
This is NOT a Book Club

Last Sunday I got an email from my dad. Unlike my mum, he is an infrequent correspondent (embarrassing me and my siblings on Facebook is a different matter…), and when he does write it’s usually for practical rather than conversational reasons. This latest message was no exception.

“Would you have any great objection if I disposed of the piles of Empire magazines groaning quietly on the shelves in your room?

Put it another way: if Mum & I were to move in two or three years’ time, would you be likely to want to collect them, or to read them again in the meantime?”

To be clear, I last subscribed to Empire in 2003. Since then, six years’ worth of the monthly film magazine have sat in my childhood bedroom collecting dust, alongside old hockey trophies, videos of the 2000 Sydney Olympics (I shit you not), school reports, holiday photo albums, and a million other unwanted and long-forgotten relics of my youth.

Yep – my name is Exhibit A, and I’m a hoarder.

Even now, as a ‘proper adult’, I cart boxes of junk from apartment to apartment; there are some I’m not sure I’ve unpacked since I left my place in Oxford in January 2011. They hide away under beds or on top of wardrobes, waiting patiently for the day when I move into a house of my own…and shove them all up in the attic where they belong.

I’m particularly bad with books – I suspect a lot of us are. I buy them, or I’m given them as presents, or I borrow them from friends who forget to ask for them back*, and for years they just pile up on my shelves, unread and seemingly unloved, except as decoration. The hardest thing about moving to Warsaw, for example – far harder than saying goodbye to friends, family or fuckbuddies – was deciding which books to take** and which to leave behind. In the end I limited myself to 15, tucked neatly into my two suitcases between the layers of clothing. As much as it broke my heart to do so, I eschewed the comfort of old favourites; far better, I thought, to take a handful of those unread, unloved paperbacks, in anticipation of a long, lonely Polish winter in front of the fire. Plenty of time to clear the backlog, right? Right.

I left with 15 books and came back with 28 – 17 of which were dishearteningly, thrillingly, predictably unread. The pile has only grown since then. So when I tweeted this earlier today, I had an idea:


I’m never going to stop hoarding books – and I’m ok with that. However, it would salve my conscience somewhat if I was better at actually reading the books I buy/borrow/steal; even now, I glance up at the bookcase next to my bed and wince at my casual consumerism…at the cavalier waste of someone else’s words. Getting better isn’t easy though: I’m a hoarder, after all, and there are only so many hours in the day. Getting better will require help.

So here’s what I’m going to do. Right now we’re a fortnight (plus change) into 2016, which means the year has roughly 50 weeks left to run. I’ve picked 25 unread books off my shelves (including The Versions of Us), and for the next 11.5 months I’m going to work my way through them. Here they are:


Every two weeks I’m going to read one of the books in this stack, starting with The Versions of Us. When I’m done, I’ll post a review somewhere (new page? new blog? Twitter?) and let y’all know which one I’m going to pick up next. Should any of the 25 remain unfinished by the end of 2016, I’ll donate them to a local charity shop – writing this post ought to be enough to make me read them, and if it’s not…well, clearly it was never meant to be.

If any of you want to join in and read with me, that would be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G – not only will it encourage me to keep going, I’ll also feature your reviews/thoughts/verdicts in whatever I end up doing with my own.

Alternatively, and as a way of maybe giving something back, I’ve put together a second stack, made up of 25 of my favourite books (from the ones that currently line my shelves***):


If you’d like to borrow one of those instead (and/or review it) drop me an email/DM with your postal address and the title of the book that interests you. I’ll put it in a jiffy bag, trust you to return it****, and find a way to add your gushing praise measured comments to my blog if/when you do so.

The aim is to get to December having read a load of really great books in 2016 – but having shared even more with friends, lovers, and the rest of you who read this blog. That’s what would really make me happy.

