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We sway horizontally, caught in a jumble of East and West; of night and day. I see you in soft focus, shining and blurred around the edges, where your red-eye meets my red eyes – our last flickers of light before we finally crawl into the improbably seductive embrace of a cheap motel duvet.

In the city that never sleeps, we are united in our treachery – our muffled sigh is success, not surrender, and when we drift off together for the first time, it feels like something we’ve already been doing for most of our lives.

Hours later, sunlight floods through the paper-thin curtains, bringing with it disorientation and a numbing fatigue. I roll into you, but the jut of your hipbone limits me to a half-turn; defeated for now, I lie there, beached, and you push fingers through my rumpled hair. I close my eyes again, happy to let the waves wash over me.

I clear my throat, not trusting my voice to carry unaided.

“Last night was…”

“…yeah! Not just last night. From the moment you kissed me in the diner downstairs…”

Suddenly I want to play back every single memory while it’s fresh. I’m greedy for them – it’s impatience that should take months to build, but as I scroll through each mental image in turn I’m struck once again by the way our time seems to warp and flex around us, drawing forward nostalgia and extending out to some invisible horizon the impact of your lips on my skin.

Lost in mental hypersensitivity, it takes me a few seconds to circle back and notice your hand sliding around my cock. When you whisper in my ear, I don’t have to open my eyes to see your lips curling up at the corners.

“Well one part of you seems to be on New York time…”

It didn’t feature in any of our long-distance phone calls, this close-range hand job. It’s not that first fuck yesterday morning, or the way you made me strip for you beforehand, exposing myself to your poker player’s gaze. It’s not the way we spilled out of our taxi and up the stairs a few hours later, foregoing dinner to make my bed rattle against the wall for close to an hour, with sweat pooling and shimmering around us.

No, this feels more like the sort of ordinary, pre-dawn ritual that we might have in another, extraordinary life together. I don’t even marvel at the easy skill with which you touch me; it’s clear that you knew my body well before you first spread your hands across it. I focus only on breathing. I try to match my cadence to the rhythm of your fingers on my cock, sucking the air deep into my lungs as you stroke up over the head, before letting it out again each time you squeeze back down to the base.

I have no idea how long it lasts. Time feels immaterial, even as its final precious grains continue to slip away from us. Your fingers are light and slender, but they grip my cock with a strength and purpose that I find inexplicably arousing. The coaxing is cosmetic – as I’m jolted closer and closer to orgasm, I feel helpless to slow what turns out to be a single-minded, surgical assault.

The room is locked in a lazy spin. It swings back round as I start to thrust into your fist, and locks in place a few seconds before I coat your fingers and my stomach in cum. I watch my cock twitch in your hand, and struggle to remember how it felt not to do that with you.

I pull you close to me and we lie in silence for a while. There is everything and nothing left to say, but with the sun rapidly chasing us towards a premature farewell, we opt to let the warmth of our bodies speak for us. We pour ourselves into each other, charging and colouring the memories that will help to keep us in sync, long after we’ve stretched the physical bond between us back to its 6,000 mile length.

Later I’ll walk away from the hotel, letting it play out a few feet at a time. I won’t look back.

I won’t need to.

Other photos Sex


I arrived back at the office to pick up my stuff two hours after my evening run. Central London was muggy tonight, and I’d never really managed to bring my body temperature back down to its resting level. The ten-minute hop on the Tube from Hyde Park to Holborn had only made matters worse.

I deactivated the burglar alarm and quickly gathered my things. The office was mercifully cool. I fought the urge to linger, allowing myself only to gulp down a glass of water and strip off my cotton t-shirt. As I walked from my desk back to the front door, the air seemed to kiss my skin.

It was only when I got in the lift that I noticed myself in the mirrors. Pale and sweaty, but happy too. The sort of exhausted satisfaction that can become addictive very quickly. I also became aware of how sexual I felt, exposed like that and reflected all around the tiny room. Of how much I wanted to be seen.


Of that sudden, slightly unsettling rush of lust, which sweeps away tiredness and leaves only fidgety hunger in its wake.

I like that feeling.

** And yes, this is mainly just a shameless way of plugging my marathon sponsorship page in a shorter post! It’s for a really brilliant cause though, and one I feel great about promoting here. Shelter do great work – click here to help them do even more of it in the future. **

Erotica Sex


“Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits: that’s the essence of running, and a metaphor for life—-and for me, for writing as well.”
― Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

First, a story*.

I don’t always feel good at the end of a run. Sometimes I feel downright awful. My hamstrings bark, my back tightens up, and the rev counter on my internal motor flickers down around zero – barely enough to propel me back up the stairs to my apartment.

