
Search Term story

The (classic*) WordPress dashboard is an oddly addictive thing, especially for a stats geek like me. It shows you how many people have looked at your blog, broken down by time period (day, week, month), location, and post/page. It also shows you where they’ve clicked through from, and where they head when they leave. It’s the sort of simple data over which it’s easy to obsess, especially after you’ve just posted something that you’re proud of or worried about.

The light relief** comes courtesy of one little box on the left-hand side, which tracks (some of***) the search terms people use to find your site. Over the last 12 months, I’ve found it to be a treasure trove of weird and wonderful insights into the sort of kinky shit that people scour the internet in search of. Sometimes, it’s easy to understand how a search term led someone to my blog: today, for example, I had a click-through courtesy of one person’s search for ‘slut exhibit’. On other occasions, I find myself scratching my head a bit. ‘”Make it to the toilet” fart’ was a particular low-point from earlier in the year, and more recently I also struggled to find the link between anything I’ve written and the admittedly arresting image of an ‘old man naked lying on beach beside us wanking big cock’.

Because I’ve extracted so much enjoyment from reading through my search terms this year, it only feels right to work them into a blog post somewhere, and earlier this evening an idea finally struck me. In the poll below, you’ll find 10 of my favourites from 2014. At some point between now and New Year’s Eve, I’ll write a piece of short/flash fiction, using as a title whichever one gets the most votes before Monday evening. That feels like it would be more of a challenge with some than with others, but nevertheless I’ll allow democracy to run its course and will tackle the winner, whichever it may be.

I’m in no hurry to run another competition any time soon, but if anyone else wants to join in, and to write something based on one of the search terms in the list, I’ll feature an extract from your story here, and will also pimp the hell out of it on Twitter. I’ll close the poll at 11pm GMT/6pm EDT on Monday 29th, so get voting!

*Fuck you, new dashboard – seriously, fuck you.

**Mixed with just a touch of apprehension…

***Only certain search engines share that data with WordPress.

Erotica Sex

Christmas reading

Lots of sex bloggers have done some sort of ‘review of 2014’ over the last couple of weeks, many under the umbrella of the Bad Girl Blogger meme. I’ve even been mentioned in a few of them, something for which I’m both incredibly grateful and maybe just a little bit shy. I’m not going to do a proper round-up of what and who I’ve read this year: most of the sites I hit up regularly can be found in my sidebar, and those that can’t are either closely-guarded secrets or people to whom I clearly owe an apology!

What I am going to do is help y’all out with your Christmas Day entertainment. After the presents have been opened and the turkey’s been eaten, it’s not unusual for time to drag somewhat. If you don’t want to watch the <insert TV show here> Christmas special, and you weren’t blessed by Santa with a decent book or two, the temptation to open your laptop and explore other options can be hard to resist. Well here are those options. One story, op-ed, review, or general piece of distraction/entertainment from some of the writers and bloggers who have made my year so much more interesting than it would otherwise have been.

These choices are subjective, of course (and some of them were really fucking hard!). The authors themselves will, I’m sure, feel like I could’ve picked something better, or more representative of their work, for this list. Too bad. Each piece is one that I loved when I read it (several are why I started reading that writer in the first place), and I hope that if you’re at a loose end on Christmas Day – or at any other point over the festive period – you might enjoy a few of them too. As a collection, they’re sexy, sad, angry, thoughtful, wistful, filthy, funny, and – without exception – super-smart. In other words, a pretty fair representation of their authors.

So, in alphabetical order:

Merry fucking Christmas!

* These were the most difficult pieces to pick, because their authors have written so many brilliant posts and stories over the last 12 months. I agonised over all five of them, and for that reason I guess they have to go down as my unofficial ‘best of the best’ for 2014.

Erotica Sex


In two days from now, many of us will be sitting around a Christmas tree, unwrapping presents from our family and loved ones. No matter how old I get, the exchanging of gifts remains my favourite bit of the whole festive period, and even though my siblings and I left childhood behind many years ago, we have always done it in the same simple, straightforward way. We sit in the living room, we take it in turns, and we do it one at a time: cards first, then small presents, and finally any presents deemed by whoever is giving them to be significant or exciting.

