Random shit

World Cup of Cheese

For my birthday two years ago I ran a mini writing contest, in which I asked people to send me their experiences of – and fantasies about – birthday sex.  Judging it was great fun, though not nearly as enjoyable as actually reading through the various submissions.

Since then I’ve pretty much sworn off running competitions – judging may be fun, but it’s also pretty stressful – and until this morning I wasn’t planning to do anything special here for my birthday this year. That’s when I remembered this piece of paper.


Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Anonymous (July 2016)

It’s two years now since I first ‘donated’ my Sinful Sunday post to anyone who wanted to take part in the meme but didn’t have an easy way of doing so. Over the following 10 months a bunch of bloggers, tweeters, friends and fuckbuddies took me up on that offer, and I was lucky enough to host some really fantastic photos – including some from people who subsequently decided to join in on their own sites.

It doesn’t exactly fit with July’s ‘Change’ prompt, but for some reason this felt like a good time to revive the ‘Anonymous’ concept. In fact, in some ways marking an anniversary is the opposite of change – although in others, perhaps it’s just another side of the same coin. I dunno. Either way, the photos below made it a very easy decision, and I’m glad I get to share them here today. Enjoy!


The Mystery Iceberg

I briefly found myself in a Twitter conversation yesterday about sending nudes – and specifically, about sending them before you’ve actually been on a date with someone (or, by extension, been to bed with them). Unsurprisingly, my position on this is pretty relaxed: do it if you both want to do it, don’t do it if you don’t, and at all times make sure you’re not pushing onto the other person something they’d rather not see.

Not everyone holds that view, of course, and that’s absolutely fine. Plenty of the reasons people have for not doing it make perfect sense, whether they involve a reluctance to sexualise something too early, concern about privacy/security, or simply a lack of interest in looking at that kind of image. However, there’s one argument against sharing naked photos that’s always bothered me, and I’d never really stopped to think why until it got rolled out again yesterday.


Other photos


…waiting is hard.


Random shit


I lived in Poland for 10 months in 2013-14. It was one of the happiest and most rewarding periods of my life. I’d like to say it was also one of the most challenging – it’s always good to push yourself, after all – but the reality is that my time in Warsaw actually felt very straightforward.

I didn’t need a visa to work there, nor were there any restrictions on my movements. I could rent a flat, pay taxes, and access healthcare, without any barriers beyond language and the occasionally daunting Polish bureaucracy. My friends were English-speaking Poles, the odd expat Brit, and a whole bunch of fellow Europeans, drawn to Warsaw by its openness, its optimism, and its thriving economy.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Reclaimed

Though let’s be honest, they do actually look much better on her


The things people leave behind

Watches. Earrings. An assortment of necklaces.

Books. Scarves. Passport and driving licence.

Lipstick. Eyebrow powder. Underwear of every shape and colour.

It’s perhaps unsurprising that people leave things behind after sex. When we come, our brains get flooded with oxytocin, which pushes aside rational thought and leaves us to float along in the happy, drunken afterglow. After a properly good fuck I struggle to remember my own name, let alone where I left my wallet and keys.

Still, the list of unexpected souvenirs I’ve found under my bed, on the nightstand or in the bathroom would make for a moderately profitable eBay business. The discovery is often prompted by a text, hours or even days later, after their owners have retraced their movements and found themselves – mentally, at least – back at my flat, just about to get naked. If it’s a regular partner, I’ll just put the item to one side for next time, but if it’s someone I’m unlikely to see again – or who lives far away – more creative solutions are sometimes required.

Either way – and whether it ends up inconveniencing me or not – finding one of those forgotten treasures always makes me smile. It prompts a little shiver of memory; a flashback to her mouth around my cock, or her deep, ragged breaths as I thrust inside her. That’s as true of a notepad or a stray sock as it is of a cum-soaked thong – the arousal lies in the association, rather than the item’s inherent sexiness.

