Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Anonymous (February)

In order to get better spacing between Anonymous Sinful Sunday posts (and because I had a series of photos lined up to use last week), this ‘February’ edition is perhaps a bit misleadingly named. Many thanks to the two people who submitted photos for being patient about that; the work they supplied was definitely worth waiting for!


I couldn’t resist the “senses” prompt for March. Soft or fuzzy fabric warms me up for a time of action and soothes me afterwards like nothing else.


Standing and Waiting

I rarely stand naked for anyone. Taking clothes off usually happens quickly as part of moving on to other activities. But, as a natural exhibitionist, I took this photo, dropping the robe away from my body and leaving the silk belt tied so that I could feel what it is like to invite appraisal. I hope you enjoy it.


Sinful Sunday

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Sinful Sunday: Watched

I have this fantasy. About being watched.

I mean, I have a lot of fantasies about being watched. I’m an exhibitionist, after all.

But this one is different. This one is specific.

It starts in the bathroom. You’re clothed. I…am not. “I like watching you strip,” you say. “But now I want to watch you shower.”

Who am I to tell you no?*

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Airport Hotels

At six o’clock on Friday morning, I flew to Marrakech for the weekend. The early flight necessitated either catching a bus from Central London in the middle of the night, or holing up for a few hours in the airport Radisson; despite the additional expense, I was always going to choose the latter.

Is that mainly because I place a disproportionately high value on a decent night’s sleep? Perhaps…but alongside any practical considerations sat one compelling, indisputable fact: airport hotels are sexy.

Actually, airports are sexy full-stop. Maybe not always – at their worst, they can be dull, dreary, depressing, or a mixture of the three – but pass through one on the right day, in the right mood, for the right reason, and they positively hum with the promise of desire soon to be fulfilled.

The hotels attached to them are even more of a tease. Their bars host a heady mix of bored business travellers, giddy holidaymakers, and those left in limbo by cancelled flights or lengthy layovers. Most airports sit miles away from the cities they serve; the hotel guests constitute a captive audience, penned in and forced to find their own entertainment. Looking down on the main bar from my room at the Stansted Radisson, I watched strangers strike up conversation; saw work colleagues gradually shift laptops to one side and huddle closer over their drinks, bathed in pools of soft yellow light.

They’re not for everyone, but to me there’s something romantic about that kind of casual, transient hook-up. Meeting someone as you’re passing through, then flying off in different directions the next morning; your lives briefly illuminated by the few hours you spend together behind a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign and thick, soundproof curtains.

Maybe I’ve just watched Up In The Air too many times.

I didn’t venture down to the bar on Thursday night. Instead I lounged naked in my room with a bottle of wine and a good book. I put aside all cares and worries, and gave myself over to gleeful anticipation of the following morning’s flight; of a first trip to Africa; of the thrill of the new.

Airport hotels are sexy. Sometimes you don’t even need another person to help make them feel that way.

(Many thanks to the super-talented Oleander Plume for one again turning my mediocre attempts at photography into something approaching art!)

Sinful Sunday

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Anonymous (January)

The first Anonymous Sinful Sunday of 2015 maintains the same high standards established over the second half of last year. All three photos – as well as the words that accompany them – offer something compelling; they’re sexy, honest, and playful, and as a result, very much within the Sinful Sunday tradition. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as the three contributors clearly enjoyed taking them.

Winter in a Summer City

I spent the new year in Berlin. Us Brits like to create storms in teacups when it comes to the weather and three or four people had told me, with that slight tone of panic we so often use to talk about the weather, that Berlin was *definitely* a summer city. Why didn’t I wait a few months? Apparently I was foolish to be visiting when it would be so bitterly cold. I remembered a post from Exhibit A that mentioned naked sunbathing in Tiergarten and wondered fleetingly if the naysayers might be right. Then an idea was born…

There’s a no photography rule in Germany’s nude areas but unsurprisingly there weren’t too many naked people relaxing in Tiergarten’s retreating snow as the sun cast its weak light on the first day of 2015, so I broke the rules. The adrenalin rush and sharp bite of cold did wonders for my hangover!


Dressing Table




The tights are supposed to show Mickey and Minnie kissing each other but I like to view it as Mickey and Minnie kissing my ankles. I would love a MFF threesome. I guess Mickey & Minnie kissing my ankles is as close as I’ve ever got.

