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Sinful Sunday: Domestic Bliss

On Saturday afternoons, I play hockey. On Sunday mornings, I recover.

I play hockey pretty much every Saturday from mid-September through till the beginning of April: it’s one of the few constants in my generally chaotic life. I play on freezing cold December mornings, when your fingers tingle every time you hit the ball and your breath follows you like a jet trail as you hurtle around at 100mph. I play on leaf-strewn pitches in late October, the blustery chill in the air carrying the smell of bonfires from the gardens and allotments of whichever town we’re visiting. I play in March, when Spring feels like both a beginning and an end, giving us all renewed vigour and a sense of joy, just as the season is winding down.

I play in sunshine, snow, wind, rain, sleet, hail, and everything in between. And I love it.

At this time of year though, fat and lazy after a summer of relative inactivity, playing hockey hurts. It hurts on the pitch, when I ask the umpire how long it is until half-time, and his answer almost makes me throw up at the thought of pushing my body through that much further punishment. It really hurts a few hours later, in the pub or slumped on my sofa, weak as a kitten and starting to stiffen up in all the wrong places. Most of all though, it hurts the following morning: a dull, delicious ache in my calves and hamstrings, my thighs and arse. It’s like the morning after a particularly vigorous anal fuck: pain to gladden human hearts.

On those sore, stiff Sunday mornings, I like to stay in bed. In September, when it’s still warm and sunny outside, I open the window and let the breeze drift across my naked body. The sunlight is a balm for weary muscles, and sometimes I’ll doze like that, on and off, till it’s time to get up and go for lunch. If I can drag myself out of bed and into clothes for long enough, I’ll go and buy a newspaper, then settle back down with a cup of tea and whatever food I can get my hands on.

Whether I’m alone or not, I’m always horny on those lazy Sundays. It’s partly the last of the endorphins from hockey, I think, combined with a sort of simple contentment at having done something active and healthy: my body feels like it’s earned a period of total indulgence. It wants to be pampered, but slowly, and without urgency. I find my hands just wandering down towards my soft, sleepy cock and resting there, savouring the knowledge that I have all the time I could want or need: there’s no need to rush.

Maybe none of that sounds especially sinful. I’ve been awake now for three hours, after all, and that bottle of lube in the photo hasn’t even been opened yet. Still, to allow the sunlight to stream through my tall, wide windows, I had to open the curtains. I can hear the cars and buses trundling along Upper Street, and the Sunday morning shoppers chattering away outside cafes and boutiques. They can’t hear me, and they certainly can’t see me, but the people in the flats opposite…I wonder what they can see right now…

Sinful Sunday


London Pubs: an alternative guide

London is a big city. A vast, chaotic, sprawling motherfucker of a city, in fact. The London Underground alone serves 270 stations, and to get from Hounslow, out in the suburbs near Heathrow, to Upminster, right over near the Essex border, will take you the best part of an hour and 40 minutes. On a good day. Central London to Bristol by train? An hour and 45. Central London to Lille (in France, for fuck’s sake)? An hour and 20.

Even within Zones 1-3, distance can make dating – and fucking – surprisingly complicated. You have to think about the last Tube across town, or how many night buses it’ll take to get from hers to yours, or whether you really want to go home with someone who chooses to live in Shoreditch. Sometimes, you need a practical alternative, and while the various public parks are appealing in Summer, they’re not always the best bet for a quickie with your Tinder date or the girl you just met on the bus.

No, as with so many problems in life, if you really need somewhere to fuck, and home isn’t an option, you’re best off heading straight for the pub. Whether it’s your spit’n’sawdust local, or the (s)wanky gastrobar outside your office, pubs not only offer the booze that fuels so many impulsive, devil-may-care shags, they also provide doors that lock shut and tissues for post-sex clean-up. In other words, they have toilets.

So how does that actually work? In my experience, the pub fuck doesn’t tend to involve a lot of planning. You’re in a pub, you’re both a bit pissed and super-horny, you grope each other in a corner for a bit, then you disappear into the loos for a quickie. Or maybe you’re out on the street, with no handy alleys or large dumpsters to provide cover, and the pub across the road looks like the warmer option anyway.

That’s all fine – and hey, spontaneity is great – but when the main rule of fucking in pubs is ‘don’t get arrested’, there are some simple principles you should probably bear in mind, in order to ensure that things go smoothly.

Should I look for a particular kind of pub/bar?

Yes. Yes you should. The best candidates will always fall into one of two categories: large and quiet, or small and busy.

Large pubs offer anonymity. Even when they’re practically deserted, you can rely on the staff being too busy clearing tables, washing dishes, stocking the bar and bitching about their manager to notice or care what you’re doing. Their toilets also tend to be further away from the main bar area, making it even less likely that you’ll be rumbled by a nosy employee (more on this later).

