Random shit

Camden Drinks – Thursday 10th August

Attention all! Or all who live in/near London, anyway. As I mentioned in this blog post a few months ago, Liv and I are doing Streak for Tigers again this year.

The event is next Thursday (10th August), and there are still tickets available for anyone who wants to join us, but if getting naked and running round the zoo isn’t your kind of thing, we’re ALSO planning to go for a few (or more than a few) drinks afterwards in Camden, as sort of a pre-wedding celebration with all the friends we’ve made via Twitter and blogging over the last couple of years.

There will be wine, (optional) food, and almost certainly a fair bit of filthy chat. Frankly, I can’t wait. If you’re reading this and would like to come along, email/DM me and I’ll let you know all the details. I realise it’s relatively short notice, but we hope at least a few of you will be able to make it!


EA xxx

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Scottish Tourist Board

Visit Scotland! Seriously, visit Scotland. Come here for Edinburgh and Glasgow, sure – and even for lovely, un-lovely Dundee, the city of jute, jam and journalism – but come most of all for the wide open spaces in-between. 

You’ll find those in the Highlands and Islands – on Mull and Skye, up Ben Nevis and along the shores of Loch Lomond – but you don’t have to go that far north. 

Consider instead the Cairngorms, home to the highest, coldest, and snowiest plateaux in the British Isles. Here you’ll find five of Scotland’s six highest mountains, and 18 Munros in total, as well as the ski resort of Glenshee. Go conquer one of those craggy, slate-grey peaks, and give yourself some time at the top to enjoy the stunning views! 

From the Cairngorms, you can travel south along the A93, the highest major public road in the United Kingdom, towards the glens of Angus and Perthshire. On either side of you, you’ll see deep, u-shaped valleys, formed millions of years ago by giant, slow-moving glaciers. Make sure you find somewhere to stop and take in the bleak majesty of this ancient landscape, surrounded by its eerie, wind-ruffled silence. 

By the time you make it down to the charming fort town of Dunkeld, the monochrome panorama will have yielded to lush, verdant forests and the whitewater streams that wend their way through them. This is ‘Big Tree Country’, so park up at The Hermitage and walk through the ancient oaks and Douglas firs to the swirling Black Linn Falls of the River Braan, up at Ossian’s Hall. 

For even wilder water, you’ll need to press on to Dundee and across the Tay Bridge to Fife. There you can take the narrow coastal road out to Tentsmuir Beach, a vast stretch of pine-scented sand that runs along the edge of the forest towards St Andrews. The North Sea really lashes the shore here, so get ready for a bracing swim if you do venture out into the waves! Alternatively, just hunker down among the dunes with a packet of sandwiches and a flask of tea…or something a little stronger. 

After a full day out in the fresh air, you’ll need somewhere cosy to settle in for the evening. Luckily, Scotland is full of gorgeous boutique hotels, where you can warm yourself by the fire, and enjoy the best freshwater fish and local meat the UK has to offer. Whether you order salmon or trout, grouse or venison, beef or lamb, you’ll tuck in knowing that your food has come straight from the lochs, rivers, farms and forests to your plate. 

Chase down your meal with some boozy trifle or cranachan, and a tot or two from your host’s collection of single malts, then burrow under the duvet till morning. I guarantee you’ll wake up ready to do it all over again… 

Sinful Sunday

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Library

The library door was thick and none of the ordinary sounds that might have reminded them, might have held them back, could reach them. They were beyond the present, outside time, with no memories and no future. There was nothing but obliterating sensation, thrilling and swelling… (Atonement, p. 136)

What if that library door wasn’t so thick? What if you could see us through the glass, fucking against the shelves? My hands on her waist as she clings to the librarian’s ladder, in a desperate attempt to keep herself upright. Calves straining, thighs braced and taut; a study in controlled kineticism.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: 36

Today was my birthday – I am now 36 years old. I like to think I went about marking this auspicious occasion in the right way… 

Here’s to the very best of years, and ALL the exciting things still to come! 

Sinful Sunday

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Dip

This month’s Sinful Sunday prompt is the letter D, which throws up all sorts of interesting and obvious possibilities. Dick. Dildo. Doggy. Dungeon (we have a cellar, after all!). Dom. Domme…

For anyone wanting to steer clear of nouns, there are plenty of verbs and adjectives that would fit the bill. Dark. Degradation. Deep. Delicate. Delicious. Defiant.

It’s why I really like the letter prompts. They’re so wonderfully simple – and therefore inclusive – but at the same time they leave huge scope for unusual and creative responses. You can take them in almost any direction you like.


