
Words: A Writing Challenge

Besides its general comedic brilliance, the recent ‘EuphOff’ meme showed very clearly that in erotica – as in life generally – words matter.

‘Cock’ is sexy. ‘Throbbing manhood’ is not.

‘Cunt’? Hell yeah! ‘Orchid of love’? Well…no.

So when the adorable Jade A. Waters let slip the other night that she has an actual list of favourite words, I was immediately intrigued. That list – cultivated over the best part of 20 years – has evidently stood Jade in good stead, because she’s a beautiful writer, equally (and devastatingly) capable of tugging your heartstrings and just plain turning you on.

With Jade’s kind permission, I’ve decided to use her list of favourite words as the prompt for a mini fiction contest.

The brief is pretty simple: pick one word from the list below, and write a piece of erotic fiction with that title. Your story should be no more than 1500 words, and you can be as creative as you like with how you approach it. I’ve already got my word of choice lined up, and will be posting my entry at some point next week.

I’m probably not going to award a prize for this one, so there’s no deadline per se, but if I get enough submissions by Easter Monday, I might randomly send chocolate to the ones I really like. Emphasis on ‘might’ (words matter, after all…).

Whether it’s parabola, pretension, or profusion; fastidious, flamboyant, or forbidden; just choose the word that stands out to you, and email, tweet, link or DM me with your story.

And even if you don’t fancy taking part, definitely do go check out Jade’s site, for more evidence of her linguistic talents!

jade words

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Strip

I want to strip for you. To take it slow. I want to feel your eyes on me, as I peel myself open, one layer at a time.

Tell me to stop.

Tell me to wait.

Watch my fingers fumble and flex at belt and waistband, desperate to show you more.

Make me present myself to you, front and back.

Inside and out.

You want me to get hard? To spit on my hand and pump it up and down over the length of my cock?

What’s that? Yes, I can come closer. Maybe you want to check whether that’s pre-cum glistening on the tip. Maybe you want to taste it.

I’ll close my eyes and push my hips toward you, waiting to feel your tongue.

A twitch. A long, shuddering sigh, as you sit back and smile up at me.

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Sinful Sunday


Buses & Bad Erotica

Planes are sexy. Trains are really sexy. Buses? Buses are not sexy. Buses are warm, sweaty and cramped, or they’re cold and draughty, with virtually no scope for anything in-between. Most of them seem to be driven by angry, angry men, whose misanthropy and general hostility seem to spread through the fetid, vomit-stained upholstery and up into the previously placid passengers.

Buses are not sexy. But they are hot. If trains are a long, slow seduction in the buffet car, buses are a quick, drunken hand job on the back seat. Maybe it’s the staccato rhythm; the traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and roundabouts, as it takes off from one stop and helter-skelters its way to the next. It lends itself to dirty sex, in a way that planes and trains instinctively don’t. Doing it on a bus means a rough, stripped-back fuck – and all the fumbling, groping, and fingering that leads up to it.

For all that, there is a halfway house between buses and more comfortable modes of transport. I enjoyed one of those earlier this week, when I took the Oxford Tube back to London, after a couple of days with my parents. Inter-city coaches marry just enough of the creature comforts of train travel (proper seats, reading lights, power sockets…), with the noisy, seedy, slightly chaotic experience of riding the bus. Like planes, they’re perfect for anything up to about three hours, beyond which you become increasingly aware that you’re trapped in a giant, unstable tin can, with a bunch of strangers and inadequate ventilation.

My journey on the Oxford Tube made me think back to a story I wrote in 2005, for someone I was dating at the time. It had already been on my mind, actually, when reading through (and thoroughly enjoying) some of the ‘EuphOff’ pieces last week. Not because I think it’s quite so spectacularly bad; more that in querying my own reluctance to write a story in response to Jane’s challenge, I’d concluded that I’m probably still sufficiently neurotic about my own writing that the idea of sending up the genre more broadly makes me just a little nervous.