No, the only problem with large pubs is all the other bloody people they attract. If you’re aiming not to get caught, then a steady stream of fellow patrons going in and out of the toilets while you try to fuck can be slightly off-putting, and will also have a serious impact on your exit strategy. Best to visit establishments like that during the day, or on quiet nights of the week when there’s no football on the TV; in summer, large pubs with beer gardens are also a good bet, as most customers will be outside enjoying the good weather while you get down to business.

With smaller pubs and bars, it’s completely different. The staff will be more engaged, and will probably have worked there for much longer; they will know the regulars, and you’ll have to work hard to dodge their curiosity if you’re new to their domain. Hustle and bustle can only help with this. They’ll be busy pulling pints and fetching packets of crisps, and you can sneak off down a corridor that will inevitably smell of piss to wherever they’ve hidden the loos. Even on a Friday or Saturday night, if the place is small enough you shouldn’t have to worry too much about being disturbed, though your cubicle choice will be more limited than it would be in, say, the local Wetherspoons.

Beyond size, look for pubs where the toilets are on a different floor to the main bar: basements are ideal, especially when both Men’s and Women’s toilets are located at the bottom of the same flight of stairs. If everything is on the same level, try to make sure the toilets are out near the garden (handy for a quick escape), or even next to the entrance. You’re probably going to have to make your way there separately, so the further you are from the bar staff, the easier it will be to affect a casual, nonchalant manner as you stroll in after your partner.

Which toilets: Men’s or Women’s?

This will depend a bit on the sort of sex you’re having. If you’re two (or more) gentlemen, for example, I wouldn’t recommend bursting into the Ladies’ and going at it up against the tampon machine. As an opposite-sex couple, your options will occasionally be limited by geography (you may find that one toilet door can be seen from the bar and the other can’t) or modernity (yay for unisex!), but for the most part you’ll have to decide for yourselves which door to slip through.

How do you do that? Well, there are three elements you need to consider:

  • The implications of getting caught. As a woman, getting caught in the Gents’ is embarrassing. As a man, being discovered in the Ladies’ is the sort of thing that could quickly lead to a criminal record; at the very least, you’re likely to scare the shit out of anyone who sees you there, so you’ll need to be extra careful.
  • Men are pretty filthy at the best of times. Men who’ve drunk six pints of Fosters and eaten half a dodgy kebab from the van behind the pub car park are particularly filthy and, guess what, not very good at aiming. In the last 15 years I’ve been in some toilet cubicles that have made me want to scrub the inside of my nose with bleach afterwards, and even if you’re only after a quick shag, there really is a limit to what the libido can endure. Believe me.
  • Especially in smaller, older London boozers, the Gents’ will often only have one cubicle. If you’re unlucky, you could find yourselves trapped in there together while the landlord stands outside with a copy of The Sun under his arm, waiting for the door to open. In the Ladies’, the cubicles are generally wider, cleaner, and (crucially) more numerous.

There’s no right answer here. I tend to make a beeline for the Ladies’, unless I’m in a pub where I know the Gents’ resemble something other than an open cesspit, but on this one you’ll just have to decide where your priorities lie.

Is it acceptable to nip into the Disabled?

This depends very much on the situation, and if you do it you’ll certainly need to exercise caution. If there’s a Disabled toilet, you’re probably in either a hotel bar or a large chain pub, and if there are lots of people around then it can be very tempting to go down that road. If you pull it off, you’ll probably be rewarded with a nice, wide sink unit, a rail next to the toilet, and plenty of space in which to spread out and play. However, just be aware that you’re giving yourselves absolutely no room for manoeuvre if someone else does come along; it’s also pretty selfish to occupy the Disabled loo if you’re perfectly capable of using less accessible options.

What’s the best way to, y’know, actually fuck?

Ok, so you’ve picked your locations, the coast is clear outside, and one of you has done a quick recce to check that none of the cubicles are occupied. What next? Here you have a few basic options, largely dependent on how far you want to incorporate the toilet itself.

If the idea of touching, sitting on, or being bent over the seat while you shag is a major turn-off, then you’ll probably want to use the cubicle door in some way instead: either for one of you to brace against as you’re fucked from behind, or as support for your back while your partner gets down on his/her knees and gives you oral.

If you’re a bit less fussy about where you plant your hands (or various other body parts), the loo seat opens up several other possibilities, especially if there are three of you in there. Either way, toilet sex is best done doggy-style, and if you’re into anal, there’s something deliciously filthy about taking someone hard up the arse in a dingy basement cubicle, especially if you walk off and leave them like that when you’re done: sweaty and trembling, with cheeks marked by stinging red welts from your hand and sticky, viscous pools of cum.


How do we leave the toilets without being caught?