We do that as a matter of course though, I think. We give our sexual memories physical and mental lodestones. It’s why we hang on to small gifts from ex-lovers, and as Girl on the Net explained, it’s why some of us keep a list of the people we’ve slept with.

An hour or so later, a cold dread crept over me: I’d missed one out . . . I was devastated . . . And the devastation wasn’t because I felt ‘slutty’ or odd either. It was because – and forgive me if this makes me sound like a sentimental twat – I want to be able to remember all the people I’ve fucked. Their names, their voices, their faces. What noises they made when I brought them to climax. The way they kissed – whether it was gentle, rough, sloppy, or perfunctory. I want to be able to picture the positions in which they shagged me, and the way they smiled afterwards, and the note on which we parted – happy, sad, indifferent or angry.

Read that whole post, by the way – it’s great. My list used to exist on a scrap of paper in my wallet; as it grew I put the names into Excel instead, and it’s now saved on a memory stick because yes, I really am that nerdy.

The various tangible reminders of their presence that women have left in my room over the years perform a similar function. I only have to think of them to be taken back to whatever it was we were doing in the hours that preceded their departure…

When I think about the butterfly necklace – a simple chain with a small, silver butterfly looped onto it – I remember how I had to have her, even though we both knew we shouldn’t. I can see us kissing outside the bar, sheltered from the pouring rain that we’d soon scuttle through as we searched for a hotel. I can feel her naked body against mine, spread out on a fresh white duvet, topped off with a smile that hovered between beatific and mischievous. I can hear her soft, panting moans as she came on my tongue and around my fingers. More than anything though, the butterfly makes me think of the instant – and unexpected – connection I felt to someone I thought would be a one-night stand, and the way it didn’t feel even a little bit awkward when I handed it over outside her office the next morning. As if we both already knew we’d see each other again.

With the eyebrow powder, the first thing that comes to mind is the glee I felt when I found it. She’d left (gorgeous) underwear in my bed the previous time she’d come to see me, and had declared confidently just before leaving that on this occasion she wasn’t going to forget anything. As soon as I spotted the make-up I wished she was back there with me, so I could tease her about it…before pushing her onto her knees. I thought about that a lot over the next few days – whenever it caught my eye, in fact. Her long blonde hair, tugged and twisted around my fingers as she swallowed my cock, and the huge grin on her face each time she looked up and saw the effect her mouth had on me. When I dropped it into a jiffy bag at the Post Office, I had to turn away to prevent anyone seeing the bulge in my jeans.

I could give a dozen other examples, both recent and much less so. The expensive watch on my bathroom sink, where she’d left it before she bent me over and fucked me hard from behind with an obscenely large strap-on. The scarf that smelled of her perfume for days afterwards, driving me crazy as I tried not to fall in love – and failed. The battered old paperback I retrieved from my kitchen table and flicked through casually, only to find myself lost in it till 4.00 the following morning; the way she clutched it to her naked chest the next time I saw her, as if she’d feared that it was lost forever.

Memory is a funny thing, and there’s often little logic to how we store – and recall – the people we’ve known and loved. In most cases they only form a small part of that mental picture, but I’m still profoundly grateful for all those discarded knickers and misplaced earrings. Without them, a lot of those hot, horny images would be somehow much less sharp.

Erotica Sex

Your Fantasies (vol. 1)

Last week I asked you all to send me your fantasies – the ones that really get you off. I asked not because I wanted to collect more wank material of my own (though y’know, nice side benefit), but because I find it fascinating to read both what gets people horny and how they choose to describe it.

A whole bunch of you responded to that blog post, and today I’m publishing the first set of fantasies. There are nine in total, and unsurprisingly they cover all manner of kinky, filthy, just plain sexy scenarios. Some were sent to me by other bloggers, but others came from people who’d never previously written about the things that turn them on. Reading through each one was an absolute joy, and I’m glad I get to share them here too.

Whether or not this becomes a regular/occasional feature will largely depend on you lot, so if you have a fantasy that you want to write up, or if you’d like me to pass on any comments to the authors below, please do get in touch – I’d love to hear from you.


