
Threesomes and Group Sex: a (long) discussion with Coffee & Kink

This is the third post I’ve co-authored with my lovely friend Amy, who blogs over at Coffee & Kink. You can find the other two here and here, and do go check out the rest of her writing, because both it and she are awesome. Seriously.

For this (lightly edited) chat, we decided to tackle threesomes and group sex. We both have a fair bit of experience in that department (you can read things I’ve written on the subject here, here and here, and it also features in a LOT of my fiction), so it’s perhaps no surprise that the final transcript runs to over 4,000 words. For this, I make absolutely no apology…

Other photos Sex Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Sexual

Following Tuesday’s successful scan, we’re down in Dorset visiting Liv’s parents and celebrating our good/life-changing news. That meant dinner with some of my in-laws’ family friends last night, and a lovely, long lunch with my parents today. Throughout it all, there’s been plenty of baby chat, of course, which Liv and I have done nothing to discourage – it’s still early enough in the whole process that everything is fresh and exciting, even if it does mean answering the same questions several times over.

It’s almost two months now since we found out that Liv is pregnant, so in one sense we’ve had plenty of time to get used to the news, especially given that we started trying for a baby in January. This was definitely planned: we didn’t have to deal with the shock of discovering that our birth control had failed us; nor were we left cursing that one time we decided to ‘go ahead and risk it’, only to find ourselves staring at an unwanted blue line a few weeks later.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Dark Corners

Ever since visiting Clearwell Caves and Wookey Hole as a child – along with the grottes and caverns of the Dordogne – I’ve been fascinated and instinctively unsettled by cave systems. There’s something alien about the cool, still air that fills their networks of chambers and tunnels, and it’s easy to be disorientated by the way light reflects off different surfaces or sound echoes at unexpected angles.

One of my favourite horror movies, The Descent, brings to grotesque life some of our worst fears about what might happen were we to find ourselves trapped below ground for too long. For some people, giving that terror corporeal form is unnecessary – the claustrophobia alone makes the idea of being surrounded by that much rock a deeply unpleasant one.


No Mercy

Three years ago, I wrote a two-part story called ‘No Mercy’ for Rebecca Black, an erotica author who hosted guest pieces on her blog. That blog has been dormant since late 2015, so I feel like the time is right to reclaim the story and publish it here too! I’ve pulled the two parts together into one long (~2,600 words) whole, but other than that it hasn’t been edited/changed at all. Enjoy!

For the third time in under 10 minutes, I checked the programme and glanced down at my watch. Four speakers still to come. Another four hours of industry analysis, laboured anecdotes, and thinly disguised self-promotion.

“Kill me now,” I mouthed at Scott, who merely rolled his eyes in response. His notebook was filling up with page after page of his neat cursive; my colleagues’ ability to drink in and digest bullshit had never ceased to amaze me, and Scott certainly had no intention of breaking that streak.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Bunk Up

Overnight train journeys spent in a private compartment are inherently glamorous. They’re James Bond and Tatiana Romanova on the Orient Express, or Eva Marie Saint purring seductively at Cary Grant in North by Northwest. They’re fancy dining cars with waiters in white tie, followed by late-night cocktails and sex with a mysterious stranger…

…but most of all, they’re falling asleep to the rhythm of the train, as it clack-clacks softly through the night, whisking you off to somewhere new and exciting – or back to the familiar comforts of home.


A Diary of my One-Night Stands, vol. 2

A few weeks ago, I started a new series of posts, documenting some of the one-night stands I’ve had over the years. To read the background (and vol. 1), click here.


Confession: I knew sex was on the table from your very first DM:

“Upon hearing whispers of your notorious reputation I did think you were a bit of a dick for a while, but I’m starting to warm to you now. Keep up the good work…x”

I don’t have a sixth sense for these things, exactly, but time and experience teach you any number of valuable lessons, especially when it comes to fucking. Something in your tone – direct and just a little provocative – immediately grabbed my attention. It’s not the way most people introduce themselves to total strangers, even on the Internet. What were you warming to, I wondered, but didn’t ask.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Rumpled

I’ve never seen the point of ironing my shirt-tails. I work in the corporate world, where it’s important to show up looking at least moderately well put together, but even on days warm enough for me to leave my jacket or jumper at home, those last few incriminating inches are always tucked safely out of sight, under the waistband of my suit trousers. No-one is ever likely to see them.

Except you.

You’re the one who wants to yank at my belt in the office toilets, or under your desk while I stare out into the busy corridor.


The Big Exhibit A Fucktoy Fiesta!

A few weeks ago, the lovely people at Satisfyer emailed me to ask whether I’d like to test and review their new penis toy, ‘Satisfyer Men’. Liv and I already own several of their clitoral vibes, and I’ve seen first-hand how effective they can be, so I replied immediately to accept their generous offer.