This one’s pretty straightforward, but it’s also really important that you get it right. If you’re an opposite-sex couple in the Gents’, the man leaves first, while the woman waits in the cubicle. He pauses at the door to the toilets, scans the room or corridor outside, and gives his partner the nod if the coast is clear. He then stands guard outside the door while she hurries out, in case someone appears in the time it takes her to cross the room. If you’re in the Ladies’, those roles get reversed. The key is to make sure that you’re not both out in the wash area at the same time; until one of you has checked that it’s safe to leave, the other should remain behind the cubicle door, safely hidden.

Great, now I know how to fuck in a pub: where should I go for a trial run?

Reader, I’m glad you asked. Sex in a pub toilet should be quick, hot, hard, and in most cases quiet, and should leave you with matching goofy grins for hours afterwards – or at least until you’ve gone back and finished your pints. I’ve fucked in various pubs and bars over the years, some in London, some much further afield, so it only feels right to share some of the knowledge I’ve built up. This is by no means a definitive list, but each of the establishments listed below* should offer the horny couple-about-town a relatively risk-free fuck. You’re welcome…

  1. B*r S*ho (basement toilets; busy bar staff; seedy vibe)
  2. The V*nt*y (basement toilets with staircases at either end of the building; cavernous and generally empty; pretty clean)
  3. Pr*nce of W*l*s F**th*rs (toilets two floors above the main bar; drinking lounge on level between bar and toilets)
  4. The D*ck*ns (basement toilets; next to Paddington, so high customer turnover)
  5. W*ne Wh*rf (decent-sized cubicles; toilets on the top level, not visible from the bar)

(And please, please don’t tell them I sent you.)

* If you’re after a less traditional location, I can also recommend the Paramount’s Viewing Gallery bar on the 33rd floor of the Centre Point building. Not ideal for toilet sex, and always busy at night, but perfect during the daytime for a spectacular blowjob with equally spectacular views.)


A Snog for Sommer: Willow

I don’t know Sommer Marsden. I mean, I know her writing – if you’re into erotica, believe me, you know her writing – but beyond that she’s just someone on my Twitter feed, whose posts I occasionally star. Then I saw this. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and sometimes, even if it’s not going to save the world, it’s worth zero-ing in on those people and doing what you can to help. Here’s my entry for A Snog for Sommer: I hope better times are just around the corner.


“Kiss me here.”

I waited for the accompanying picture to download, my fingers drumming impatiently on the bar. Neck? Tits? Inner thigh? I didn’t care – I wanted all of it. All of her.

To call it romance would be a stretch. Indulgence, perhaps: two adults who should know better, and whose jobs, kids and history were testament to that. But feelings have a funny way of gnawing away at you. It’s like a candle burning slowly through a rope: hours, months, years and then BOOM, the whole lot comes crashing down on your head.

Unfinished business, that’s how I saw it. The girl who got away. My one true love. As for her…well, I think it was mainly boredom, if I’m honest. Two kids, a husband who worked in the City, and the realisation that things were better back then. No, not better, but certainly easier, and more fun. Carefree. Yes, that was it.

Learning each other at 18 was a slow, shy, hesitant process. At 33, there was no shyness; no hesitation. We crashed together hard, and each bruise was a physical reminder of the simple, uncomplicated goodness we’d found; a sly, smug badge of honour – not an emotional scab, to pick at till it leaves a scar.

She had her life and I had mine. I knew which box I belonged in. ‘Fond memories’, that’s what it said on my label. Or maybe ‘escape’. Either way, it was temporary. I was fun, and liberating, and maybe even necessary, but I wasn’t ‘home’.

Still, there I was, in a bar near the hotel, waiting for her train to arrive. One weekend, that’s what we’d promised each other. No more, no less. He’d taken their kids to his parents’; I was ‘at a conference’ and not sure I even needed to bother with the lie. No more lunchtime quickies, no more guilty weeknight lies. One proper weekend together, and then we were done.

Pixels slowly coalesced into something – no, somewhere – I recognised. Of course.

Summer, 1999. The sharp, stark, busy sunlight of a Saturday afternoon, after the soporific haze of the cinema. Only the movie wasn’t soporific at all. It was sexy and smart; adult, in a way that we weren’t, but so desperately wanted to be. It sparked something in us that had been simmering for weeks. Shorted out the sensible, A-grade parts of our brains, and melted the bits of us that said ‘no’, or ‘not yet’.

We were almost back at her car when I pulled her in close, her eyes suddenly forced to look up into mine. The air was still and heavy, but I felt light, lighter than I ever had before. Or maybe since. My lips met hers, just as they thrust up to claim me. No foreplay; no more cautious James, hesitant Rose. Passion, in a way that redefined the word for me, and the knowledge that her lips were transforming my view on the world, from the inside out.

When we finally broke apart, giddy and reeling, I looked up in delight at the willow tree above our heads (if only to blur out the cars and the concrete). Watched it bend and bow toward us, in silent salute.