It’s sort of the same feeling I get when trying to take ‘funny’ Sinful Sunday photos – the part of me that used to worry about people laughing at my body for less kind reasons kicks in, and I hang back, scared of making myself look ridiculous. For that reason, I hugely admire the people who are happy to invite that sort of response, and to be so open and generous in how they allow others to look at them, or to read their work.

Anyway, I dug out that 2005 story last night, and read all three parts. I didn’t cringe as much as I’d thought I might, but it still left me itching to do a full rewrite on the whole thing. Instead, as my own sort-of contribution to the bad erotica meme, I present it here in its full glory, 2,400 words of ‘chalky, gargantuan rises’ and ‘long, hot stream[s] of liquid soul’. And no, I won’t be doing an audio version of this one.


March Madness: Competition!

Like any self-respecting Englishman, I grew up with a pretty dismissive attitude towards American sports.

Baseball? ADHD cricket, with more hot dogs and less history. Ice hockey? An excuse for angry Canadians to punch each other without being arrested. ‘American’ football? Rugby for pussies. Basketball? Slightly more enjoyable than watching a pendulum swing back and forth.

Fast forward to 2015 – one formative relationship and a shitload of ESPN later – and I’m a committed Red Sox, Bruins, Patriots and Celtics fan, with an annual subscription to MLB Gameday, regularly impure thoughts about Tom Brady, and a Chrome Bookmarks folder called ‘Stats Porn’…

…which brings me to the point of this post. I’ve grown to love baseball, ice hockey and American football…basketball still leaves me cold. I can appreciate the skill, but essentially most games are either blow-outs, or come down to five minutes of excitement as the pay-off for two hours of back-and-forth boredom. And the players are just really tall.

There’s one exception to all that. One insanely lucative, morally dubious, statistically orgasmic exception: NCAA ‘March Madness’. The annual NCAA tournament combines everything that’s best and worst about sports: rampant commercialism and the exploitation of young athletes, offset against almost unlimited gambling opportunities, sociable competition with friends and colleagues, genuine underdog stories, and a wealth of complex data available to help sort the Cinderellas from the pumpkins.

Once a year, Americans – including the President – fill out their brackets, and then sit back to watch the action unfold, live on national TV. As a Brit soaking it all in from afar, I’ve always taken an absurd amount of pride in beating the Yanks at their own game.

This year, I want to put my money where my mouth is.

This year, I have created my own ESPN Tournament Challenge group, and I invite you all to join it here (password: competition). If you do so (and for the benefit of basketball newbies) you’ll have the chance to predict the winner of every match in a 64-team tournament, from the First Round through to the Final: the more correct picks, the higher your score, and the better your chances of beating me (and Obama).

Sound daunting? It shouldn’t.

For all that I’d love to claim it’s a scientific, stats-driven process, succeeding in a March Madness pool is a lot like winning the lottery: you can do all the research you like, but ultimately you’re reliant on forces entirely outside your control, the biggest of which is pure, dumb luck.

So here’s the deal. Enter a bracket into my March Madness group, and if you beat my final score I’ll donate £5* to a charity of your choice – or, if you have a blog and would prefer this ‘prize’, I’ll write a <500 word piece of flash erotica, using the name of one of the competing teams as the title.

The closing date for entries is 2pm GMT / 10am EDT / 7am PDT. To be honest, even if you just flip a coin for each match-up, you have a) every chance of beating me, and b) absolutely nothing to lose! So get picking…

*Up to a maximum of £80.


Q&A with Gaby Dunn (part two)

If you haven’t yet read the first half of my interview with the monumentally cool Gaby Dunn, of Buzzfeed and YouTube fame, you can check it out here. In part two, we continue to explore her views on feminism, and talk some more about the role men should (and shouldn’t) play within it. We also discuss dick pics, fan fiction, Ghostbusters, and why there need to be more female comedy super groups…

Gaby was a great person to interview, and incredibly generous with her time and opinions: I hope (and think) that comes through loud and clear in the text below.

