Erotica Post of the Year! Fucking hell!

When I was 17, I won the Best Speaker Award at a schools public speaking competition. It was a bittersweet moment: as a team, my two friends and I had fallen just short against a field of intimidatingly well-groomed, well-drilled, well-dressed private school kids, and the individual prize felt like a bit of an anticlimax.

For a long time, I was sure that the thing I’d regret most about that day was not winning the whole competition. It gnawed at me for months, through A-Levels and beyond, in a way that I can only look back at with faint embarrassment. I realise now that I should have cherished the experience and the camaraderie, but most of all I should have shown some fucking appreciation for what we – and I – had achieved…and for how elusive that sort of success can be.

As an adult, a lot of the prizes you win tend to be ironic. At my company’s Summer Away Day, I watched colleagues stand up and collect awards for being the worst-dressed person in the office, or the person most likely to be found in the kitchen making tea, or the least punctual member of staff (amazingly, I was nominated for none of those, though could easily have won all three). Recognition more typically comes in the form of a good review at work; a pay rise; the congratulatory posts on your Facebook wall when you buy a house/get married/have a child.

None of those things are bad – at all. They’re usually the reward for hard work, devotion, and integrity. They matter.

Other things matter too. I don’t often get the chance to hug myself with glee, but fuck it, that’s what I did tonight. Back in February, I wrote a story for an anthology. I liked the brief, wanted to get involved, and after a couple of very funny conversations with a brilliant friend, I settled on an idea. I wanted it to be deeply, almost offensively inappropriate, and nothing seemed to say ‘offensively inappropriate’ more than a punishment gangbang over a church altar, especially once I chucked an order of pleasure-giving monks into the mix.

The story was rejected, for what I will readily acknowledge were sound commercial reasons. Still, I was bloody proud of it, and posted it on my blog in April. In June, I had another go at getting it published, and got knocked back for a second time – again, the fit just wasn’t quite right.

Right now, I’m even more bloody proud of that story than I was in April. I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but tonight it was announced by @SweetRori as the 2014 Erotica Post of the Year, and I am over-the-moon-happy in a way that my guarded, blase teenage self would never have allowed himself to reveal. I’ve read so much fucking amazing erotica this year, so to see that pop up on my phone this evening was a genuinely thrilling (and shocking!) moment – I actually whooped out loud on the bus, which in London is the sort of unpredictable behaviour that causes fellow passengers to give you side-eyes and edge slowly towards the stairs.

The story is called Brother Simeon, and you can find it here. I also strongly recommend checking out the two runners-up, by Molly Moore and Bangs & Whimpers, both of which (and whom) are fantastic. I look forward to going back to Rori’s site this evening, and tomorrow, to find out who’s won Op-Ed of the Year and Educational/Review Piece of the Year.

My 17-year-old self understandably failed to grasp how fleeting and unpredictable success can be. At 33, I’ve been around the block enough to know that nights like this don’t come along very often, so I decided to enjoy it. Thanks again, to everyone who helped with the story (especially Oleander & Malin!), and everyone who took the time to read it – I love you all.




A Snog for Sommer: Willow

I don’t know Sommer Marsden. I mean, I know her writing – if you’re into erotica, believe me, you know her writing – but beyond that she’s just someone on my Twitter feed, whose posts I occasionally star. Then I saw this. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and sometimes, even if it’s not going to save the world, it’s worth zero-ing in on those people and doing what you can to help. Here’s my entry for A Snog for Sommer: I hope better times are just around the corner.


“Kiss me here.”

I waited for the accompanying picture to download, my fingers drumming impatiently on the bar. Neck? Tits? Inner thigh? I didn’t care – I wanted all of it. All of her.

To call it romance would be a stretch. Indulgence, perhaps: two adults who should know better, and whose jobs, kids and history were testament to that. But feelings have a funny way of gnawing away at you. It’s like a candle burning slowly through a rope: hours, months, years and then BOOM, the whole lot comes crashing down on your head.

Unfinished business, that’s how I saw it. The girl who got away. My one true love. As for her…well, I think it was mainly boredom, if I’m honest. Two kids, a husband who worked in the City, and the realisation that things were better back then. No, not better, but certainly easier, and more fun. Carefree. Yes, that was it.