On those occasions, I don’t feel sexy either. I go an unpleasant shade of red and my cock shrivels to the size of…well, you get the idea. I’m an assault to the senses: the way I look, feel, taste, smell, and even sound is fundamentally unattractive.

Every now and then though…

Her house was at the top of a hill on the other side of Oxford. I ran there under duress. “Your training plan says you have to do five miles today anyway,” she said. “You might as well come here so I can feed you at the end of it.”

I didn’t really want to be fed – and I certainly didn’t want to cap off a five-mile run with a hilltop finish – but Emma was insistent. As I puffed my way up towards her front door, a sulky, resentful voice started to whisper in my ear. Stupid girlfriend, with her stupid sodding house, on a stupid sodding hill, it muttered.

I was prepared to keep up the self-righteous grumbling for several hours, but the look on Emma’s face when she saw me on the doorstep put an immediate stop to that impulse. She pulled me close and gave me a deep, hungry kiss, her hand on my arse. When she stepped back again, her smart work blouse was dark with the sweat from my t-shirt. To my eyes, she’d rarely looked sexier.

I followed Emma to the kitchen, my aching body struggling to adjust to the unexpected surge of endorphins and the sudden, slightly primal arousal.

“Dinner will be another 20 minutes,” she said. “You want a cup of tea?”

I nodded, and watched as she reached up to the cupboard to fish out a mug. Her top rode up, and I had visions of her naked body under mine on the living room floor, legs wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t wait that long though. Emma half-turned to look back at me, but I was already close behind her, my hand sliding round her throat to hold her head in place.

I kissed her with the same ferocity she’d shown in the doorway. With my other hand, I gripped her wrist and guided her to the bulge in my running shorts. She slid her fingers inside the waistband, peeled my boxers away from hot, damp skin, curled them around my cock and squeezed…

Somewhere upstairs we heard her housemate walk across the landing to the bathroom, but both of us were past caring about social niceties by that point. I yanked down her knickers and pushed her skirt up around her waist. She braced herself against the cupboard, legs spread.

“You want it? Are you wet for m…”

“God, I’ve been wet ever since I looked out of my bedroom window and saw you running up that hill. Just fuck me already.”

I reached under Emma’s top as I nudged the head of my cock inside her. My hand pressed against her stomach, the fingers sweeping out and inching upwards to nestle in the crease under her heavy tits, already slippery with sweat.

Before I could move any higher, she batted my hand aside and pushed back hard onto my cock. Braced against a solid surface like that, she was able to match my thrusts; it was less a smooth fuck than a series of ragged, violent collisions, as I fought a losing battle to hold her in place.

My knees buckled just seconds before hers, nearly sending both of us flying. Instead we collapsed onto the cold granite floor, and she rolled onto her back so I could slide back inside her cunt.

We eventually found our way up to Emma’s bedroom, where everything slowed down. The lactic acid started to work its way into my muscles, and my slightly shaky, adrenaline-fuelled hunger settled into a more normal level of desire.

Emma rode me without breaking eye contact, a half-smile on her face; it faded only as she clenched hard around my cock, and at that point I became entirely too distracted to notice it anyway.


Every now and then, I think of that fuck. I think of it when I run in the buttery sunshine of a midsummer evening, and I feel sexy, regardless of how awful I look.


“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Say you’re running and you think, ‘Man, this hurts, I can’t take it anymore. The ‘hurt’ part is an unavoidable reality, but whether or not you can stand anymore is up to the runner himself.”
― Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

I was 28 years old when I decided to run a marathon. It was August 2009, and my 30th birthday was 23 months away. “I should have a ‘thing I’m going to do before I’m 30’,” I said to my friend in the pub one night. We batted a few ideas back and forth, and eventually settled on running a marathon because, hey, why not?

The following September, we lined up together in the cool drizzle of an autumnal Sunday morning, ready to join 40,000 other people on a 26.2-mile slog around the streets of Berlin. Neither of us really knew what we were doing – I had trained in a gleefully amateur fashion, while he was there only because I’d bullied him into joining me – but the whole thing felt like an adventure, so excitement broadly outweighed trepidation. Just about.

And until I reached the 34km marker, that remained the case. I’d nearly choked on an energy gel pack after about 15k, but having regained my equanimity I’d floated serenely around the course, swept along by the sense of occasion, and by the crowds of runners and supporters who swarmed together to help shield me from the reality of what I was pushing my body through.

At 34k though, something inside me just crumbled. Long-distance running ultimately boils down to the battle between mind and body; to the tipping point at which your brain waves the white flag, and stops resisting the double whammy of muscle/joint pain and aerobic exhaustion. At 34k, my race was run; I closed my eyes as the final wave swept over me, eroding the last of my willpower and slowing my legs to a begrudging, heartbroken walk.