Right, I’m off to dip my typing fingers in a bucket of ice water…enjoy!


Q&A with Gaby Dunn (part one)

Over the last 12 months or so, I’ve had the chance to do various cool things on/with my blog. Things that have made me happy. Things like short story competitions…and guest posts from fucking amazing writers…and audio excerpts from stories of mine that someone has actually chosen to publish.

None of those things were really planned. They sort of happened organically, either because I was struck by a sudden idea, or because someone nudged me to get off my arse and do them.

At the start of 2015, I had an idea for another cool thing. What if I could persuade some of the people whose stuff I really admire – people beyond the circle of friends I’ve made in the blogging/writing community – to come on here and talk about their work? Or about their politics, or their sexuality, or their experiences, or…really just anything? That would be pretty great, right?


I didn’t do much about that idea till a couple of weeks ago, when I started to put together a list of people I could call, or email, or DM. People who might be kind enough to give up their time and answer my questions, or tell me about their lives.

Top of that list was comedian, writer, blogger, and Buzzfeed Video superstar, Gaby Dunn. As a huge admirer of her blog, her various writing projects, and Just Between Us, her YouTube show with the equally talented Allison Raskin, I knew that there was a shitload of stuff I’d love to ask her.

One slightly gushy series of DMs later – and much to my surprise and delight – that shitload of stuff turned into a list of 20 questions. After we both concluded that writing out answers to all of them would take forever, I found myself calling Los Angeles, and what was meant to be a simple, email-based Q&A suddenly became 75 minutes of full-on awesomeness.

Part two of the interview will be posted over the weekend, once my fingers recover from transcribing the first 40 minutes. For now, check out Gaby’s thoughts on comedy, feminism, sex-positivity in the media, and a host of other topics…


Habla con ella

Her mouth is a thin slash of pink against the startling white of her skin. She doesn’t pout; her lips naturally set in the sort of straight line that reveals itself as a smile only to those who know how to look for it.

Dark smudges paint the hollows under her calm, brown eyes. She makes no attempt to hide her tiredness, nor to tame the hair that tumbles wildly around her shoulders. The jut to her jaw is equal parts pride and defiance. Pride in the strength they said she didn’t have; a deep, defiant anger at the men who tried to stop her finding it.

She is less pretty than he remembers. Less pretty and more beautiful.

He watches as she curls herself into the window seat and looks down onto the Plaza de España. He wants to scoop her up in his arms and take them back to a time when she still needed him. Needed him in a way he understood.

His fingers clench into a fist and relax again. He doesn’t know her any more. She is older and he is not, because he doesn’t need to be; his world is safe and small, neat and tidy. It is everything that her world left behind when she landed in Madrid.

He is in her world now.

She turns to him and he lifts his head, expectant.

“Talk to me, Daniel.”

As the words leave her tongue, she knows that they’re not the ones he wants to hear. She knows, and she lets them go anyway. She is tired of sending out a sheepdog to fetch every stray thought; to round up all the things that Nice Girls Don’t Say and bring them back, soft and pliant, ready to be sheared of anything that might cause him pain.

He steps toward her. He is close enough that she can smell him again. He is wearing the cologne she bought him for Christmas, three months and half a lifetime ago, back when this made sense to both of them. Back when it felt right.

He doesn’t know that there have been other men since the morning he dropped her outside the terminal at JFK, and watched the breath billow from her lips in soft, giddy clouds. He doesn’t know that even then, he smelled of the past.

Nostalgia, like teenage boys and the end of a good date, often comes before we want or expect it to do so. She let the wave sweep over her that day and closed her eyes, the hard words in her head crumbling away; with each kiss she planted on his lips, another truth went untold.

She doesn’t remember their names. She remembers clubs and neighbourhoods – Chueca and Huertas, La Latina and Lavapiés, Salamanca and Sol. She remembers the way they kissed her, with rough, red wine lips and no shame or hesitation. She remembers their hands on her body. How their cocks tasted in her mouth.

