
24 hours

At various points over the last few days, I’ve sat down at my laptop with the intention of finishing a story, only to get distracted by all the other shiny things the internet has to offer. And porn, obvs. Anyway, while I may be struggling for focus, I’m certainly not short of ideas, mental images, and general erotic inspiration right now. These are some of the things I’ve been thinking about in the last 24 hours:

  • Why I’d never tried whipping someone with the belt from my suit trousers before, and when I might be able to do it again. What else I might use to turn her arse bright red. Setting her a task that I know – and she knows – she’ll fail, and punishing her for it. Because apparently I do have an inner sadist after all.
  • The growing appeal of an MFF threesome, especially if it involves being tied up, blindfolded, and forced to guess who’s doing what to me. Tasting them both. The exhaustion afterwards.
  • Threesomes in general. Logistics, positions, power exchange. The little details: the noises, the way they’d look at each other, and the way they’d look at me. That moment when I feel the head of his cock push inside me for the first time.
  • Squalid, public fucking. Fucking behind the dumpster in the alleyway outside the pub. Fucking in the toilets – any toilets, as long as they smell of piss and the tiles are stained and broken. Fucking somewhere I shouldn’t, because it’s bad and wrong and dirty, and so so good.
  • The Marketing Manager at work, with her big eyes, big tits, and cut-glass voice. The soft-spoken cashier at Sainsbury’s the other night. The woman I sat opposite on the tube this morning. Women I’ve fucked. Women I’m fucking. Women – and men – I want to fuck. People I shouldn’t be thinking about…
  • Pressing her up against the hotel window, naked, with her tits on display to the workmen taking a break in the street below. How it made her feel. How wet she was when I pushed her down on the bed and forced her legs apart.
  • The look of surprise and delight – and hunger – that has always spread across a partner’s face the first time she’s tightened the strap-on harness around her waist and looked down at the cock between her legs. The eagerness with which they’ve all fucked me. How silly it is that my own grunts and moans turn me on, when my face is pressed down into the pillow.
  • Being naked, and being watched. A life drawing class. On stage, in a play. At a party, forced to touch myself for the amusement of the guests. They’re a bit older, female, fully-clothed. Some of them want to fuck me – I can see it in the way their eyes wander over my body – and I know I’ll be passed around between them in the weeks to come.
  • The squeeze of her cunt around my cock when she’s just about to come. Pushing it in slowly: she’s so fucking tight and she thinks I’m teasing her, thinks I’m being cruel, but really I’m just greedy for her heat and her wetness, gliding over my skin. I don’t want to miss that. There’ll be plenty of time later for hard and rough, I promise.
  • Because sometimes that’s the best bit. I think about kissing a lot.

Part of me wishes I could channel some of that into stories, and blog posts, and all the rest of it. At some point this week, I’m sure I will. Hopefully it will be worth the wait…

Erotica Other photos Sinful Sunday

Revenge, by Girl on the Net (a Friday special!)

It’s fair to say that Girl on the Net is a rather accomplished young lady. Good at swearing, great at drinking, pretty fucking excellent at putting things in her cunt (or so I hear)…she can even hold a halfway decent conversation about philosophy, for someone who learnt the ropes at such a second-rate university. Online, she’s obviously best known for her writing, which is, by turns, funny, insightful, angry, sexy, educational, (devastatingly) honest, and all the rest of the good stuff for which we’d all like to be recognised. It’s not a stretch to say that she’s the UK’s leading sex blogger, and by some distance at that.

However, what a lot people don’t know about GOTN is that she also writes incredibly hot erotic fiction. I discovered this by accident a few months ago, when I commissioned her to write me a story: she needed fast cash, I was curious to see whether she was as talented a fiction writer as she was a blogger, and a mutually beneficial arrangement was hastily reached.

It’s a Friday, and I seem completely unable to finish the two stories that I’m currently working on, so with her permission I’ve decided to share the results of that arrangement here. We agreed at the time that she’d take one of my Sinful Sunday photos, and write a story about it; she chose to use this post as inspiration, and came up with a filthy little tale of a boy who gets a whole lot more than he’d bargained for. I’m not going to disclose what I paid her for the work, but I will say that I had no complaints about the return I got on my investment, and that I imagine her price has risen significantly since then.


Revenge, by Girl on the Net

“You have a fucked-up idea of ‘fun’,” I told him, wiping tears from my cheeks and trying to rearrange my clothes. At that point all I wanted was to be covered. To hide the heat and the blush spreading across my chest. After the humiliation of what happened downstairs, I wanted to cover up completely – bury myself in sheets and clothes and blankets and hide. Become unsexual. For a short time at least.

“I thought you were enjoying it.” He sounded genuinely chastened. As if, as he marched straight over the line I didn’t want him to cross, he’d genuinely thought it was OK.

Here’s what happened, the short version: we were in the living room with his friends. Drink was not just flowing but flooding. Most of the girls had retired to the kitchen, but I – ever the attention-seeking one – sat in the middle of this group of happy guys: flirting, playing, and occasionally hoping I’d catch one looking down my top.

One of them made a flattering comment:

“You have gorgeous tits. He’s a lucky man.” A hat-tip to D, who smiled proudly, the exact moment at which it should have ended.

“She has, hasn’t she?” he smirked. “Go on, show them off.”

Now this wasn’t a particularly unusual suggestion. D and I were used to me showing off – in clubs, at parties, when we were in full-on fuckhorny mode I’d love to show off my tits. In front of strangers at fetish clubs was my favourite. Eyes cast down, hands placed on top of my head, I’d quiver with exhibitionist delight as he’d pull my top down, open my blouse, or lift up whatever t-shirt I was wearing to let strangers stare and rub and pinch my tits. Sometimes I’d let him slip down my top in the back of taxis so the driver got an eyeful of my taut nipples through the thin lace of my bra. Other times I’d do it myself – offering looks and touches to men I didn’t know. Strangers. I loved to feel their rough hands on me – the needy exploration and hot delight at being offered something previously out of bounds. The only thing better was feeling their eyes on me, as D showed me off proudly. Firm, heavy tits moving gently up and down as I breathed faster, knowing they were appraising me, hoping they wanted to touch.