I don’t remember much about the next 5 kilometres, because even at the time I tried to ignore their passing. I ran and walked in equal measure, setting myself little targets each time I found a new energy reserve. “The next corner,” I’d tell myself. “The next corner – then you can walk again.”

As I went over Potsdamer Platz, with a little under two miles to go, I rallied. Someone in the crowd waved at me, and called out my name (they’re printed under your race number). “Go on, C___!” she shouted. “Not far to go now – you can do it!” I remember looking round to try and see her face, but between my blurred vision and the dense crowds lining the routes the noise seemed to come from every person I passed. It felt for just one moment like the whole of Berlin was cheering me on.

Four hours and nine minutes after crossing the start line, I staggered past the line of volunteers handing out medals, dispensing water, and guiding confused, wobbly finishers towards the changing tents. Even though I was fairly sure I wasn’t going to vomit, I felt nauseated – as much from the disorientation and mental fatigue as from the physical pain.

Heading back to the hotel (without my friend, who finished 20 minutes later) I twice took the wrong line on the U-Bahn; it was as if my brain was struggling to process the 360 degree world around me after four hours spent focusing only on the road ahead, and on my own increasingly fragmented thoughts.

Two days later, I posted this photo on Facebook.


Two days after that, the blackened nail on my right pinkie toe fell off; it would be another six weeks before the same finally happened to the nail on my left pinkie. I flew back to England still in considerable pain, compounded by several days of trudging up and down steps at U-Bahn stations across the city (not sure ‘disabled access’ has a German translation…).

I looked down over the city from my window seat as the plane circled round to the west, and whispered two words.

Never. Again.


It was when the numbers disappeared that I started to consider it again in earnest.

People often ask me about my green wristband. They assume I must be showing my support for a particular charity, and I sometimes feel awkward explaining that no, I wear it only because it helps to remind me of that day. Of a time when I said to myself “I’m going to do this thing,” and then went ahead and did it, albeit in slightly half-arsed fashion. That’s been important over the last few years, especially at times when I’ve fallen short of other goals I’ve set myself.

I had the numbers stamped into the wristband the day after the marathon. 04:09:03, they said, and I looked at them most days over the months and years that followed, until they finally faded away. The nine minutes and three seconds nagged at me for a long time. They seemed emblematic of failure; of the 5km in which my body had let me down, sabotaging the loose goal I’d set myself when I woke up on the morning of the race.

That’s the good kind of failure though, because it ultimately inspires you to push past the bad memories and past the awareness of just how much it’ll fucking hurt. Without that sort of infuriating inspiration, most of us wouldn’t achieve half of what we ultimately drive ourselves to do. We wouldn’t explore those outer edges of our individual limits, and we certainly wouldn’t fully exert ourselves within them.


I was 33 years old when I decided to run my second marathon. I’ll be 34 when I line up in Berlin, ready to feel the pain once more and to decide how much I’m willing to suffer. How close I want to get to my limit.

I’m both more and less confident this time. My training will be more structured, and it’s certainly started much earlier. I know my body better, I think, which makes it easier to know when to push and when to ease off. On the other hand I was completely injury-free back in 2010, which feels like a minor miracle in hindsight, given my rather haphazard approach to the whole project. I’m also older, not that five years ought to make such a difference at this point in life. Not physically, at least.


“As I run I tell myself to think of a river. And clouds. But essentially I’m thinking of not a thing. All I do is keep on running in my own cozy, homemade void, my own nostalgic silence. And this is a pretty wonderful thing. No matter what anybody else says.”
― Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Someone asked me recently what I think about when I run. Like Murakami, I enjoy the way ‘nostalgic silence’ often descends upon me as the miles pass under my feet. It feels like a very pure way to achieve total mental relaxation, and there are times when I value that more than just about anything else in life.

I can’t always do it though, and I’ve learned to accept that too. To embrace it, in fact. As I ran around my home town on Saturday morning, I felt restless and twitchy; my attention wandered off every couple of minutes, and became progressively harder to rein back in. Instead of getting anxious, I decided to harness the unexpected hyperactivity. I forced myself to go back to that 34km marker in 2010; to visualise running past it, with strength still in my legs and a clear sense of purpose. I broke down the last 8k almost stride-by-stride. I even allowed myself to see the finish line, and to imagine the relief I’d feel if I crossed it with the number 3 still shining bright on the left-hand side of the electronic clock.