I knew I’d never forget it.

The willow tree above our heads. Yes.

Of course we weren’t done.


Old leaves, new leaf

In between all the Ice Bucket Challenge videos, my Facebook timeline is currently peppered with teachers moaning about the start of the new school year. The calendar has flipped over from August to September, there are no more holiday weekends till Christmas, and the new season of Strictly Come Dancing is a mere five days away. Yep, summer is officially over.


I’ve written before about why I’m a cold weather person, and I’m not going to go back over old ground now. What I will say is that the start of autumn always feels exciting, in a way that summer never does. Summer creeps up on you, with its innumerable false alarms, until before you know it you’re sweating in stuffy, sticky 25-degree heat for the fourth day in a row, getting ready to murder someone. Autumn tends to arrive with a bit more of a bang; you know where you stand with autumn. The leaves start to fall, along with the apples in my parents’ back garden and the night-time temperature. The football season is in full swing, your line manager returns from holiday to discover how little work you’ve done in his/her absence, and everyone in the office seems to have a cold.

August was a slow month for me; but then August is always a slow month for me. I think it’s a legacy of childhood. From the age of 5 through to 16, or 18, or even 21, we’re not just permitted to switch off our brains for the summer, we’re encouraged to. As a child, and a teenager, August meant long afternoons in front of the TV watching cricket/tennis/golf/athletics/<insert sport here>; or out in the playing field behind our house, arguing with my brother about whose turn it was to bat, until he cried or threw the ball at me and wandered off home. It meant family holidays on French campsites, or visiting grandparents in Devon and Scotland, where my siblings and I hung around the house, listless and sulky, as well-meaning relatives tried to entice us out into the watery British sunshine.

It lingers into adulthood, I think: that summer torpor. I struggled to write anything in August – certainly anything decent – and I don’t think I was alone in that. It’s the dog days, when we all struggle to pull ourselves out of the pub garden, or away from the patio table, or even just out of the comfy chair by the window, which catches the sun. In the summer, I read Grisham and Nesbo and Hornby, because I can plod through them at my own lazy pace, a glass of bone-dry white wine or ice-cold lager beside me at all times. I while away afternoons in the park, and take long lunch breaks down by the river. My head isn’t foggy, but it’s not really clear either. It’s sluggish and indolent; all its edges get rubbed off and blurred by the sunlight.

The arrival of autumn brings with it a jolt of energy and purpose. I find myself walking faster, thinking faster, writing faster. Suddenly I have ideas again. Some of them will work out, some will end up being a bit shit, but it’s comforting to know that they’re starting to drip through to the creative part of my brain, rather than getting clogged up in the summer filter.

It helps that I’m properly horny again. Or maybe it doesn’t help – maybe that’s just part of the same autumnal package. Either way, the holidays are over, and it’s time to get back down to business. Watch this space…

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Anonymous (August)

For the third time, I’m turning over my Sinful Sunday entry to people who want to take part in Molly’s meme, but don’t feel able to do so on their own site. It’s complete coincidence, I’m sure, but each time I’ve done this, I’ve had three people submit a photo to me [EDIT: one has since asked that her photo be removed], which feels like the perfect number; still, I’m happy to be proved wrong on that, so if you’re reading this, and you’d like to post a Sinful Sunday photo here anonymously, please get in touch – the next chance to do so will be on the 28th September.

I think there’s something to enjoy about all three both of this month’s photos, which are sexy, brave and kinky in equal measure. Many thanks to the lovely people who sent them!




Primal Colour


Sinful Sunday


On showering with other men

Earlier this week I had a couple of pints with an old colleague, who also now works in London. I probably see him every six months or so, either in the pub for a catch-up, or at someone’s birthday drinks/engagement party/networking event/etc. He’s a lovely man: my age, bright, creative, sharp, sporty, and enviably fresh-faced. He’s also extremely well-hung.

By and large, I manage to avoid thinking about that last bit whenever we get together. However, from time-to-time – and usually after a few drinks – I find myself losing focus on the conversation and thinking back to our weekly squash games, at the slightly dingy sports centre on the outskirts of Oxford. To the way his cock would bounce and press against the fabric of his shorts, as if there wasn’t really enough room in there for it to sit comfortably. And most of all, I think back to the cramped, stuffy changing room afterwards, where we’d both strip off our sweaty gym kit and stand opposite each other in the communal showers.

For years, I didn’t enjoy showering with other guys. Or rather, it made me very uncomfortable. I was a small kid, and stayed that way till I was almost 16. After school PE lessons, and certainly after hockey matches with the local men’s club, I would usually just spray myself with deodorant, splash water on my hair, and towel down without bothering to remove my boxers. I’d always leave my stuff in the corner of the changing room, and quietly slip back into my clothes as quickly as possible; I didn’t want people to notice me, because if they didn’t notice me, they couldn’t make fun of my lack of body hair, or my skinny arms and legs, or my small, circumcised penis.