Sinful Sunday

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Anonymous (December)

I’ve really enjoyed hosting the anonymous Sinful Sunday photos over the last six months. Since launching the concept back in June, 13 sexy, challenging and beautiful images – from seven different women – have featured on this site (though one was later removed at the request of the person who submitted it). There’s been a mix of regular contributors and people who treated it as a thrilling one-off: an opportunity to do something they’d never done before and can’t imagine ever doing it again.

It didn’t entirely surprise me that all of the early submissions came from women. By and large, men have a much easier time of it on the internet, and it’s certainly a safer space for any guy wanting to show off his body. Few of us will be slut-shamed for posting photos of our dicks; nor does sharing explicit images tend to expose us to an unwanted slew of sexual advances, made on the assumption that because we get naked online, we ‘must be up for it’.

Still, I was starting to wonder whether I’d ever have a photo from a man to put up here – and then December happened. It might have taken six months, but on this final Sinful Sunday of 2014, it gives me great pleasure to present…

Going, Going, Gone


There will be more Sinful Sunday from me in 2015, and hopefully more Anonymous posts as well!

Sinful Sunday

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Pure Indulgence

Christmas is a time for enjoying the finer things in life. Champagne. Exquisitely-wrapped gifts. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men…

Erotica Sinful Sunday

Sinful Stories 2: Results

The last time I ran this contest, picking a winner proved to be, if not easy, then at least relatively clear-cut. It was always unlikely that things would fall as neatly into place the second time, but I’ve still been surprised (and dismayed/impressed) by how hard it’s been to choose three prize-winning stories out of the 15, let alone to elevate just one above the rest.

As of this morning, I still had six stories under consideration. The best I’ve been able to do since then is whittle that down to four. In my view, these are the entries that did the most effective job of taking the source material and turning it into an original, compelling, erotic story. The eagle-eyed among you will notice that none of the four winners used my Sinful Sunday photo – I enjoyed all five of the stories based on that image (especially Tamsin Flowers’ offering), but I have to admit that I found it hard to read them with an objective eye, a failing for which I can only apologise.

I’d like to very quickly thank Charlie in the Pool, @mandapen, and one anonymous contributor for entering this competition – for all three of them, it was a first foray into writing and submitting erotica, and all three stories were really good. Happily, this came as no surprise.

Ok, on to the runners-up. I picked two of these because I thought they made superb use of the image they selected, and one because it was just damn hot. To accommodate the extra winner, I’ve rejigged the prize structure a bit.

Runner-up: GT, by Charlie Powell (Charlie wins a $15 voucher from Dreamspinner Press)

This story shows that some people really do write better under pressure. Several people put a creative twist on Molly Moore’s fabulous photo, but this was at the same time both the simplest and the most effective, in my view.


Runner-up: Dirty, by Oleander Plume (Oleander wins a copy of Candy Box, the latest illustrated anthology from Sweetmeats Press)

This is flat-out filthy, and I love it for that! Oleander knows how to write a sex scene, and in this story she puts a completely different – but equally effective – spin on Molly’s picture.

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Runner-up: Pedalling, by Juniper Three (Juniper wins a copy of Chemical Sex – unless she’s already bought one, in which case, um…)

I liked this story more and more each time I read it. In a little under 500 words, Juniper manages to conjure up a really strong sense of place, atmosphere, and deep, intense longing – no mean feat. She was the only one to pick Asa Winter’s super-sexy photo, and I’m glad she did, because the story she turned it into is both original and great.

Don't you love to shop in your pajamas?

And now the winner. I would feel slightly guilty about giving her top spot for a second time, if it wasn’t for the fact that the readers apparently agreed with me (more on that in a minute). Without any further ado, I give you…

Winner: Drive, by Malin James (Malin wins a £50 voucher from Sh!, London’s leading sex toy store/website)

At this point, I think Malin and HappyComeLucky should just release their own series of photo-themed erotica, because for the second time, HCL’s superb image has been turned into a really fresh, imaginative piece of fiction by Ms James. It tells a great story, and does it in a way that never feels forced or unnatural – the words were created to fit the image, but it could just as easily have been the other way around, and above all that’s what makes it the winner.