KOTW: Fingering

This is my fourth post for Smutathon 2017! It’s also my slightly rushed response to this week’s Kink of the Week prompt…

To learn more about Smutathon, click here – if you’d like to help out with the fundraising effort, go straight to our JustGiving page here!

You want to know the best thing about fingering? From a guy’s perspective, I mean. The best thing about fingering – and there’s a pretty long list of contenders – is that you can do it ANYWHERE. Anywhere. Here are some of the places I’ve fingered Liv recently:

  • A crowded Soho bar on a Saturday night, while she chatted casually to a couple of her friends
  • Our car, while she was driving
  • Our car, while I was driving
  • The Eurostar, gently, as she drifted in and out of sleep, making those fucking incredible mm-ing noises as I touched her
  • Mid-flight, under a blanket – much better than trying to fuck in a cramped aeroplane toilet
  • The cinema. Which film? ALL the films!
  • The Northern Line
  • The Metropolitan Line
  • This could go on for a while…
Erotica Sex

Scenes of a Sexual Nature (01:38-03:07)

This is my third post for Smutathon 2017! It’s also the follow-up to this post from January, about a sex party Livvy and I attended last autumn. I’ve been meaning to finish my account of that night for a while now, and this feels like as good a time as any. If you missed the original post at the time, do go and check it out before you read any further!

To learn more about Smutathon, click here – if you’d like to help out with the fundraising effort, go straight to our JustGiving page here!


By the time I break the kiss and crawl back across the bed, I’m ready to fuck. To my surprise, Claire follows, pulling away from the guy between her legs and positioning herself next to Liv’s left shoulder. I can see what she wants to do, and I’m curious to see how Liv will respond; this is definitely out of her comfort zone, and I don’t want to push her either way.


On hate sex

This is my second post for Smutathon 2017! To learn more about Smutathon, click here – if you’d like to help out with the fundraising effort, go straight to our JustGiving page here!

“Never kiss a Tory!”

That’s right, isn’t it? Never kiss a Tory, not in this political climate, and especially not when they’ve just helped to re-elect (albeit narrowly) a government that has so little regard for the poor, the disabled, the queer, and pretty much anyone who doesn’t look like a cishet, white…Tory.

You can even buy t-shirts proclaiming your purity in that regard. It’s a statement worn as a badge of honour: not only am I very much NOT a Tory, I wouldn’t even consider dirtying my lips with one of the fuckers. That’s how evil they are – they don’t deserve the gift of my body.

And I get it. Physical attraction is great, but most of us want to kiss – or fool around with, or fuck – people we also like and respect, at least on some level. Anyone who identifies as a Tory clearly has a set of priorities and concerns so far removed from those held by most of you reading this post that it can be hard to get your head around why you might want to kiss them, never mind why you would actually go ahead and do it.


Racquet Tension

This is my first post for Smutathon 2017! To learn more about Smutathon, click here – if you’d like to help out with the fundraising effort, go straight to our JustGiving page here!

I’m in the communal shower block of a modest suburban leisure centre, and it’s completely empty – empty, except for me and him. This is not unusual. We play squash during the daytime, well before the post-work peak, and a lot of guys don’t bother getting changed anyway. They just pack up their stuff and dash off, hurrying back to the office or home to their families.

But we don’t need to dash off anywhere. We have time, and I use that time to watch him. Not openly, not obviously – I’m not brave enough for that – but whenever he tosses his head back to rinse off his hair, or reaches over to squeeze shower gel into his hands from the dispenser fixed to the wall, my eyes are on him.

They roam over the tight arse muscles that bunch and flex with each twist of his body. They follow the torrent of soapy water that runs along a seam from the base of his throat down his chest, to tumble off his breastbone and wash over his dimpled stomach.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Working From Home

As is the case for many consultants – freelance and otherwise – what my current job lacks in excitement, it more than makes up for in flexibility. I’m not my own master, exactly, but I have a lot of freedom to manage my work schedule, and no-one expects me to stay chained to my desk from 9-5, Monday to Friday – as long as I continue to deliver the results my client is looking for, of course.

It all means that if I don’t have any meetings, or I just need a bit of peace and quiet to focus on an important project, I’m usually able to work from home – and I love that. I love how productive I am, without the distraction of chattering colleagues and needless interruptions. I love being able to roll out of bed five minutes before I start work, and to take long lunch breaks in the knowledge that I’ll make up the time later in the day. And most of all I love setting my laptop to one side for five minutes, stretching out on the sofa, and relaxing with a cup of tea, next to the living room window.

Clothing optional…