Learning each other at 18 was a slow, shy, hesitant process. At 33, there was no shyness; no hesitation. We crashed together hard, and each bruise was a physical reminder of the simple, uncomplicated goodness we’d found; a sly, smug badge of honour – not an emotional scab, to pick at till it leaves a scar.

She had her life and I had mine. I knew which box I belonged in. ‘Fond memories’, that’s what it said on my label. Or maybe ‘escape’. Either way, it was temporary. I was fun, and liberating, and maybe even necessary, but I wasn’t ‘home’.

Still, there I was, in a bar near the hotel, waiting for her train to arrive. One weekend, that’s what we’d promised each other. No more, no less. He’d taken their kids to his parents’; I was ‘at a conference’ and not sure I even needed to bother with the lie. No more lunchtime quickies, no more guilty weeknight lies. One proper weekend together, and then we were done.

Pixels slowly coalesced into something – no, somewhere – I recognised. Of course.

Summer, 1999. The sharp, stark, busy sunlight of a Saturday afternoon, after the soporific haze of the cinema. Only the movie wasn’t soporific at all. It was sexy and smart; adult, in a way that we weren’t, but so desperately wanted to be. It sparked something in us that had been simmering for weeks. Shorted out the sensible, A-grade parts of our brains, and melted the bits of us that said ‘no’, or ‘not yet’.

We were almost back at her car when I pulled her in close, her eyes suddenly forced to look up into mine. The air was still and heavy, but I felt light, lighter than I ever had before. Or maybe since. My lips met hers, just as they thrust up to claim me. No foreplay; no more cautious James, hesitant Rose. Passion, in a way that redefined the word for me, and the knowledge that her lips were transforming my view on the world, from the inside out.

When we finally broke apart, giddy and reeling, I looked up in delight at the willow tree above our heads (if only to blur out the cars and the concrete). Watched it bend and bow toward us, in silent salute.

I knew I’d never forget it.

The willow tree above our heads. Yes.

Of course we weren’t done.

Erotica Sex

Elust #61

elust header
Photo courtesy of Maria opens up

Welcome to Elust #61

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #62? Start with the rules, come back September1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Bloggers, please
I Touch Myself
Stunt Porn / People Porn

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Is sex unsexy? A ‘His & Hers’ post
Van Gogh, an erotic author and a selfie…


~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

His Desires

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7

days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!


Slush, by Ella Dawson (Friday special #2!)

When introducing Ella Dawson, it’s extremely hard to avoid using the word ‘precocious’. Ella is disgustingly young; holds a degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies from one of the top US liberal arts colleges (where she also hosted a weekly radio show and edited the school’s arts and sexuality magazine); and has just completed an internship at Cleis Press. Next up is a kick-ass social media job with TED in New York City, and after that, presumably world domination.

Over on her WordPress site, Ella blogs about sexual health and education, media depictions of female sexuality and STIs, and sex-positive erotica. Since the start of the year, she’s also reviewed all manner of erotic novels, anthologies and e-books, but I’m pleased to say that this afternoon she turns from poacher to gamekeeper. When Ella approached me a few weeks ago and offered to contribute a guest post, I was very curious to see what she’d come up with: curious…and expectant. With ‘Slush’, it’s fair to say that she both met those expectations and confounded them.

‘Slush’ is not a nice story. It’s cold and it’s hard, and while the sex is intense, it doesn’t send you away afterwards with a case of the warm and fuzzies. Her two characters fuck like most of us have fucked at some point: desperately, angrily, and with a tight knot of emotional pain somewhere in our chest or stomach. I knew from her writing that Ella Dawson was a lot of things – talented, thoughtful, a bit spiky – but in Slush, she shows a side of herself that I hadn’t seen before. And that side is really fucking hot.