His cock is hard – she knows that. It would be so easy to pull him inside her and pretend, just for one night. To root and centre him in the soft swell of her cunt. But she doesn’t owe him that; she doesn’t owe him anything, least of all the comfort of a happy lie that she no longer aches to tell.

He takes her hand and squeezes it, a gesture profound only in its desperation. He doesn’t speak her language; the words she needs are now beyond him, so he tries to press them into her skin, leaving a red flush that fades as soon as she pulls away from his touch.

The square below her window is full of people. She sees splashes of colour, dipping in and out of the streetlights. She hears their easy laughter, and wonders again at this life she’s found, on the right side of 20 and the wrong side of an ocean. Her fingers spread out against the glass.

Madrid makes her wet. It caught her at a crossroads, and stretched her till she was open and hungry; lean and fierce. It rubbed all her soft curves down to sharp, predatory edges.

She belongs here, in a way that still takes her by surprise.

He stares at her reflection. Her mouth looks softer now, and her eyes glitter against the night sky.

“Talk to me,” she whispers, but this time she doesn’t turn her head. The answers lie out there, in front of her.

They always did.


Verbal Limits

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the verbal side of D/S play. I am not, for the most part, a pain enthusiast. I have a low tolerance for it when I’m being dominated – low enough that including spanking or other impact play as a central part of what we’re doing barely seems worth it. When I’m topping someone, I’m more enthusiastic about wielding a flogger or a belt, or just rolling up my sleeves and putting my hands to work, but it’s still something I get pleasure out of largely because my partner does. I’m not instinctively or intrinsically aroused by administering pain.

I’m much keener on verbal domination and especially on verbal submission. I like the back-and-forth nature of it; the call-and-response, as one of you issues commands that the other feels compelled to obey. It also provides an opportunity to weave together both the experience we’re having and any fantasies that might enhance it; and again, there’s a clear rhythm to that dance, with the dominant creating a scenario and leading the submissive through it.

Maybe we were in a pub earlier, and you thought the barman was hot. Maybe you’re thinking about that as I wrap your hair around my fist and move your mouth up and down my cock. And if you are thinking about it, maybe you’ll get even wetter when I tell you to spread your legs as you suck me, and to imagine the clink of his belt behind you; the sound of him spitting on his palm and slowly pumping his hand along his stiffening length, as he watches you suck me off like a good little whore.

Or maybe you won’t.

Most of us with even a basic level of BDSM experience know our physical limits and triggers, in part because that sort of pain is fairly easy to measure and articulate. It’s also predictable. I know what I can take and what I can’t, and that doesn’t vary from one day to the next unless I have an injury of some kind. Spank me too hard and I’ll tell you; likewise, I’ll respond quickly and to any distress in your voice when I overstep the mark, or to safewords that we’ve agreed beforehand. When done properly, impact play is safe because it’s structured, and because most of the language used to describe it is clear and well-defined.

If physical domination is a piano concerto, verbal domination – and especially verbal humiliation – is often treated more like experimental jazz. Touch and feel, not rules and discipline. Blurred lines. Intuition. It’s natural to see it that way, but it can also be risky, because unlike when you’re whacking my arse with paddle, the pain isn’t always so obvious; so easy to measure and articulate.

In November 1999, I was four months into my first proper relationship and, like most 18 year olds, riddled with insecurities. My girlfriend had opted to take a gap year before university, and had got a job in the centre of Oxford at my dad’s company, 15 miles from where she lived and just a ten-minute walk from my college accommodation. It meant that we spent a lot of time together in my room, but very little at her place, a small gardener’s cottage on a country estate, where she lived with her parents and twin sister.