For many years now, my family has accepted that I have more than a touch of OCD when it comes to unwrapping presents. Where other people rip off the paper, I approach it like a bomb disposal expert presented with a particularly sensitive package. Any rip or tear feels like a defeat, so I run my finger under the folds, and I pick at the corners of the sellotape; I prise it open with the same care that I imagine the person giving it to me used when sealing it shut, and when I’m done, I lay the paper neatly to one side – folded rather than scrunched – ready for future use.

Where am I going with all of this? Well, while my parents and siblings no longer deem it worthy of comment, this little festive idiosyncrasy has managed to amuse and infuriate girlfriends in equal measure over the years. I have sympathy for both responses, and I do always apologise for what I know is a ridiculous way of drawing out the whole process. Still, only once has it ever come back to bite me; only once has someone decided to get their revenge in first. And that’s where this story begins…

We’d been together for a couple of years by that point. She lived in the US, but Christmas wasn’t a significant holiday for her family, so throughout our relationship she would come and spend it in England with me. It was actually when we were happiest together, and no moment was better than waking up together on Christmas morning, snuggled close in my old single bed, ready to open all the presents that we didn’t want to give each other in front of my parents.

She was good at buying gifts. Thoughtful, playful, creative. Everything she gave me felt like only she could have bought it, because only she knew me in that way. On that particular morning, she reached under the bed and dragged out a bag filled with the things we’d wrapped for each other. As she leaned down to pick it up, her arse pressed into me, warm and smooth against my hard cock. I curled my arm around her waist and pulled her in close.

“Maybe we don’t have to open those just yet,” I whispered.

She wriggled free and sat astride me, one hand on my chest.

“Oh I’m pretty sure we do. But I want to do it differently this year. There’s something I want to try, if you’re game…”

I looked up at her, instantly suspicious. As much as she was clearly trying to suppress it, a Cheshire Cat grin was slowly spreading across her face, and her eyes had lit up in a way that invariably meant trouble.

“Why do I get the feeling this won’t end well for me? Ok, what’s your idea?”

“A bet. Well, sort of a bet. Think of it more as an incentive to open your damn presents a bit more quickly.”

She rummaged around in the bag and pulled out a short, sturdy-looking butt plug. I didn’t recognise it, and her smile only grew wider when she saw the look of surprise on my face.

“Here’s what we’re going to do. I want you to open your presents – all your presents – and while you’re doing that, I’m going to be sucking your cock. If I make you come before you finish, you have to wear this during lunch later. I bought it in Oxford last week – look, isn’t it pretty? If I can’t make you come, then I’ll wear it, and after we’re done eating I’ll let you take it out and fuck my arse as hard as you like. What do you say?”

I narrowed my eyes and considered her offer. She stared back with a look of exaggerated innocence, and shifted her position on top of me, her cunt noticeably wet as she pressed it against the shaft of my cock. I had added her presents to mine the night before, and knew exactly how many were in the bag.

“So all I have to do is open four presents without coming, and you’ll seriously sit all the way through lunch, in front of my parents, with that thing in your arse?”

“Uh huh. Not only that, but you can do whatever you want to it afterwards.”

At that stage in our relationship, anal sex almost always involved her fucking me with a strap-on. She enjoyed having my cock in her arse, but the intensity of the experience meant that she preferred to save it for special occasions. It was something we did carefully – almost reverently – and she’d certainly never offered me carte blanche to fuck her however I pleased (though that would change over the months that followed).

“Ok…then I guess I’m in.”

My hand dived inside the bag and whipped out the first present, before she had a chance to move further down between my legs. I pulled at the ribbon till it fell away from the box. A book, definitely a book. Easy to unwrap. Quick.

As my fingers fumbled at the sellotape, I glanced down at her. She was just looking at my cock, her thumb and forefinger circled around the base. She was great with her mouth – the first person ever to make me crave the feeling of soft lips sliding down around me – and I could feel myself twitching with anticipation and desire.

“Mm, I suppose I’d better start, hadn’t I?”