Ok Ella, over to you…

I doubt I will ever forget writing this story. It was one of those trance-like experiences writers sometimes gush about when the story writes itself and you’re left winded and startled afterward, not sure what just happened. I was staying with my parents for the summer between semesters of college and it was pouring in the middle of August, the storm almost frighteningly loud outside of my bedroom window. I was blasting house music to try to drown it out. My ex was texting me about wanting to be friends or some nonsense, a foray into the land of the platonic that I already knew was doomed. I didn’t want to get back together, didn’t even want him in my life, but I still got that old violent thrill along my spine when my phone rattled with a new message. Lightning lit up my bedroom, I opened a word document, and this little monster was born.

A few months later I took “Slush” to my faculty advisor, hoping to include it in my senior thesis, and I was surprised when he hated it. “This reads like Penthouse,” he wrote in the margins. He objected to some of the language an earlier draft contained, but he was also unsettled by the lack of tenderness between the characters. He thought I was adopting a masculine writing style rather than heeding my feminine side. I wound up taking the language out, but I accepted the fact that he just didn’t get it. Women like rough sex just as much as men do, and tenderness is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes fucking is the only honest way a couple can love each other.

Slush is one of my favorite short stories, and I’m excited to let it out of its cage in my documents folder. It’s the middle of August again, after all. It only seems appropriate.


The sex they have isn’t nice.

They used to love each other. The memory is a splinter driven too deep in her palm to dig out with tweezers: a dull and irritating hurt, worsened by the temptation to pick. He used to hold her messy and tight in the middle of the night when it got cold and she drifted away across the mattress. They do not sleep together now. They fuck in the small spaces, in bathrooms, against bookcases. They do not hold each other. Instead they tear in selfish, desperate scratches.

They do not talk much either.

She guides on liquid liner with a steady hand, one eye closed while the other gapes like the mouth of a fish stranded on land. She does not bother with lipstick, knows it would smear across his mouth and leave them both guilty red. There is something deliciously irresponsible about not wearing underwear under her dress.

He finds her dancing at the center of the party and his hands settle at her hips. She rocks her head back, rests it against his shoulder. His breath is hot at her ear. When she opens her eyes she finds him staring forward at nothing. His eyebrows are drawn together, emotion carving his face, and she recognizes that anger in her bones—it has been eating them both alive for months. They would hate each other if they did not need this so much. Anger keeps them tangled like the links of a snagged chain. She knows eventually something will give and let them swing free with stunning ease but that day has not come yet.

He tastes like vodka.

They do still kiss, that might surprise you. His mouth is dry and hot, winter chapped, and she runs her tongue over his upper lip as she draws it between her teeth. It is cold outside, January chill seeping into her bare legs, slush darkening the leather of her heels, but his hand singes between her thighs and finds her slick. His grunt is muffled into her throat. The brick is unforgiving against her shoulders and she wishes she had thought to grab her jacket before he dragged her outside, but when he hikes her up the wall to guide her legs around his waist she barely feels the scratch. She is far too distracted by his teeth at her collarbone and the sudden ache of him inside her.

No, it is not nice. The sex they have is brutal and she prefers it.

This is the only time they talk. “You like that, don’t you?” His voice is strained but she nods a useless yes. “You fucking like that.”

“Oh god, please,” she demands an octave too high and he moves his palm heavy to her mouth, pressing her head back against the wall. They must not be heard. He can hiss into her ear without losing control but she tends to get loud. She whimpers into his hand and he snaps his hips.

“That’s what I thought.” She yanks at his hair and he growls against her neck, head tucked to bury his forehead in her shoulder. “You fucking love this, some backyard where anyone could see you. You love it.”

I love you.

Her nails dig into his scalp. His other hand sneaks between their bodies to find her clit, pressing and circling. She keens into his palm and her eyes lose focus. Only the firm weight of him against her prevents her from tumbling to the ground is. It would be so easy to fall, bruised and dirty and exposed. He grinds down on her clit and a silent scream burns her throat.

It isn’t supposed to be like this, she knows it isn’t. But how is it supposed to be?

He grunts her name when he finishes and it almost gets lost in the slush and the bass from the party inside but she still hears it. The splinter digs again, reminds her of its presence. They (used to) love each other. He sets her down on unsteady legs and she can feel moisture dripping down her thighs. She swallows the inane babble always sparked by the afterward and he fixes her hair with shaking, gentle hands.