Sometimes we need to open ourselves up to that pain – to the ‘optional suffering’. Without it, we wouldn’t know how much we wanted to go back; to reassess our limits, and find a way to push ourselves out towards them.

* A fundraising expert told me last week that storytelling was an effective tool to use when trying to attract sponsorship. I think this is what she meant.

I’m running the Berlin Marathon for Shelter, which is an AWESOME charity that needs way more love and support than it currently gets. They do great work to help people struggling with housing issues and homelessness, and I’m proud to be doing this on their behalf.

It’s sobering to think that if I hit my target and finish in just under four hours, another 26 families back in Britain will lose their home while I’m out on the marathon course. That fact alone makes me super-motivated not just to hit my £750 fundraising target, but to smash it.

If you’d like to sponsor me – and to contribute to a thoroughly worthwhile cause – you can do so here. Thanks for reading 🙂



The green ink was smudged and faded against the pale skin of her inner arm, with its light dusting of freckles and delicate veins. It was a fat, sinuous vine, wrapped around – well, I couldn’t tell you exactly what it was wrapped around, because just as I leaned in to get a closer look she twisted away and whipped my pint glass out from under the tap.

I took it from her without comment, focused only on directing my gaze somewhere other than her cleavage. Her curly hair was a damp frizz, and a warm flush spread down from her neck, fanning out into the dip of her collarbone. She wore a khaki vest top, cut low; it clung to her, as if the adhesive perspiration pinning ringlets of hair to her forehead also coated her torso.

I dumped a handful of coins onto the counter, my mouth dry. At 10 o’clock on a Tuesday night, the chain pub was cool and quiet; its bright midweek sterility brought to mind a dentist’s waiting room or the lobby of a high street bank. The only source of heat was the barmaid’s skin, where beads of sweat caught the light and glowed in sequence as she moved towards me.

Moved past me.

Moved to the end of the bar, where she lifted a hatch and ducked underneath it.

Her shorts were a light brown to match the khaki. I watched them shift and pull tight across her arse with each step she took across the empty lounge. She had almost reached the cellar door when she looked back over her shoulder.

“Come on,” she said. “We don’t have long.”

I pushed myself up from the bar. Coarse denim pinned my erection to my upper thigh; as if mocking my prudish refusal to stare, she held my eyes with hers, then dragged them slowly down till I felt my cheeks burn. I flexed my fingers, fighting the urge to shield my crotch from her unnerving appraisal.

Spreading my hands apart in front of me, I followed her through the doorway and down a set of wooden steps. The hair on my arms fluttered in the cellar’s damp chill. She turned to face me, her face slashed by the shadow of a single lamp. In one smooth, liquid movement, she peeled the sweat-soaked vest over her head, and leaned back against a tower of crates.

I dropped to my knees in front of her. Before I could slide my hands around to cup her arse, she popped open the button fly of her shorts; we tugged at them together, stopping only when gravity took over and sent them slithering down to the floor. I pressed my fingers flat against her belly. She spread her legs further apart, almost luxuriating in her newfound freedom. I could hear only my own shallow breathing as I brushed her clit with my lips; only my own thumping heart as I parted her cunt into two soft, swollen banks with my tongue.

It was when I sat back on my haunches to look up at her that I finally heard it. One long, shuddering sigh; a percussive wave of energy that seemed to flow out of her overheated body to warm the air around us. I settled back between her legs, and let the scent of her arousal drift through me, bringing with it a calm, clear sense of purpose.

Such a funny thing.

I don’t even like tattoos.


Giving Head

A few weeks ago, Malin James posted this really interesting, nuanced, sneaky-hot piece about her ‘blow job spectrum’, and the way her attitude to sucking cock has evolved and shifted across different men and different experiences. We were chatting about it the following day, and she challenged me to write something on oral sex from a male perspective – and specifically, on how my feelings about going down on women have changed over time.

I have to admit, my first instinct was to challenge the premise of the brief. “They haven’t changed,” I wanted to say. “I’ve always loved giving head.” And it’s at least kind of true. I’ve alluded to this briefly in other posts, but I suffered from fairly bad ‘performance anxiety’ in my first few sexual encounters, which affected both my ability to get hard and my level of confidence when it came to actually fucking someone: being asked to eat them out instead was almost a relief, even if I basically still had no idea what I was doing (at that stage it was a bit like asking me to defuse a bomb, or repair a car engine – I’d give it a go, but any success I had would be both accidental and surprising).