Over time, that changed. I grew up, filled out, and became more confident in my body. I also got away from the jeering, towel-whipping terror that was the school showers, and started to play more sport with actual grown-ups. Men who just went about their business after a game of hockey or a session at the gym. Men who walked around naked as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and chatted to each other in the shower without blushing. Slowly, I became one of those men. I stopped putting my boxers back on under a towel. I didn’t hide any more. I actually prioritised getting clean after sport over getting into my clothes as quickly as possible.

Organised sport has many health benefits – physical and mental – and it’s something about which I think I’ll always be passionate. It’s only in the last few years though that I’ve realised what a positive effect it had on my body confidence; and how badly served young women are in that respect. Participation rates in organised sport – especially post-high school – are skewed dramatically in favour of men, and although I only have anecdotal evidence to back this up, I think that contributes to the greater discomfort that a lot of women have about being naked in front of each other. Sport breaks down barriers between people – in the clubs I’ve been a part of, at least – and it can also help erode a lot of the damage done to self-image by media nonsense, social conservatism, and institutional sexism.*

Anyway, back to my friend. He wasn’t ripped or anything – like me, he’s a sportsman, not a gym bunny – but he had a flat stomach and strong thighs, and oh, that cock. That long, thick, beautiful cock. I would try not to look; not very hard, admittedly, but I would try. And then he’d close his eyes and lean back to run his fingers through his hair, pushing his hips out towards me. Or he’d casually wrap one soaped-up hand around the shaft – leaving at least half of his length still uncovered – and clean it with short, quick strokes, till foamy water streamed down off the head. I don’t think I ever actually drooled at the sight of that, but I definitely came close.

The best – or worst – moments came when his cock would start to stiffen in his hand. I never saw him fully hard, but once or twice he got close enough to make it fairly obvious exactly how much he was packing. On those occasions, I left the sports centre on slightly trembly legs, and not as a result of the squash game. We used to catch the bus back into town together, then part ways halfway down Little Clarendon Street. I’d wander back towards my flat, in need of another (cold) shower, and he’d make the short walk over to the house he shared with his boyfriend, Tom. Nice guy, Tom. Apparently at university they called him The Tripod. Sadly he never joined us for a game…

*Maybe I’ll get hammered for that last point, and if anyone does disagree strongly, I’d love to hear from them. Sport probably can’t help everyone in that respect, but it helped me a lot.

Erotica Sex

Elust #61

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Photo courtesy of Maria opens up

Welcome to Elust #61

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #62? Start with the rules, come back September1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Bloggers, please
I Touch Myself
Stunt Porn / People Porn

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Is sex unsexy? A ‘His & Hers’ post
Van Gogh, an erotic author and a selfie…


~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

His Desires

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7

days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!


I'm bloody Ibiza!

‘I am both narcissistic and self-involved. Fortunately, I am also entertaining.’*

I had my first kiss at the age of 18, underneath a weeping willow after an afternoon screening of The Thomas Crown Affair. Laura was also my first girlfriend, the first woman I shared a bed with, and the first person to break my heart. These days she lives with her husband and two beautiful children in a small town near Munich: I visit regularly.

I’ve written before about losing my virginity. The woman who ‘took’ it, Katy, is now (of all things) an Anglican Minister, happily married for the last nine years to the other guy she was dating when I met her. After Katy came Julia, who I loved intensely, and who left me after 12 wonderful months for a wry, worldly Scotsman. At the time, I wanted to murder him; now I ‘like’ their holiday photos on Facebook.

I’m 33, and for the first time in 8-10 years I haven’t been to a wedding this summer: everyone’s already married. My Facebook timeline has been turned into a baby beauty pageant, as my friends compete to see whose offspring is most photogenic. My younger sister has married and divorced one man, and is about to buy an apartment with another. At a recent work dinner for people in my department, I was the only one who showed up without a partner. I am not the only single man in London, but sometimes it sure feels like it.

Why is this? Why am I single? Because I suck at relationships.

I’m good at a lot of things. I’m good at flipping beermats, scrambling eggs and playing pool. I’m good at squash, Scrabble and speaking in public. I’m annoyingly good at spelling, endearingly good at making small children laugh, and exceptionally good at choosing (and drinking) wine. I’ve been told I’m pretty good in bed too…

It’s not very British of me, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with recognising and talking about your strengths…as long as you’re also willing and able to do the same with your weaknesses. For example, I can’t paint or draw to save my life. I can’t change a tyre, or fix a boiler, or put up shelves. I’m terrible at downing shots, and even worse with pints. I’m standoffish around people I don’t know, and frequently tactless or rude with those I do, especially when drunk.