Her coat is in the kitchen where she left it and she shrugs it on, finds her keys in the front pocket. Halfway home she takes off her heels and walks the rest of the way barefoot. It is the right type of cold.

Erotica Other photos Sinful Sunday

Revenge, by Girl on the Net (a Friday special!)

It’s fair to say that Girl on the Net is a rather accomplished young lady. Good at swearing, great at drinking, pretty fucking excellent at putting things in her cunt (or so I hear)…she can even hold a halfway decent conversation about philosophy, for someone who learnt the ropes at such a second-rate university. Online, she’s obviously best known for her writing, which is, by turns, funny, insightful, angry, sexy, educational, (devastatingly) honest, and all the rest of the good stuff for which we’d all like to be recognised. It’s not a stretch to say that she’s the UK’s leading sex blogger, and by some distance at that.

However, what a lot people don’t know about GOTN is that she also writes incredibly hot erotic fiction. I discovered this by accident a few months ago, when I commissioned her to write me a story: she needed fast cash, I was curious to see whether she was as talented a fiction writer as she was a blogger, and a mutually beneficial arrangement was hastily reached.

It’s a Friday, and I seem completely unable to finish the two stories that I’m currently working on, so with her permission I’ve decided to share the results of that arrangement here. We agreed at the time that she’d take one of my Sinful Sunday photos, and write a story about it; she chose to use this post as inspiration, and came up with a filthy little tale of a boy who gets a whole lot more than he’d bargained for. I’m not going to disclose what I paid her for the work, but I will say that I had no complaints about the return I got on my investment, and that I imagine her price has risen significantly since then.


Revenge, by Girl on the Net

“You have a fucked-up idea of ‘fun’,” I told him, wiping tears from my cheeks and trying to rearrange my clothes. At that point all I wanted was to be covered. To hide the heat and the blush spreading across my chest. After the humiliation of what happened downstairs, I wanted to cover up completely – bury myself in sheets and clothes and blankets and hide. Become unsexual. For a short time at least.

“I thought you were enjoying it.” He sounded genuinely chastened. As if, as he marched straight over the line I didn’t want him to cross, he’d genuinely thought it was OK.

Here’s what happened, the short version: we were in the living room with his friends. Drink was not just flowing but flooding. Most of the girls had retired to the kitchen, but I – ever the attention-seeking one – sat in the middle of this group of happy guys: flirting, playing, and occasionally hoping I’d catch one looking down my top.

One of them made a flattering comment:

“You have gorgeous tits. He’s a lucky man.” A hat-tip to D, who smiled proudly, the exact moment at which it should have ended.

“She has, hasn’t she?” he smirked. “Go on, show them off.”

Now this wasn’t a particularly unusual suggestion. D and I were used to me showing off – in clubs, at parties, when we were in full-on fuckhorny mode I’d love to show off my tits. In front of strangers at fetish clubs was my favourite. Eyes cast down, hands placed on top of my head, I’d quiver with exhibitionist delight as he’d pull my top down, open my blouse, or lift up whatever t-shirt I was wearing to let strangers stare and rub and pinch my tits. Sometimes I’d let him slip down my top in the back of taxis so the driver got an eyeful of my taut nipples through the thin lace of my bra. Other times I’d do it myself – offering looks and touches to men I didn’t know. Strangers. I loved to feel their rough hands on me – the needy exploration and hot delight at being offered something previously out of bounds. The only thing better was feeling their eyes on me, as D showed me off proudly. Firm, heavy tits moving gently up and down as I breathed faster, knowing they were appraising me, hoping they wanted to touch.

So he knew I liked showing off, although I’d never shown off to friends before. The glint in his best friend’s eye was enough to make me tense, getting slightly wet at the thought of presenting myself to the people we knew in the middle of a party not designed for perverts. I wanted to feel his eyes on me, like the eager eyes of a stranger.

But that’s all it was – a fantasy. D perhaps didn’t suspect that what I liked to do elsewhere – in groups of people who didn’t know us – was unconscionable in front of our friends. Our friends who’d think badly of me. Call me ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ and ‘pricktease.’ The back of my neck felt cold even as D reached for my hand to pull me into a standing position.