Ultimate outcome aside, penetration and oral involved different challenges. Oral was an activity to which I could apply my brain, rather than having to rely on my body to step up at the right moment – something it often seemed stubbornly unwilling to do. It gave me time to think and relax; to slow things down and enjoy the moment, instead of feeling like everything was happening at 100mph around me. I loved it because it felt unrushed and unpressured, and offered at least the illusion of control over things. It wasn’t threatening in any way; instead there was almost a soothing intimacy to it. Even if I didn’t know how to lick someone ‘properly’, it still seemed like something I couldn’t fuck up too badly; at the very least, a soft tongue felt like an aid, not an impediment!

Around the time I learned to trust my body enough to enjoy penetrative sex as well, I started a relationship with a woman who craved being eaten out like very few people I’ve met since. That had two major impacts: it actually made the sex itself easier for me, because she was very clear about the fact that it wasn’t ultimately her main source of pleasure; and it forced me to up my oral game, just to keep pace with the level and frequency of her demands.

It quickly became a bit of a personal quest to make her squirm and swear and moan as uncontrollably as I could. I learned to vary things like pace and pressure; to take away the stimulation at just the right moment, till she begged me to lick her again; and to read the way her body built up to orgasm, so that I could coax her towards them or dictate their timing with at least a reasonable success rate. Let’s face it, as much as the ability to climax repeatedly over a short period of time benefits women overall, there’s something magical about being the person who induces that staccato series of orgasms just through the steady, implacable rhythm of soft tongue on swollen clit.

In short, I reaped the benefits of a long(ish)-term relationship with someone who simply couldn’t get enough of my tongue. And it was brilliant. Not only did she transformed my view of oral – of its role, purpose and power – she also taught me the inestimable value of listening to one’s partner. Somewhat counter-intuitively, it took 10 months with one woman for me to learn that there was no ‘one way’ of doing things – no magic formula for being good in bed.

Once I’d fully taken that on board, my confidence levels rose dramatically. I no longer worried about doing it right, because I was able to see that ‘right’ varied so much from person to person; instead of blundering around in search of a perfect set of sexual techniques, I focused on understanding what individual partners liked and wanted. Unsurprisingly, sex became a lot more enjoyable for all concerned as a result.

As time has passed I’ve enjoyed giving head more and more, and I think the variety of experience is fairly central to that. It’s maybe a stretch to say that no two women like the same thing – some broad principles do hold true in most cases – but discovering someone’s body with my mouth is still one of the most rewarding (and occasionally surprising) bits of sex with a new partner. Equally, building on that initial discovery, and understanding more and more of what makes her tick, is one of the best things about seeing someone more regularly. And in the same way that I prefer giving presents to receiving them, witnessing – or inducing – pleasure in another person is always so much more rewarding on a mental and emotional level than focusing on my own. My own orgasm rarely changes, I suppose, whereas even after being with someone for a while, I feel like there are always things to discover about how they respond to different types of stimulation.

Of course the response is not always positive, but that’s fine too. I’ve written before about some of my own difficulties with receiving oral, and I’m always very conscious of them when I’m eating someone out for the first time. Above all, I’m aware that there’s a vulnerability and a loneliness to opening oneself up to another person in that way; not everyone enjoys it, and the initial reluctance can’t always be overcome. Generally though, I try to make oral as interactive as possible. I want her fingers in my hair, or her nails digging into my shoulders, because it establishes a connection that extends beyond just the visceral pleasure of my mouth on her cunt.

It’s also worth mentioning that as a man, giving head is not an entirely unselfish activity. There are times when I’m having sex and an orgasm slowly creeps up on me with a sort of irresistible momentum; I reach a point where I know that I’ll have no choice but to close my eyes and give in to it…unless I find a way to slow everything right down. If I want to prolong the fuck, scooting down and spending a few minutes with my face and fingers between my partner’s legs can act as a bit of a palate cleanser; not quite pressing the reset button, but certainly a way of letting water that’s threatening to bubble over return to a gentle simmer.

It’s also, frankly, an ego boost. Like most people I thrive on positive feedback, especially when it comes to sex. Reducing someone to virtual incoherence with my tongue is just about the best way to make myself feel better about life, because it feels like a very clear cause-and-effect. I did that to her; I made her writhe and stiffen in that way; and if I did those things, maybe there’s a bunch of other great stuff I can do as well – in and out of the bedroom. Even at 33, I sometimes need validation like that to shore up my confidence, or to balance out more uncertain or ambiguous experiences.

All of which sort of brings me back to the original question. My attitude towards giving head has changed over the last ~15 years, and that change broadly comes down to one word: control. I’ve had conversations with two different 23 year olds recently about the difference between life at their age and life at mine; in both cases, I came away envying their self-awareness and sophistication – and painfully conscious of how lacking I was in either quality 10 years ago. That bled through to my sex life, and ultimately to the way I gave and enjoyed oral. I was clumsy, shy, and tentative – in control of neither myself nor what I was doing. As a result, I focused only on trying to get specific things ‘right’, rather than understanding – and enjoying – them as part of the wider process of connecting with my partner.