And I suck at relationships.

If that sounds like false modesty, let me tell you now: it’s not. I suppose I was good at them once, but my last few serious relationships have been car crashes of one kind or another, and for that I have no-one but myself to blame. Why? Well…

Fundamentally, I’m a pretty selfish person. Or rather, I’m selectively unselfish, which in some ways is the most selfish position of all. I have a social conscience, I’m a good listener, and I care about people; but I don’t let them get close to me very easily, and I’m quick to put up barriers when I want to focus on my own shit, even if someone else really needs me. I compartmentalise. I can spend two hours talking to someone on the phone, then barely give them a second thought for the next three days.

It all means that as good as I am at physical intimacy, that’s how poor I can be at the emotional side of things, especially in the sort of relationship where communication, openness and dependability are supposed to make up the glue that binds you together. When I was 17, my history teacher told me that I was one of the most gifted students he’d ever taught, but also perhaps the most frustrating.

“Your problem, boy, is that you’re lazy. There’s genius in your work, but it’s not consistent, reliable genius, and that will be what holds you back in the end. You won’t always be able just to pull something out of the bag when you need it, and one day you’ll find yourself failing as a result.”

He was a remarkably perceptive man, that Mr McCullagh. I never did get my academic comeuppance, but his analysis could equally apply to how I approach relationships. It’s not that I’m lazy, but I certainly disengage, and in the past I’ve been guilty of acting as if the odd grand gesture here and there can paper over the cracks left by neglect or lack of consideration.

“Being with you was never dull”, one ex told me, as she gathered up the last of her stuff from my apartment. It wasn’t meant as a compliment. There’s genius in my work, yes, but it’s not consistent, reliable genius, and I am not a consistent, reliable boyfriend.

Then there’s the cheating. I’ve been in five ‘serious’ relationships, and I’ve cheated on my partner in three of them. Two of those were long-distance, but while that sort of mitigates the offence, it doesn’t in any way excuse it. I cheated because I was bored, or because I was angry, or because my self-esteem was low and I knew that sleeping with someone would give it a boost; but mainly I cheated because I could – and because I could get away with it. Sometimes I’d feel guilty about it, but often I wouldn’t, especially in the last couple of relationships; not that I felt any better on those occasions, because when the act itself failed to induce a sense of shame, I’d just feel guilty about my lack of guilt instead.

These days though, I think of the cheating more as symptom than cause. I didn’t suck at relationships because I cheated; I cheated because I sucked at relationships – and because I knew it. That awareness is the main reason why I’m single at the moment. Being single is easy. There are still people I can fail, or let down, or disappoint, but when it comes to love and sex, the only person I’m really accountable to is myself.

I’m not going to pretend that’s an admirable position, or even a particularly desirable one. It has obvious upsides, of course. It means I can see a couple of people on a regular basis, but it also means I can go to Eroticon and hook up with someone in the hotel toilets. It means I can fly across an ocean for a dirty weekend with a woman I’ve never met. It means I can go on dates with Guardian journalists and BBC presenters and award-winning authors (especially when they all happen to be the same person). It means freedom, and adventure, and excitement, and all that good shit, but it also means a nagging sense of failure, inadequacy and emptiness. Relationships aren’t meant to be easy, but they are meant to be something to which we can all commit with a minimal amount of drama or fuss. To admit that I can’t – or that I won’t – is to lay the selfish, dysfunctional side of me out there for the world to see.

My lack of success with relationships is one of the reasons why I write about sex. Sex is easy and I’m good at it. I’m in my comfort zone, and while that doesn’t mean I don’t still have hang-ups and worries, I can largely focus on all the positive stuff, rather than being dragged down by the demons swirling around my feet. It’s also why I admire the people who can write about sex, and sexuality, and love, while also maintaining happy, well-rounded relationships with their partner or partners. In Olympic diving, competitors are scored on the difficulty of the dive, as well as the execution: some of the blogs I read are pulling off inward 4½ somersaults with pike, while my writing more closely resembles a running bomb into the deep end of the local council pool. It’s still effective, but I’m not exactly pushing myself with my choice of subject matter.

When I was 18, and I kissed Laura under that willow tree, I wanted to get married, have kids, and live happily ever after. Part of me still wants that. Yes, I’m single by choice, but that choice is informed by the knowledge that right now I’m not the best person I can be, especially when it comes to relationships. One day that will change, I’m sure.

For now, I will continue to sit on my island and nibble on the low-hanging blogging fruit. Whether or not it’s good for me, it tastes delicious.

*Quotation stolen from a brilliant friend of mine. Thanks, brilliant friend!


Slush, by Ella Dawson (Friday special #2!)