“Go on, give them a quick flash,” he slurred, hot with booze and pride. I laughed, pretended it was all a joke, then shuddered as he reached for my top.

I wasn’t wearing a bra – just a tight, long-sleeved t-shirt with exactly the scoop neck he liked. I’d wanted him to push me against the wall in hallways and doorways – private places. Wanted him to follow me on trips to the bathroom, pull down on the top and run his fingers over my nipples when no one was looking. But people were looking now – everyone was. One or two of the girls had gathered back in the room and were making nervous raised-eyebrow faces at one another as D put me on display.

“A countdown, shall we?” he said. The boys sat up, conversation abandoned as the show was about to start. Most looked keen although one or two shuffled nervously. I kept smiling – it was all I could do. Angry and frustrated and, despite my brain screaming murder, desperately aroused.

“Three…” He gripped the neck of my top and I could feel his rough fingers brushing my chest.

“Two…” My cunt twitched, and I could feel the wetness soaking into my knickers.

“One…” He pulled, and a cheer went up from the boys. I blushed bright red and tried to think about something – anything – that would stop the arousal spreading from the throbbing wetness in my cunt to the pit of my stomach. I failed.

There was a kick of lust, delight, and urgent need – knowing I was being watched and mocked it… well… it turned me on. Humiliated me. Enraged me. Tore me into two separate people – one of which I liked and the other I despised. I felt like, in not stopping him or showing outrage I’d betrayed myself, and shown myself to be a dirty, pathetic slut.

Just in case you were wondering, you know, why I’m sitting on the bed now listening to his apologies and wanting to hide under bedsheets forever.

“I’m so sorry,” he knelt down beside me. His smart shirt looked creased, tired like he did. With his head bowed in misery I wanted to take pity on him – pull him closer to me and let him rest his head against my chest as he wallowed in misery too.

“I just… you know,” he muttered.

“I know.” For a second the desire to forgive overwhelmed me. He wasn’t to know. He’s an idiot when he’s drunk and besides – hadn’t I loved it? Hadn’t I wanted it? Hadn’t I got wet and hot as he exposed me to all his friends?

But I kicked that feeling to one side. Not now. Forgiveness could come later but for now I needed him to know what it felt like. I wanted to give him exactly the same feelings he’d given me: wet, throbbing arousal coupled with humiliation and fear. A bittersweet taste of the medicine he’d forced me to swallow.

“Stand up.” I told him. He looked at me in surprise, which was just as I wanted. I usually spoke to him softly – a submissive, pleasing lilt. This was the voice with which I’d command a dog.

“Stand. The fuck. Up.” I looked into his eyes, my own burning hate and revenge and a lust I surprised myself with. As he stood he reached out for my hand, and I slapped it away.

“Back off. Don’t touch me.” As if stung, he retreated a couple of steps until he was standing against the wardrobe.

“You think it’s fine to humiliate me? To turn me on and present me in front of your friends like some sort of party prize? Fuck you.” I slapped him, hard. Once on his right cheek, then again for good measure. It bloomed red, and I stepped away from him.

“Take off your shoes.” He looked quizzically at me. “I’m not fucking joking. Take off your shoes.”

He complied, removing his shoes and socks without a word. His expression betrayed his confusion, and something in it made me feel powerful – strong. I was smaller than he was, with weak arms and thin wrists. I used to revel in the power he held over me. But at that moment I realised that I could do with words what he would usually do with rough gestures and strong shoulders and size: I could overpower him.

“You’re going to do exactly what I say now. And you’re not going to refuse, or ask why.”

“Yes,” he replied in a small voice.

“No, actually, just don’t speak.” He nodded. “Take off your pants.”

He slipped his trousers off first, and the sound of his belt slipping through the loops on his trousers no longer signalled to me the start of my punishment, as it had done before – it signalled defeat. Loss. His loss. As he lost his pants I could see the first initial stirrings of that delicious shameful arousal in his cock.

“Touch yourself,” I told him, and took a seat on the bed. He grabbed his dick and squeezed, slowly. He was reluctant to get hard, wary of what I would do next. “Harder. I want to see you rock-solid.” He held himself tighter, started rubbing slowly – unsure about how to proceed but unwilling to disobey my uncharacteristically direct instructions.

