
On sleeping together

A little while ago I was talking to someone about a guy she’d been seeing over the summer. They first met in a bar one Friday night, and went back to his place for sex at the end of the evening.

“When we woke up on the Saturday, he asked whether I had any plans for the day. We wound up just staying in his bed having sex, and the same thing happened on Sunday too. I didn’t leave till Tuesday morning.”

She said it so casually, as if that was the most natural thing in the world. Four nights and three days of lazing around with a sexy stranger, shagging like bunnies – what’s not to love? In truth though, just listening to her describe that scenario made me a little panicky. Claustrophobic too, in a way that I was almost embarrassed to articulate.

Thinking about it afterwards, I tried to imagine how I’d actually feel in that guy’s shoes. I’ve brought people home at the end of first dates before, of course, but always with the expectation that they’ll leave at some point – if not later that night, then certainly the  next morning. The idea that they might not – that they might stay in my flat, sleep in my bed – for four whole nights feels so alien to me these days that we may as well be talking about a month or a year.

And yet, I don’t think that was always the case. There was a time when I embraced intimacy with less caution, even in the earliest stages of a romance. I was more naive then, of course, but also incredibly open with my thoughts and feelings; open with my life generally. I guess I had less to protect back then, and while I’ve always been fairly solitary by nature, I wasn’t yet so used to being alone.

I’m going to explore that change a bit more over the next few weeks, I think. For reasons I’ll explain in an upcoming blog post, November 2005 was a pretty important month for me, so 10 years on it feels appropriate to look back at its impact in more detail; part of that will inevitably touch on intimacy, and what I guess could be described as my shifting relationship with it.

Right now though, I’m going to limit myself to writing about a specific bit of my friend’s story. It struck a chord because even with people I know well, sleeping together – actually sleeping – is not something I always find easy; with strangers, it often makes me far more uncomfortable than I like to admit.

Look, I love sleep, and for the most part I’m really fucking good at it. I might not always get a solid eight hours, but I don’t suffer from anything approaching insomnia unless I’m really stressed, which means that when I’m on my own any lack of sleep can mostly be chalked up to my inner night owl. If I go to bed far too late – and I do – it’s for what I think of as good, happy reasons, powered by my natural circadian rhythms. Who doesn’t have more fun after dark, right? The flip side is that I’m really not a morning person, even now; I don’t bounce out of bed at 6am, ready to face the day, and if I’m forced to get by on less than 5-6 hours I will rarely be happy about doing so.

It’s natural, then, that having someone else in bed next to me can disrupt things. I’m obviously fine with it immediately after sex – I’m free and easy when it comes to post-coital snuggling – nor is it because I need to starfish across the mattress when I do go to sleep. I slept in a single bed till I was 24, and even now all I really need is a steady, constant amount of space…at some point though, that’s the bit that tends to be problematic. Other people don’t just take up their own portion of the bed – in many cases, they have an unfortunate habit of encroaching on mine too. And when they cross that border, they often do something even more disruptive, even more alarming: they touch me.

More often than not, the raid comes in the very early morning, long before the alarm is due to go off. Lost in the depths of whatever dream I’m having, my brain will find itself pulled up slowly towards the surface; not until it’s bobbing up and down on the waves do I tend to register the hand gently caressing my back, or the fingers playing with my hair. Sometimes it curves round my body to brush over my cock, testing how ready I am to pick up wherever we left off a few hours earlier.

It’s always done with the best of intentions, which is why I’m slightly ashamed to admit that my standard response in that situation is to keep my eyes closed and pretend I’m still asleep, in the hope that the other person will lose interest and roll back over. If that fails, I might try to bat their hand away, or shift position so I’m lying on my front, as if doing so might somehow signal ‘closed for business’. Some partners get that hint, but others don’t – instead they double down and become more insistent in their attentions, as I lie there with teeth gritted and all hope of further sleep diminishing rapidly.

That’s ridiculous, right? Absolutely crazy. If I don’t like being touched – disturbed generally – in my sleep, I should just be able to say so. “Don’t wake me up for sex – please, just don’t” – there, how hard is that? All those idiotic avoidance tactics achieve the square root of fuck all, especially with someone I’m going to see more than once. Even worse, the prospect of doing that awkward dance is what makes me choose a night bus or an expensive taxi home after sex, rather than risk having my sleep disrupted in a new partner’s bed; sometimes that’s fine, of course, but it does feel like there ought to be a better reason for taking off than “aargh, I don’t want to be cuddled all night or woken for sex, and I don’t know how to tell you that.”