When introducing Ella Dawson, it’s extremely hard to avoid using the word ‘precocious’. Ella is disgustingly young; holds a degree in Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies from one of the top US liberal arts colleges (where she also hosted a weekly radio show and edited the school’s arts and sexuality magazine); and has just completed an internship at Cleis Press. Next up is a kick-ass social media job with TED in New York City, and after that, presumably world domination.

Over on her WordPress site, Ella blogs about sexual health and education, media depictions of female sexuality and STIs, and sex-positive erotica. Since the start of the year, she’s also reviewed all manner of erotic novels, anthologies and e-books, but I’m pleased to say that this afternoon she turns from poacher to gamekeeper. When Ella approached me a few weeks ago and offered to contribute a guest post, I was very curious to see what she’d come up with: curious…and expectant. With ‘Slush’, it’s fair to say that she both met those expectations and confounded them.

‘Slush’ is not a nice story. It’s cold and it’s hard, and while the sex is intense, it doesn’t send you away afterwards with a case of the warm and fuzzies. Her two characters fuck like most of us have fucked at some point: desperately, angrily, and with a tight knot of emotional pain somewhere in our chest or stomach. I knew from her writing that Ella Dawson was a lot of things – talented, thoughtful, a bit spiky – but in Slush, she shows a side of herself that I hadn’t seen before. And that side is really fucking hot.

Ok Ella, over to you…

I doubt I will ever forget writing this story. It was one of those trance-like experiences writers sometimes gush about when the story writes itself and you’re left winded and startled afterward, not sure what just happened. I was staying with my parents for the summer between semesters of college and it was pouring in the middle of August, the storm almost frighteningly loud outside of my bedroom window. I was blasting house music to try to drown it out. My ex was texting me about wanting to be friends or some nonsense, a foray into the land of the platonic that I already knew was doomed. I didn’t want to get back together, didn’t even want him in my life, but I still got that old violent thrill along my spine when my phone rattled with a new message. Lightning lit up my bedroom, I opened a word document, and this little monster was born.

A few months later I took “Slush” to my faculty advisor, hoping to include it in my senior thesis, and I was surprised when he hated it. “This reads like Penthouse,” he wrote in the margins. He objected to some of the language an earlier draft contained, but he was also unsettled by the lack of tenderness between the characters. He thought I was adopting a masculine writing style rather than heeding my feminine side. I wound up taking the language out, but I accepted the fact that he just didn’t get it. Women like rough sex just as much as men do, and tenderness is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes fucking is the only honest way a couple can love each other.

Slush is one of my favorite short stories, and I’m excited to let it out of its cage in my documents folder. It’s the middle of August again, after all. It only seems appropriate.


The sex they have isn’t nice.

They used to love each other. The memory is a splinter driven too deep in her palm to dig out with tweezers: a dull and irritating hurt, worsened by the temptation to pick. He used to hold her messy and tight in the middle of the night when it got cold and she drifted away across the mattress. They do not sleep together now. They fuck in the small spaces, in bathrooms, against bookcases. They do not hold each other. Instead they tear in selfish, desperate scratches.

They do not talk much either.

She guides on liquid liner with a steady hand, one eye closed while the other gapes like the mouth of a fish stranded on land. She does not bother with lipstick, knows it would smear across his mouth and leave them both guilty red. There is something deliciously irresponsible about not wearing underwear under her dress.

He finds her dancing at the center of the party and his hands settle at her hips. She rocks her head back, rests it against his shoulder. His breath is hot at her ear. When she opens her eyes she finds him staring forward at nothing. His eyebrows are drawn together, emotion carving his face, and she recognizes that anger in her bones—it has been eating them both alive for months. They would hate each other if they did not need this so much. Anger keeps them tangled like the links of a snagged chain. She knows eventually something will give and let them swing free with stunning ease but that day has not come yet.

He tastes like vodka.

They do still kiss, that might surprise you. His mouth is dry and hot, winter chapped, and she runs her tongue over his upper lip as she draws it between her teeth. It is cold outside, January chill seeping into her bare legs, slush darkening the leather of her heels, but his hand singes between her thighs and finds her slick. His grunt is muffled into her throat. The brick is unforgiving against her shoulders and she wishes she had thought to grab her jacket before he dragged her outside, but when he hikes her up the wall to guide her legs around his waist she barely feels the scratch. She is far too distracted by his teeth at her collarbone and the sudden ache of him inside her.

No, it is not nice. The sex they have is brutal and she prefers it.

This is the only time they talk. “You like that, don’t you?” His voice is strained but she nods a useless yes. “You fucking like that.”

“Oh god, please,” she demands an octave too high and he moves his palm heavy to her mouth, pressing her head back against the wall. They must not be heard. He can hiss into her ear without losing control but she tends to get loud. She whimpers into his hand and he snaps his hips.

“That’s what I thought.” She yanks at his hair and he growls against her neck, head tucked to bury his forehead in her shoulder. “You fucking love this, some backyard where anyone could see you. You love it.”