So he knew I liked showing off, although I’d never shown off to friends before. The glint in his best friend’s eye was enough to make me tense, getting slightly wet at the thought of presenting myself to the people we knew in the middle of a party not designed for perverts. I wanted to feel his eyes on me, like the eager eyes of a stranger.

But that’s all it was – a fantasy. D perhaps didn’t suspect that what I liked to do elsewhere – in groups of people who didn’t know us – was unconscionable in front of our friends. Our friends who’d think badly of me. Call me ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ and ‘pricktease.’ The back of my neck felt cold even as D reached for my hand to pull me into a standing position.

“Go on, give them a quick flash,” he slurred, hot with booze and pride. I laughed, pretended it was all a joke, then shuddered as he reached for my top.

I wasn’t wearing a bra – just a tight, long-sleeved t-shirt with exactly the scoop neck he liked. I’d wanted him to push me against the wall in hallways and doorways – private places. Wanted him to follow me on trips to the bathroom, pull down on the top and run his fingers over my nipples when no one was looking. But people were looking now – everyone was. One or two of the girls had gathered back in the room and were making nervous raised-eyebrow faces at one another as D put me on display.

“A countdown, shall we?” he said. The boys sat up, conversation abandoned as the show was about to start. Most looked keen although one or two shuffled nervously. I kept smiling – it was all I could do. Angry and frustrated and, despite my brain screaming murder, desperately aroused.

“Three…” He gripped the neck of my top and I could feel his rough fingers brushing my chest.

“Two…” My cunt twitched, and I could feel the wetness soaking into my knickers.

“One…” He pulled, and a cheer went up from the boys. I blushed bright red and tried to think about something – anything – that would stop the arousal spreading from the throbbing wetness in my cunt to the pit of my stomach. I failed.

There was a kick of lust, delight, and urgent need – knowing I was being watched and mocked it… well… it turned me on. Humiliated me. Enraged me. Tore me into two separate people – one of which I liked and the other I despised. I felt like, in not stopping him or showing outrage I’d betrayed myself, and shown myself to be a dirty, pathetic slut.

Just in case you were wondering, you know, why I’m sitting on the bed now listening to his apologies and wanting to hide under bedsheets forever.

“I’m so sorry,” he knelt down beside me. His smart shirt looked creased, tired like he did. With his head bowed in misery I wanted to take pity on him – pull him closer to me and let him rest his head against my chest as he wallowed in misery too.

“I just… you know,” he muttered.

“I know.” For a second the desire to forgive overwhelmed me. He wasn’t to know. He’s an idiot when he’s drunk and besides – hadn’t I loved it? Hadn’t I wanted it? Hadn’t I got wet and hot as he exposed me to all his friends?

But I kicked that feeling to one side. Not now. Forgiveness could come later but for now I needed him to know what it felt like. I wanted to give him exactly the same feelings he’d given me: wet, throbbing arousal coupled with humiliation and fear. A bittersweet taste of the medicine he’d forced me to swallow.

“Stand up.” I told him. He looked at me in surprise, which was just as I wanted. I usually spoke to him softly – a submissive, pleasing lilt. This was the voice with which I’d command a dog.

“Stand. The fuck. Up.” I looked into his eyes, my own burning hate and revenge and a lust I surprised myself with. As he stood he reached out for my hand, and I slapped it away.

“Back off. Don’t touch me.” As if stung, he retreated a couple of steps until he was standing against the wardrobe.

“You think it’s fine to humiliate me? To turn me on and present me in front of your friends like some sort of party prize? Fuck you.” I slapped him, hard. Once on his right cheek, then again for good measure. It bloomed red, and I stepped away from him.

“Take off your shoes.” He looked quizzically at me. “I’m not fucking joking. Take off your shoes.”

He complied, removing his shoes and socks without a word. His expression betrayed his confusion, and something in it made me feel powerful – strong. I was smaller than he was, with weak arms and thin wrists. I used to revel in the power he held over me. But at that moment I realised that I could do with words what he would usually do with rough gestures and strong shoulders and size: I could overpower him.

“You’re going to do exactly what I say now. And you’re not going to refuse, or ask why.”

“Yes,” he replied in a small voice.

“No, actually, just don’t speak.” He nodded. “Take off your pants.”

He slipped his trousers off first, and the sound of his belt slipping through the loops on his trousers no longer signalled to me the start of my punishment, as it had done before – it signalled defeat. Loss. His loss. As he lost his pants I could see the first initial stirrings of that delicious shameful arousal in his cock.

“Touch yourself,” I told him, and took a seat on the bed. He grabbed his dick and squeezed, slowly. He was reluctant to get hard, wary of what I would do next. “Harder. I want to see you rock-solid.” He held himself tighter, started rubbing slowly – unsure about how to proceed but unwilling to disobey my uncharacteristically direct instructions.

At that moment I understood the fun for him – the power he’d enjoyed over me. There was a kick in my gut – a lustful, angry power that spread as I watched him grow harder. I wanted more of this.

“You’re not fucking trying,” I told him, and slapped his hand away. “Undo your shirt.”

All credit to him, he didn’t tremble as he undid the buttons – he understood exactly what I wanted to do, and had resolved to take it with as much dignity as he could scrape together. I grasped his cock and squeezed tight. I slid my hand up and down, far stronger than I would usually. He winced with reluctant desire. I looked at him directly – stared into his face. Today I wouldn’t be on my knees.