Bookends (coda)

It’s been six months, so do read side one and side two before you go any further…


All I know is I’ve gotta be
Where my heart says I oughta be
It often makes no sense
In fact I never understand these things I feel

I love you, goodbye
I love you, goodbye

Don’t Change Your Plans, Ben Folds Five

New York City, 17th October 2015

It is nearly 1am and I’m nursing a beer in the dive bar next to my hotel. I stare at one of the half-dozen TV screens in front of me with unseeing eyes. My skin feels tight and tender, as if the knotty ache in my chest is pulling everything in towards it. There’s something cathartic about the pain; I’ve guarded my heart so carefully for such a long time that I’ve almost forgotten how it feels to be vulnerable in this way.

Like a slow puncture, this night has set in motion a process I won’t really understand till much later. Some taps aren’t easily turned off again, and after years of half-cocked handbrake-love – diluted to the point where it tastes only of watery, anodyne caution – this first trickle of unfiltered emotion will build steadily into a gushing flood. Before I know it’s coming it’ll be up round my neck, and I’ll close my eyes in joyful surrender as it washes over me.


Tell Me Your Fantasy

I love getting comments here – or on Twitter, or via email – from other sex bloggers and erotica writers. There’s something really nice about being part of a community where people take the time to engage with each other’s work, and I’m often really impressed by the thought and effort that clearly goes into the feedback they give.

However, what I find even more satisfying in some ways are the messages I get from readers who sit outside all of that. Who follow me on Twitter under their real names, or from respectable – even corporate – accounts. In most cases it’s not just that they don’t blog, they don’t express their sexuality online at all – not publicly, at least. Instead they pop up in my inbox, or slide into my DMs, with thoughts, questions, observations…and fantasies.

I love getting messages like that because I’m endlessly fascinated by what turns people on, and by how they choose to express that. When someone sends me a long, detailed email about a really filthy fantasy they’ve had, it almost doesn’t matter what that fantasy involves – the sharing itself is sexy. It’s a gift, I guess. Plus I’m really nosy.

Anyway, I was thinking about that today and I had an idea. Well actually, to start with, I was thinking about this post from August 2014, and the follow-up from September last year. I’d just decided that I should chuck another bunch of my own fantasies into a blog post when the whole thing came together in my head and I decided that there might be a better way.

My fantasies are great. They turn me on, they’re a reliable source of fucking brilliant orgasms, and they’re constantly shifting, developing, and evolving in really interesting ways. But they’re not what I want right now. I want your fantasies.

Maybe you have a blog. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you write about your sex life on a daily basis and maybe you’ve never written about it at all. Maybe I know you – online or in real life – and maybe you’re one of the silent lurkers who click on my blog every now and then but never leave a footprint. Whichever group you fall into – and whether you write under your own name, a pen name, or completely anonymously – I want to know what turns you on.

Or more to the point, what scenario turns you on. Describe it as if we were in bed and you were telling me a story. It could be utter filth – the kind of thing that makes you blush just to think about, and which you might never want to do in ‘real life’ – but that’s not a requirement. Fantasies come in all shapes and forms, and sometimes all we need to get us off is the memory of the last really good sex we had – or the prospect of the next decent shag. Your brain will work differently to my brain, and that’s just fine. It’s more than fine, in fact – it’s fucking wonderful.

Pick something that gets you unspeakably horny and write it down. Try to keep it under 250 words (this is not a hard and fast limit!), and when you’re done, stick it in an email – you’ll find my address on the ‘About’ page. Let me know whether you’re happy for me to publish it – and if so, under what name (if any) – and when I get enough submissions I’ll turn them into a blog post. If I get too many, I’ll turn them into a book!

There’s no deadline on this. Like most of my projects it’s just an idea I had, which may lead nowhere very interesting. But the thought of all your hot, sticky fantasies filling my inbox made me so happy that I had to at least put it out there – I’m genuinely excited to see what sort of response I get.