If leaving someone else’s house late at night can be tricky, indicating that I’d rather they didn’t stay over at mine is even more uncomfortable. It’s sort of fine if we know beforehand – or early in the date – that sex is on the cards, as there’s then time to figure out the logistics in a sensible way, but if I have someone back at my place late at night it’s obviously not acceptable just to chuck them out onto the street and expect them to make their way home. That’s not just bad manners, it potentially puts them in danger, especially if they don’t know the area or live far away.

All this just feeds into and reinforces my instinctive horror at my friend’s story. Alongside that horror though, is just a little bit of envy. I’m a private person, and I guard my own space more fiercely than I should, so anyone who doesn’t – who actually opens themselves up to someone new without thought or hesitation – is difficult for me to understand. I don’t know if I should buy them a drink or question their sanity.

Either way, it makes me really appreciate any relationship, casual or serious, that manages to push past that first set of intimacy barriers. I’m lucky enough to have people in my life who I can sleep with these days, and who make me happy and relaxed when they share my bed, rather than edgy and tense. Whether for good reasons or bad, I think I value that more now than I ever have done before.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Sideways

Another week, another photo from Luke Austin’s Butt book that caught my eye. Or caught someone’s eye, anyway.

Austin’s model is languid and light, but to me this felt like a darker image. I wanted pools of shadow falling around me as I lay there, waiting for someone to join me…ready for whatever they might need…

Sinful Sunday
Other photos Sex

Dick Pics interview

Back in August, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Rachel Kramer Bussel for her sex column in the Philadelphia City Paper. It turned out to be one of the newspaper’s final editions, as after almost 34 years it ceased publication on the 8th October.

I obviously don’t live in Philadelphia, but by happy coincidence Molly Moore and her husband were visiting family there when my interview with Rachel was published. They were kind enough to bring back a copy, which Molly handed over to me on Friday night.

At the age of maybe 10 or 11, I was certain I wanted to be a journalist, and when I read the paper each morning I would visualise my own name above the articles I loved the most. Perhaps for that reason, it feels ten times stranger (and more wonderful) to see my pseudonym and photo in a physical newspaper than it did when I first clicked through to the online edition. I don’t know what I’ll do with this blog in the long run – things change quickly, and planning too far ahead is always dangerous – but if I walked away tomorrow I think that interview (silly as it may be) would sit alongside Chemical Sex and Eroticon as one of the coolest things* to happen as a result of writing it.

While I’m tempted to frame the column and hang it in my bathroom, that would obviously raise a few uncomfortable questions, especially when my parents come to visit. Anonymity definitely has its drawbacks. Instead, I’ll tuck it away in a shoebox, alongside all the other bits and pieces of my life that have to stay hidden. Before I do that though, I wanted to share a photo of the article here, and to say thanks (again) to Rachel for having me…it was really cool just to be asked.

*I’m not including in this list all the amazing people I’ve met. They are their own separate category of awesomeness.



This is my first time participating in Kayla Lords’ Masturbation Monday meme (guest posts aside). I’d been meaning to join in for a while now, and then today’s prompt just sort of blew me away a little bit. It also felt like a perfect match with an image from this book, by Luke Austin, which I’m hoping to have a chance to replicate at some point…

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story, and do click on the purple square below to read more from the Masturbation Monday canon!


With the camera comes anonymity. With the camera comes power.


She is not accustomed to taking control – not in the bedroom, anyway. There she prefers to let Matt direct things. It’s not that she is silent or shy, nor is she passive, but his hands on her body generate a sensation almost unbearable in its intensity, and she gives herself up to him without hesitation. It is as if he draws all the heat inside her up to the surface, till her skin glows golden-red and each breath burns in her chest and throat.

Afterwards, serenity kisses the top of her head and falls around her like a soft towel at the end of a warm bath. The way they fuck is nourishing, or at least that’s how she thinks of it. Too long without his touch and her hair feels limp and dry; all the colour washes out of her. Shadows gather.