When he was hard, at maximum stretch, I stepped back to take him all in. He was angry – check. Horny – double check. And was that? Yes! A blush spreading across his cheeks – he was humiliated, horrified that I’d done this to him so easily. That I’d overpowered him with words and shame. I could probably have stopped there, and the lesson would have been learned. But I wanted it not just learned but burnt, etched deeply into his memory. I wanted him to know that I could win.

“Turn round and face the door.”

“No. Don’t make me go out there.” His usually commanding voice was stretched thin to an almost whimper.

“Yes. I’m not going to tell you again.” It was no longer a surprise to me that he did exactly as instructed. Cock stiffly pointing in front of him, he turned towards the door.

“Open it.” He did, and as he stepped back his hands twitched towards his crotch, desperate to cover himself, to bring back a shred of the dignity that I was so happily stripping away. I took some time to admire the view – his smooth, taut arse framed in the doorway, the shirt draped softly over his hips. The muscles in his legs tense with tension. The fear that someone would come up.

“Are you worried someone will see you?” I asked gently. He nodded, and turned slightly at the softness in my voice.

“They’re all still down there. They’ll be… talking about us.”

“They will, wont they?” I replied. “Talking about you, talking about me. Thinking I’m the slut for showing my tits. Thinking you’re the one with the power.” He nodded again, and at last he trembled – I could see his legs shake delightfully as he stared at the open door.

“Do you hate it?” He nodded again, but placed his hands on his head. “But you love it too, right?”

A pause.

A long pause.

My heart beat faster as I waited for his final nod. “Yes,” he said. “I don’t know why, but I love it.”

“Good, I replied. Now walk forward.”

Power is hot, and taking the power for myself was fantastic. But it’s the pictures that will stick with me – for the rest of my life what I’ll remember my beautiful boy as he strode slowly across the landing. I hissed steps at him – “Now off with the shirt. Two more steps. That’s good. Lift your t-shirt. Touch your dick. Two more steps. Show me your arse.” He did exactly as I commanded, oblivious to the wolf-whistles and drunken catcalls from downstairs.

By the time he reached the bathroom at the end of the hallway he’d stripped naked. I made him turn round and face me. He stood on the tiles, naked and ashamed, in the semi-darkness of the bathroom at the other end of the hall. Dick red and throbbing and slick with precome, and a face that looked torn between horny and heartbroken. Exactly as I wanted him.

None of our friends had ventured upstairs, although having heard the cheers I’m sure some had seen his walk of shame. As he stood in the bathroom he was hidden from their view – just – and I was safe across the hallway and two paces back in the refuge of the bedroom. Fully clothed and fully in control, I’d never felt more powerful. The deep, gnawing lust was still there, though, and I decided that I wanted to see him come.

“Touch yourself,” I mouthed, looking him straight in the eye. He held my gaze as he did it. Framed in the doorway like he was putting on a private peep show just for me.

He rubbed himself hard – there was no taking his time about it. The worry of being discovered probably helped speed him up. But as he pulled at his dick with swift, urgent strokes it seemed like his motivation was more than that – the power I held over him was new and different and hot enough to get the tip of his cock wet and slick, and give him a twitching, throbbing need to come.

In that moment he knew how I felt. Humiliated into a quivering, lustful slut, whose exposure only prompted a need for more exposure, more humiliation, more fucking.

I folded my arms and watched him, holding on to the deep throbbing in my clit as I watched him push himself to an urgent orgasm. When he came he came in thick spurts – slicking the hand he tried to catch it all in and spilling drops onto the bathroom floor. I mimed touching my own chest, and as he rubbed it into himself, completing the cycle of his own shame, I grinned at him – feeling better.

“Good boy,” I whispered across the hallway. “Good fucking boy.”

Cock shots Sex

On Toys

I’ve got a couple of posts in the pipeline at the moment, including a (loose) sequel to this and this. I’m also talking to a few different people about guest posts and collaborations, which should start popping up here over the next month or so. In the meantime, I thought I’d write about sex toys. I occasionally get asked whether there are particular toys I like, or how I feel about toys in general, so last night I had a quick rummage through the bag at the back of my wardrobe, and picked out a few of my favourites. These are the toys that do it for me, or that I most enjoy using on/with others:

Aneros MGX Classic prostate massager

aneros mgx

I’ve had the Aneros for almost ten years now. It’s the first sex toy I ever bought, and it’s still my go-to butt plug whenever I want some intense, but fairly unchallenging anal play. It’s designed to curve up and stimulate my prostate, but mainly I just enjoy clenching around it as I masturbate or – even better – as someone teases me with hand or mouth. It tends to generate very powerful orgasms, and is the toy to use if you ever want to see cum shooting right up over my chest and neck. Or over yours.

Doc Johnson TitanMen Anal Plug Number 3

By and large, I’m not sure Doc Johnson make good sex toys. However, in this (not so) little beauty, they’ve provided me with a lot of incredibly filthy anal fun, both alone and with partners. It’s pretty much exactly the same size as my own cock, which one ex-girlfriend really enjoyed reminding me of as she pushed it all the way inside me.

“You want to fuck my arse, do you? Want to bury your hard cock deep inside it? Well first I think you should know what that feels like. I’m going to stretch your arse with this nice thick dildo, and maybe if you’re a good boy, maybe if you tell me how much you fucking love it, I’ll let you do the same to mine with your dick.”

Or words to that effect.

Basic jelly cock stroker


Here’s the thing with male sex toys: butt plugs/dildos aside, I’ve never been convinced that they actually add much to the solo experience. Enjoy having your clit stimulated? Well a vibrator is probably going to be more powerful than your hand. Want to have your cunt or arse filled? A good-sized dildo will reach the places your fingers can’t. For guys though, there’s nothing really out there that replicates – or beats – the feeling of a lubed-up hand stroking firmly up and down my hard cock. I’m never feeling so lazy that I can’t be bothered to do the job myself, and the skin-on-skin contact makes for a much more effective and intuitive wank than a Fleshlight ever could.