These days I enjoy everything so much more than I used to, because I feel comfortable and secure in who I am. Cunnilingus is a big part of that: it’s now such a natural and easy thing to do, and for sheer catlike satisfaction I don’t think anything will ever beat the feeling of someone coming all over my tongue. It actually gives me the shivers just writing about it, so you can imagine the effect it has in real life – and that’s one thing that I certainly don’t see changing any time soon.

Erotica Uncategorized

Search Term Story: Redux

It’s coming up for six months since I wrote this post, sharing some of the weird and wonderful search terms that bring people to my blog. I also asked people to vote for the term they most wanted me to use as the title for a story; it’s fair to say that ‘Lust Fish’ would not have been my preferred option when polling began, but it won a landslide victory, and accordingly made it on here a few days later as this piece of M/M filth.

Last night I had another trawl through the search terms section of the WordPress stats page*. The first half of 2015 once again brought a mix of the sublime, the ridiculous, and the downright terrifying. I remain heartened by the number of people apparently interested in getting down’n’dirty in the Tiergarten, but kind of hope that whoever was looking for ‘very dangerous’ or ‘mad bad’ porn settled down a bit and stuck to the more regular stuff.

As in December, I’ve put together a list of my 10 favourites from the last six months, and whacked them into a poll, which you’ll find below. One important change from last time is that I’m not promising to use the winner as a story title – some of them clearly aren’t suited to that – but I will make it either the title or the theme of an erotica short.

I’ll keep the poll running for a while, as I won’t be in a position to write up the winner until the back end of June. If there’s a search term on the list that you’d like to see me turn into a story, you know what to do – and if there’s one that you’d like to use as the title/prompt for your own piece of erotica, go right ahead and do so…I’ll link to whatever you come up with when I pick this up again in a couple of weeks!


*Ok, new dashboard, I’m slowly warming to you.



I exchanged a handful of friendly emails the other day with an ex-fuckbuddy. Those sorts of conversations make me very happy – it’s always nice to find that you can talk easily and naturally to someone you used to get naked with – and in her case we saw each other recently enough that just the act of chatting over email was enough to revive some pleasant (and pleasantly vivid) memories.

However, it wasn’t just the various mental images of her in my bed that distracted me from what, by then, was a wedding reception in full swing. There was also this, dropped casually into her first message:

“I’m at a hen do today. In the afternoon a very friendly guy came and took all his clothes off for us so we could draw him. He clearly enjoyed his job. As we all stared intently at him, his cock twitched and grew until he stood there, fully erect, in front of 10 giggling hens.”

It’s no exaggeration to say that my cock also twitched and grew simply as a result of reading that description. It’s a scenario that ticks so many boxes for me: exhibitionism, public nudity, CFNM, being controlled…and the blurring of whatever line that exists between uncontrollable arousal and a deep, burning shame.

It was also very well-timed, because this is something I’ve been meaning to write about ever since someone reminded me of an old blog post last week. That first experience of posing naked for someone  – all the way back in 2003 – was highly formative, it would seem; ever since then, I’ve got off on that feeling of being exposed, whether or not there’s a camera between me and my audience.

It can also be terrifying, of course, but that tends to be just another part of the appeal. I don’t get aroused by pain, but its close cousin, fear, can inject adrenaline in a way that goes straight to my dick. That kind of exposure taps into the same vein as things like exam pressure, or the feeling I used to get just before going on stage in school plays, or while warming up for my first match in county badminton tournaments. It’s the strange sort of performance anxiety on which I’ve always thrived.

That was certainly the case a few years ago, when I decided to take the plunge and volunteer as a life model for a class in Oxford. I was working through some body confidence issues, and rather than taking a practical, patient approach to resolving them, I pretty much decided to go hard or go home. Literally, as it turned out.

Looking back at it now is a surreal and slightly embarrassing experience, because I really didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I responded to an ad on Dailyinfo, an Oxford bulletin board, and quickly found myself invited along to an art studio on a Tuesday night. I hadn’t done any research, so I was completely in the hands of the person running the class, which paradoxically made me feel more secure about the whole experience.

Actually, that makes total sense within the context of my wider sexuality. I find it almost soothing to surrender control sometimes, as if the person telling me what to do is sending me on this fantastic mental holiday, where I can just relax and allow my brain to float out to sea (and yes, I have used that analogy before). When the teacher told me in a matter-of-fact voice that the class was about to begin, her clear, unambiguous assumption that I would just go and get undressed made it far easier to do just that.