Mm…I suppose it is sort of a book club…

*That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

**Don’t you even dare say the word ‘Kindle’.

***I have a bad habit of lending out my very favourite books to people who ‘forget’ to return them. Yes, karma.

****(/name and shame you if you don’t)


Variations on a Theme (of GOTN) – Part 2

This is the continuation of a piece I wrote a couple of weeks ago, inspired by Girl on the Net’s super-hot MMF fantasy…

(CW: spanking, rough D/S play, humiliation)

The Director

We scroll through the dating site together on your battered old laptop, one lazy Sunday afternoon. I watch you more than I watch the screen; we’re stretched out on your bed, my leg slung casually across the backs of your thighs, and as you click on each photo your feet take it in turns to tap away at the pillow behind you.

You bookmark the ones you like, filing them away for further consideration. You’re nothing if not methodical – a quality I find amusing and arousing in equal measure – but I can tell you’re already finding this a little overwhelming.

“Just five? Really?” you say. “I can’t persuade you to make it eight…or ten…?”

You wriggle one arm down under my body and rub the front of my jeans.

“Cut that out. Yes, just five. Ten would be too anonymous, I think. Make sure they’re as local as possible.”

I like seeing your brain at work. The way your finger hovers over the mousepad, poised to strike; slowly you whittle down the list, and even though it’ll make my job a little harder, I’m glad you’re not talking me through your criteria.

The final cut takes a good five minutes. Back and forth you go between their photo galleries, and the short bios underneath them. I kiss your neck, just under the ear, and study the two guys as you flick from one to the other. Tall and blonde; dark and stocky. Wide, open grin; diffident, almost shy smile, half-turned from the camera. Long, slender fingers curled around a thick cock; no nudity at all, just a hand placed awkwardly over bulging boxer shorts…

With a small sigh, you remove the sunny blonde from the list and shuffle the laptop over towards me. As you roll onto your back, I can see your nipples pressing hard against the t-shirt you keep stealing from my apartment. I want to make you come right now, all over my fingers, again and again, till your cunt is plump and pliant around them; I want to…but I won’t. Not yet.

The following morning I log into your account and send the same message to all five of the guys you picked. I know you could monitor the conversations I have with them at any time, but just as you trust me to set this up and keep you safe, so I trust you not to break our agreement.

48 hours later three replies sit in my inbox, and of those two jump out right away (‘Dark and Stocky’ doesn’t quite cut the mustard, I’m afraid – turns out that diffidence extends to his efforts at online communication too). After short conversations with David and Niall, I agree to meet them both on Thursday evening, one after the other, to make a final decision. The timing is tight, but workable.

I swing by your house beforehand to grab food. You’re quiet, and I can’t tell whether it’s apprehension or excitement. It’s five days since your last orgasm – maybe you’re just pissed off. When I leave, your goodbye kiss is followed by a sharp, pointed nip at my neck. Come back, it says – come back soon.

Later – much later – you curl your body into mine and pull the duvet over both of us. A hopeless fidget most nights, you’re almost preternaturally still as I wrap my arm around your chest.

“So…did you decide on the guy? What’s he like?”

I pull you closer, yawning against the back of your neck. You look round in irritation, but it’s not faked – scooping you up like this makes me feel more relaxed than I’m often able to articulate.

“Of course I did. And you know I’m not gonna tell you that. Fuck, don’t pretend you even want to know.”

We do it at my place. Are you nervous? Honestly, it’s hard to tell. Neat and composed, you kneel naked on my faded bedroom carpet and face the door, your long, straight hair falling down your back.

“Look at me,” I say, and you turn your head, eyes wide and unblinking. I hold up the blindfold. “You still okay with this?”

You nod once and that’s all I need. With my thumb and forefinger I grip your jaw and force you to stare straight ahead again, the stairs down to the hallway visible through the open door. Your head doesn’t move again, even as I tie the blindfold tight around it.

He’s due any minute, but still, I can’t resist opening my jeans in front of you. The clink and pop of belt and button is enough to part your lips in automatic response, and your tongue pushes out in search of my cock. I hold the head of it there for just a few, shivery seconds, till the underside is slick with your saliva.

You flinch when the doorbell rings. I pat your cheek and lay the palm of my hand flat on top of your head. Stay right there, it says. Good girl.

He’s wearing heavy workman’s boots, which thud against the stairs as he follows me up. I step to one side when we reach the top and he comes to a sudden halt, his eyes fixed on your kneeling body.