They often take photos together, just the two of them; she loves the way his camera feels like an extension of his eyes and hands, roaming over her as she moves into position for him. It is silent foreplay – she always knows exactly what he wants – and when they are done she falls back onto the bed, cunt slick with anticipation, and closes her eyes, not daring to move until she feels his arms hook under her knees, and the first long, languid stroke of his tongue between her legs.

She guards those private moments fiercely, and that’s why it jars, at first, when he asks her to shoot him with someone else. It’s for work, she gets that – there is no budget for a professional photographer, and it will be hard to sell tickets without an eye-catching poster to put up outside the theatre – but it still feels like an intrusion onto territory she’s always considered to be hers.

They arrive fresh from rehearsal, and she hears them clatter through the hallway below her apartment. Rich autumn sunlight spills through the living room window, wiping away the sullen expression she’d fixed carefully in place; she is left helpless by its beauty, and by the sound of Matt’s deep, carefree laughter echoing up the stairs.

She has met Liam once before, not long after the auditions. He’d given Matt a lift home from the pub, and they’d chatted briefly on the doorstep outside her building. She remembers only how self-contained he seemed; how soft-spoken, with a lilt to his voice that even now she can’t quite place.

When they bounce into the room, she already has the camera set up on its tripod, ready to go. It feels steadier fixed in place like that – or maybe she feels steadier. In her hands earlier it just seemed bulky and awkward; the weight threw her off-balance, robbing her of the poise she likes to wear as a shield in moments of discomfort.

Matt hands her a bottle of wine, and she roots around in the sideboard for glasses. It feels cosmetic – surely they have done this a thousand times – but she gives each man a half-filled glass anyway, and watches as they drain them in silence. She looks over at the record player in the corner, unsure what to do next. Matt clears his throat and the sound relaxes her; no, she’s really not used to calling the shots. He frowns, and gestures at the space in front of them.

“Let’s get started, shall we?”


Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Cat

It’s been, for one reason or another, a pretty turbulent week. Lots of highs, a couple of real lows, and lots to process both mentally and emotionally. It culminated yesterday afternoon in a physically exhausting game of hockey, after which I felt broken in just about every sense.

When I got home, I cancelled my Saturday evening plans, opened a bottle of wine, put on some music, and chilled the fuck out. By this morning, I was feeling a lot happier – rested, if not fully restored and recharged. After tea and toast, I padded back down to my bedroom, just in time to see a beautiful patch of sunlight form across the end of my bed.

During the week, a business operates from the two windows directly opposite mine. For obvious reasons, that limits what I can do in my room when the curtains are open. On Sundays, no such restrictions exist. I shucked my dressing gown, crawled up onto the bed, and stretched out on my stomach. I could feel the sun warming my back; soothing the sore muscles in my arse and thighs. My cock was pressed between my stomach and the sheet, tight enough that it started to get hard without me even having to shift and thrust my hips.

I eventually rolled over, closing my eyes against the blinding sunlight. I arched my back and tensed my abs, letting my arms slide up the wall behind my head. Even though I knew no-one could see through it, the open window in front of me was somehow very exciting, especially when I pushed my legs apart and wrapped a hand around my throbbing cock.


Elust #75

Kilted Wookie
Photo courtesy of Kilted Wookie

Welcome to Elust #75

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #75? Start with the rules, come back November 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Is it hate? Am I a fraud?
On Rape Fantasy
Just Breathe


~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

sex, surgery, celibacy

Sex, Death, and Squirting

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

On Filth

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!

Erotica Other photos

Friday Flash: Torrent

She sends me out just as the storm hits. Her kiss is brief, almost perfunctory, but her hand lingers on my forearm for just long enough to tell me that she knows – that the timing is not a coincidence.

Few things turn me on more than being properly caught in the rain. I’m not talking about your pissy, London drizzle – the weather equivalent of having someone repeatedly sneeze in your face – but instead the sort of torrential downpour that leaves you gasping when it first hits your skin. Rain that churns up a shimmering cloud a foot high and makes it impossible to see the ground in front of you.