The silver paper was open at both ends, as she slowly sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. I reached inside and pulled out – no, not a book – a photo album, filled with pictures and souvenirs from the trip we’d taken together that summer. I flicked through it, but it was already becoming difficult to concentrate, with her tongue pushed firmly against my cock and her hand twisting around the shaft.

The second parcel was large, soft, and vaguely rectangular, a combination ideal for speedy unwrapping. I used my finger like a letter opener, slitting it under the tape across the middle. It surrendered quickly, and the two ends were equally obliging. I was on a roll!

“Wow, this is awesome. I should seriously let you buy all my jumpers.”

“Heh. As if I didn’t know that already. Fuck, you taste good. I keep forgetting I’m on the clock down here.”

I gave into temptation and curled her hair around my fingers, moving with her as she eased slowly up and down my cock. More than anything, she knew that the key to a great blowjob was to keep it simple. She didn’t spend time kneading and squeezing my balls, or breaking off to flutter kisses along my inner thigh. She didn’t scratch, or blow, or tease the very tip with the point of her tongue. It was no-frills, blue-collar oral, performed with sleeves well and truly rolled-up, and I loved her for it.

The third present was harder to open, a result of both the intricate wrapping and the steady, rhythmic pulse of her tongue on my dick. I dug away at the tape, my fingers feeling out what lay beneath, trying to guess what she’d got me. Eventually one corner gave way, with such force that I checked anxiously to make sure the paper wasn’t ripped, even as my hips pumped involuntarily into her mouth. I wrestled with it for a few seconds more, my fingers less nimble with every squeeze of her hand.

“Huh. What’s this? Aftershave? But I don’t…”

“Trust me, you will.* Maybe discuss that one later though, yeah?”

I nodded, only too happy to move on to the final package. It was buried at the bottom of the bag, underneath my gifts for her, and I yanked it free with utter disregard for the packages that I’d lovingly wrapped just a few hours beforehand.



“You’d better open that one quickly, because I’m going to jerk you off into my mouth now, and we both know how that will end.”

I clutched the present to my chest. It felt like victory: regular in shape and size, three small pieces of sellotape, and the delicious knowledge of what was to come later in the day. With triumphant relish, I skimmed across the paper, first one end, then the other. I tried to ignore how good her lips felt, wrapped around me like that. How her saliva ran down my cock, leaving it slick and ready for her hand to coax closer and closer to orgasm.

“Are you ready to concede defeat, honey? Because…wait, what…”

I removed the paper with a flourish, and stared at what lay underneath.

She let my cock fall from her mouth and flopped down with a smirk on her face, her tits pressed against my thighs.

“Oops. Did I forget to mention that I wrapped your last present really well?”

As I continued to grip the package with disbelieving tightness, mesmerised by the second layer of wrapping paper, she resumed sucking me in earnest. It was only when I reached the third layer that I realised just how thoroughly I’d been played.

“How many are the…oh fuck, that feels good.”

The playfulness had gone. I don’t know whether it’s possible to describe a blowjob as ruthless, but what she did to my cock from that point onwards certainly came close. I peeled off the paper desperately, clumsily, but each time I revealed nothing other than another shiny piece of foil; another set of dancing snowmen.

My balls started to tighten. Without meaning to, I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to resist the tingling sensation that had spread across my stomach and thighs. I gripped the sheet next to me, and the present that I’d been so focused on just a few seconds beforehand slid down off my chest, onto the bed. She moaned around my cock, a rumble deep in the base of her throat, and at that moment I knew that I’d lost; that I was lost; that she was the one carrying me home.

The orgasm tore me open, my body scissoring in pleasure and my cock thrusting into her mouth. She rolled away, panting and flushed, and for a few seconds we lay there without speaking, the silence broken only by our laboured breathing and the faint sound of carol music coming from my sister’s bedroom next door.

“Go ahead. Finish opening it.”

She rolled onto her stomach, her fingers finding their way back to my softening cock. She watched me intently as I removed the layer of paper I’d been working on just a few minutes earlier. It was the last one.

“Ah, so close,” she murmered.