That said, this  6″ jelly stroker can be a lot of fun when it’s being used on me by someone else, ideally when I’m tied up and blindfolded. It provides a different texture – a different sensation – and for that reason I’m never too disappointed to see a partner fish it out of the bag and turn to me with an evil glint in her eye.

Tantus Feeldoe

As a concept, the Feeldoe is basically my perfect toy. It’s a satisfyingly large, cock-shaped dildo, with the added bonus of a vibrating ‘pony’ end that enables my partner to use it as a strap-on, without having to deal with o-rings, and a harness, and all the rest of it. The lack of straps enhances the psychological element of that kind of scenario: when she twists her fingers in my hair and forces my mouth down onto her cock, it somehow feels more authentic, especially when the other end is vibrating inside her, making her moan with pleasure as I slide my lips up and down it.

The drawbacks? It takes a woman with well-trained cunt muscles to wield it effectively, and getting the angles right can take a lot of trial and error. The material also isn’t the best, despite Tantus claiming that it’s made of ‘Ultra-Premium Silicone’; I find that without a shitload of lube, it drags inside me in a way that other toys don’t, which can make a properly hard fuck feel slightly uncomfortable.

Pearl Shine 9 inch Anal Vibrator

I’ve never used the vibrating function on this toy, and I’ve never really needed to. It’s a pretty basic bit of equipment, but for warming up my arse, or for times when I just want some proper length inside me, it takes some beating. I’m not generally very loud in bed, especially when I’m on my own, but I’ve been surprised a few times by the level of grunting this can elicit when it’s pushed all the way in and out at a decent speed.

Fetish Fantasy Plus Size Strap-On


Regular readers may well remember this post from January. A lot of my sex toy purchases have been fairly spontaneous, and this was no exception. When I found myself in that Soho sex shop, looking for the strap-on set that was ‘the biggest, the most obscene’, this is what I ended up with. The harness is fairly low quality, and the dildo is made of jelly, which isn’t great for your body, but Jesus, it was exactly what I needed that day. She was a cute, queer, sarcastic bisexual, with a mess of dreadlocks on her head and hair under her arms; she had this sort of slow, sleepy, sexual magnetism, but when she strapped that cock around her waist it seemed to infuse her with this hot, feral energy that she was only too happy to take out on my arse.

I get shivers whenever I look at it.

Leather cock strap


I got lots of good birthday presents this year, but this, from Malin James, was one of the very best. I’ve tried numerous cock rings over the years, and always enjoyed them, but this is a cut above the rest. It’s padded, I can clip it nice and tight around the base of my shaft and my balls, and as yesterday’s experiment proved, it does a very good job of keeping everything super-hard for a long time. Hopefully I won’t be the only one who benefits from that.

cock strap 5 cock strap 6

I have other toys too. I have handcuffs, anal beads, a flogger, a couple more butt plugs, a Rock Chick, a vibrator shaped like a corn-on-the-cob, and a genuinely enormous strap-on dildo, but none of them really see much use. Toys are great, especially when I have a regular partner with whom I can properly explore them, but with a couple of exceptions they’ll always be a support act, rather than the main event. In the end, it’s human contact – physical and mental – that I enjoy.

That’s how I feel at the moment, anyway. This is an area where I’m pretty sure other people know far more than I do, so if you’re reading this and you have any thoughts on toys in general, or you’d like to recommend something you think I might enjoy, please do leave a comment, or get in touch via Twitter/email.

Cock shots Sex

Orgasm noises

This post will be password-protected (or simply taken down) in 24 hours, because it’s fairly explicit even by my standards, but until then I’m going to make it available to all.

I was having a conversation with someone last night about orgasm faces, and how sexy they are. An orgasm is – or should be – a moment of open, naked, visceral pleasure, when all the control we normally exercise over our appearance disappears completely. When I make someone come, and I see her face contort and redden, or her eyes scrunch together, or her mouth open and gurn, I know it means she’s completely lost in the moment. Lost in whatever it is that I’m doing with/to/for her. That’s really fucking hot.

Anyway, during that conversation I realised that as great as orgasm faces are, orgasm noises can be even better…but only with a partner I know really well. That’s because, even more than facial expressions, they act as a guide to how someone’s feeling, what they want, and what I should – or can – do next. I can take that ragged, whimpering shortness of breath that tells me she’s seconds away, and I can decide exactly what to do with it: press on, with firmer, quicker strokes of my tongue or cock; or ease off, hold back, and make her wait for more.

When my partner’s actually coming, and I know her noises well, I can control them in a way that I can’t with her facial expressions. A hand over her mouth to cut her off mid-moan, or a few whispered words to make her start swearing at me between breaths, or even a couple of extra-hard thrusts as she’s tumbling over the edge, if I want to really increase the volume. At their best, those noises also act as a trigger for my own orgasm, and we end up coming together before collapsing in a big, sweaty, sticky heap of happiness.

Orgasm faces are great because at a moment of huge vulnerability they take everything someone’s feeling and lay it all out there for you to see in an incredibly intimate way. Orgasm noises – however quiet or subtle – go one step further and form an integral part of the communication between you. It’s true that they can also be less honest: I’ve been with people who’ve clearly treated it as a bit of a performance, which is why I need to know someone well to really get off on the sounds they make; I need to trust that they’re ‘real’.

Anyway, I can’t really share my own orgasm face here, for obvious reasons, but I thought I would offer a taste of the sort of noises I make. The video below the jump was filmed a couple of months ago, and the quality isn’t great; it’s also very graphic, so don’t scroll any further if that’s not your thing. Is it ‘real’? Well, I suppose that’s a hard one to answer: all I can say is that for a few seconds, right at the end, I definitely forgot that the camera was there. I had that ‘white light’ moment, where your brain first seems to empty completely, then to explode into a million tiny pieces. It was pretty awesome.


