Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Black Friday

A couple of days ago I popped into my favourite London sex shop, Sh!, to pick up some lube and check out the latest additions to their (excellent) range of own-brand dildos.

By happy coincidence, my trip took place on Black Friday, increasingly an important retail ‘event’ even in this side of the pond. Sh! was running a big toy sale (which extends across this entire weekend, just FYI…), and suddenly my casual browsing became a whole lot more purposeful.

I came back home with a neatly-wrapped box, which I presented to Livvy later in the evening. I don’t yet know how I – we – will use the contents, but what I can say for certain is that she looks absolutely fucking fantastic wearing them…

Sinful Sunday


Summer Breeze (a Twitter story)

I woke up from a particularly filthy dream this morning, still smelling of oil after last night’s photo/massage session, and with an erection that barely subsided in the 45 minutes it took me to get out of bed, dress for work, and take the Tube two stops up the Victoria Line to Vauxhall.

After I’d settled down on the train, I started typing out what I could remember of the dream, and it quickly became a short, filthy series of tweets, which I thought I’d share here too. The format/style probably works better in 140-character format than as a big block of prose, but if you do enjoy it, let me know here or on Twitter, and I’ll aim to post more in future…

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Oil

There are very few things more likely to get me horny than warm hands (or other body parts) sliding all over me, till I’m slick and shiny. It sometimes gets to the point where I need to grab the bottle of massage oil from my partner and take over, while she watches…

Cock shots Erotica



I’m waiting for you to get back here – you said you wouldn’t be long. On the wall in front of me a clock ticks silently round, counting each second that you’re out of the room. You’re only metres away from me, but it might as well be miles; without your hands on my body – your low, soothing voice – I can’t shoo the butterflies out of my stomach, or pluck each thorny prick of anticipation from my skin.

I’m waiting because you told me to wait. No further instruction was necessary. We are simple and straightforward in this respect, if in few others. I will wait until you come for me, lithe and loose-limbed, hips swaying to music that plays only in your head. A chin-out fighter in a dancer’s body – and sometimes the other way round.

“Stay hard for me,” you said, and left the room without turning back to see my response. I could touch myself, but I know how much it would disappoint you to return and find my cock shiny and slick with saliva before you’ve had a chance to coat it in yours. It’s also not really what you were asking me to do. This is a test. Not of loyalty, nor of submission – those are conscious choices – but of desire.

Random shit

I like mine with a kiss

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

I like mine with a kiss!

It’s now 11 days since I moved in with Livvy and her flatmate, and already it feels like the best decision I’ve made for a long time. There are practical benefits, of course: my rent has halved, we no longer have to endure the Northern Line in order to see each other, and it’s brought an immediate end to all those interminable and dull logistical conversations about where to stay on any given night.

Beyond that though, the whole thing has just made me unbelievably happy – even more so than I was already. I’ve always had a complex relationship with happiness. For a long time, I wasn’t sure I really deserved it, and as a result I was suspicious of anything that felt like a genuine opportunity to better my emotional lot. I sabotaged relationships, shied away from commitment, and maintained a wary distance between my own life and conventional, nuclear, 2.4-children domesticity. These last few years – pretty much covering the lifetime of this blog, in fact – have seen that slowly start to change, and I’m now in a position where I at least believe on some level that I can love and be loved in this way.

Maybe I’ll come back to that another time.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Sit On My Face

This week’s blog post on facesitting seemed to go down (heh) really well – not least with my girlfriend, who quickly made it clear how we’d be spending much of our weekend. It’s fair to say I had no real objections to her plan…


Ready, set, write! The results!

Ok, the results are in! It’s customary with this kind of contest to begin by emphasising how difficult it was to elevate one entry above the rest, but on this particular occasion that’s almost painfully true. I managed to get it down from 11 to five on the second reading, from five to three on the fourth, and since then…well, that was six hours ago and since then I’ve been pretty much stuck!

It’s a lovely problem to have, of course – testament to the high quality of the writing on show – and I’m happy to say I genuinely enjoyed re-reading all 11 entries, which rarely happens; there was something to admire in each of them, from small, deliciously sexy moments through to their wider, tangible sense of storytelling and eroticism.

The three finalists had both of those qualities in spades, and took them to the next level with creative, exciting interpretations of the prompt – as well as a real freshness and originality. It’s all subjective, I realise, but in each of them I saw something different; something I kept coming back to as I read through them.


Ready, set, write! (The non-public entries)

Before I get to the (somewhat overdue) judging, I wanted to showcase the contest entries that don’t have a home of their own. Four of the 11 stories were sent to me by fantastic writers who are active elsewhere online or on social media, but who haven’t (yet) dipped their toes into the blogging waters; one of them has asked me to keep her story completely anonymous, but the others all deserve to have their work read by as wide an audience as possible, so here they are!

If you enjoy what you read below, please do show the authors some love in the comments and on Twitter – and for that matter, make sure you check out the other seven stories too! The winner will be announced shortly, so look out for that announcement later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks again to everyone who entered, and to the lovely people at Sh! London for providing a very generous first prize…


On Facesitting

One fundamental truth about the language of sex is that some words and expressions are immediately, viscerally hot, while others are really, really not. Tell me to touch your cunt, for example, and a knot of desire somewhere in the pit of my stomach will twist just a little bit tighter at the sound of that hard ‘c’ and the tight, spitting ‘t’ that follows. Say it to the next guy whose hand is between your legs and it may have no effect whatsoever. It may even turn him off.

I’ve written before about one of the phrases that does it for me, and actually I only need to think about those four words again now – and about some of the scenarios connected to them – to feel myself starting to get hard here at my desk. The one I have in mind this morning has been going round my head for the last few days, ever since a Whatsapp chat with another blogger. We’d both read this really terrible post [EDIT: subsequently deleted], and after I’d joked that I might write a response with the title ‘5 reasons why feminists are better in bed’ we started brainstorming ideas:


‘Feminists will sit on your face with wild abandon.’ They will sit on your face.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Stairway

Stairs have become a bit of a sex cliché. Whether it’s the (super-hot) scene from The Thomas Crown Affair or the starting point for any number of late-night drunken hook-ups that have finally made their way back to someone’s apartment, stairs and shagging are both a wonderfully impractical combination and just kinda…wonderful.

My flat is a 2nd/3rd floor walk-up, and over the last two-and-a-bit years I’ve had a lot of fun on its various staircases and landings – plus the balcony, of course. It’s one of many things I’ll miss, so this week I took the opportunity to enjoy it for the final time…