Cock shots Sex Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Good Dick Day

We all have good hair days. We all have bad hair days. The same goes for skin, butts, and really any element of our physical appearance that’s linked in some way to self-confidence or body image – which kinda makes sense. The more time you spend scrutinising or judging something about yourself, the more likely you are to construct a spectrum on which to assess it (whether that’s ultimately healthy/helpful or not).

On Friday, I had a Good Dick Day.

After some great sex the night before, followed by eight hours of largely undisturbed sleep, I woke up feeling cheerful and positive. I worked from home in the morning, which meant camping out on the sofa in my dressing gown, with free and easy access to my body.


On sleeping naked

I’ve been sleeping naked for over 22 years. I know it’s been that long because until the age of 14, I wore pyjamas – and never once considered that there might be an alternative. It was only in the summer of 1995, when I belatedly discovered masturbation – and by extension, my own body – that going to bed at night without exchanging one set of clothes for another began to seem not just appealing but essential.

It’s no coincidence that the two developments occurred in parallel. I sleep naked these days out of habit and because, ultimately, it’s more comfortable, but there’s always been a sexual aspect to it as well, which I guess is why I’m writing about it here. Right from the start, on those sticky, sweaty, school holiday nights, I’d lie face-down and grind my cock against the cool bedsheet, seeking relief from both the nocturnal heat and my own raging hormones. Or I’d grip the duvet between my thighs and squeeze tight, till I could feel myself throb with a desire that I was still only just beginning to understand.


Erotic Writing Contest: Song Lyrics


Last night I went with Exposing 40 to see one of my favourite bands, Manic Street Preachers, play a special set at the Camden Roundhouse for the Q Music Awards.

During each song, they flashed up on a video screen an excerpt from the lyrics – in some cases just a couple of words, in others 3-4 lines. I took a photo of the first one, then the second…then the third…and as I did so, I had an idea.

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Sinful Sunday: Triptych

Get a bunch of sex bloggers together in a bar with a corridor of atmospherically-lit, individual toilet cubicles, and there’s only ever going to be one outcome.

What started as a post-session photo of @bibulousone‘s bruised arse quickly became an opportunity to create the kind of view that might stop a horny, pervy passer-by in their tracks. Something both arresting and inviting, with a hint of illicit filth. Thanks to Exposing 40 and her camera, I think we managed to do just that…

Sinful Sunday
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Tangible Proof of Us (guest post by @katteroo_)

Some guest posts don’t really require an introduction – they’re that good. This is one of them. It was written by my friend @katteroo_, so if it resonates with you in some way, do let her know via Twitter.

Trigger/content warning: suicide

Tangible Proof of Us

We weren’t in love. He wasn’t about to leave his wife for me; it wasn’t that sort of thing. But we had become incredibly fond of each other and over time we’d shared a lot. He was under my skin in a way that not many partners have been. There was the rhythm of daily chat that you can enjoy when you are completely at ease with each other. Each day book-ended with morning hellos and goodnight kisses, with every shade of nonsense and earnest truths in between.


A guide to going down on me (or: three readers respond!)

After I published this post on Wednesday, explaining (in some detail) exactly how to suck my cock, I tweeted a fairly straightforward challenge (well, request) to my vulva-owning readers:

It took less than 24 hours for the first essay to hit my inbox, and another two swiftly followed. I decided to save them up and read all three in one session…which turned out to be an excellent idea, because it really brought home (in a wonderful way!) just how different they are. How different we are.

For every woman who likes firm, constant clitoral pressure, there’s another who doesn’t want you to go near her clit at all. For every woman who gets off on rhythmic G-spot stimulation as she’s being licked, you’ll find one who prefers to have your fingers teasing the entrance to her vagina – or buried deep in her arse.

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A guide to sucking my cock

I was casting around recently for blog ideas, and in the gratifyingly deep pool of suggestions, one floated immediately to the top. It came from a regular reader, who got in touch to request a post on my oral sex technique.

“Women’s magazines publish endless articles on how to give the ‘perfect’ blow job,” she said. “We hear much less about how to give head to women, so I’d be interested to hear your perspective on that – plus any tips and techniques for doing it right.”

There aren’t many activities I swoon over more than eating someone out, as various posts and photos from the last couple of years will attest. It’s one of the most sensual, intimate, toe-curlingly pleasurable things about partnered sex, and I thank my lucky stars on a daily basis that I’m marrying someone who enjoys it as much as I do.


Random shit

Introducing Exhibit A


Regular readers can probably skip this post. After four years and over 400 posts, most of you know who I am (well…kinda), what I write, and what you can expect to find here.

If you’re visiting my blog for the first time, that probably means you’ve just read my debut piece for All you know about me at this point is that I love it when women sit on my face, and while that’s a decent start, it might be worth putting a bit of meat on those bare bones.

Ok, here we go.

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Sinful Sunday (Anonymous): Steps

This week, I’m turning over my Sinful Sunday post to one of my Twitter followers, who contacted me recently with this request:

I quietly follow Sinful Sunday, and it feels like a safe and mutually supportive environment, full of good people, but I don’t think I’m ready to start a blog of my own.

You don’t get if you don’t ask, so…if I take a picture to go along with this, is it something you would consider hosting?

When I read the rest of the text she sent me, I was struck by her simple and powerful words, and the bravery behind them. As she said in a follow-up message:

I love my tits. I’m going to miss them. I need to do something daring (for me) that will remain out there.

I think that’s a sentiment we can all applaud.