“Here you go. See what I meant now? She’s ready and waiting.”

He takes a couple of long strides towards you, body angled forward as if he can’t quite believe what he’s seeing. You look fucking beautiful like that, your hands folded demurely in your lap and your hard, pink nipples surrounded by a sea of tiny goosebumps. This time your mouth opens more hesitantly, gaping at the air in front of you; you’re clearly expecting his cock, but when it butts against your lips a soft, startled gasp still vibrates out from the back of your throat, into the room.

“Don’t be fooled by that innocent look – she’d suck cock all day long if she could. Just take her mouth however you want it. She likes it rough.”

I watch your cheeks turn scarlet, but your shoulders neither shrink nor slump; there might as well be steel running up through your spine, it’s so straight. Settling down on the edge of the bed, I find it hard to keep my hands out of my own jeans as he starts to rub the jutting head of his cock over your outstretched tongue.

Without warning, his hips tilt forward and fully half his length disappears inside your mouth. He thrusts twice, three times, as if testing how easily you can take him, and even though his cock is thick enough to make me wince a bit, you make no attempt to pull away or force him back out.

“What did I tell you?” A sudden burst of pride almost makes it hard to speak. “Now come on, fuck her throat. Like we discussed. Make her choke on it.”

It’s the first time I’ve seen you try to swallow anything this big, and as he feeds more of his cock between your lips I glance down at your hands to check you don’t need to tap out. They remain clasped together – trembling a little perhaps, but more from the force of his shuddering thrusts than anything else. There’s no way you can actually suck him – all you can do is stretch your lips around his cock and let him set his own rhythm.

The look on his face is just something else, and for a second I want nothing more than to take off your blindfold so you can see how much he’s enjoying your mouth. It’s as if he keeps expecting to meet resistance, and can’t quite believe how smoothly his cock keeps sliding down your throat. The effort is visible only in the way your neck muscles strain with each thrust; in the spit that bubbles out at the corners of your mouth and leaves his balls shiny and wet.

“Fuuuuuuuck.” His eyes screw shut in an effort to maintain control. “I’ve never had a mouth this fucking good. She’s too much, man.”

“Right? I should hire her out properly. She’d love that too, believe me. Her cunt will be so wet right now – here, check for yourself.”

I reach over and drag you up off your knees, ignoring the way you whimper as his cock pops free from your lips.

“Grab an arm and help with me her. Get her up on the bed.”

Between us, we spread you out on your back across my mattress, your head hanging down off the edge. He climbs up between your legs and his large hands force your thighs further apart, fully exposing your cunt.

“Fucking beautiful, right?” He stares down, waiting for permission. “Go ahead, touch it. You’ll love how wet she gets with a couple of fingers inside her.”

His thumb traces up between your labia; it’s glistening by the time he reaches your clit, and I watch him brush it in circles around the hood. Your back arches up so far that the skin ripples over the ribs beneath it, and you push your pelvis out towards him, craving more.

“Mate, she could come right now if you keep touching her like that. The little slut needs a bit of a reminder who’s in charge here. Ok, watch how I do it, then you take over.”

Reaching down your body, I press my middle three fingers together and settle them over your cunt. You know what’s coming, and your head swings desperately to the side, seeking out my cock.

“Look, she wants something in her mouth to keep her quiet. You’ll see why in just a second.”

Flexing my wrist, I tap my fingers sharply against you. His hands are fanned out and around your thighs, pinning you to the bed, so only your upper body responds, jerking and tensing each time I sting your skin.

“Like this, yeah? Nice and hard – you’re not going to break it.”

My fingers are wet when I take them away from your cunt. I force all three inside your mouth as he starts to spank you, and the greedy way you suck them clean is almost enough to make me come. I can hear the smack of his hand with each stroke, as he warms to the task. I know you’ll be so sensitive afterwards that just the tip of my tongue on your clit might be too much for you, and I nod at him to continue.