“It’s a notebook?”

“It’s a notebook. For when we’re apart. I want you to write in it every time you think about fucking me. Or about me fucking you. I want you to write down all of your fantasies, all of the things you want, and each time we see each other I want you to read them to me. I want us to do them together.”

She nestled into me as I opened the book. I pulled her close, and felt the familiar shape of her body work itself around mine. The pages were a blank white sea of promise; the unwritten story of the year ahead of us. With one exception.

“Oh yeah,” she said, reading the first page with me. “Never forget: your arse is mine.”

*Oh, and she was right about that one. I’ve worn it ever since.

Cock shots Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Pure Indulgence

Christmas is a time for enjoying the finer things in life. Champagne. Exquisitely-wrapped gifts. Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men…


Be silent, be still…

I’ve had a couple of conversations over the last few days that made me think it was time to write this post. The first of them started with a question:

“So what is it that turns you on about being dominated by a woman?”

It’s something that I suspect male switches (and submissives) get asked more frequently than their female counterparts. Aided in no small measure by FSOG, female submission is seen as a profoundly ‘natural’ urge, and one that requires explanation only in terms of how it’s expressed; a woman who voices her desire to be dominated by a man may face challenges and questions around its more extreme manifestations, but is likely to have fewer people trying to understand the root cause of the desire itself.

That is in itself problematic. The assumption that women are sexually submissive by nature is lazy and sexist, and feeds into all sorts of other unpleasant notions about gender roles in the bedroom. However, it also means that when people find out that as well as taking charge, I really enjoy being controlled and dominated in bed, their first question – rather than ‘how?’ – is generally ‘why?’

I’ve written quite a lot about the how. I’ve written about orgasm denial, and how hot it is when someone tells me not to come. I’ve written about strap-on play, and how much I love being bent over and fucked by a woman who wants to use my arse. I’ve written about being restrained, and about face-sitting, and about women who want me to strip for them while they watch: all things that turn me into a whimpering puddle of lust whenever I allow myself to spend time thinking about them.

I’ve also written about how that submissive streak ties in with other areas of my sexuality (the subject of this week’s second conversation). How when I think about being with other guys, it’s always within the context of female pleasure and control: I’m not just sucking someone’s cock, I’m sucking it because she tells me to, or because it gets her wet to watch me do it. When I fantasise about threesomes, and about being fucked, I’m never the one directing events. Instead, I’m spread out on all fours with his big dick in my arse, while she holds my face between her legs; or while she looks me in the eye and touches herself, aroused by the sight of me taking it like that – taking it for her.

What I’ve never really stopped to explain here is why those things turn me on. I think that’s generally a good thing: the reason why I don’t feel the need to analyse or scrutinise the submissive side of my sexual personality is that it’s something with which I’m both happy and comfortable. I don’t worry about it, and I certainly don’t feel ashamed of having those tendencies: if anything, I’m frustrated that I don’t get more opportunities to explore and enjoy them.

Still, when I was asked that question the other day (and not for the first time this year), I forced myself to think about it in a bit more depth. What does turn me on about submission? What do all of those ‘hows’ have in common? Is there a way to join the dots that can explain why I like to be tied up, and teased, and used, and – yes – maybe humiliated just a little bit?

The answer is that of course there is, because when it comes right down to it, male submission is no more complex or special or out there than its female equivalent. I submit because it brings me an inner peace and calm that empties my mind and allows me to truly experience the things that I’m doing…or that are being done to me. I’m not a masochist – actually, anything beyond mild pain is an active turn-off – but I am a man who enjoys surrendering control to someone I know will not only wield it responsibly and imaginatively, but will derive genuine pleasure from using that power. The last thing I want to do when I submit is to top from the bottom; I want to set limits and discuss turn-ons in advance, then to trust the person I’m with to guide our play, rather than prompting or pushing them to do things a certain way.

I always shy away from describing myself as a control freak, but it’s certainly fair to say that in most situations I like to have at least some influence over what goes on in and around my life. I don’t enjoy feeling helpless, or at the mercy of things that are demonstrably outside my control. It’s an exhausting – and often confusing – way to engage with the world, especially on the occasions when I’m reminded just how flimsy and insubstantial my grip on events can be.