At that moment I understood the fun for him – the power he’d enjoyed over me. There was a kick in my gut – a lustful, angry power that spread as I watched him grow harder. I wanted more of this.

“You’re not fucking trying,” I told him, and slapped his hand away. “Undo your shirt.”

All credit to him, he didn’t tremble as he undid the buttons – he understood exactly what I wanted to do, and had resolved to take it with as much dignity as he could scrape together. I grasped his cock and squeezed tight. I slid my hand up and down, far stronger than I would usually. He winced with reluctant desire. I looked at him directly – stared into his face. Today I wouldn’t be on my knees.

When he was hard, at maximum stretch, I stepped back to take him all in. He was angry – check. Horny – double check. And was that? Yes! A blush spreading across his cheeks – he was humiliated, horrified that I’d done this to him so easily. That I’d overpowered him with words and shame. I could probably have stopped there, and the lesson would have been learned. But I wanted it not just learned but burnt, etched deeply into his memory. I wanted him to know that I could win.

“Turn round and face the door.”

“No. Don’t make me go out there.” His usually commanding voice was stretched thin to an almost whimper.

“Yes. I’m not going to tell you again.” It was no longer a surprise to me that he did exactly as instructed. Cock stiffly pointing in front of him, he turned towards the door.

“Open it.” He did, and as he stepped back his hands twitched towards his crotch, desperate to cover himself, to bring back a shred of the dignity that I was so happily stripping away. I took some time to admire the view – his smooth, taut arse framed in the doorway, the shirt draped softly over his hips. The muscles in his legs tense with tension. The fear that someone would come up.

“Are you worried someone will see you?” I asked gently. He nodded, and turned slightly at the softness in my voice.

“They’re all still down there. They’ll be… talking about us.”

“They will, wont they?” I replied. “Talking about you, talking about me. Thinking I’m the slut for showing my tits. Thinking you’re the one with the power.” He nodded again, and at last he trembled – I could see his legs shake delightfully as he stared at the open door.

“Do you hate it?” He nodded again, but placed his hands on his head. “But you love it too, right?”

A pause.

A long pause.

My heart beat faster as I waited for his final nod. “Yes,” he said. “I don’t know why, but I love it.”

“Good, I replied. Now walk forward.”

Power is hot, and taking the power for myself was fantastic. But it’s the pictures that will stick with me – for the rest of my life what I’ll remember my beautiful boy as he strode slowly across the landing. I hissed steps at him – “Now off with the shirt. Two more steps. That’s good. Lift your t-shirt. Touch your dick. Two more steps. Show me your arse.” He did exactly as I commanded, oblivious to the wolf-whistles and drunken catcalls from downstairs.

By the time he reached the bathroom at the end of the hallway he’d stripped naked. I made him turn round and face me. He stood on the tiles, naked and ashamed, in the semi-darkness of the bathroom at the other end of the hall. Dick red and throbbing and slick with precome, and a face that looked torn between horny and heartbroken. Exactly as I wanted him.

None of our friends had ventured upstairs, although having heard the cheers I’m sure some had seen his walk of shame. As he stood in the bathroom he was hidden from their view – just – and I was safe across the hallway and two paces back in the refuge of the bedroom. Fully clothed and fully in control, I’d never felt more powerful. The deep, gnawing lust was still there, though, and I decided that I wanted to see him come.

“Touch yourself,” I mouthed, looking him straight in the eye. He held my gaze as he did it. Framed in the doorway like he was putting on a private peep show just for me.

He rubbed himself hard – there was no taking his time about it. The worry of being discovered probably helped speed him up. But as he pulled at his dick with swift, urgent strokes it seemed like his motivation was more than that – the power I held over him was new and different and hot enough to get the tip of his cock wet and slick, and give him a twitching, throbbing need to come.

In that moment he knew how I felt. Humiliated into a quivering, lustful slut, whose exposure only prompted a need for more exposure, more humiliation, more fucking.