His other hand pumps desperately at his cock, as I stand back and fill your mouth with mine. The angle is perfect – I can thrust all the way inside, with only a steadying hand on your chest to keep you from sliding out of position. You’ve never had your cunt spanked for this long before, but the adrenaline seems to be masking any pain; he’s getting closer and closer, his arm straining as he leans over you, and his jaw set.

“Do it! Just jizz all over her – that’s what she’s here for.”

I’ve barely finished speaking when cum spits out of his cock and stripes your belly. It might be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and although I want to hold back – want to wait till he’s gone and I can fuck you properly – I can’t help myself; you can clearly tell it’s coming, because you clamp your mouth tight around my cock and your hands reach up to hold the backs of my thighs, pulling me in even deeper.

I open my eyes again to find him resting on his haunches, lazily stroking your clit as his cum dries on your stomach. Wiping away the sweat that’s dripped down onto your face, I pull my cock out of your mouth and reach for the box of tissues.

“Here you go, take a couple of these. No, not for her – she needs to be reminded what a dirty slut she is…you’ve just given her the perfect souvenir.”

He shrugs and wipes at his cock with a tissue. I know how badly you want to be filled right now, but you remain silent, perhaps hoping that patience will be rewarded. And it will – just not right now.

When he’s finished buttoning his jeans, we shake hands and I gesture towards the door.

“You can see yourself out, right? Thanks for coming – that was perfect. And if you see us around town at any point…well, no need to say hello. It’ll just be our secret.”

I wait till the door slams behind him before I join you on the bed. Your cunt is still pink and open, shimmering with unmet need. I pull off the blindfold and settle down between your legs, pulling you towards my waiting mouth. This bit I want you to see.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Window Dressing

What if you saw me from across the street?

What if I saw you?

What if I invited you in…

Sinful Sunday
Erotica Sex

2015: What I Wrote

Alongside the round-up of all the things I read in 2015, I was going to write a quick summary of what I’ve managed to write here over the last 12 months. Despite the odd wobble, blogging has become a really important part of my life this year, and I’m actually very proud of some of the essays and stories I’ve managed to publish.

It was only as I started to put the post together in my head that I realised how difficult I’d find it to write something that self-absorbed (ah, blogger irony). The whole “hey, this post was awesome and this post was awesome” thing doesn’t come easily when it’s my own stuff I’m talking about.

That’s when I decided to pass the buck to a whole bunch of friends, lovers, blogging acquaintances, and generally lovely people. “Pick a post of mine, any post,” I said, expecting a dozen different answers from a dozen different respondents. As it happened – and much to my surprise – a degree of consensus emerged.

Three pieces in particular stood out this year, apparently, and that in itself was something I found genuinely fascinating – as the author, it’s sometimes hard to step back and objectively place one piece of work above another, but hey, other people will apparently come do that for you if you’re shameless enough to ask!

So yes, here’s my ‘best of 2015’, as judged by a bunch of the lovely people who helped to make it such a good, creative, happy year. Enjoy, and I’ll see you again in 2016!

Erotica Sex

2015: What I Read

First, a disclaimer. I read a lot this year. I read a lot most years, but the combination of several months of (f)unemployment and an ever-widening pool of blogger/writer contacts will mean that any list of what – or who – I enjoyed cannot be anything close to exhaustive.

As a result, there’s a ton of great people I won’t manage to mention here. People who work hard to put together the blogging memes I love so much. People who are just really, really good, but who, for whatever reason, I haven’t read enough this year. People who don’t (yet) have blogs – or have only recently started them.

All of those writers are well worth checking out, and I urge you to do so. However, in this post I want to focus on the people whose stuff I always read – and which I very, very rarely fail to enjoy. Appropriately enough, this year that list is 15 strong, and begins with a (particularly) fab four…


I'll be in my bunk…

I’m pretty sure I’ve told this story before, but having just spent a week at my parents’ house it’s front of mind right now, so I make no apologies for dusting it off again for the latest Kink of the Week prompt…

When I was a teenager, I slept in a high cabin bed, with a sofa and desk underneath it. The mattress was no more than four feet from my bedroom ceiling, which meant that when I lay on my back I could easily reach up and touch it with my fingers – or my toes.