Eternal Optimist

This post is my entry for Charlie Powell’s ‘Polished’ competition. The challenge was to write a piece of erotica based on the name of a nail polish from Charlie’s collection. I was given ‘Eternal Optimist’, and the story I wrote is inspired both by that, and by one of Charlie’s own stories from a few months ago. Enjoy!

Eternal Optimist

Some days you win, some days you lose. And some days are a fucking disaster. Actually, in my case make that some weeks.

It’s not that I’m bad at gambling: more that when things go south, they have a habit of going quickly, and I can’t seem to get off the train before it crashes.

Ok, maybe I’m bad at gambling.

But come on, who wouldn’t roll the dice and try their luck when Spring is in the air, the Guinness is flowing, and the Cheltenham Festival is in full swing? The first day wasn’t even that bad: only £40 down, and a champagne buzz that gave me the balls to end things with Julie once and for all. Eight months of infrequent sex, followed by five months of no sex, had ensured that horses were all we really had left in common, and I didn’t see that as much of a foundation for the future. I needed more, and I told her that. Told her I wanted someone who would burn for me and make me burn for them. She looked at me blankly and went back to the Racing Post.

Maybe I didn’t do it right though, because after that, karma seemed to bite me on the arse with a vengeance. I completely struck out on Wednesday, saw a lucrative accumulator fall at the last on Thursday, and by the time the Gold Cup winner had been fêted by the adoring crowd on Friday afternoon, I was not only single and sexless, I was in a two-grand hole for the week.

That’s when I saw her. I was counting out twenties in front of Big Frank – the only bookie I really trusted by that point – when she marched past me, a slick-haired city boy on her arm. She was a blur of tits and boots and long brown hair, and all of a sudden I forgot about everything except my twitching, stiffening cock. It didn’t matter where they were going, because the jut of her chin alone told me exactly what they were going to do when they got there, and I knew I had to see it.

“Ok, that’s two hundred quid you’ve got on the table there. Jesus, are you sure you want to do this? You know I’m always happy to take your money, but even I’ve got a heart.”

“Frank, something tells me this is going to be my day after all. Just give me the slip – I’ll be back in 20 minutes to collect my winnings!”

I snatched the piece of paper out of Frank’s hand and tramped through the grass toward the jockeys’ car park. Right now it was the quietest part of the course, and sure enough there she was. Well, there they were. Her tights stretched between her ankles; his steadying hand on the small of her back as he fucked her hard. Their mouths opened and closed, but even though they were only 20 metres away from me, the sound was swallowed up by the buzz from the grandstand.

He shuddered against her as he came. The blood was thumping in my head: something about the way she threw her head back, lost in her own arousal, made me clutch the fence-post I was standing by for support. He slapped her on the arse and jogged back to the comfort of his corporate box, leaving her slumped against the railing, undone and undone.

I toyed with my belt, trying to ease the pressure on my cock. The head nudged hard against it, and I was torn between wanting her to look over – needing her to look over – and just slinking away from it all. From her. From Cheltenham. From myself. I’d made enough bad decisions over the course of the week, and the odds didn’t exactly feel like they were in my favour this time either.

The cheers only registered as the tannoy crackled into life.

“Confirmation that after a photo finish, the Foxhunter Chase Challenge Cup has been won by number 13, Eternal Optimist, at 25-1. Second was numbe…”

25-1. 200 quid. Five fucking grand!

The world came back into focus just as she raised her eyes to meet mine. I think one of us blushed, though I’d like to blame that on the alcohol. I took one step forward, then two, then three. She smiled, and shielded her eyes against the late afternoon sun as I got closer.

Maybe my luck was changing after all.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Anonymous (July)

On the last weekend in June, I ‘donated’ my Sinful Sunday entry to anyone who wanted to post a photo but didn’t feel able to do so. The resulting post got a really good response, both from the people who took me up on the offer, and from those who enjoyed checking out their work. A couple of people asked me when I was planning to do it again, so after a bit of thought, and a DM conversation with @bawdybloke, I decided to make it a monthly thing.

Today’s Sinful Sunday features three very sexy shots, and some hot words to go with them. Huge thanks to the people who submitted them: I hope you enjoy being part of the Sinful Sunday project!

Mirrored Truth


This picture is me messing around with my new phone, and being a private exhibitionist (I know, contradiction in terms) I had to do a naked selfie. No fancy lighting or much editing done, except for cropping and making the colours a tad warmer and softer. Me, with different size tits, rolls and cellulite on full display. That’s scarier than actually showing my cunt.

His View


I like looking down at my tits in a good bra when I am on top. I think they look their best that way. Why must men always slip their hands around my back, release the clasp and let gravity spoil the view?

Oh. That’s why.

I get it now.

After You’ve Gone

after you've gone

You left for work hours ago and I’m still where you left me. My bed, the scene of last nights fucking. I can smell you on my sheets, on my skin, it’s intoxicating.

I can’t help but smile and run my hand down my body, following the same trail your tongue did last night, my hand ending at my aching pussy. After you’ve gone I think about how you made me feel last night: I can’t wait till you return.

Please do let the three contributors know what you think in the comments below!

Sinful Sunday


Tiger tiger, burning bright…

Streak for Tigers event at ZSL London Zoo

…are you ready for a terrible fright??

A couple of months ago, I became aware of a slightly unconventional evening event at London Zoo this August. Given that it brings together three of my favourite things – running, being naked, and (large) felines – signing up was always going to be a bit of a no-brainer. When I finally got round to doing it earlier this week, I discovered that not only is there a registration cost, you’re also expected to raise a minimum of £150 in sponsorship. The money will support ZSL’s ongoing work with tigers.

I feel like a bit of a hypocrite writing this, because I’m not generally big on giving to animal charities. The prevention of animal cruelty and the protection of endangered species are both worthwhile causes, but I look at the work done by the likes of Freedom from Torture, WaterAid, and Rape Crisis, and find it very hard to justify prioritising animal issues over human ones when choosing which charities to support.