The sessions themselves were equally relaxing, albeit with a dash of boredom and a pinch of arousal thrown into the mix. I think I expected my mind to race around at 100mph, and for my heart to beat its way out of my chest; as it was, the silence, and the concentration on the face of the students drawing me, induced this almost trance-like level of calm, which I struggled to shake off for quite a long time afterwards.

Twice I found myself getting erect in front of the class, and both times were the result of direct eye contact with a student. I (just about) got used to that intensity of gaze, I think; at first it was the only disconcerting thing about being there, and I actively tried not to look people in the eye, but as I relaxed into it there became something almost voyeuristic about watching people focus on their work – and on me. On the two occasions when that focus became a silent, two-way interaction, I suddenly became much more aware of my nudity; the consequent vulnerability/discomfort was intense, but also intensely sexual, just for a moment.

I imagine that a hen party generates a very different sort of environment – more giggling, clearly – so the two experiences are not directly comparable. Still, CFNM is a recurring fantasy of mine, and like most recurring fantasies it has several variations. My friend’s email revived in me that desire to be observed intently at close quarters, by multiple people, while completely exposed.

Maybe it would be an intimate cocktail party at someone’s house. Hired as the waiter, I’d be there simply to serve drinks while naked. No talking, no flirting, just a long, appraising glance every now and then from one of the guests: bold and open enough to make me blush and look down at the ground.

Or perhaps a much more casual, spontaneous thing. Two or three friends who I know well. We’re all drinking, and one of them dares me to get naked in front of them. They’re laughing as I strip, and I don’t know whether it’s my body or the situation that they find funny. They slap my arse, or take photos with their phones to show their other friends; one woman even gives my cock a quick tug, just because she can, and by that point she knows that I won’t say no.

A lot of the time there’s only one woman involved. She catches me masturbating in the office late at night, and makes me strip and pleasure myself as her price for not reporting me to HR. Or I lose a bet, so have to take my clothes off for her somewhere public, where I might be seen; she teases me the whole time, and combined with the fear of getting caught her teasing gets me really hard, till I have to make myself come in front of her.

I’m not any kind of a dancer, so there’s rarely a clear performance element to the fantasy. Or, rather, the performance lies in what’s not said, and in the lack of uninhibited movement. It’s a performance of the eyes, or the hands, or the attempt to regulate my breathing. I’m silent and still, even if all around me people are chatting, pointing, and making their amusement – or arousal – obvious. Especially if they’re doing that, in fact.

Because for me the appeal lies not just in giving up control, but in watching someone – or a group of someones – revel in taking it. In regarding me as something to observe and perhaps to play around with, like a cat with a ball of wool. The reason my fantasies in that area are so varied lies in the spectrum of intensity with which she – or they – can do that. All the way from studied indifference at one end to forensic focus at the other; my response shifts accordingly, but at each point along the way I can find something to latch onto, and be aroused by.

To some extent, that’s why I started this blog. The early posts are pretty much all dick pics because at that point I really wanted, and perhaps needed, that feeling of vulnerability and exposure. I still do sometimes. These days I’m more comfortable with the online nudity, it’s true, but in person I don’t think I’ll ever stop getting those butterflies right before stepping in front of a camera, or taking my clothes off while someone sits and watches me, glass of wine in hand. I’m not sure it’ll ever fail to get me hard either.

I don’t know whether I’ll do more life modelling further down the road. I suspect I’ll eventually want to try some variant of it, or to lift various other CFNM fantasies off my mind’s canvas and onto life’s page. Until then, it makes me happy to know that there are groups of women out there who enjoy watching a man take his clothes off and get hard in front of them. If nothing else, it makes those fantasies even easier to draw up in my head…


No Mercy (and the dichotomy of deadline relaxation)

As most of you know, I’ve been moonlighting for the last couple of Mondays over at Rebecca Black’s site, with a (two-part) story called No Mercy. I’m very grateful to Rebecca for hosting my work, and for featuring a bunch of my old (and slightly less old) stories on Cliterati in recent weeks.

I’m grateful to her for another reason too though. On the Erotica page of this blog, there are three unfinished stories – in the Documents folder on my laptop there are at least a dozen more. Some of them I’ll go back to one day, but most I won’t. They’ll sit there, unloved and incomplete, till I’ve forgotten why I even started writing them in the first place.

