Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 17th: Cock

I was talking to a blogger friend this evening about February Photo Fest, and the difficulty of finding something sexy or erotic to photograph every single day for a month.

“Remember, not every post has to have some deeper meaning,” The Brunette said. “One of the reasons why I really like Livvy’s photos is that they’re often very simple. Classic. Not too much fluff behind them. So snap some pics of your cock and call it a day!”

It was great advice, and not just because it got me out of shooting something elaborate or imaginative. My friend had a follow-up request though (one of which Critique My Dick Pic may not approve…):

“I like ones where your hands aren’t visible – there’s something about the idea of your cock just standing erect on its own…”

After we finished chatting, I played around with a few different options and sent her the best of the bunch. The image below is the one she picked. Her verdict?

“It’s just straight up hot – and you can quote me on that.”

I’ll take it.

FebPhotoFest2017 Other photos

February 16th: We-Vibe

We were out tonight at a drinks social for a London kink organisation that we’ve both written about before. It took place in an appealingly dingy bar near Old Street, and seemed like the perfect opportunity to take my Valentine’s present from Livvy for a test drive. Turns out it works very well indeed…

Febraury Photofest
Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 15th: Treasure Trail

I picture you on your knees in the tub in front of me, drenched by the hot river of soap streaming off my body. Your hair is sopping wet, but you look up at the sound of my voice and shake your head till the droplets fly all around us, spattering the wall and the steamed-up shower screen.

“Open your mouth,” I gasp, through the curtain of water covering my face. It’s that oddest of things, a muffled, echoing splash of noise, but you nod solemnly and move closer, your eyes scrunched shut and your lips parted in anticipation.

I wait, and watch your skin gleam white in the gathering mist.

FebPhotoFest2017 Other photos

February 14th: Be My Valentine?

Roses are red

They grow on a bush

Now get over here

And grab my tush!

Febraury Photofest
Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 13th: Anticipation

As people who know me well can attest, I don’t always have the world’s best poker face. Whether I’m pleased or annoyed, or just think someone’s talking rubbish, it’s often written across my features in pretty bold text. I can control that when necessary – during an actual game of poker, for example – though even then, friends and family members rarely have much trouble reading between the lines. It’s perhaps a stretch to say I’m an open book, but if you know what to look for I’m not exactly ‘À la recherche du temps perdu’ either…

That’s no less true in bed – and while I think I sometimes ought to be a little more guarded in professional and social situations, sex is one area where a little openness definitely goes a long way. I want my partners to know for an absolute fact that I’m enjoying myself, because that’s a form of reassurance I really value in others; non-verbal feedback is just as important as words of encouragement or other vocal communication*, and in some cases can offer a more immediate, instinctive sign that things are going wonderfully. Or, indeed, that they’re not.

FebPhotoFest2017 Other photos Sinful Sunday

February 12th: Curves

While unpacking a box of books last night, I rediscovered ‘Butt Number 5’, the photography book(let) by Luke Austin that I picked up in New York 16 months ago. I’ve already posted a couple of photos inspired by Austin’s work, and as I flicked through it this morning I was struck again by just how many different, interesting, sexy poses he managed to capture.

For today’s post, I deliberately picked out a photo that I couldn’t replicate on my own – Liv was keen to help, and I was interested to see how easy it would be for her to figure out the angles, body position, and other nuances of one of his deceptively simple-looking shots. As it turns out, not that easy at all! So much work clearly goes into the lighting and composition of each image that even capturing their general spirit or essence is far from straightforward – which, when you think about it, is vaguely reassuring.

Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 11th: Bush

Yesterday’s February Photo Fest post was all about Livvy’s hair – today the focus switches to my own. Not the hair on my head, which is, all things considered, relatively unremarkable. No, this photo shows off an increasingly rare sight: my pubic bush.

I’ve written before about the fact that I like to keep things nice and short down there. I prefer how it feels, especially right after I’ve shaved or trimmed, and I really enjoy the process of doing it (or having it done to me). The hair on my balls can be a bit of a pain to remove, but certainly above and around my cock I find it both relaxing and arousing to trim the wispy curls with a pair of scissors, then strip them away in neat, smooth, methodical rows, till I’m practically bare.

FebPhotoFest2017 Other photos

February 10th: Flame

Liv’s hair is a wild, tumbling mess of curls, and it gets everywhere (seriously: everywhere). Pick a surface in our flat (or an item of clothing, or a car seat, or a bathroom wall, or…) and there’s a decent chance you’ll find a copper strand draped across it, glinting whenever it catches the light.

I tease her about it incessantly, of course, because that’s what you do with someone you love – find something about them that’s inherently just a little bit ridiculous and make a running joke of it. Even so, I think it’s pretty obvious that I adore every unruly lock that spills down from her head…especially when we’re fucking.

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February 9th: Doorway (reprise)

I first used today’s photo for a Sinful Sunday post in January 2014, alongside another, related image. It proved to be one of my most popular Sinful Sunday submissions, and even inspired this (fucking hot) Girl on the Net story later that year.

This Throwback Thursday edit was sent to me by Molly Moore, who did what I couldn’t and beefed up the quality of the Blackberry camera-phone photo in order to give it a very fresh, different feel. I hope you enjoy it!

Cock shots Erotica FebPhotoFest2017 Sex

February 8th: Measuring Up (with a fab guest story by @EuclideanPoint!)

My kinks and fantasies sit on a spectrum from those I’m super-comfortable talking about in public to those that I keep a little (or a lot!) closer to my chest. That’s true for many people, I’m sure, and I don’t see it as a bad thing; where I’m more reticent, it’s not because I’m ashamed of what I desire, nor do I think I’d disgust people by writing about those things. It’s more that some scenarios feel very situational – for want of a better word – and often more instinctively private as a result. They’re tied up in specific moods or mindsets – or people, for that matter – and it would seem odd somehow to throw them out into the wider world without that accompanying context.

Maybe that makes sense, maybe it doesn’t. I don’t know. Either way, about a year ago, I got involved in what developed into a ridiculously hot conversation on Twitter with a few people I follow/know. Ridiculously hot to me, at least. The clipboards, the lab coats, the measuring equipment, the tutting – the whole thing just works. It really turned me on at the time, and I’ve masturbated many times since then to various iterations of the scenario they described. It tapped into something that one of my partners, Malin James, also used to excellent effect when she wrote this guest story for me a few months earlier.