However, I know that other people feel very differently, and having committed to the fundraising target I certainly ought to make at least some effort to reach it. For that reason, I’ve set up a Just Giving page, which you can find here. If you love tigers, or value the work done by ZSL, or just like the idea of sponsoring me to get naked, please head over there and add your name to the list. If I manage to raise more than £150, I’ll get someone to take a photo of me at the event, in my tiger mask, and post it here afterwards as proof.

And for anyone who wants to watch me get my kit off and race around London Zoo, there are spectator tickets available for 15 quid. I’ll only judge you a little bit…

Erotica Uncategorized

Elust #60

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Photo courtesy of Chintz Curtain

Welcome to Elust #60

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #60? Start with the rules, come back August 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Shame Hurts

Of Cocks and Cunts: The Language of Erotica


~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

I may never suck another cock, but I’m still

The sofa

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!


Is sex unsexy? A 'His & Hers' post

HIM: Last night the lovely Em and I both read this dreadful piece of body-shaming, sex-hating clickbait from Metro blogger Hannah Gale, and came to the same basic conclusion: WTF?? It’s one thing to offer reassurance that ‘hey, just because most people like x, that doesn’t mean you have to as well, and while we’re at it, don’t let anyone make you feel bad or pressure you into doing things you don’t enjoy’. That would be fine, and actually for those of us who hang out at the kinkier end of the spectrum, it could’ve served as a useful reminder that not everyone sings from the same filthy, uninhibited hymn sheet.

But no, instead of something nuanced and thought-provoking, Ms Gale chose to churn out 500 words of joyless, ignorant, po-faced drivel. It’s both prudish and desperately unfunny, but the author’s worst crime is to introduce her list by claiming that in writing it, she’s being ‘honest about sex’. Perhaps she genuinely does hate all 21 of those things (in which case I pity any man or woman who winds up in bed with her), but even if that’s the case, this list is no more honest about sex than the romcoms to which she purports to be responding.

Both of us enjoy provocative articles that challenge our views on interesting subjects. Both of us hate dreary, immature nonsense that makes us do this face:

Displaying bor.gif

But instead of just banging on about how crap the Metro’s list is for another 250 words (and believe me, we could), Em and I thought we’d take it point-by-point and explain why, actually, there’s awesomeness to be had with each and every one of them. If you think we’ve missed anything, or if you want to add any general thoughts on the list, please comment on one of our blogs, or hit us up via Twitter.

1. The smell. That smell. You know the one. The indescribable combination of semen, lady juice and sweat. Nice

HER: Oh, you mean that heady smell of satisfaction and pleasure? Call me crazy but I love the smell of sex; it’s musky and makes me want to lie, cat-like, purring in messy sheets. Ok, so it might not be a Yankee candle scent any time soon but to have such an aversion to it seems a bit worrying – it’s you, after you. Your scent, your body.


2. Removing socks. Hey, let me just try and hop around naked while I pull a sock printed with dinosaurs off my foot. Especially unsexy when your partner is trying to continue the foreplay by latching onto your nipple while you wrestle with your ankle.

HIM: Ok, let’s ignore all those occasions when your socks don’t need to come off during sex… You don’t want to mix sock removal and foreplay? Fine: why not make taking off your socks – or your partner’s socks – part of the foreplay? Tie them up and slowly roll each sock down over their ankles, as if you’re rolling a condom down onto a hard cock. Make it part of a striptease. Or just, y’know, relax and accept that just because something is physically awkward (or clumsy, or funny) that doesn’t make it ‘unsexy’. That only happens if you’re too uptight to be able to enjoy life’s little absurdities.

3. Fanny farts.

HER: This one really pisses me off; sex isn’t cookie cutter, rom-com toned, tanned limbs effortlessly working their way through the Karma Sutra without so much as breaking a sweat or an awkward ‘watch out, where are you putting that?’ A ‘fanny fart’ is just a build up of air in the vagina – it’s normal and if you like positions like doggy or legs on the shoulder, you’ve probably experienced one. To me, this ‘unsexy’ point is rooted in the fear we are taught to have of our own bodies; we need to be ‘perfect’ at all times and as female sexuality is so fraught with societal judgement and policing, anything that deviates from the Disney princess sex we think we should be having, is immediately ‘embarrassing’ and makes us want to curl up and die. Fuck that. Your body will make noises. It’s alright. You don’t need to be banished to a dungeon to live a life of celibacy just because your lady garden made a little noise after a vigorous session; any guy/gal worth their salt won’t give a fuck. If they do, kick them out of bed and think of it as a lucky escape.

4. Or even worse, those real farts that slip out when you least suspect it.

HIM: So much of what’s wrong with this list stems from the way the author seems to equate ‘good sex’ with a sort of soft-focus sterility. It’s not hard to imagine her tapping out each point with pursed lips and a disapproving frown, inwardly shuddering at the thought of All. That. Mess. For most of us, farts themselves are not inherently sexy. However, at worst they can be politely ignored, and at best, with a partner who is comfortable with his or her body, they offer the perfect opportunity for some light-hearted teasing, or a few stolen, mock-comforting kisses, or even just the simple pleasure of shared laughter.

5. Getting sex cramp in your leg. Feeling like someone may have slipped a dagger into your thigh and not knowing the best way to respond.

HER: Yeah, okay. Cramp does suck but what is frustrating about this bloody point is the bit where she says ‘not knowing the best way respond.’ How about saying, ‘I have cramp.’ Too simple? Do we need some kind of Morse code we can tap out on each other as talking or engaging in conversation is clearly too much to ask? One tap for cramp, two for carry on, that’s good? My view is that if you are getting horizontal with someone, you must like them at least a moderate amount. You’ve probably even spoken to them on a few occasions so piping up and saying ‘cramp’ isn’t that hard. You’re not admitting to killing puppies in your spare time or asking them to donate a kidney so what’s the big deal?