Sex, on the other hand, is a safe space for me in that respect. I can give up all of that control, all of that power, and know that I’m not going to be hurt or damaged as a result. It’s an incredibly relaxing, satisfying experience, and one that leaves me feeling healthier mentally. Even if it only lasts for an afternoon, or a night, the inner calm associated with sexual submission is a cleansing force: a five-star holiday for my body and my brain.

Submission both forces me and gives me license to be silent; to be still. That then becomes the foundation for everything else it enables. I don’t have to think about what I’m doing: I can give myself up to physical pleasure, both mine and that of the person I’m with. I can allow that person to guide me through my own desire, and to shape and sharpen my focus on hers, in whatever form that might take. It cuts through the chaos and makes life suddenly, tremendously simple. There are instructions that I have to follow. There are things that will be done to – or by – me, over which I have no control. Whatever I want at that time, whether it’s my own orgasm or something else, will depend not on my choices, but on the agenda and desire of my partner; regardless of how much I crave it, or beg for it, I won’t be the one who decides when (or even if) it happens.

I have neither the discipline nor the desire to be a ‘lifestyle sub’. I’m a switch, whose submission will always be situational and, at times, opportunistic. I need it less often than I need to have that sexual control, and certainly less often than I need sex generally. I still need it though. I need it in the same way I need to escape London sometimes and go walking in the hills; the way I need a weekend at my parents, or to completely lose myself in a good book. It strips everything in life down to the basics, and for that I will always value what it gives me.

For those who are curious, I took the title for this post from a scene in She’s All That, for reasons that should be fairly clear to anyone who’s watched the film. I wear my love of cheesy Hollywood teen movies on my sleeve, and make no apology for it!


Dark Sky

It’s gone midnight here in London, which means that it’s officially the 15th December. Those of you opening door number 15 on your Advent calendars tomorrow morning will uncover another delicious chocolate with which to begin the day; those of you peeking behind the same door on Tamsin Flowers’ Supererotica Advent Calendar will find me, in short story form, aiming to start your day on a slightly less sweet and wholesome note.

My story is called Dark Sky. Here’s an excerpt.

She gazed back evenly, her chin jutting out like a boxer’s: open, but defiant. There was nothing unusual about her face – it wasn’t one to make men stop and stare in the street – but behind the impassive features her eyes glittered with something that made my skin prickle, and caused my thighs to tense with sudden need.

With exaggerated slowness, she moved a finger to her lips and smiled at me, lips quirked wryly even as her eyes continued to bore into mine. She shuffled in her seat, just enough to jostle her boyfriend’s sleeping head deeper into the crook of her neck; the movement freed up her right hand, which she used to tug her discarded shawl over her lap. Both of us looked down at it, as if the simple gesture had settled a debate that neither of us knew we were having. I cleared my throat, my tongue suddenly dry.

The story is based on an experience that an ex-girlfriend had, many years ago. In her case, the location was the back seat of the Oxford Tube – the coach service that runs between London and Oxford – late at night, after a gig in Camden with her boyfriend of six years. I can very easily recall the flush of excitement and shame that stained her cheeks as she told me about it in bed one evening. There was a hint of disbelief in her voice, as if the things she described had happened to someone else. I remember touching her as she whispered into my ear, and feeling her get wetter with every word. The sex that followed was short and intense, and that’s what I was aiming for with this story.

Much as we sometimes shy away from admitting it, cheating is hot – if it wasn’t, we wouldn’t find so many creative and damaging ways to do it – and very few things have brought that message home to me with as much clarity and impact as my ex’s back-seat encounter. She was a nice girl, in a nice relationship with a nice boy, but that didn’t stop her chasing the thrill of something dark and illicit; of risking someone else’s pain in the pursuit of her own pleasure – a someone else she loved very much.

I generally find cheating in erotica dull when the person committing infidelity no longer cares about their partner, or is motivated by something ugly like revenge or the desire to inflict pain. To me, it’s much more interesting when there’s real internal conflict in how that person feels about what they’re doing; and when the sex is hot, desperate and needy, rather than clinical and calculated.

