Erotica Sex

24 hours (2020 version)

Over the last few years, I’ve published a series of posts called ’24 Hours’, where I pull together various fantasies I’ve been having at the time. There’s no rhyme or reason to when I decide to sit down and write a new entry, though (unsurprisingly) they do all tend to appear at times when I’m feeling particularly horny.

They also serve as a bit of a personal sexual barometer – it’s nice to be able to check in with myself every now and then, and to break down a few of the things that have been turning me on. While it’s not a perfect measure of mental health, I’m always at least somewhat reassured when my libido kicks into a higher gear, as I’ve found it often goes hand-in-hand with inner peace/happiness and can help me to turn thoughts and ideas into solid creative output.

It remains to be seen whether that’s true this time. For now, I hope you enjoy the 2020 edition of ’24 Hours’ as much as I enjoyed writing it…

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Lingerie Is For Everyone!

For the last 52 weeks, the super-talented writer and blogger Violet Fawkes has been running a very sexy (and important) weekly photo meme called ‘Lingerie Is For Everyone’.

Until today, I hadn’t participated in ‘LIFE’, but I’ve hugely enjoyed checking out the various contributions. Violet runs the project with such typical generosity of spirit that she manages to attract and inspire images that range from high art to downright filth, accompanied by words that underscore how important the meme’s basic principle is to those who take part.


Homecoming (Part 1)

“How’s that?”

I adjusted the webcam so Hayley could see more easily. She stared at me from her high-backed office chair, that familiar oval face resting delicately on the knuckles of her left hand.

“Better. But I still think you can take more.”

I reached down and felt for the heavy silicone base of the dildo she’d picked out for me. I pressed my index finger against it, then ran my thumb along the slim shaft to measure out the remaining length.

“I think I’m up to about five inches now. Or rather there must be about three left…”

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Squeeze

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to sex, but one thing I’ve observed to be at least generally true over the years is that most people who don’t have a cock are (understandably) wary of handling one in too firm or vigorous a manner.

While that’s infinitely preferable to the small number of partners who’ve taken the opposite (and far more painful) approach to jerking me off, it’s still an area where I’m always keen to offer reassurance – not least, of course, because I benefit directly from any increase in hand job confidence.

And I find that the best way to provide that reassurance usually involves giving a lengthy and intimate demonstration of exactly how I like to be touched. Of how well my cock responds to the tight grip of a lubed-up hand (or two). Of the way it ripples and swells when a curled fist strokes up from the base towards the head, the skin reddening and the veins bulging out.

Of how fucking good it feels when I squeeze.

Erotica Sex


It starts with kissing, because it always starts with kissing. Pulling her into my arms has become a foundational element of everything that follows; a lodestone, or just the sturdy trunk from which a thousand different possibilities branch off in every direction.

I already know what I want to do with her tonight. In fact, I’ve been thinking about it for a few days now. Squeezing my legs together a little harder whenever it pops unbidden into my head. First though, I need to feel her lips against mine, followed by the soft, warm skin on the back of her neck, under her sweat-damp hairline.


Sinful Sunday: Selfie Lighting

We’re just leaving Montreal, after a truly wonderful few days at the home of erotica writer, Bellesa Queen, and all-round gem of a human being, Jayne Renault.

We came here for Smutathon (and honestly, if you haven‘t donated already, what are you waiting for?), which was obviously brilliant, but actually it was just as much fun hanging out with Jayne and Anne Stagg either side of the fundraiser.There are a million great things I could say about Jayne – as a host, an artist, a friend, and more – but damn, on a totally superficial level she just has the BEST apartment. Big, light, airy, and decorated throughout with exemplary taste, we loved staying there, to the extent that if Jayne ever leaves town for a few weeks she has a standing offer from us to come and house-sit.

However, among all her flat’s many qualities, there was one I didn’t notice till this morning, just as we were preparing to leave. I was about to get in the shower, but as I stood in front of her mirror and gave myself a quick once over, I suddenly realised: her bathroom has excellent selfie lighting.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: The Art of Playfulness

Last night’s 50th birthday party for 19 Syllables was always going to feature a number of elements:

  • Lovely, warm, interesting people – 19S has excellent taste in friends
  • Energetic, exuberant teenagers – her daughters and their mates are pretty awesome too
  • Dancing! 19S and her husband know how to tear it up on the dance floor
  • Almost constant laughter – as there should be, when you’re among dear friends
  • …and filthy photos! Because if there’s one quality 19S embodies above all others, it’s the art of playfulness, and it would be very rude not to reflect that in our own way.

It was a brilliant evening, even before I went out to the field behind 19S’ house with Liv, E40, Katteroo, Honey, and a couple of unexpected companions. Once there, we all jumped on space hoppers, got our bums out, larked around, and generally showed off for the camera in a way that we felt would make 19S proud.

Group shot done, I decided to show off my excellent purple braces properly, in a photo that I think has an unexpectedly strong Cabaret vibe – or, perhaps more realistically, leaked Four Weddings & a Funeral outtake shots/Bullingdon Club social vibe.

Either way – I like it! And more importantly, it feels entirely reflective of the evening as a whole 🙂

Sinful Sunday
Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Bare

A couple of days ago, I tweeted this:

I’ve written about trimming/shaving my pubic hair before: in blog posts, in erotic fiction, and years ago in one of my very first Sinful Sunday posts, which I think has fallen victim to my 2017 blog migration.


The DM Slide

NB: This is a true story, but that doesn’t mean we invite similar messages from other people we don’t know. It turns out there really is a delicious exception to almost every rule, and this just happens to be it…

It’s a regular Saturday lunchtime. I’m pottering in the kitchen; Liv’s curled up on the sofa, scrolling through Twitter with Martha playing at her feet.

“Ooh, I just got an interesting DM.”

“Yeah? What does it say?”

“Sorry, we got an interesting DM. It was sent to you too…”

I reach for my phone. Read in silence. Ok, that’s 100% the word for it: interesting.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Cockshot(t)

Sometimes life throws an opportunity your way, and it’s your responsibility to grasp it with both hands.

Sometimes the past and the present collide with joyously unexpected consequences.

Sometimes the obvious jokes are the best jokes.

Sometimes dreams do come true.