I don’t remember why I did it the first time. Only that it was so good – so hot – that I knew right away it wouldn’t be the last. Hand wrapped around my slick, eager cock one lazy afternoon in the summer holidays, I planted my feet against the ceiling and walked them back till they were directly above my shoulders. With each step, my arse was lifted a little further off the mattress and the tip of my cock was brought closer and closer to my face.

I was fascinated. As I did it I assumed I’d let my legs flop down again before I came, but instead they remained resolutely fixed to the swirls and stalactites of white paint that I spent so many hours studying in my childhood. I felt the orgasm start to build inside me, my thighs tensing with the effort of holding that position, and the slit of my cock flaring a few inches from my face.

I opened my mouth as I came – more by instinct than conscious choice. With the angle, the gravity, and my thumb jammed into the groove at the base of my cock, jizz shot out in a series of thick, powerful spurts; the first couple went straight into my mouth and down my throat, while the rest coated my cheeks and chin.

I remember feeling a bit guilty afterwards, in the same way I had after masturbating for the first time a couple of years earlier. I wiped the cum off my face and gave it a good wash, resolving not to do anything that weird again, but for the rest of that day I couldn’t shake the memory of feeling it shoot out all over me; of the fleeting warmth as it slid down my throat.

The next morning, my feet found the ceiling again within seconds of my hand reaching for my cock, and for the rest of that summer it was rare for me to wank in bed without finishing off like that, body jackknifed in that small, sweaty space, and cum all over my hungry mouth.

Halfway through my second year at uni, my parents dismantled the cabin bed and replaced it with a conventional single. I’ve had far more sex in the current bed than I ever did in my teenage one, but even so it’s rare for a trip home to pass without those long summer afternoons flitting across my brain. Some memories are far too hot to allow just to slip away…

Safe sex in erotica is one of those debates that tends to split writers down the middle. For my part, the characters I write almost never use condoms, and that’s very much a conscious choice. While it’s not always an option in real life, spunk is hot – for reasons both physical and psychological; visceral and transgressive. Allowing my characters to enjoy it is also a way for me to do so vicariously through them, and I trust my readers to see their actions/behaviour in the appropriate, fictional context; as expressions of the fantasies I have, rather than a daily reality.

Those fantasies have been shaped by my early, formative experiences, and by the sex I’ve had since then (as those of you who’ve read this post will know, it’s not just my own jizz I’ve had the chance to swallow over the years). There’s always something very satisfying – comforting almost, in a really sexy way – about licking my cum off a partner’s tits or stomach. Flicking beads of it from between her labia – or pushing my tongue inside her cunt to scoop it out – is even hotter, mainly because I then get to taste both of us, blending together into one big, sticky, humid mess.

Sometimes when I’m doing that I imagine another dude kneeling behind me, teasing his cock against my arse and getting ready to fill me with his cum. That’s the point at which it becomes really hard to concentrate, because as I’m picturing it all I can hear is the ragged, shuddering, horny-as-fuck noises partners of mine have made in the past as they’ve felt me shooting inside them, and I wonder whether it’ll turn me on as much to feel him do the same to me.

Since the first time I walked my feet back across my bedroom ceiling, I’ve never viewed semen as a mere by-product of sex. It doesn’t always have to be involved, but when it is – and when circumstances allow – I want it to be a thing. For my partner to get off on it in the same way I get off on feeling her cum on my fingers, or all over my chin. And ultimately to have the freedom to enjoy it myself, without being made to feel the same way I did when I looked at the white streaks on my face in the mirror that afternoon and wondered whether there was something wrong with me. Because in that sense, at least, there really isn’t.


30 Minutes

I finally wrote something for my own Christmas erotica meme! This short story takes Clarence Carter’s ‘Back Door Santa’ as inspiration – I hope you enjoy it.

30 minutes.

That’s how long we get.

Every Saturday morning at 11.00, I hear the front door slam, and I watch from my bedroom window as he leaves the house. He moves with purpose, his neon running shoes a blur across the tarmac right from the start. Knees pumping high, he lopes down our quiet, residential street till he reaches the entrance to the park.