6. Getting semen in your eye. Or in your hair. Or anywhere that isn’t your private parts. How long are you supposed to wait until you start the thorough clean-up process?

HIM: When I was a teenager, my top bunk was high enough that I could lie on my back, plant my feet on the ceiling, walk them up towards my head, and jizz all over my own face. I’d love to say that I did it in an attempt to better understand the female experience, but really I just liked the taste of cum, and enjoyed feeling it shoot out onto my mouth, cheeks and chin. Maybe it’s not much fun if you happen to get an eye-ful, but everywhere else, it’s all kinds of hotness; if you instinctively think of cum as ‘gross’ or ‘nasty’, or rush to get it off your skin the second the sex is over, you might want to re-examine your attitude to the human body.

7. Also, swallowing semen and trying to pretend that it tastes like a peanut butter milkshake rather than, well, a slimy, salty bogey.

HER: You know you don’t have to swallow it, right? There isn’t a law or anything babe. Sure, it’s not a taste sensation or anything you’d rush to put on a dinner party menu but it’s not awful. Female come tastes much nicer than semen; it’s sweeter, I think but anyway; you don’t have to swallow, and if you do, you don’t have to PRETEND anything. You don’t OWE anything.

8. Your underwear. Because however much you try and plan it, you’ll always get laid when you’re wearing the greying pants with a hole in the back. You should really throw those bad boys out.

HIM: Maybe you should. Maybe you shouldn’t. I’m probably the wrong person to ask about underwear. I do know that if a partner is put off by the colour of your underwear, they probably shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near it. If you’re comfortable standing in front of me wearing grey, faded knickers, that probably means you’re confident enough in your own skin to be a lot of fun in bed, and that’s very sexy. Also, surely a use can be found for that hole in the back…

9. The awkward ‘oh… you’re bleeding’. It’s never actual blood though, just that brown-coloured discharge *shudders*.

HER: I haven;t actually experienced this and it sounds a bit worrying tbh, but again: it’s your body, your business. As long as you AREN’T bleeding or in pain, fuck it.

10. The crab shuffle off the bed, and the race against time to make it to the toilet without leaving a stream of semen in your wake.

HIM: This just feels like someone trying to invent a problem. I get that you probably don’t want it all over the carpet, but jeez, maybe keep some tissues by the bed? You can store them next to your penis beaker. Or, if your partner’s anything like me, get him to scoot down between your legs and lick/suck it all out of you: believe me, that generally leads to more good things happening.

11. But failing, and having a nice trickle of the white stuff down your leg..

HER: You could use a condom, just an idea. If not, keep some tissues by the bed? Baby wipes? Also, it does wipe off and it isn’t radioactive so you’ll be fine for the few seconds you have icky semen on you. There is so much body loathing going on in this article; sex isn’t sterile.

12. Trying to talk dirty. What words are you supposed to use? ‘I want you to stick your willy in my pussy’ *is sick all over self*

HIM: Pro tip: avoiding ‘willy’ would be a good start. Without wanting to sound like a stuck record, dirty talk works when you’re relaxed about sex, and when you see it as something joyful and uplifting. We all have particular words, phrases and images that don’t do it for us, so dirty talk with a new partner can be a bit hit-and-miss, but it’s not hard to iron out those initial creases, and turn it into something that has one or both of you clawing at the walls with lust. And of course it doesn’t have to take place while you’re actually in bed with someone: often, the best dirty talk happens hours or days beforehand, on the phone, or over email, or whispered into your partner’s ear in a crowded bar…

13. Trying to strip, while sober and in silence. Oh, you don’t get an erection from me battling with my jumpsuit?

HER: Put some music on. Talk. Tell him/her what you want them to do to you when you’re naked. It doesn’t have to be an awkward silent affair. Plus this one makes me think that she isn’t a fan of sober sex – bit worrying. My view is that my body is fucking epic and if you’re invited to attend, you better bloody enjoy it. Maybe ask for help stripping? Make it sexy rather than this clinical image you’ve managed to conjure up of you silently removing your clothes, full of foreboding about future wet patches and come faces..

14. Orgasm faces. They’re probably quite similar to the face of someone who’s just been shot. Probably.

HIM: Even if you ignore the crude, clumsy attempt at humour, this is errant nonsense. Don’t like your own orgasm face? That’s fine: it sort of falls into the same category as listening to your voice on audio recordings, or watching yourself on video, and plenty of us inwardly shudder at those. However, in terms of sexiness there’s not much in life that beats giving your partner a toe-curling, leg-trembling, face-scrunching orgasm, and everything about that – the noises they make, the way they grip your hand/cock/fingers/hair/etc, and yes, the sight of them completely undone by the pleasure of being with you – is a world of Yes.


15. Pubes. They’re scratchy and wirey. They get in your mouth. They need grooming. They’re just a sex hazard aren’t they?

HER: As someone who prefers the fur-free look downstairs, I can’t say much about pubes. I think oral feels much nicer when I am bare but on him? I can’t say I’ve ever really thought of them as a ‘hazard’ tbh.. I’m worried now about the kind of sexual partners she’s had, with their angry pubes.. Ask them to trim if you want.

16. The sweat. The sweat that makes your perfectly placed fringe stick to your forehead like a greasy pre-teen, and your make-up melt down your face until you look like a serial killer. Cute.

HIM: The sweat! Fucking hell, yes, the sweat. Even as someone who would rather be too cold than too hot, I absolutely love rolling off my partner’s body after a hard, fast, breathless fuck, and dissolving into a puddle of my own perspiration. It is a physical marker of time well-spent, and also contains all those lovely pheromones that get us so worked-up about each other. Sweat is unsexy on the Tube, or in a cramped office environment, but in bed, it makes me want to lick all the salty, tangy goodness off someone’s skin, and go at it all over again.