Readers Choice Award

The Readers Choice vote was extremely tight, and yet again I made a rod for my own back by not anticipating the lack of a clear outcome. The top five finished as follows:

1 (=). Cold for July, by Charlie Powell (image: Contemplation, by Understanding Flutterby)

1 (=). Drive, by Malin James (image: Drive, by HappyComeLucky)

3 (=). Your Turn, by Charlie in the Pool

3 (=). Counting Pennies, by Maria Sibylla

5. GT, by Charlie Powell

As there was no clear winner, I’ll discuss prize options with the two who tied for top spot.

Ok, that’s your lot! Thanks to everyone who took part, to Sh!, Dreamspinner Press, and Sweetmeats Press for donating prizes – and once again, a special thanks to Molly, and to all the contributors to Sinful Sunday, for allowing me to tie this contest in with one of the most enduring and valuable memes around.



Erotica Sinful Sunday

Sinful Stories 2: Readers Choice Award

I’ve been a bit slow with this one, but here’s the voting page for the Sinful Stories Readers Choice Award. There was no sponsor for this one in the end, so I’m going to give the winner the choice between three prize options:

  1. A £15 (~$25) Amazon voucher
  2. The opportunity to write a guest post for this site, on a subject of their choice
  3. An audio version of their story, read by me, for them to use as they please

(Hint: pick the voucher)

13 of the 15 entries are listed below, so just vote for your favourite! You can find links to the stories themselves here. The other two stories aren’t available to read online, so they’re not eligible for this award, though they remain contenders for the main prizes.

The poll will close at 2300 UK time on Sunday 30th November, and I’ll announce all the winners at that point.



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Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Catching up on my reading…

When I moved back to London in June, I knew that if I wanted to continue to live alone, I’d probably have to look for a place out in the suburbs; living somewhere more central would mean finding another person with whom to split the cost. I hadn’t flat-shared since early 2011, and it wasn’t a prospect I relished, but in the end I decided that I was willing to do it in order to be a bit closer to the action.

My flatmate is a nice guy, and I find it easier than I thought I would to inhabit the same space as another person. There are things I miss about living alone though. I miss not having to worry about the bathroom being occupied when I want to shower in the morning. I miss playing whatever music I like, late at night, safe in the knowledge that I won’t wake someone up in the room next to mine. And I miss just hanging out naked on a cold, wet Saturday evening, in those cosy, tea-filled hours between getting back from hockey and going out on the town.

This weekend, my flatmate is away. In his absence, I’ve taken a couple of luxuriously long showers; I’ve listened to all of my favourite songs on full volume; and, last night, as the rain fell outside my window, I stretched out on the sofa with a glass of wine and a book, to enjoy the moment properly…


Sinful Sunday

P.S. Yes, this is also a shameless plug for Chemical [se]X. If you want to win a copy, just take a guess at which of the 12 other authors I was reading when I took this photo (I’m not so narcissistic that I masturbate to my own writing…). Leave your guess in the comments below, or post it on Twitter, and I’ll arrange for a free copy to be sent to the first person who gets it right.

Erotica Sinful Sunday

Sinful Stories 2: Competition Entries

This post will collate all of the entries to my second Sinful Stories writing competition, with links to all of the stories that have been published online. I’ll try to update it every day between now and the deadline (Monday 24th November); if you want to enter, and are happy for others to read your submission, please send me the link and I’ll add it below.

If you’re planning to take part, or if you’re a regular Sinful Sunday contributor, please do take the time to read some of the entries, and offer feedback where appropriate – I’m pretty sure it’ll be appreciated!

  1. I Want You, My Way, by Beck And Her Kinks
  2. Pedalling, by Juniper Three
  3. Don’t Speak, by Tamsin Flowers
  4. Your Turn, by Charlie In The Pool
  5. The Wall, by Fantastical Thought
  6. Drive, by Malin James
  7. Focus, by Ian Jade
  8. Full Moon, by HappyComeLucky
  9. Cold for July, by Charlie Powell
  10. Counting Pennies, by Maria Sibylla
  11. Dirty, by Oleander Plume
  12. GT, by Charlie Powell
  13. Heartbreak Hotel, by @mandapen
  14. Reflections and Masks, by Fantastical Thought
  15. Room 308, by Anonymous

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