Only when I’m sure that this week is the same as all the others – that he’s not going to turn back, hand smacking into his forehead as he remembers the keys left on a bedside table or hanging up in the kitchen – only then do I slip away from the window and out of my flat, into the shared hallway.

Lana is always waiting at the top of the stairs, white robe wrapped loosely around her dark skin. She turns away before I reach the top, leaving me to hustle up the last few steps in time to stop the heavy wooden door from swinging shut. She’s already halfway along the corridor by then, hips swaying as the robe starts to slide off her shoulders and down her body, falling away into a loose, billowy puddle on the teak floorboards.

Their bedroom is directly above my kitchen; I hear them going at it sometimes, late at night, her low moans accompanied by the rattle of the bed frame and, finally, Tom’s sharp, staccato climax. I raise my glass in a silent toast to his metronomic reliability – and to her sweet, hungry, fucking insatiable cunt.

Each week I stop in the doorway to admire the view. Not just Lana, spread out across the cream sheets like a medieval princess, but the street outside, winding its way between the redbrick houses and flowing into the lush green of the local park. If we’ve timed it right, a tiny splash of red will bob out of the trees, moving with a rhythm and purpose that are clear even at this distance. There’s a hint of a smile on her calm, serious face whenever she sees him run past.

My shirt gets tossed over a chair next to the wardrobe, onto a pile of Tom’s neatly-folded jumpers. I don’t need to be naked – not for this – but Lana likes to smooth her hands over my shoulders and down my back; to feel the warm skin under her fingers as my head dips between her legs.

She doesn’t set an alarm, which no longer makes me nervous; I’ve learned to trust her instinctive awareness of time (or perhaps her sense of self-preservation). Our half-hour window precludes drawn-out foreplay, so it’s always a relief to find her already wet. Sometimes that’s because she’s freshly-fucked, and on those Saturday mornings I can taste him, beaded between her labia, or slick against my tongue as I push it inside her cunt. The silver streaks smear her thighs and stick to my face like war-paint.

I’m careful not to leave traces of my own. My fingers press lightly into Lana’s belly, holding her in place without bruising. I don’t use my teeth. Instead I lap slowly at her swollen clit, curving around the hood and flicking under it with soft, teasing strokes. She doesn’t make much noise, and I glance up every now and then to see her head turned to face the window, lips pressed together in a dark-red bow as she gazes off into the distance.

When Lana comes, her whole body shakes. It all happens very quickly, with the first gentle tremors swallowed up in seconds by big, violent waves. I used to back off at that point, until the day she grabbed a fistful of hair and pinned my face against her cunt, my mouth opening again more in surprise than any conscious decision to resume licking her. She can hold onto her orgasm for minutes at a time – or maybe one just blends into the next – and that’s the bit I love most. It’s the hook that keeps me coming back, I think.

Afterwards, she sits cross-legged on the bed and watches as I button up my shirt. I do it slowly – a reverse striptease – waiting for her to crack and throw a cushion at my head, or chivvy me out the door. For her mask to slip.

For her to say goodbye.

It hasn’t happened yet.

I won’t lie, I’d feel better about the whole thing if he was mean and unfriendly; if he was boring, or even just a crappy husband. He’s not though. He’s a nice, solid, steady guy, and he loves her very much. He just won’t eat her out – and I will.

29 minutes after his neon shoes hit the pavement, I leave their flat with mussed hair and lips that taste of her each time I run my tongue over them. In the hallway I stop to pick up the mail, leaving Tom and Lana’s on the bannister at the bottom of the stairs, ready for him to collect. I close my door quietly behind me.

I try to be a good neighbour.


Variations on a Theme (of GOTN) – Part 1

Earlier today, Girl on the Net posted this REALLY FUCKING HOT piece on her current MMF fantasy. I read it, reread it, and immediately had to scurry downstairs for a quick, frantic, slightly dizzying wank.

After I’d sorted myself out, I sent the link to @theotherlivvy, who unsurprisingly had questions…

“Wow, that is ridiculously hot. Damn, that girl can write! So…which of the three roles do you like the most? Which would you want to be??”

My response?

“God…that’s SUCH a hard one!!!”

