FebPhotoFest2017 Other photos

February 7th: Aftermath

I think today’s photo broadly speaks for itself. This is what happens when:

  1. Liv gets home from work
  2. We don’t have any evening plans
  3. Mm, basically just 1 & 2, tbh

Living with someone is awesome. Though there’s a lot of laundry.

FebPhotoFest2017 Other photos

February 6th: Love Letter

“Morning gorgeous!

You looked so peaceful earlier that I didn’t want to wake you – and I was in a bit of a rush when I left. I’m on the train now, so should be in plenty of time for my presentation. Just need to run over it one last time at the conference venue, and then I’ll be ready to go.

If you get time today, could you do some laundry? I’m down to my last couple of shirts, and I don’t seem to have any clean underwear. I’m afraid I had to borrow a pair of your knickers. You know the soft, pretty pink ones that you look so fucking hot in? Yeah, those.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

February 5th: Ladder

The spare room in our new flat has a rather wonderful mezzanine shelf, big enough for a double mattress and a small bookcase. It means we can have guests to stay, but don’t have to fill the floor space with a proper bed – sort of the best of both worlds.

You reach the mezzanine level via what looks like a home-made (or repurposed) wooden ladder. It feels comfortingly solid, and has been painted white to match the walls. There’s nothing fancy about it, which I really like – it’s just simple and basic. It does its job.

This week’s Sinful Sunday theme is minimalism, and when I thought about it this morning I was instinctively drawn to that simple, basic, white ladder. I don’t know why, but I felt like it could do that job too…see whether you agree!

FebPhotoFest2017 Other photos

February 4th: Hotel Mirror

We were 20 minutes late to brunch with a friend this morning, in large part because when our alarm went off, Livvy rolled over and gave me the kind of blow job you can’t help but stay in bed for.

At first I thought she was just going to tease. To suck the head of my cock and stroke my balls, and get me worked up enough to fuck her really hard once we got home later in the day. Instead she kept going and going…and going, till I knew there was no way I could stop myself shooting straight down her throat. It was, in a word, unbe-fucking-lievable.

About halfway through I happened to glance up over her shoulder and spot the mirror at the end of our bed. My brain was pretty scrambled by that point, but I remember thinking that next time we should move it into a better position – one where I could see her arse, or she could watch herself suck me off. In the shower a little while later, I recalled a photo I took last November, in an airport hotel before an early morning flight home from Paris. A photo that shows just how good that view can be. This photo, in fact…

Febraury Photofest
Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 3rd: Pre-cum

Two days ago, I had one of those restless, twitchy mornings where all I wanted to do was fuck. And fuck. And fuck. Unfortunately I was home alone, with no-one nearby who could come lend a hand, so I had no choice but to go back to bed and do something about it myself.

I took this photo after I’d been teasing and playing for about half an hour. My whole body felt almost painfully sensitive, and I’d reached a point where I knew that it would take me less than a minute to come, once I decided to give in and let go. I love that feeling – the anticipation and sweet torment of being so, so close, but forcing myself to wait – and I often want to hold onto it for as long as I can.

It’s one of the reasons why orgasm denial can be such a hot part of D/S play, especially with a partner who knows how (and for how long) to keep pushing that button. How to make me beg and writhe and thrust my hips, till it feels like I can’t take any more…then force me to wait just that little bit longer.

Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017 Sinful Sunday

February 2nd: Statue

I don’t yet have much of a plan for the next 27 days, but I do at least know that every Thursday I want to post a re-edited (and hopefully improved!) version of an old Sinful Sunday photo. That’s not just a way to avoid creating original content; we get better at photography (at many things, in fact) by going back and applying a critical eye to our own work – and by the same token, we get to see how far we’ve come, or where we’ve improved, which is always a nice little confidence boost.

I initially picked out a couple of my favourites from 2014: this photo, taken in the bedroom doorway of my flat in Warsaw, and this one from my old boss’ office, taken late at night during my last week at the company. I may still use one or both for future Throwback Thursdays, especially as Molly kindly sent me a kickass edit of the doorway shot; however, when I sat down to have another look at them this morning I decided to go in a different direction.

Cock shots FebPhotoFest2017

February 1st: Challenge

I’m inordinately impressed by anyone who manages to stick to a daily routine – any daily routine. If you strip away the absolute basics, like eating meals, brushing my teeth, breathing in and out, there are very few things I have the discipline (or organisational skills) to do every single day. It’s why I’ve never had much luck keeping a diary, or nurturing plants, or sticking to a revision/study timetable – and I don’t just have a beard because I prefer how it looks.

It’s one of the reasons why I was so proud of the 100-day run streak I did last year, and why I’m a little disappointed I didn’t manage to keep it up this winter. It felt good to take on and break down that slightly scatty side of my personality; to challenge myself and come out on top, at least for a short while.

For the last couple of years, I’ve watched other people take on big blogging or writing projects, from well-established, mass participation exercises like NaNoWriMo through to more personalised, community efforts like Click Click 365. I’ve admired their dedication, creativity and focus, while remaining fairly certain that I didn’t have sufficient reserves of any of those qualities to consider joining them.

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Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: High Line

January in New York City is a pretty inhospitable month. Cold. Dark. Grey. Wet. And very windy. Hardly sunbathing weather…or is it??

I am British, after all, so when we went for a walk on the (magnificent) High Line – a flagship urban regeneration project, which runs down the West Side from 34th Street to Gansevoort Street in the Meatpacking District (how appropriate) – I decided that there were definitely advantages to everyone else staying inside…

[Update: you can find more photos from that afternoon here!]

Sinful Sunday

Elust #90

Photo courtesy of Rebel’s Notes

Welcome to Elust 90

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #91 Start with the rules, come back February 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Conflicted part 1


Happy Endings

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Please You to Please Me

How to suck my cock – part 1 (attitude)

~Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

Visions of Sugarplums

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!