It’s a battering I’m powerless to resist, so I close my eyes, spread my arms wide, and embrace it. Who wouldn’t? We are drawn to that sort of elemental fury, precisely because it strips us down, layer by layer, and leaves us feeling utterly exposed. Pinned under nature’s microscope.

I love the way water always finds a path. Always. It sneaks down my collar, and gathers in the hollow at the base of my throat. It spatters and freckles the backs of my hands, clinging to the hairs that tuft out of my jacket sleeve at the wrist. When I touch my face, it is like skimming a stone across the surface of a lake; the skin dimples under my fingers, and is filled quickly by the water that already covers it in a thin, cool film.

Sodden and heavy, my clothes plaster themselves to my body. It should be unpleasant, but even the cold denim wrapped tightly around my thighs sets off a shudder of arousal rather than discomfort. It prickles at my nerve endings, leaving me twitchy and primed; charged with a restless sexual energy that makes me want to toss my head back and scream at the sky.

The heat rushes to my stomach and groin as I splash through the puddles. I must look half-mad, with my head bare and a smile so wide that the corners of my mouth start to ache. Saturation is liberating somehow, and I am so giddy that I start to feel like I’m floating above the spitting, bouncing raindrops as they hit the ground.

She is waiting for me on the doorstep, a towel draped over one arm. She makes me stand there in front of her, stamping my feet impatiently, my cock starting to push out a dark blue bulge in the front of my jeans.

She takes a half-step forward and extends one arm, just far enough to brush my chest with her fingertips. The rain attacks her bare skin immediately; it is fierce and greedy for her, and we both stare as it runs off in fat, glistening streaks.

I clear my throat to speak, but she shakes her head and pulls me towards the door. When it closes behind us, I am momentarily disorientated by the change. It is quiet here – the surge and roar of the storm replaced by expectant silence. By the low hum and purr of her voice, as she looks me up and down. Slowly, and with deliberate, obvious intent.

“Come on. Let’s get you out of those wet clothes…”



On Denial (and topping from the bottom…)

I have, at best, a mixed relationship with pain when it comes to sex. My own appetite for it is very low – I can tolerate, and will sometimes even enjoy, a good spanking, but anything beyond that just does nothing for me, either physically or psychologically. I am not a masochist.

I’m not a sadist either. I am more willing to inflict pain, but even that is guided largely by my partner’s desire for it; beating someone’s arse till it’s bright red, then repeatedly slapping her face while we fuck (for example), is not a sequence of activities that I find intrinsically pleasurable, but if it makes her happy then I have absolutely no problem incorporating it into our play – after all, the more aroused and stimulated she is, the better the sex for both of us.

Still, I will never be an impact play expert, because it’s not really where my heart lies. If someone needs pain to be a regular, structured part of their D/S dynamic, I am probably not the guy for them – and I’m ok with that. I’m much more comfortable when power and control are used and expressed in other ways, and perhaps foremost among those is denial.

I’ve written about denial before, specifically in the context of orgasms. Telling my partner not to come, and then watching that agonized struggle play out on her face, is one of the single hottest things I ever get to do; likewise, having to respond to that demand, when it’s made by someone who knows just how (and how far) to push me, hits all of my submissive sweet spots…and then some.

That knowledge is crucial, because at its best denial is an unavoidably (inter)active process. One of the biggest sins anyone can commit during D/S play is to conflate submission with passivity. I don’t want to fuck someone who is passive when we’re together – who merely wants to lie there and be done to. When I top someone, it’s important to me not just to take something from her, but to make sure I take something she really, really wants, whether that’s an orgasm, or my cock, or her freedom of movement…or simply the permission to do whatever it is she’s craving at that particular time.

I was thinking a lot about that the other day – about those “oh pleeeeeease” moments, when my partner is so desperate for something that she will literally beg me to give it to her. It’s intoxicating in a way that makes me wonder whether I am a sadist after all, though ultimately I think I get off less on her pain than on the anticipation of the noises she’ll make when I finally relent. That’s how I know I’m doing it right – those fucking incredible noises, and the way they hit me somewhere so deep that I want to forget about whatever it is we’re doing and just pour myself into her.

