Cock shots Sex

10 Days

For 10 moderately tortuous days over the last couple of weeks, I didn’t have an orgasm. I had plenty of sex – probably more, in fact, than I’ve had in any other 10-day period for quite some time – but at no point did I actually get to come.

This brief (and at the same time seemingly endless) period of climactic abstinence came about because Liv decided to join in Tabitha Rayne’s 30-day orgasm project. When I suggested that I might give it a go as well, she pointed out that it might be altogether more interesting if I went the other way instead, and made it an orgasm denial challenge. Denial (in its various forms) is a definite kink of mine – as Liv knows well – so I wasn’t about to back down once she’d put it on the table.

Random shit

Pre-wedding Party! (+naked zoo-running)

(tl;dr – we’re having a pre-wedding shindig on Thursday 10th August for our blogging/Twitter friends, and you’re all invited!)

As many of you know, Livvy and I have already set a date for our wedding later this year. We’ll be tying the knot down in Hampshire at the end of September – six months next Thursday, in fact. It means that preparations are very much in full swing, and we’ve made pretty good progress over the last few weeks. The marquee is booked, Liv’s bought her dress and shoes, we have a colour scheme (or so I’m told)…things are roughly on track!

One thing we haven’t yet finalised is the guest list, and that’s not going to be easy. Getting all our favourite people together in one place? Hell yes. Telling a handful of friends or family members that we simply don’t have room for them? Ugh, no thanks. Figuring out exactly where to draw that line – and who falls either side of it – is the painful little sting in the tail of what is otherwise a very enjoyable process; one I’m not looking forward to tackling when the time comes.


Pegging: everything you need to know…and more! (co-authored with Coffee & Kink)

On Sunday morning, I sat down with lovely fellow blogger Coffee & Kink, to talk about pegging! Pegging, for those of you who don’t know, is the act of a woman (or any person with a vulva) fucking a man (or any person with a penis) anally with a strap-on. The term was coined when it won a contest in Dan Savage’s “Savage Love” column to name the act!

CK is a queer cis woman. She identifies as polyamorous, a swinger, and a mainly submissive switch. I’m a straight cis man, and…well you broadly know what kind of stuff I like!

Here’s what we had to say…

EA: Right, ok! So pegging. It might be useful to start with a bit of context here. At Eroticon, we discussed the possibility of you writing a guest post for me, and a few days later you suggested pegging as a potential topic. Can you explain a bit about why you landed on that, and what you had in mind?

Random shit Sex


Your body is a wonderland

Your body is a wonder (I’ll use my hands)

Your body is a wonderland

You’re fast asleep next to the open window when I step silently into our room. The duvet is heaped in a pile at the foot of the mattress, and your naked body is lit by the soft glow of the desk lamp above you. You look small and almost impossibly pale, stretch-curled out on a black ocean of bedsheet, head only just clinging to the edge of a pillow. There’s enough of a breeze to lift the hairs on your forearms, and I think about covering you back up again – but I can’t. Not yet. I need to look at you first. I need to drink you in – to stand in the doorway and fill my already-overflowing heart with this perfect image of you sleeping naked in our bed – because baby, you are stunning.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Cock Star

Two weekends ago, Livvy and I hosted an engagement party on Saturday night, then got both sets of parents and assorted siblings together for lunch on Sunday. Last weekend was completely swallowed up (in the most marvellous, magical way) by the chaos of Eroticon 2017. And on the Friday just gone, we got dolled up in our best Parisian finery for what turned out to be an almost perfect evening at Secret Cinema with Liv’s two sisters.

So it’s fair to say that by last night, we were both flagging a bit. The last few weeks have been a blast, but they haven’t left much time for R&R. Actually, you could say that about 2017 in general.

As we got ready to go out to the latest After Pandora sex party, I realised that not only had I failed to sort out a costume, I wasn’t sure I was even in the mood for kinky, exhibitionistic fun. A sad state of affairs indeed.


Habla con ella (audio version!)

Ever since I first attended Eroticon back in 2014, one of my favourite bits of the entire weekend (and there are many contenders for that honour) has been the Sunday afternoon erotica readings, hosted by the indomitable Zak Jane Keir.

This year, a baker’s dozen of writers and bloggers – from published authors to nervous beginners – took to the microphone to share their work, and I was one of them. I went with this story, which I wrote in 2015 and had largely forgotten about, until I dug it out of a folder on Sunday morning. Appropriately enough, it will be two years old tomorrow – for that reason and many others, I’m really glad I got the chance to stand up and read it out to such a warm, welcoming conference audience.

Erotica Sex

Your Fantasies (vol. 3) – an International Women's Day special

Of all the things I’ve done on this site over the last year, I’m not sure any have proved quite as enjoyable as the two collections of reader fantasies I published in June and September. They showcased such a rich, honest, intimate – and occasionally surprising – array of desires and sexual scenarios that I wanted to jump for joy with each one I read.

The feedback on that whole mini project was really good, so I’ve been meaning to revive it for a while – for a variety of reasons, International Women’s Day felt like the perfect opportunity. Women make up the bulk of my readership, for one thing, and while the sex blogging community is fantastic at representing and championing female desire, the wider world is rather less receptive; in fact, it’s still often openly hostile to anything that even suggests women might enjoy fucking for the sake of fucking, especially when it turns out that what they want is unapologetically – proudly – explicit or filthy.

Here, then, are a whole bunch of fantasies – straightforward and complex, kinky and vanilla – that women have sent me over the last 12 hours. I loved reading through each and every one of them, and I hope you do too. In fact, I’ll go one step further: I hope more women feel empowered to voice, write about, and act on their own sexual fantasies as a result of the work published here today – because that would be kind of awesome.


Dark Sky

I wrote this story back in 2014 for Tamsin Flowers’ advent calendar erotica project. As that seems to have disappeared from her site for the time being, I thought I’d publish it here too, for anyone who didn’t read it at the time

As the plane reached cruising altitude, our captain dimmed the cabin lights and I settled back in my seat. I’d counted on getting bumped up to Business, but with only 10 days till Christmas I wasn’t the only guy in a suit looking for an excuse to head back to London; instead, I’d killed a couple of hours in the airline lounge before take-off, and I knew that even squeezed against the window in Economy, the free booze wouldn’t take long to work its magic.

Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 28th: Secret Ingredient

Happy Pancake Day, everyone! And I hope you’ve all enjoyed February Photo Fest as much as I have…

Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 27th: Suit Porn

27 days into February Photo Fest and still no full-on #SuitPorn pictures? Well that won’t do at all. Here, have three to make up for it…

(Coda: I was going to write more about these photos, but actually tonight it’s best if you fill in the gaps! Maybe you want to picture yourself somewhere just out of shot, on your knees like a good girl, ready to suck my cock. Or maybe you’re the one in charge, sitting coolly on the bed, telling me to strip for you – to wank for you. There are a million variations on both those themes, of course, along with all sorts of kinky, filthy scenarios both in-between and way outside them. Let me be your blank canvas on this particular occasion – do with it as you please.)