Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Balance

I am not a naturally graceful person. My body often feels utilitarian rather than elegant – built to get stuff done, rather than look good doing it. It’s why salsa classes have proved to be a really enjoyable – and occasionally frustrating – challenge: dancing doesn’t come naturally, and I’ve often been pushed well outside my comfort zone, so I’m proud of the way my body has responded.

I will never be a gymnast though. In fact, I actively choose sports where balance isn’t really a conscious consideration. Hockey. Running. Squash. The movements required for each are dynamic and instinctive, rather then precise or measured – and that suits my body just fine.

However, I do like a challenge. When I saw this fallen tree out in Epping Forest the other day, I couldn’t resist stepping out onto it and forcing my body into total stillness. Surrounded by lush green canopy, I tensed my muscles, curled my toes around the wood, and strived for something I don’t often have the patience – or control – to find.




Something weird happened to me last Wednesday and I’m going to try to write about it, even if I’m not yet sure I’ll be able to find the right words to describe it.

I was life-modelling in an achingly hipster studio/warehouse in Hackney Wick. With the exception of a hen party two weekends ago (which I’ll cover in a future blog post), it was the first time I’d done anything like that for about 10 years – and it was only when I got on the Overground half an hour before the class was due to start that I decided I definitely wasn’t going to chicken out.

Building yourself up to do something scary is often a lot worse than actually taking the plunge and doing it, so once I’d arrived and taken off my clothes I started to feel pretty calm about things; not exactly in my comfort zone, but certainly not so far outside it that I couldn’t relax a bit and enjoy myself.



I don’t like my teeth. I’ve never liked my teeth. The front ones are too big at the top and too small at the bottom. They crowd my mouth and overlap in unattractive ways. They’re just a bit of a mess.

It’s my own fault too. In my early teens the orthodontist gave me a heavy-duty set of dental braces and told me to wear them every night. I knew that it was a precursor to having a daytime set and – scared of being bullied at school – stubbornly refused to play ball. I ‘lost’ the braces somewhere in my room. I skipped orthodontic appointments.

Perhaps assuming I’d come round to the idea further down the line, my parents shrugged their shoulders and left me to it. They’re not instinctively authoritarian anyway, and by that point I think they’d realised that when it comes to stuff like that I really am the proverbial horse, digging its heels in on the edge of the water.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Bundle!

I absolutely love having hands all over my body, and what better occasion than the Saturday afternoon at Eroticon to get naked and let people touch you up?? The question is, can you guess who each pair belongs to…?

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Jaw

The beauty of photographs often lies in their ability to show you something about a moment – or a place, or a person – that you didn’t notice at the time. Our brains are remarkably good at processing visual information, but even when we’re fully focused on whatever we’re looking at they can’t pick up everything, or lift all the most important and most beautiful bits out of the wider picture.

When I revisit photos I’ve taken during sex – whether hours, days or months after the event – I’m always surprised by the details that stand out. Or rather, by the ones that didn’t leave a mental imprint when I was right there with my partner. I guess we get so overloaded with sensation that we can only hold onto fragments of the image in front of us – the rest of it blurs and fades away.

The sheen of sweat on her temple. The way her hair looks like she’s just stepped out of the sea. The hard, straight line of her jaw…


Wear Sunscreen

This is a bit rough – I set myself the challenge of writing a piece of flash fiction in under an hour, and got a bit carried away with the word count – but I’m so relieved to have actually finished a story that I’m going to post it anyway…

She stepped into her netball skirt and turned to face me.

“What do you think? Too short? Hey, it’s roasting out there this evening – can you do my shoulders before I go?”

I looked her up and down as she flipped the cap on the bottle of sunscreen. I’m not often lost for words, but the way the sunlight streamed through the open window and rippled over her high, full tits sent every vaguely coherent thought tumbling out of my head. Just as well really – even if I’d wanted to say something at that point, my mouth was suddenly far too dry to form the words.


Eroticon 2016: Meet & Greet

Eroticon Live is only 11 days away! If you want to come and haven’t yet bought your ticket, click here. If you want to know why you should come, check out the post I wrote after last year’s event.

The weekend kicks off with a meet and greet over drinks on the Friday evening. Before that though, Molly Moore is hosting an online equivalent, which you can find here. My answers to her questions are below the jump – if there’s anything else you want to know about me, just ask! Or have a read through the mammoth Q&A I did last month…

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Balcony

I’ve been lucky enough to live in some great apartments/houses over the last 10 years, and there are things I miss about each of them.

There was the enormous bed, skylight window, and beautiful garden at the converted farmhouse I shared with three friends in the Oxfordshire countryside. After that, I had a comfy sofa and big bedroom in my Jericho flat just outside Oxford’s city centre, with the added bonus of great pubs and restaurants just a short walk away.

When I first lived on my own I loved the peace and quiet of the living room I no longer had to share, and the super-fierce shower that stripped off half my skin each morning, leaving me ready to face the day. Most of all I appreciated the silence I’d come home to a few hours later, and the sudden freedom I had to enjoy it.


Flirting on Planes

I’m writing this post on a BA flight from Heathrow to Warsaw*. To one side of me is a taciturn, middle-aged Polish chap, his head buried in a book. It’s in English and he’s reading slowly, as if he’s puzzling over unfamiliar words. Across the aisle is a young American woman, maybe late 20s, with long blonde hair and a huge rock on her ring finger. She’s scribbling furiously on a stack of sales reports, pausing every now and then to swig from a bottle of Diet Coke.

I haven’t talked to either of them, nor will I. It’s early, for one thing, and I’m never at my best first thing in the morning; more importantly though, they both look like they want to be left in peace.

That’s not always the case. Flying does funny things to people, especially when they’re on their own. It’s such a transient activity – and so weirdly disconnected from everything that happens either side of it – that we often adjust our behaviours accordingly. We leave our everyday lives for a few hours and step into a bubble where no-one knows who we are or what we do. For all the seatbelts and safety announcements, the scheduled meals and regulated bathroom access, it’s one of the few times we’re able literally to rise above our troubles, and that can be a tremendously liberating experience.


I Want, by Brekken Jameson (guest post special!)

I was really pleased with the response to yesterday’s post – I thought it was a pretty decent piece of writing, and that whole greedy oral scenario just makes me really hot under the collar, so when other people seemed to dig it too, it felt like a job well done.

The cherry on top came a short while ago, when an email from Brekken Jameson hit my inbox. Brekken is a “wordsmith, cool chick, farmer’s daughter & wanton sex goddess” from the Midwest who makes me laugh on Twitter, and who often has nice things to say about the stuff I post – a quality I think pretty much every blogger and amateur writer really appreciates. She got in touch via DM last night with her verdict on the post:

“Excellent piece! I was thinking about the opposite version of it all afternoon – my husband could be in trouble later…!”

…and apparently he was! I don’t know exactly what ‘Want’ inspired last night, but judging by the super-sexy piece of writing that Brekken sent me just now, I think I have a fair idea. Check it out…