Anyway, thank you very much to Tamsin for inviting me to contribute to this year’s Supererotica Advent Calendar. When I took another look this evening at which writers appeared behind doors 1 through 14, it became obvious just how big an honour it was to be asked! I look forward to seeing who else pops up between now and the 24th.


UK Porn Laws: Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know

There’s probably not a huge amount left to say about our idiotic new porn laws. Over the last 10 days they’ve been skewered – eviscerated – by everyone from Girl on the Net to Stavvers, Malin James to Myles Jackman, and I don’t disagree with a single word that any of them have penned on the subject. The amendment to the 2003 Communications Act is, at best, tragically and damagingly naive; and at worst another shining example of the kind of regressive, ignorant, and sexist legislation that this government has imposed upon us.

So what can I add to what’s already been written?

11 months ago, around the time I started blogging in earnest, I wrote a post about the lack of male nudity in mainstream media. It’s a subject about which I feel pretty strongly: partly out of solidarity, but also because, as I said in the post, men themselves will benefit if we ‘normalize the idea of male nudity, and…remove the lingering stigma from the idea of straight dudes looking at other dudes’ genitals.’

When I read through the list of activities that the BBFC will no longer deem acceptable, I experienced a similar wave of frustration and sadness. In a direct sense, it’s largely women who are the victims of these new regulations, but again, a big part of that unavoidably lies in the way that men will be prevented from learning about, enjoying, and engaging with activities that reference or prioritise female pleasure.

Sex education in the UK is so woefully deficient that most teenagers rely on porn to fill the gaps – to show sex as it really is. As we get older and more curious, porn provides an introduction to kink, and reassures us that the things we fantasise about, the things we want to do, are safe and normal. That we’re normal for wanting them.

If the new law means that young men will no longer get to explore their nascent desire for face-sitting, fisting, and female ejaculation, all of us will suffer. Female pleasure will be sidelined and marginalised, as will the men who get off on it, or who want to make it a central – a normal – part of their sexual experience. We become better than we are by educating ourselves, and through exposure to that to which we ought to aspire – in other words, if we want men to prioritise their partners’ sexual agency, it’s fucking stupid to consistently feed them the message that the ways in which that agency is expressed are dirty, dangerous, or wrong.

For those of us who are no longer quite so impressionable, the regulations are less pernicious and, at the same time, equally offensive. I fucking love it when someone sits on my face, whether it’s a loving and tender act, or a forceful and dominant one. I want to see it on screen, and to be trusted not to equate consensual D/S play with dangerous, reckless violence. I want to be able to watch a guy come on a woman’s face, but I also want to see a woman squirting uncontrollably all over her partner; hell, I want to be that partner, so of course I want to see it, and I’m not willing to accept anyone shaming me for finding it hot.

I don’t believe in completely unconstrained freedom of expression. There are images to which we ought to be denied access, and there is ‘pornography’ that should be criminalised, stigmatised and suppressed. One of the many reasons why this law is desperately ill-judged is that it dilutes our view of what falls into that category. If we start to treat complex and psychologically-driven scenarios involving consenting adults in the same way we treat images and videos that involve actual abuse, we will make it harder to take effective action against the genuinely harmful stuff out there.

Effective pornography legislation focuses on the production, not on the audience. It starts by preventing the exploitation of children and women; and in the long run it ensures that performers are physically safe, fairly compensated, and respected for what they do. If that involves missionary sex by candlelight, that’s great. If it involves watersports, or fisting, or weapon play, or any one of a dozen other things that I’m really not into, then that should be fine too. I can watch Daniel Craig be tortured in a Bond film, without wanting to strap my next-door neighbour to a chair and lay into him with a knotted rope – why can’t I watch a responsibly-shot spanking scene and be trusted not to attack my partner with a paddle or cane immediately thereafter?

There are millions of ways in which we can offer women better protection from sexual violence and mistreatment. The amendment to the Communications Act not only fails to meet that standard, it actively restricts and inhibits the expression of female pleasure and agency, thereby contributing to a culture in which men think of women as second-class sexual citizens.