Moments like that can be triggered by all sorts of things. The one that prompted this post – the denial I’m unbelievably hot for right now – is what I guess could only really be described as the literal form of topping from the bottom. And it goes a little bit like this…

Your thighs are visibly trembling as I hold you in place above me. I look up at your body, stretched and somehow incredibly vulnerable – though maybe that’s more a function of the way you’re staring down with parted lips and a question in your eyes that we both know you don’t need to ask out loud.

But eventually will.

Your position is superficially dominant – you have the high ground, gravity is on your side – but you retain only the illusion of control. My hands cup your arse in a way that feels at once casual and fiercely proprietorial. They are loose and relaxed, bouncing you gently as if they’re simply weighing you up. Taking your measure.

I have different options. I can settle under your buttocks like this and merely take whatever weight you try to push down on me, in an effort to get to my cock. Or I can take a firmer grip on your biceps, and make it more of a tussle, as I have to almost lift you up in order to keep you in place. Either way, you understand that this is all about my hands now – my arms too. What they will and won’t let you do. Where they’ll push and pull your body, as you wriggle and fight against them. There’s a physicality to the way we grasp at each other; it’s dominance that I have to actively assert, and which flows directly from the greater strength and weight of my body.

If I feel like it I can lift you away from my cock to straddle my face, where any initial whine of disappointment will taper off with each soft stroke of my tongue. I’ll jam my thumbs into your skin and brace myself into the mattress, allowing my lower back and thighs to take some of your weight as my arms hold you in a vice above me. I could make you come like this, almost against your will; you want to squeeze and shudder around my cock instead, and it’s only when you’re close that you start to waver, start to grind down impatiently as my tongue slips over your clit.

Denial is most effective when you make someone believe – even for just a second – that despite all previous evidence, it really is going to be this easy. That’s why I want you to feel the orgasm building. “Yes,” you’ll say, your voice shaky, “oh yes, please, just like that”, and I’ll nod up at you, my hands giving a little under your arse, letting you press harder against my mouth.

The further I push it, the more of a struggle it is for both of us when I stop – by this point, I’m almost as hungry to feel you come as you are. You clutch at the headboard, fingers scrabbling for purchase. I don’t want it to hurt, not really, but it’s hard not to be turned on by the anguish on your face as I wrestle you back towards my lap.

Fucking you like this would be so easy now. I could hold you open and thrust up hard, the muscles in my arse flexing and driving my cock a little deeper each time. With my hands on your hips, I could fuck you as hard like that as if I was kneeling behind you. Or I could fan my fingers out across your stomach, applying enough pressure to tilt your torso as my other hand supports your lower back; at that angle, depth won’t really matter, and I can almost just massage your cunt with as much or as little of my cock as I like.

I’m not sure you care which way I do it – not now, when you can feel the shaft sliding against you, thick and hot, and your hips are twisting jerkily as you try to manoeuvre me inside. This might be the bit I enjoy the most, and you know that, because I can never wipe the smirk off my face when I tease you with the tip, or force your fingers down to your swollen clit. The pre-fuck anticipation, mixed with the thrill of watching you suffer and squirm on top of me, is what will stay with me afterwards, and what I’ll wank over when you’re not there.

And no, I’m not afraid to let you know that I need this as much as you do, especially right now, with your cunt so wet that you’re almost sticking to my skin. I want you to know that – to feel me twitching against you, my arms straining and my stomach tense, just from the effort of holding back and denying you this thing that both of us now crave. In this position it’s impossible to feign indifference, so instead I’ll let you drink in the desire on my face. I’ll hold my breath each time my cock threatens to slip inside your cunt, and each time you’ll clench just a little harder, certain that I’m finally going to crack and give it to you.

There’s an intimacy in being able to see our different struggles mirrored in each other’s eyes. At its best, denial has a two-way cost; this shouldn’t be painless for me. Showing you the toll it takes will make it easier for you to be even more vulnerable in the future, I think.

Because it’s different when you’re spread out on your knees in front of me, waiting for the touch that might never come. That is power in absolute form; symbolic as well as material. There you are blind, and bereft of contact or reassurance. You cling greedily to every word I toss down towards you; to the seductive, agonizing brush of my velvet cock head along your slick cunt. I am omnipotent, God-like, and the sight of you prostrate in supplication only makes me want to deny you even more. I can wrap your hair in my fist as I tease you, or make you yelp with sharp smacks of your upturned arse. I can edge you with a vibrator as I ease the first inch or two of cock inside you, and when you ask to come, when you fucking dare to beg me for it, I can pull away completely, leaving you open and gasping with need.*

Here though, we are too closely entangled for that – too connected in every sense – and my control of events feels looser, more contingent. Here there will come a point where I simply can’t deny you any longer, because to do so would be somehow inhuman.