Fast-forward to last night, when we arrived home to find a large box waiting for us in the hallway outside our flat. Bit excessive for one toy, I thought – and a bit heavy too, once I lifted it up to take inside.

It was only when we opened the box that I discovered the extent of Satisfyer’s generosity. They’d sent me not one, not two, not three…this could take a while…not 10, but 11 (ELEVEN) sex toys from across their range! The stack of mini-boxes came with a short note:

“This parcel contains our brand new Satisfyer Family products. Please feel free to use your samples to share the fun with your friends, or as a giveaway for your followers.”

So that’s exactly what I’m going to do.


On Being Excellent at Blow Jobs (a guest post!)

Last week I posed the following question on Twitter:

“If you asked all your current and former sexual partners what the best things about fucking you are, what do you think they’d say?”

I got so many interesting responses that I’m going to work them up into a blog post at some point very soon. Before that though, I want to share a wonderfully detailed answer I received from someone who wishes to be known only as The Anonymous Linguist…for reasons that will rapidly become clear…

“They’d say I’m unequivocally excellent at blow jobs, and this I put down to French A Level and 100% enthusiasm in how brilliant penises are.”

Let’s say I spent ten years utterly terrified by penises, which I did. I didn’t become a cock-hungry slut until my late twenties, and I couldn’t tell you how or why, only that it felt like all of a sudden I craved it like nothing else.

It was as if I had only now begun to value my tongue and mouth. I had used them only for talking, singing, eating and brief kisses for so long, it was a revelation that they wished to pursue pleasure on a grander yet far more intimate scale.

All at once I became aware of my pink, flexible tongue – its particular skill in navigating foreign languages – and I remembered something that happened almost a decade before.

I loved languages at school. A painfully saved-for family holiday to France when I was six had instilled in me the beauty of foreign tongues, and maybe just a little of the self-importance that comes with being multilingual. Unfortunately due to crippling shyness, I would stubbornly refuse to speak any of these languages I excelled at as soon as we arrived at Calais. My parents despaired, but I continued with French (GCSE A*), adding German (GCSE A) before ultimately sticking with the devil I knew and only keeping French when I started my A levels (I regret this now, but at the time the idea of being the only person taking German A level was horrifying).

Nevertheless, it was still a shock when I was told I’d be getting the foreign languages award at school prize-giving.

Due to the start dates of my first university term I was already in the wilds of Yorkshire when the ceremony took place, but I am assured that when my award was announced, my French mistress took to the podium to wax lyrical on my ‘excellent oral skills’.

All through my penis fear those words stuck with me. I have oral skills. I nearly took Dutch as my first elective but chickened out to the safety of an arts based module. I liked the way my tongue moved when I tried to manipulate my awkward eighteen year old self into continental sexiness, breathing French phrases to my suitably impressed boyfriend at the time.

Once, on a social media platform long-since relegated to the graveyard of teenage fancy, a stranger told me I had a beautiful mouth. At the moment we are experiencing the longest fucking winter on record so my pout is dry and a little lacklustre, but my lips are full and a muddy pink, with two rows of even, attractive teeth between. These days I draw attention to my beautiful mouth, delicately flicking out my tongue and tracing the outer edges with my finger ‘absent mindedly’.

When I suck cock I remember my French lessons, German lessons. I repeat the alphabet in exaggerated motions over my lover’s erection, which is beautiful, a work of art. Incredulous I ever thought they were universal implements of torture. How is the skin so soft and malleable yet the flesh beneath hardens at my touch, as though I’m willing it into existence. I never feel so powerful as when I’m knelt before him, tasked with his release.

So now, I adore cock. I feel as though provision of oral sex may be the most important task my beautiful mouth was created for.

Even now as I write, I realise my mouth is open, in that cute yet slightly awkward way, my tongue folding and flickering over itself, thinking about how I could be spending my morning were I not alone today. Aware of my lithe, wicked tongue and all the ways I would employ it to make you shudder and gasp.


Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Flick

I love feeling your mouth on my cock. The upward turn at the corner of your lips as you push them down over the head and ease me to the back of your throat. The way your face changes the longer you suck it – the pink flush that blooms outwards on each cheek, and the tears that gather and threaten to spill out of your eyelids. The cushioned glide of your tongue along the underside of the shaft.

But sometimes – every once in a while – I don’t want your mouth on my cock at all.

Sometimes I want you just out of reach, so I can see how much you need to suck it. Sometimes I want you to work for that feeling of fullness in your mouth and throat – for the sting and the splutter and the spit that coats your chin and glistens on the head of my dick.