Porn should not replace sex education. However, it would be stupid to pretend that it doesn’t play a formative role in the way that many young men view sex and sexuality. Instead of drawing arbitrary, hamfisted red lines around specific acts, we should be encouraging guys to seek out porn that emphasises consent, equality, and female pleasure, while clamping down on the material that’s genuinely abusive.

As a man, I want to see the full spectrum of female desire represented in the porn I watch, because that’s what turns me on. As an adult, I want my government to treat ‘extreme’ sexual content in the same way it does violent movies or video games, with an emphasis on safety, production standards and age restrictions, rather than crude, blanket censorship. On both counts, the new law is a resounding failure.

Erotica Sinful Sunday

Sinful Stories 2: Results

The last time I ran this contest, picking a winner proved to be, if not easy, then at least relatively clear-cut. It was always unlikely that things would fall as neatly into place the second time, but I’ve still been surprised (and dismayed/impressed) by how hard it’s been to choose three prize-winning stories out of the 15, let alone to elevate just one above the rest.

As of this morning, I still had six stories under consideration. The best I’ve been able to do since then is whittle that down to four. In my view, these are the entries that did the most effective job of taking the source material and turning it into an original, compelling, erotic story. The eagle-eyed among you will notice that none of the four winners used my Sinful Sunday photo – I enjoyed all five of the stories based on that image (especially Tamsin Flowers’ offering), but I have to admit that I found it hard to read them with an objective eye, a failing for which I can only apologise.

I’d like to very quickly thank Charlie in the Pool, @mandapen, and one anonymous contributor for entering this competition – for all three of them, it was a first foray into writing and submitting erotica, and all three stories were really good. Happily, this came as no surprise.

Ok, on to the runners-up. I picked two of these because I thought they made superb use of the image they selected, and one because it was just damn hot. To accommodate the extra winner, I’ve rejigged the prize structure a bit.

Runner-up: GT, by Charlie Powell (Charlie wins a $15 voucher from Dreamspinner Press)

This story shows that some people really do write better under pressure. Several people put a creative twist on Molly Moore’s fabulous photo, but this was at the same time both the simplest and the most effective, in my view.


Runner-up: Dirty, by Oleander Plume (Oleander wins a copy of Candy Box, the latest illustrated anthology from Sweetmeats Press)

This is flat-out filthy, and I love it for that! Oleander knows how to write a sex scene, and in this story she puts a completely different – but equally effective – spin on Molly’s picture.

Sweetmeats Press header small jpg

Runner-up: Pedalling, by Juniper Three (Juniper wins a copy of Chemical Sex – unless she’s already bought one, in which case, um…)

I liked this story more and more each time I read it. In a little under 500 words, Juniper manages to conjure up a really strong sense of place, atmosphere, and deep, intense longing – no mean feat. She was the only one to pick Asa Winter’s super-sexy photo, and I’m glad she did, because the story she turned it into is both original and great.

Don't you love to shop in your pajamas?

And now the winner. I would feel slightly guilty about giving her top spot for a second time, if it wasn’t for the fact that the readers apparently agreed with me (more on that in a minute). Without any further ado, I give you…

Winner: Drive, by Malin James (Malin wins a £50 voucher from Sh!, London’s leading sex toy store/website)

At this point, I think Malin and HappyComeLucky should just release their own series of photo-themed erotica, because for the second time, HCL’s superb image has been turned into a really fresh, imaginative piece of fiction by Ms James. It tells a great story, and does it in a way that never feels forced or unnatural – the words were created to fit the image, but it could just as easily have been the other way around, and above all that’s what makes it the winner.

Readers Choice Award

The Readers Choice vote was extremely tight, and yet again I made a rod for my own back by not anticipating the lack of a clear outcome. The top five finished as follows:

1 (=). Cold for July, by Charlie Powell (image: Contemplation, by Understanding Flutterby)

1 (=). Drive, by Malin James (image: Drive, by HappyComeLucky)

3 (=). Your Turn, by Charlie in the Pool

3 (=). Counting Pennies, by Maria Sibylla

5. GT, by Charlie Powell

As there was no clear winner, I’ll discuss prize options with the two who tied for top spot.