If the cottage was small, my girlfriend’s bedroom was positively tiny, and with so few opportunities to spend time there, I was always incredibly curious about everything whenever she did invite me over. I would study the posters on her wall as if they contained tiny, precious nuggets of insight into her hopes and dreams. I would sit on the edge of her bed and leaf through the novels on the shelf opposite, because to know Laura’s books was to know her – or so I thought at the time. And every now and then, my gaze would flick down to the bottom of the bookcase, where she kept the biggest treasure of all. Her diary.

Only a complete arsehole reads his girlfriend’s diary. At 18, I was that arsehole. I could call it a moment of weakness, and in one sense it was, but it was also the product of overwhelming insecurity. I spent most of my time back then worrying that she was about to dump me, because that’s what you do when you’re a teenager, experiencing the pleasure and pain of love and intimacy for the first time. I hoped to find reassurance somewhere in the neat, familiar cursive; instead, as is invariably the case when breaching someone’s privacy in such a terrible way, I got exactly what I deserved – a slap to the face that couldn’t have stung more if she’d come striding out of the bathroom and hand-delivered it.

‘I don’t know how I feel about this relationship any more . . . For one thing, he’s just not very attractive…’

It was both a complete shock and a confirmation of all my worst fears about myself. Too many spots, crooked teeth, greasy hair, weak jaw: I’d spent most of my teenage years hating what I saw in the mirror, and right there, in clear black-and-white, was proof that the girl I was in love with hated it too.

I put the diary back on the shelf. I scrunched up all that shock and pain and sadness into a little ball, and pushed it deep down inside myself, where she could never hope to find it. I fixed a smile on my face, ready to carry on as if nothing had happened.

Two months later, we tried to have sex for the first time. I couldn’t get it up. She left the following week for Hungary, where she taught English for six months. I flew out to visit in April and she dumped me. Twice. By the time two mutual friends went inter-railing with her in July, she’d acquired a new boyfriend.

“I never thought Laura would be so loud in bed,” one of them declared, to widespread laughter, at a party later that summer. “I’m pretty sure the whole Youth Hostel heard them.”

I pushed the ball down even further. I didn’t stop smiling.

We don’t always know which traumas will stay with us over the years, and which will slough off like dead skin, forgotten even before they’ve drifted down to the ground.

Some time ago, I was talking to someone who’d expressed an interest in topping me. She was into verbal humiliation, and between us we started to explore what that might involve.

“Your cock really is pathetically small. Useless in fact. Not like a real man’s.”


“Is it ok to laugh when I tell you how small your cock is?”


“Good. And is it ok if I tell you that your last girlfriend probably left you because she couldn’t stand being fucked with such a tiny dick?”

“I…well…yes. I think. Let me get back to you on that one.”

I went away, gave it some thought, and decided that yes, I was ok with that. It was part of the scenario, and existed within a framework that she’d created. However, in the moment my first instinct had been to push back; suddenly I was 18 again, and sitting on my girlfriend’s bed, my fingers moving up involuntarily to feel the spots on my face and press my overlapping teeth apart. I was back at that summer party, listening to them laugh.

I hadn’t thought about either evening for years and years – not consciously, anyway. But apparently there they were, still balled up in my stomach; diminished in size, perhaps, by the passage of time, but stubbornly refusing to disappear completely.

That sort of gut-twisting pain is far harder to communicate to a partner – especially one who doesn’t know you very well – than the sting of a crop or a whip. I don’t know what my response would have been if she’d just said that in bed without any prior discussion, when I was naked and vulnerable. Maybe I would have been fine – I’m not insecure about cock size more generally, which is why we’d incorporated it into the role-play in the first place, and why I’ve written it into stories that focus on verbal domination – but then again, maybe I wouldn’t have been. And that’s kind of the point.

Without talking about verbal limits as well as physical ones, we won’t learn that a particular partner loves to be called a slut or a bitch, but hates the word whore, and can’t stand hearing it in a sexual context. We won’t learn that ‘useless’ and ‘dirty’ are fine, but ‘ugly’ isn’t, because ugly is what he or she has been hurt by before. We won’t learn that cuckolding is hot, but abandonment is problematic.