I folded my arms and watched him, holding on to the deep throbbing in my clit as I watched him push himself to an urgent orgasm. When he came he came in thick spurts – slicking the hand he tried to catch it all in and spilling drops onto the bathroom floor. I mimed touching my own chest, and as he rubbed it into himself, completing the cycle of his own shame, I grinned at him – feeling better.

“Good boy,” I whispered across the hallway. “Good fucking boy.”


Eternal Optimist

This post is my entry for Charlie Powell’s ‘Polished’ competition. The challenge was to write a piece of erotica based on the name of a nail polish from Charlie’s collection. I was given ‘Eternal Optimist’, and the story I wrote is inspired both by that, and by one of Charlie’s own stories from a few months ago. Enjoy!

Eternal Optimist

Some days you win, some days you lose. And some days are a fucking disaster. Actually, in my case make that some weeks.

It’s not that I’m bad at gambling: more that when things go south, they have a habit of going quickly, and I can’t seem to get off the train before it crashes.

Ok, maybe I’m bad at gambling.

But come on, who wouldn’t roll the dice and try their luck when Spring is in the air, the Guinness is flowing, and the Cheltenham Festival is in full swing? The first day wasn’t even that bad: only £40 down, and a champagne buzz that gave me the balls to end things with Julie once and for all. Eight months of infrequent sex, followed by five months of no sex, had ensured that horses were all we really had left in common, and I didn’t see that as much of a foundation for the future. I needed more, and I told her that. Told her I wanted someone who would burn for me and make me burn for them. She looked at me blankly and went back to the Racing Post.

Maybe I didn’t do it right though, because after that, karma seemed to bite me on the arse with a vengeance. I completely struck out on Wednesday, saw a lucrative accumulator fall at the last on Thursday, and by the time the Gold Cup winner had been fêted by the adoring crowd on Friday afternoon, I was not only single and sexless, I was in a two-grand hole for the week.

That’s when I saw her. I was counting out twenties in front of Big Frank – the only bookie I really trusted by that point – when she marched past me, a slick-haired city boy on her arm. She was a blur of tits and boots and long brown hair, and all of a sudden I forgot about everything except my twitching, stiffening cock. It didn’t matter where they were going, because the jut of her chin alone told me exactly what they were going to do when they got there, and I knew I had to see it.

“Ok, that’s two hundred quid you’ve got on the table there. Jesus, are you sure you want to do this? You know I’m always happy to take your money, but even I’ve got a heart.”

“Frank, something tells me this is going to be my day after all. Just give me the slip – I’ll be back in 20 minutes to collect my winnings!”

I snatched the piece of paper out of Frank’s hand and tramped through the grass toward the jockeys’ car park. Right now it was the quietest part of the course, and sure enough there she was. Well, there they were. Her tights stretched between her ankles; his steadying hand on the small of her back as he fucked her hard. Their mouths opened and closed, but even though they were only 20 metres away from me, the sound was swallowed up by the buzz from the grandstand.

He shuddered against her as he came. The blood was thumping in my head: something about the way she threw her head back, lost in her own arousal, made me clutch the fence-post I was standing by for support. He slapped her on the arse and jogged back to the comfort of his corporate box, leaving her slumped against the railing, undone and undone.

I toyed with my belt, trying to ease the pressure on my cock. The head nudged hard against it, and I was torn between wanting her to look over – needing her to look over – and just slinking away from it all. From her. From Cheltenham. From myself. I’d made enough bad decisions over the course of the week, and the odds didn’t exactly feel like they were in my favour this time either.

The cheers only registered as the tannoy crackled into life.

“Confirmation that after a photo finish, the Foxhunter Chase Challenge Cup has been won by number 13, Eternal Optimist, at 25-1. Second was numbe…”

25-1. 200 quid. Five fucking grand!

The world came back into focus just as she raised her eyes to meet mine. I think one of us blushed, though I’d like to blame that on the alcohol. I took one step forward, then two, then three. She smiled, and shielded her eyes against the late afternoon sun as I got closer.

Maybe my luck was changing after all.

Erotica Uncategorized

Elust #60

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Photo courtesy of Chintz Curtain

Welcome to Elust #60

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #60? Start with the rules, come back August 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Shame Hurts

Of Cocks and Cunts: The Language of Erotica


~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

I may never suck another cock, but I’m still

The sofa

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!