Ok, that’s your lot! Thanks to everyone who took part, to Sh!, Dreamspinner Press, and Sweetmeats Press for donating prizes – and once again, a special thanks to Molly, and to all the contributors to Sinful Sunday, for allowing me to tie this contest in with one of the most enduring and valuable memes around.



Erotica Sinful Sunday

Sinful Stories 2: Readers Choice Award

I’ve been a bit slow with this one, but here’s the voting page for the Sinful Stories Readers Choice Award. There was no sponsor for this one in the end, so I’m going to give the winner the choice between three prize options:

  1. A £15 (~$25) Amazon voucher
  2. The opportunity to write a guest post for this site, on a subject of their choice
  3. An audio version of their story, read by me, for them to use as they please

(Hint: pick the voucher)

13 of the 15 entries are listed below, so just vote for your favourite! You can find links to the stories themselves here. The other two stories aren’t available to read online, so they’re not eligible for this award, though they remain contenders for the main prizes.

The poll will close at 2300 UK time on Sunday 30th November, and I’ll announce all the winners at that point.



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Xmas Drinks!

When: Saturday 13th December, 7.30pm

Where: London

RSVP:, @EA_unadorned

I’ve done a decent job today of staying cheerful and positive, but during a rare melancholy moment this afternoon, I found myself thinking about the office Christmas Party that I’m now not going to attend. I alluded last night to the parallels between being dumped and being fired: both can break your heart in a million different ways, but among the most effective is the knowledge – the certainty – that you’re thinking of them much more than they’re thinking of you.

“I’ll miss you”, she says, as she wipes away a tear.

“The office won’t be the same without you”, they write, and you remember all the times you’ve written that to other people. All the times you told someone you’d miss them. All the times you truly meant it. All the times you were wrong.

Life moves on, and it moves on faster for those who walk away than it does for those who are left behind. In a couple of weeks from now, my former colleagues will eat turkey and drink champagne; they’ll pull crackers and swap Secret Santa gifts; they’ll put on paper hats and go dancing, while I sit at home and listen to the little voice in my head that says “they don’t miss you tonight”.

Well fuck that. There’s a lot in life that can’t be overcome with positive thinking alone, but as far as I’m concerned, this can. The logical part of my brain knows that it’s not personal – it’s just how the world works. We can’t take on everyone else’s pain, and actually I don’t want my old colleagues to think about me that night, or to miss me, or to feel sad about what happened. I want them to have fun and celebrate together, because life goes on.

And if I can’t go to the party, maybe I can bring the party to me…

(This may work brilliantly or it may be a total disaster, but either way, I’m going to roll with it for now.)

When I look back on the last 12 months, one of the things that stands out most is the unexpected sense of community and warmth I’ve found through this blog and my Twitter profile. A lot of that stems from Eroticon, and the people I met there, but even back in March I don’t think I could have imagined how important a part of my life it would become.

Things will change in 2015, I’m sure – they always do – and almost certainly in ways I can’t predict or anticipate right now. For now though, I’d like to celebrate 2014 by inviting anyone* who’s read my blog this year over to my place for Xmas drinks.

On Saturday 13th December, my flatmate is away and I have the apartment to myself. If you’d like to join me here, just get in touch by email or DM, and maybe explain who you are if you don’t think I’ll recognise you. Assuming my spidey senses don’t tingle in the wrong way, I’ll give you my address, along with the secret password and handshake.

Just to be clear, this will be a drinks party, not a rave/orgy/fancy dinner/etc. And like most things I do with this site, I’m sort of making it up as I go along, so I reserve the right to move it to a local bar, or scrap the whole idea entirely if too many/not enough people look like they’re going to rock up.

Either way, if you do fancy it, drop me a line and we’ll kind of go from there!

Exhibit A

*Well, obviously not anyone – I’m not stupid – but as long as you’re not underage, related to me, in prison, a member of the press, or intent on mischief, we’re probably cool.