…and I wasn’t even talking about my cock. Because the truth is, I want to be all three of the people in that scene, and it’s almost impossible to choose between them. On the one hand, that’s the beauty of being a switch – I like to control just as much as I like to be controlled, and I’m sure as hell going to enjoy myself either way – but it also makes decisions like this one a real headfuck at times, especially when the whole scenario is just so overwhelmingly horny.

In the end, I decided to write up each of the roles as I see them – or as they’d work for me, anyway. That’s actually going to mean four posts in total (for reasons that will become obvious as I write them…); the first of those puts me in GOTN’s shoes as the Leading Man, letting my partner take control and direct the action…

The Leading Man

I’m perched on the edge of the bed when he comes in, and I’m naked. You stand up to greet him, your hand caressing his neck as you plant a lingering kiss on his parted lips. Maybe he’s an old friend or maybe you’re meeting him for the first time – it doesn’t really matter either way. What matters is the way you saunter back across the room, smoothing down your dress with one hand and tugging him along behind you with the other.

I try to avert my gaze, but your eyes find mine and drag them up till I’m staring at the two of you, waiting expectantly in front of me. I’m still hard – you sucked my cock just before he got to the hotel – and I catch him looking at my erection with almost professional detachment; it’s not the part of my body that interests him. Slowly, you pop open the round metal buttons that stud the front of his jeans; the flourish with which you flick your fingers across the last of them would be theatrical, if it wasn’t for the calm, serious expression on your face.

Your hand slips inside and I look up in time to see your cheeks flush with satisfaction.

“Fuck,” you almost purr. “Oh yes, you’re going to love this. So fucking thick.”

You don’t show me though. Not yet. I can see your wrist jerk as you stroke him, his head flung back and his crotch pushed out towards me. His cock is outlined against the denim – you’ve pulled it out of his boxers – and the only thing more obscene than the way it juts out to his hipbone is the grin on your face as you see me staring at its profile.

“That’s right, baby,” you say, your hand still moving inside his jeans. “And you’re going to take every last inch of it.”

You’ve already pulled the desk chair over to the side of the bed, close enough that you don’t even have to step to one side before falling into it. I start to slide myself down from the bed, but he doesn’t want me on my knees, and after a quick glance across I can tell that you don’t either. You’re settled now though – happy to give him a bit of rope before stepping in with instructions – and for a second I don’t know what to do. It’s just me and him now; you might only be inches away, but you’re not here to offer reassurance or hold my hand. You’re here to watch; to bear witness, as I take him all the way to the back of my throat.

His cock springs out like a jack-in-the-box; it’s so aggressively large that I find myself wondering about the physics behind its containment. I don’t even have to look at you again to know that your face has been pulled up into a feline smirk. My eyes squeeze shut – I want him to make the first move – but his hand cups my chin with a gentle, encouraging strength, and before I know it I’m sliding my lips forward, over the tip and stretching down, down…oh god, down till it feels like my jaw is going to crack from the strain of being forced open.

I barely register his fingers in my hair till he yanks my head back, tilting my face up towards the ceiling and rubbing his length along my cheek. I can hear you whispering to him, but the words run into each other in a way my stunned, woozy brain can’t quite follow. He grunts over his shoulder in a tone indicating assent, and before I know it my mouth is stuffed full of cock again.

“Get it nice and wet, baby,” you whisper, close enough to my ear that I figure you must have abandoned the chair. “Show him how much you want his dick inside you.”

I gasp for breath, releasing him for long enough to fill my lungs with oxygen before he seals my throat shut once more. His weight forces me to grind down onto the cotton sheet and my arse clenches around your butt plug, sucking it even deeper. I moan along his shaft, suddenly scared that he might come in my mouth like this, just as I’m finally ready to bend over and feel him split me open.

This is why I trust you though. Why I let you bring him here – this stranger – and why I’m choking and drooling all over the base of his cock in a hotel room high above the sleeping city. Your hand rests on his forearm, light enough that I barely feel his body twitch in response.

“Just like we discussed, right?” Your voice is steady and firm. “Slow and deep. Ease him into it. Then I need you to fuck him hard. Don’t hold back. I know he can take it – and I know he wants to take it. Remember who’s in charge here.”