17. Dryness. Trying to approach foreplay with the excitement levels of the Sahara Desert. It sorta hurts.

HER: Lube is your friend. Use lots. I love lube, it’s a gift from God. Makes everything feel amazing. Also, spend more time on foreplay to get you going – don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and to expect pleasure.


18. Doggy style. Just, doggy style. What horrible person invented this?

HIM: Oh boy. Where to start? Ok, here’s a list of all the people in the world who dislike doggy-style:

  1. Hannah Gale
  2. I dunno, maybe the Pope

Trust me, that’s exhaustive: I’ve done the research. Look, I’m all for saying that different people like different things, and I’m trying to make this as non-judgey as possible, but unless there’s a specific physical reason why doggy doesn’t work for you (maybe your boyfriend’s cock is stupendously large?), this is a tough one to get my head around. Doggy has something for everyone, whether you’re M/F, M/M, F/F, or some other wonderful combination of body parts. We’re kind of built to enjoy it, in fact. Hannah, I gotta say, I’m really struggling with this one…

19. The crippling jaw ache that comes with too much blowing. Imagine if you put that much energy into the gym, eh?

HER: Mix it up babe, use your hands to ease the jaw lock.

20. Willies and vaginas in general. No, really, think about this one. Are they not just the ugliest things on your entire body? Why couldn’t they just look more like your arm or something?

HIM: Willies are ugly. Vaginas suck. Sweat is icky. Cum is slimy. Pubes get stuck in your teeth. In fact, when we fuck we should probably just wrap ourselves in giant, full-body condoms, put a sheet between our bodies, and close our eyes so we don’t have to look at each other’s orgasm face. Right? Wrong. Hannah Gale asked us to ‘think about this one’, and believe me, I’ve thought about it. I’ve also thought about all the fucking beautiful cunts I’ve had the pleasure to get up close and personal with over the years, and I’ve thought about my own cock, and how I’ll be damned if I let some sex-phobic, body-hating excuse for a blogger tell me it’s ugly. Fuck you, Hannah Gale, and fuck you, Metro editors, for publishing this piece of shit.


21. And finally, rolling into a wet patch you had no idea was still there.

HER: Keep tissues by the bed to sort this out, or just go with it. It’s not like you are having a bath in come, is it? It’s just a bit damp and it feels kind of naughty to be revelling in it.


HER: To me, these points all stem from unrealistic expectations we have about sex and how it ‘should’ be. My first thought was how boring and tragic Gale’s sex life must be if she is so anti all the things that make sex messy, fun and enjoyable. I love the idea of breaking down those barriers that exist around sex and opening up about what we like/dislike but this just reeks of insecurity and body loathing. She thinks vaginas are ugly; hates come; thinks orgasm faces are comparable to murder victims and is too afraid to say she has cramp or fanny fart. It doesn’t sound like she is enjoying sex at all so I would recommend Hannah stays in with a bottle of wine, some literotica and her hand for a bit and figures out what pleases her and what she wants in a bed buddy.

What do you think?




Birthday Sex: the winners

Yes, that’s right, winners plural. I was originally only going to award one prize for this competition: it was conceived and executed in a rather impromptu, haphazard manner, and to be honest I wasn’t sure it would attract much of a response, in terms of either quantity or quality. Somehow, in the space of 31 hours, a whole bunch of you contrived to provide both.

I didn’t get any birthday sex of my own in the end, but what I did get was an inbox full of back-alley blowjobs, al fresco spanking, late-night quickies, anal for him, anal for her, handjobs, femsub, blindfolds, cupcakes, library frustration, female domination, and Anna Kournikova. Not a bad haul, all things considered. Reading (and re-reading, and re-reading, and…) them has been a cock-twitchingly enjoyable experience, so thank you all very much, and rest assured I’ll be tapping you up again in around five months for any tales of festive fun you might have to offer.

Right, on to the winners. I managed to narrow it down from 13 to eight this morning, from eight to five over lunch, and from five to three just now. The last two cuts probably deserve ‘honourable mention’ status, so I’ll give a tip of the cap now to Ella Dawson and Maria Merian, both of whom are really natural, engaging writers, with an eye for what makes a situation properly hot.

Third place goes to Oleander Plume. I’m not into spanking, I generally prefer my erotica gritty rather than funny, and Brent is quite frankly a ludicrously American excuse for a man’s name, but this story still really worked, and that’s down to the skill with which the author told it. Given how much I enjoyed this one, I imagine that anyone who does get off on being spanked probably didn’t make it all the way to the end without having to shove a hand down between their legs…

The runner-up this time is Anna Sky, who, in a mere 233 words, doesn’t so much give her man a sexy birthday present, as allow him to take it from her. It’s an incredibly simple piece of writing, and sort of sweet too (which doesn’t normally do it for me), but the imagery is so vivid, and so ridiculously hot, that when I woke up this morning feeling super-horny, Anna’s scenario was the first to load up in my head.

The winning entry kind of took me by surprise, because the author is completely new to me. However, Abby Cranky‘s untitled piece of absolute filth not only turned me on each time I read it this morning, it got my cock hard whenever I even thought about the birthday experiences that she described. Other pieces were more polished, other pieces were better structured, but in the end I felt that of all the stories I received, Abby’s was the one that best captured the spirit of what I had in mind when I wrote the brief. I might never have had memorable birthday sex, but it’s good to know that for three guys at least, things are very different!

Congratulations, Abby, and please get in touch by email or DM to let me know which of the prizes you’d like. Anna, you’ll then get to choose between the two remaining prizes, and Oleander, I’m afraid you get stuck with whatever’s left! I realise a couple of the prizes require the winner to surrender a level of anonymity, so Anna/Oleander, if that’s something you’re uncomfortable with, I’m sure I can come up with an alternative.

Thank you all for making my birthday so much fun – and so fucking sexy!