You have no mask when you’re on top of me like this; I can see what every careful touch and movement does to you. It is that which finally forces my hand, I think, and again it’s less sympathy than it is an impatient, almost gleeful desire to see the look of relief on your face, and to hear that long, low moan as I pull you slowly, firmly onto my cock. You toss your head back, eyes squeezed shut. Your thighs lock against mine, as if you’re afraid this might be a trick – that I’m going to lift you up and make you beg for it all over again – and I stroke your shoulders, your sides, in silent reassurance.

I’m still in no rush to make you come, but with the weight and heat of my cock inside you now I’m not sure you are either. You’re no longer frantic – it is easier to relax and submit like this, even while my hands continue to conduct your movements from their anchoring points at your hips and tits, your waist and throat. Depth and pace suddenly feel like secondary concerns. The ordeal is over, and you know that an orgasm is just around the corner.

You know it.

You think you know it…

*Just so we’re clear, this is also awesome.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Butt

In New York last weekend, I picked up a little gem of a book, by a photographer called Luke Austin. The title of the book – actually more of a super high-quality magazine – is Butt, and within its 60 pages are countless gorgeous images, all focused on the male arse.

I tweeted photos of a few of my favourites during the week, and have enjoyed flicking through it so much that it seemed only right to take inspiration from Austin’s work and make my own butt the subject of this week’s Sinful Sunday post.

In the stairwell that connects the two levels of my maisonette flat, there is a mirror. Actually to be more accurate there are 21 small mirrors, arranged in a 3×7 grid on the wall. I’m rarely a fan of my own reflection, but something about the way it’s broken up and spread across those 21 shiny discs often captures my attention as I move from one floor to the other.

Tonight I stopped to take a proper look at what they showed me; while I stood there, trying to decide whether I liked what I saw, I had the sudden urge to feel someone else’s eyes on me from above…pinning me down on their mental page, and studying my arse…just like I’ve studied Austin’s models this week.



Sinful Sunday

On First Dates

I’ve been thinking a lot today about how much I love first dates.

First dates are an entirely separate, unique category of human interaction. They come with their own success criteria and are governed by their own set of rules, which are often contradictory and confusing – not to mention understood differently by different people. They act as a sort of gateway to what we might describe as conventional dating, but can also re-route us to a host of more (and less) interesting places, sometimes when we least expect it.

As a result, it is possible (preferable?) to assess first dates in isolation, rather than making any verdict on their outcome contingent on subsequent events; which is just as well, given how intrinsically rich they are in data and detail. They are fascinating, maddening, and occasionally just a little terrifying, but done right they constitute some of the most fun you can have with your clothes on…at least to begin with…

Anyway, perhaps counter-intuitively this sudden burst of affection was triggered by a message I received yesterday afternoon from someone cancelling the second date we’d scheduled for later this week. Let’s call her Lydia.

“I’ve been seeing someone fairly casually for a while,” she wrote, “and over the last few days we’ve decided to make it a bit more serious and exclusive. As a result, I think it’s best if we don’t meet up on Thursday – I’m quite sad about that, and I’m sorry to mess you around! I’m sure you’re not fussed, but I wanted to explain because I had such a nice time last week.”

As rejection goes, that definitely sits at the milder end of the spectrum. Lydia was honest, kind, and thoroughly decent about the whole thing – and frankly, having got to know her at least a little bit over the last couple of weeks, I’d have expected nothing less.

Still, I was pretty bummed. Like her, I’d enjoyed the previous date a lot. It had all the right elements: good food, good wine, excellent conversation, and a chemistry that simmered just below the surface all evening, before bursting up through it right at the end.

For the most part, I like to keep first dates pretty simple, especially if I don’t know the other person very well. Cinema and theatre are obvious no-nos, along with anything else that essentially makes conversation impossible. Likewise, I try to avoid arranging first dates where the activity is likely to be the main focus; anything too elaborate can obscure and confound the central purpose of the date, which is to get to know each other and establish whether there’s enough of a spark to make it worth meeting up for a second time.