Birthday Sex: the winners

Yes, that’s right, winners plural. I was originally only going to award one prize for this competition: it was conceived and executed in a rather impromptu, haphazard manner, and to be honest I wasn’t sure it would attract much of a response, in terms of either quantity or quality. Somehow, in the space of 31 hours, a whole bunch of you contrived to provide both.

I didn’t get any birthday sex of my own in the end, but what I did get was an inbox full of back-alley blowjobs, al fresco spanking, late-night quickies, anal for him, anal for her, handjobs, femsub, blindfolds, cupcakes, library frustration, female domination, and Anna Kournikova. Not a bad haul, all things considered. Reading (and re-reading, and re-reading, and…) them has been a cock-twitchingly enjoyable experience, so thank you all very much, and rest assured I’ll be tapping you up again in around five months for any tales of festive fun you might have to offer.

Right, on to the winners. I managed to narrow it down from 13 to eight this morning, from eight to five over lunch, and from five to three just now. The last two cuts probably deserve ‘honourable mention’ status, so I’ll give a tip of the cap now to Ella Dawson and Maria Merian, both of whom are really natural, engaging writers, with an eye for what makes a situation properly hot.

Third place goes to Oleander Plume. I’m not into spanking, I generally prefer my erotica gritty rather than funny, and Brent is quite frankly a ludicrously American excuse for a man’s name, but this story still really worked, and that’s down to the skill with which the author told it. Given how much I enjoyed this one, I imagine that anyone who does get off on being spanked probably didn’t make it all the way to the end without having to shove a hand down between their legs…

The runner-up this time is Anna Sky, who, in a mere 233 words, doesn’t so much give her man a sexy birthday present, as allow him to take it from her. It’s an incredibly simple piece of writing, and sort of sweet too (which doesn’t normally do it for me), but the imagery is so vivid, and so ridiculously hot, that when I woke up this morning feeling super-horny, Anna’s scenario was the first to load up in my head.

The winning entry kind of took me by surprise, because the author is completely new to me. However, Abby Cranky‘s untitled piece of absolute filth not only turned me on each time I read it this morning, it got my cock hard whenever I even thought about the birthday experiences that she described. Other pieces were more polished, other pieces were better structured, but in the end I felt that of all the stories I received, Abby’s was the one that best captured the spirit of what I had in mind when I wrote the brief. I might never have had memorable birthday sex, but it’s good to know that for three guys at least, things are very different!

Congratulations, Abby, and please get in touch by email or DM to let me know which of the prizes you’d like. Anna, you’ll then get to choose between the two remaining prizes, and Oleander, I’m afraid you get stuck with whatever’s left! I realise a couple of the prizes require the winner to surrender a level of anonymity, so Anna/Oleander, if that’s something you’re uncomfortable with, I’m sure I can come up with an alternative.

Thank you all for making my birthday so much fun – and so fucking sexy!




Birthday Sex: your stories

I’ve already had a few responses to yesterday’s request for birthday stories. I’m going to post them all on this thread, as they come in; the story titles/authors will be listed before the jump and posted in full after it, unless they’ve already been published elsewhere! If someone clever knows how (in WordPress) to hyperlink the story titles in a way that allows readers to click on a particular title and jump straight down to that story, please get in touch!

The deadline for submission is 2300 BST, and I’ll announce the winner (along with their chosen prize) shortly afterwards!

  1. Birthday Story, by Bawdy Bloke
  2. Fantasy Birthday, by Vida Bailey
  3. Birthday Sex, by Ella Dawson
  4. Untitled, by Bangs & Whimpers
  5. Happy Birthday, by Anna Sky
  6. Bucket List, by Charlie Powell
  7. Another Lonely Birthday, by 5amWriterMan
  8. What should have been for his birthday, by Åsa Winter
  9. Happy Birthday, by Oleander Plume
  10. Birthday Story, by Codex Deconstructed
  11. Untitled, by Abby Cranky
  12. Just Your Presence, by Ian Jade
  13. It’s My Birthday, by Maria Merian