Before I can scramble away, his hand clamps down on my shoulder, pinning me to the mattress. He pulls the plug out of my arse unceremoniously, tossing it aside as I gasp at the sudden feeling of emptiness. I struggle to lift my head but he’s hidden from the chest down, and it’s only when I hear the squelch of your fist on his dick that I realise what you’re doing.

You wipe the excess lube on the sheet, then settle down next to me, your face turned towards his looming bulk. His hands rest under my buttocks and he lifts me off the bed, fingers digging into my skin. The swollen, velvet head of his cock nestles comfortably against my entrance; he’s in no hurry now, and I find that the moisture on which I was drowning just a few minutes ago has fled my mouth, leaving me struggling to swallow.

We’re both waiting for one thing. You fan out your fingers across my trembling thigh and press down hard, as if you’ve reached a decision. Your voice is honeyed and warm; unrushed, despite the arousal vibrating through it.

“Mm, ok. Yeah. Action…”


Upward Management

For the second year running, I’m one of the featured writers in Tamsin Flowers’ Supererotica Advent Calendar. Once again, you’ll find me behind door 15, this time with a piece that pairs unlikely bedfellows in the form of ‘sexytimes’ and ‘Croydon’.

The story is called Upward Management. Here’s an excerpt:

Until that day, I’d never really thought of myself as dominant, and I still couldn’t tell you what’s different with her. I just know that when I looked down to see her big eyes staring up into mine, refusing to blink or look away even as the tears formed, something shifted inside me – or perhaps just clicked into place. I wanted to slide my hand under her chin, clamp it tight around her jaw, and thrust my cock as far down her throat as I could get it. What I found more shocking than my own desire, at least back then, was that Georgina clearly wanted that too.

In one sense, the location is entirely incidental to the way the action unfolds – neither brutalist architecture nor concrete car parks are unique to Croydon, after all. However, the story couldn’t really have been set anywhere else, and even though the kinky office power games got layered on top, it’s one of London’s least-loved boroughs that sits at the heart of what I wanted to write. Well, that…and a pretty stunning red dress. I don’t often have sex that I know I’ll later turn into fiction, but this was definitely one of those occasions…

We slipped out of the bar together on a quiet Sunday evening in mid-September, and I marched her back towards East Croydon station. The back of her neck was damp with sweat; I pushed my fingers up it, into her hair, tugging just hard enough to tell her how wound-up she’d got me. Even though we were catching different trains, I knew I couldn’t go home without fucking her – the dress alone had made that impossible.

The car park was pretty grim, but somehow that just made it hotter, as did the people we occasionally saw (or heard) walking along the street outside. The office block next door was dotted with light – people getting a head start on the working week, perhaps, or more likely a building security guard/cleaner. Anyone looking out of the window would have seen everything.

She knelt down in the middle of Mr Hardwick’s parking space (that particular detail had to stay) and slid my cock all the way to the back of her throat, her lips kissing the base. Around us the air felt still, cold, and deathly quiet, and each stifled moan I made as she sucked me seemed to echo out off the concrete pillars, into the space beyond.

I had to push the hem of her dress up over her perfect arse in order to fuck her. She bent forward, and her cunt was already so wet that I couldn’t have thrust in slowly if I’d tried. I clamped my hand over her mouth – she’s incapable of staying quiet without external assistance – and took her like that, quick and hard. It wasn’t a pretty fuck…

My heart still pounded afterwards, as we walked the last couple of hundred metres to the station. I could feel her body trembling, and as I turned her hand over in mine I saw that it was scuffed and grazed from the car park floor; smiling, she pointed to her pale, bare knees, each now decorated with a dark smudge.

“War wounds,” she whispered, and reached into her handbag for her Oyster card.

So yes, thank you so much to the lovely Ms Flowers for hosting me again this year, and for putting up with my terrible deadline management. Her Supererotica project has brought together some insanely talented writers, so I’m honoured just to be a part of it – I look forward to seeing who else is still to come!

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Christmas Lights

Ok…now I’m feeling festive…