On this occasion, we opted for an early dinner, and squeezed into a cosy Italian place in Hoxton, which I’d walked past over the weekend. I discovered quickly that Lydia was sharp, considered, lively and self-aware; generous with the details of her own life, and curious about those that made up mine. Drop-dead gorgeous too, for whatever that’s worth (ok, a lot – it’s worth a lot). Nothing about her felt forced or artificial; she seemed like a person comfortable and easy in her own skin, and relaxed enough to let a relative stranger see that.

We hadn’t planned anything beyond the restaurant, but eventually found ourselves snogging in the corner of a slightly grotty East London boozer. We were both a little flushed with alcohol, though far from drunk, and I held my breath when I kissed her for the first time, staying as still as possible out of sudden fear that the moment might dissolve around us. Later, as I walked her back to the station, there were more kisses: we snatched them from each other, hotter and a little frantic, our hands roaming more liberally than they had in the pub. Whenever we disengaged, bursts of slightly giddy, rambling chatter filled the space, serving mainly as a shared filibuster; each word took us a little closer to her train, and held at bay the prospect of full-on public debauchery. It felt intimate, but in an easy, almost conspiratorial way.

In other words Lydia was pretty much the perfect first date – and in my head, that will remain the case, regardless of the fact that there now won’t be a second. There will be no revisionism here, and certainly no regret; the date itself was excellent, and sometimes that’s enough. Sometimes that has to be enough…

That’s perhaps one of the biggest differences between the person I am now, and the one I was 10 years ago. For a long time, I found it really hard to relax and enjoy first dates properly; I was nervous beforehand, tentative and reserved while they were actually happening, and deeply self-critical in their immediate aftermath. The built-in failure rate appeared dauntingly high, especially given how infrequently they came along in my early 20s. What’s more they were capricious; for someone who likes to be in control of things, the unpredictable nature of those initial encounters was difficult to swallow.

Like anyone with bad early romantic experiences, I feared rejection, but more than that it was the fatalism I struggled to accept. I would chew over the date for days afterwards, second-guessing conversational choices and berating myself for my many social and physical failings – real and imagined. Rarely did I stop to consider whether or not I’d actually been attracted to the other person; low self-esteem typically relegated that to a secondary consideration, as I instead fixated on their obvious lack of interest in me.

Thankfully those days are long gone. I’m much happier at 34 than I was at 24, and that’s reflected in pretty much every aspect of my outlook on sex and relationships, first dates included. My glass is half-full, not half-empty; for all my cynical moments, I am at heart a positive person, and at this point in my life that extends to cover the way I see my own value too.

That shift in outlook has enabled a further, crucial change in the way I approach dating. In a nutshell, I’m no longer obsessively outcome-focused. Instead, it’s all about enjoying the process and the possibility. Each time I go out with someone new, I do so simply because I’m curious or excited to spend time with them; to soak up their company and conversation, and to offer mine in return. Anything on top of that is a bonus – a lesson I wish I’d taken to heart many years earlier.

A first date isn’t just the means to an end. It’s actually its own gorgeous little moment in time; something we can only ever do once with any given person, and which we should treasure and value accordingly. Sometimes, like last Monday, that moment will be awesome, but even when it’s not – even when it’s downright terrible – I rarely wake up the next day and regret investing the time and effort required to create it.*

I’m sure there will come a point where I slide naturally back into monogamy, or at the very least a less open form of polyamory, whether with an existing partner/partners, or with someone who hasn’t yet crossed my radar. When that happens, I guess I’ll miss the thrill of fucking other people, but if I had to put money on it now, I’d say it’s the pleasure and possibility contained in those warm, rich evenings with someone new that will feel like the biggest loss.

*I realise that a lot of this post is written from a position of privilege. For one thing, as a man I have the luxury of going on first dates without having to worry too much about assault, abuse or harassment, and I want to acknowledge that here. Not everyone can afford to be so carefree or positive about dating, and as a result, this is very much my perspective on it – it’s not intended to come across as any sort of manifesto for how others should feel.