In some ways that’s just what it is to be a writer. You have an idea, you run with it, and the story either goes somewhere or it doesn’t. Every now and then I’ll come up with what I think is a fantastic scenario, or I’ll stumble upon two(/three/four/…) characters who I really love; and for 500 words, or 1000 words, or even 1500 words, my fingers will dance across the keyboard. And then…and then, I’ll hit a wall. I’ll realise that actually, I’ve told the whole story before any sort of natural endpoint is in sight, or I’ll just lose whatever enthusiasm I had for the project in the first place.

Sometimes it’s circumstantial. I do go through periods of not being able to finish (or indeed start) anything at all, and in some of those cases I’m sure the ideas I have really are fucking fantastic – I just don’t have it in me to follow through with them. Whether I’m busy at work, dealing with personal crap, or just not in the right headspace to write smut, there are times when I do just need to take a step back and focus on other things.

Every now and then though, I look back on something I’ve half-written, and have to acknowledge that fundamental laziness is to blame for my lack of staying power. Unsurprisingly those are the really frustrating ones, because they feel like they ought to be within my control: I have an idea; it’s good; it works as a story; I give it a good crack; and then…ooh, something shiny! Or, more to the point, ooh, I have six hours of Masterchef to catch up on and my bed is fucking comfy…

That’s just who I am though. In most situations, I will generally default to the most enjoyable option…unless there’s a strong imperative to stay the course with something more stressful. That contrast pretty much defined my academic career, which ultimately worked very well; the Oxbridge (Arts/Humanities) system is set up to reward people who perform at their best under regular spikes of pressure, and even when that reached its extreme form during Finals, I greatly preferred it to the more sedate, low-energy rhythms of my Durham Masters programme.

In short, I need a deadline. Whether academically, professionally or creatively, I find deadlines to be relaxing, not restrictive. They liberate rather than suffocate, and the shot of adrenaline they provide is often enough to see me through a sleepless night or a finger-burning keyboard frenzy.

When Rebecca asked me to write a guest post for her blog – and for the Masturbation Monday meme – I agreed without even really thinking about it. The date we’d settled upon was weeks away, and as a result I put the whole thing squarely on the back burner..until, with a couple of days to go, the fear finally kicked in. I had no ideas in mind, no characters, no plan for how I might structure it, and very little time in which to resolve all of those issues; but for some reason that momentary panic was exactly what it took to kick-start the creative process.

Most pleasingly of all, once I’d written part one, Rebecca came right back at me with a request – verging on a demand – for the rest of the story. Without her push, I doubt I’d have finished it, because after submitting the first half a part of me felt like I’d already said the most interesting things I had to say about that scenario – the rest was ‘just’ sex.

Sometimes though, it’s good to be reminded that the sex matters too…even if Erotica as a genre doesn’t always require it! It also felt great to be pushed like that, and to force myself to find ways to extend a story that I might otherwise have wandered away from, or written off as a lost cause. I enjoyed a sense of purpose that can sometimes be elusive with writing; as a result the whole experience felt far more natural and relaxing than has often been the case over the last few months.

I was happy with how No Mercy turned out; and if you’re reading this but haven’t yet checked it out, I hope you enjoy it too. Most of all though, I’m pleased to discover that I can still hit a hard deadline (outside of those I’m being paid not to miss), and that I still find it strangely relaxing to operate under that particular form of pressure.

Erotica Sex

Elust #70

exposing 40
Photo courtesy of Exposing 40

Welcome to Elust #70

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #71? Start with the rules, come back June 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Exposed! My Mom Knows!

Flash Fiction: “A Taste”

I am a Sex Blogger & I Reject Pseudonymity

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

‘X’ is for X…
Give my guilt an erotic payoff? Tell me more.

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*


All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!



Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

The Great Outdoors (Or Why I Trust Him)
I’m Reminded You Can’t Force an Orgasm
Yes I am Sexy
Why Choose Monogamy When You Can Choose Every
Would you? Could you?
On Being Haunted

Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish

A Horse Among Unicorns: Embracing my Straight
Being a Disabled Top in Kink Community
And here I thought kink was all about consent
10 Signs You Don’t Understand Submission
The Answer

Writing About Writing

Sex in Real Life vs Fiction
Terms of Use


Six Nine – A Happy Horny Haiku

Erotic Fiction

One Saturday Evening
Stolen Minutes
Haunting you
Q is for Quenched
A schoolgirl spanking story 10
Sit Here Please
My Prize

Sex News, Opinion, Interviews, Politics & Humor

Spanking, Brits, and what if we didn’t?
“V” is for Virgin

Erotic Non-Fiction

My first date with Lexy – Part 2
Goodnight kiss
How To Kiss Me Like You Mean It
running cold and hot
His cum came out my nose.
Going Down. Honey, Coconut Oil and Cum.

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