Wider context is also important. Because actually, ‘useless’ might be fine one day –most days – but if I’ve just lost my job, or cocked up an interview, it’s probably not what I want to hear, even if I am still in the mood to be dominated in that sort of way.

Beyond the specifics, having a conversation about verbal limits prior to any play helps you both to be more sensitive to the impact words can have once you’re actually in the bedroom, especially if you’re planning to explore darker fantasies and fetishes. It makes the jazz that little bit less experimental. Bounded creativity actually encourages a deeper, richer form of expression, because you know you’re exploring areas that you’re both comfortable playing in.

Responsible kinksters talk about physical and psychological limits in BDSM; the more I explore that side of myself, the more I think it’s just as important to be aware of what your partner doesn’t like to hear, as it is to know how hard they do and don’t like to be spanked.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Anonymous (February)

In order to get better spacing between Anonymous Sinful Sunday posts (and because I had a series of photos lined up to use last week), this ‘February’ edition is perhaps a bit misleadingly named. Many thanks to the two people who submitted photos for being patient about that; the work they supplied was definitely worth waiting for!


I couldn’t resist the “senses” prompt for March. Soft or fuzzy fabric warms me up for a time of action and soothes me afterwards like nothing else.


Standing and Waiting

I rarely stand naked for anyone. Taking clothes off usually happens quickly as part of moving on to other activities. But, as a natural exhibitionist, I took this photo, dropping the robe away from my body and leaving the silk belt tied so that I could feel what it is like to invite appraisal. I hope you enjoy it.


Sinful Sunday

Cock shots Erotica

Strong Foundations: excerpt and photo

I deliberately left a couple of details out of yesterday’s post about Strong Foundations, the story I wrote as a guest blog for Malin James. I left them out because sometimes I like at least to tilt at the windmill of respectability, and these details…well, they’re just not very respectable.

[Actually, before I go any further, I should probably say that if you want to stop right here and just go read what ultimately became (at 2,900 words) the longest story I’ve ever written, here’s the link.]

I said last night that the roulette wheel of ideas inspired by last week’s shower re-tiling fiasco span only until I decided to shape the story to what I knew to be Ms James’ particular kinks. And for the most part that’s true. There was, however, one other factor in the decision.

I passed the workmen in the hallway several times. Of the two, one in particular left an impression. A young, bullet-headed Pole, he filled out his t-shirt most impressively, and his combat trousers even more so. I practically had to swerve around his bulge as I navigated the strip of carpet between the bottom of the stairs and my bedroom, and I’m not sure I quite had my wits about me when I fell through the doorway.

That afternoon was spent preparing for an upcoming interview, but as I tried to focus on work I found myself unable to get that close encounter out of my head. I slipped my hand down into my jeans and played with my own cock, imagining all the ways in which I might work him into the story. Eventually I got so hard that I got rid of the jeans altogether, and soon after shucked my boxers as well. I decided that he would have to play a central role, and as I sat there imagining all the ways in which he might do so, I realised that if he could have such an effect off-screen in my own fantasy, he could do exactly the same thing in the story that resulted from it.

Rock music blasted up through the floorboards, accompanied by the staccato rhythm of the builders’ hammers, but I was so turned on by the whole thing that I wrapped my fist around my cock and started masturbating right there in my kitchen, unconcerned by the prospect of them coming upstairs. I still had my top on at that point, but when I went to lift it over my head, I felt a brief spike of fear and stopped halfway, leaving it draped awkwardly over my shoulders. I stood, hesitant and aroused all at the same time, till lust won out and I began stroking my cock again, leaning back against the wooden fridge door.

The resulting photograph did much to crystallize who the main character in this story was, and what someone with wicked intentions might want to do to him. Those intentions start to become clear in the excerpt below, and the photo shows just how she intends to leave him, when she goes to investigate the workmen and their bulging overalls…