I love you.

Her nails dig into his scalp. His other hand sneaks between their bodies to find her clit, pressing and circling. She keens into his palm and her eyes lose focus. Only the firm weight of him against her prevents her from tumbling to the ground is. It would be so easy to fall, bruised and dirty and exposed. He grinds down on her clit and a silent scream burns her throat.

It isn’t supposed to be like this, she knows it isn’t. But how is it supposed to be?

He grunts her name when he finishes and it almost gets lost in the slush and the bass from the party inside but she still hears it. The splinter digs again, reminds her of its presence. They (used to) love each other. He sets her down on unsteady legs and she can feel moisture dripping down her thighs. She swallows the inane babble always sparked by the afterward and he fixes her hair with shaking, gentle hands.

Her coat is in the kitchen where she left it and she shrugs it on, finds her keys in the front pocket. Halfway home she takes off her heels and walks the rest of the way barefoot. It is the right type of cold.


Streak for Tigers

So tonight I did the ZSL ‘Streak for Tigers’ run, and it was…well, it was surprisingly sweet. I rocked up late (damn you, stupid meeting!) and without mobile battery (damn you, stupid phone!), so I already felt pretty naked, even with my work suit still on.

It didn’t help that I had to walk through a sizeable crowd of my fellow streakers in order to reach the registration desk. They milled around in their masks, and their foil blankets, and their body paint – but most of all, they milled around stark (bollock) naked, and happy with it, while I sweated and apologised my way between them.

I got undressed upstairs in the pavilion, quickly and with more apprehension than I’d anticipated. Did I then nip to the loos and have a few stern words with my cock, to make sure it understood its responsibilities? I couldn’t possibly say.

I’ve run marathons, and half marathons, and fun runs of various lengths, and they all follow the same initial formula: get changed, stuff your kit into a drawstring bag, hand it in to a cheery young attendant, pace nervously around a designated warm-up area…and tonight was no different. The changing area was suitably soulless and the structural integrity of the drawstring bags did not inspire confidence, but the ZSL staff members were incredibly professional, friendly and non-judgemental; they made me and (I suspect) a lot of other people feel more welcome and less absurd than they might have done.

The same was true of my fellow runners. In fact, between the free shots, the gingerbread cookies, the music and the camera phones, the mood was pretty demob-happy by the time I wandered back down and joined the throng. And that’s when it hit me…

Go into a pub. Go into a bar. Go into a posh members-only restaurant, or a working-men’s club. Go into a leisure centre or a private gym. A supermarket, a department store. A hairdresser’s. A bookie’s. Your local chippy.

Go into all those places, and you won’t find as diverse a group of people as I found today. Old, middle-aged, young; tall, short; skinny, athletic, average, chubby, fat; able-bodied, disabled; male, female. Different classes, different ethnicities, and everywhere I looked, just a tremendous amount of goodwill. Nudity is a great equalizer, but in a more relaxed and less juvenile way than a lot of people assume, which is why I quickly realised that I was among friends.

By the time they ushered us down to the start line, and encouraged us to get rid of our foil blankets, I was completely at ease. People were taking photos on their phones, dancing around arm-in-arm, laughing and joking: it was as if we’d all forgotten that we were naked, and just wanted to get out there and run.

The ‘course’ was 350m long. I did four laps. Some people did more – a lot more. I spoke to one chap, midway through my third circuit, who had done 12 laps the year before, and when I looked down on the zoo afterwards from the balcony, fully clothed, I saw him still trotting around, waving at what was left of the crowd.

In our registration packs, we were sent tiger masks and told that it was fine to wear them, but of the 150-200 runners, I’d say that fewer than half decided to exercise that option – I certainly didn’t. Instead, once the curtain opened, we just ran: ran, and walked, and chatted, as we might have done in another park, on another summer’s day, in running shorts and vest.

Because in the end, that’s how absurd our attitude to nudity can be. We allow small patches of material – a bikini, a pair of boxers – to dictate how we feel about the human body, and to assuage our shame about seeing…or being seen. Sure, it’s context-dependent – what’s appropriate in a members’ gym might not be in a school changing room – but it’s also more universal than most people are willing to acknowledge, and tonight reminded me of that. From an early age, we’re taught that nudity is bad, and I would love, LOVE for that to change.

Tonight I walked, and ran, and smiled my way around London Zoo for, ooh, about ten minutes, and I’d have happily spent another two hours just hanging out, chatting to my fellow streakers. I wish we could have had a few beers together while naked, or gone to see the tiger cubs without getting dressed first.

We did get dressed though, and most of us did it with adrenaline still pumping through our bodies. I was surprised at first by how many people I met who took part in the same event last year; by the time I left the Zoo, I was already looking forward to my next naked visit. I hope to see a bunch of you there next time too.