Cock shots Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Eureka!

It’s 17 years since I last studied Physics, and while I was always a pretty competent scientist, it never really held my interest. Maybe I should’ve paid more attention to my teachers…and to Archimedes. This afternoon I found myself on the sofa with a full mug of soup, a large hunk of bread, and a desire to dip the latter deep into the former. Result? Soup everywhere.

Anyway, after cleaning myself off, I decided that there might be other people out there who could do with a bit of a crash course in basic Physics. With that in mind, I proudly present…

(Sinful) Sunday Science Experiments (Not For Kids): Displacement

Step 1

Take a glass and fill it with water.

Step 2

Find an object – ideally something large that you’re happy to get wet. Slowly insert it into the water, until it’s fully immersed.

Step 3

Observe the mess you’ve made. Try to remember what’s supposed to happen next.

Step 4

Clear up mess. Resolve not to give up the day job…

Oh, and apparently this process also works well for post-sex clean-up.

(This week’s Sinful Sunday theme is ‘Black & White’, and let’s face it, all terrible textbooks should come complete with grainy, colour-drained images. I’ve included the originals alongside, per Molly’s request)

Sinful Sunday



(Even if you think this post is shit, please skip to the end for an important announcement)

Last September I wrote about why I don’t like blowjobs. I stand by most of the points I made in that post (even if my overall position has shifted slightly…), but I could really have boiled the whole thing down to one key issue: when someone’s sucking my cock, it’s often very hard for me to get out of my own head.

I was trying to explain this to someone recently. When I’m having sex, and when the sex is good, for the most part I’m too busy – too horny – for conscious thought. Depending on the position, my hands, lips, tongue, legs, and arse are all likely to be involved in some way, and if we’re face-to-face there will also be eye contact to draw in all of my focus. Sex is kinetic: lots of moving parts. When a woman has my cock in her mouth, that’s often not the case. Everything can suddenly feel very still. Distant, detached and remote. The area around my head and torso can start to get very isolated, and as soon as that happens my brain gets twitchy. It wants to think.

Like most people, I think about sex a lot. I think about it when I wake up in the morning, and I think about it when I go to bed at night. I think about it in the shower, on the toilet, and while I’m making a cup of tea. I think about it on trains, in cars, and every time I’m flying somewhere. I think about it when I go out running, and I think about it when I’m in the pub with a glass of wine. I think about it while I’m writing, Tweeting, chatting, texting, and on the phone to my Mum.

You get the idea.

However, when I’m actually having sex, the last thing I want to do is think about it. I don’t want to think about anything, in fact. I want to sweep every last little thought out of my brain, then wrap it carefully in cotton wool and tuck it away at the back of a cupboard.

Bear with me on this, but sex falls into the same category as driving, falling asleep, exams, job interviews, golf, flying, and a bunch of other stuff. Rely on some combination of experience, instinct, natural ability, training and preparation, and you’ll be just fine. Get out of your own head for a bit, relax, make it kinetic, and the body is generally able to do the rest by itself. As soon as you start actively thinking about the mechanics of what you’re doing, things go wrong.

What happens when I fail to turn off my brain during sex? Hmm, let’s see…

Things I sometimes think during sex*

  1. Uh oh
  2. Get back in your cupboard, brain
  3. I’m about to get cramp in my foot
  4. Jesus, now I have cramp in my foot
  5. I just know my face is a really unattractive shade of red right now
  6. Is this deep/hard/gentle/fast/slow enough for her?
  7. Why isn’t she making any noise?
  8. Those loud noises she’s making sound really fake – shit, is she faking it?
  9. She thinks my cock is too small
  10. I bet the last guy she fucked was way bigger
  11. What if I come too quickly?
  12. What if I can’t come at all?
  13. From that angle, she can see right up my nose
  14. I’m about to burp/fart/hiccough – stupid body
  15. Shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP

And I promise you, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Why do I think those things? Because like 95% of people, I’m a complete basket case. I have a whole bunch of hang-ups and insecurities, and while I agree with Malin James that you increase your control over those as you get older, there are still moments when I have to fight hard to keep a lid on the crazy.

The silver lining is that the crazy is only ever directed inwards. For example…

Things I never think during sex

  1. Woah, look at that cellulite
  2. Her orgasm face is weird
  3. I wish she had more clothes on
  4. She’s too fat
  5. She’s too thin
  6. What is with that hair?
  7. I’ve never seen nipples like those before
  8. Why does her arse wobble each time I thrust inside her?
  9. Etc etc

If we’ve made it as far as the bedroom, it’s safe to say that I find you hot, and will be largely blind to whatever you consider to be your physical flaws. I won’t notice that spot on your chin, or the hair you found on one of your breasts last night and have been obsessing about ever since. Even if my eyes see them, my brain won’t care. That’s not because I’m superficial (though I’m pretty sure I am): it’s because when we’re fucking, what I’ll notice is the stuff that made me want to get into your pants in the first place.

I’m not saying that the sex is never bad. Every now and then the sex is terrible, and because I’m not a saint I’ll sometimes blame the other person for that. They just lie there with their eyes shut, or they can’t kiss, or when they stroke my cock it’s like that time in Year 9 Woodwork, when Wayne O’Brien got his sleeve caught in the sanding machine and ripped half the skin off the back of his hand. But when those things happen, I say something. Not in a nasty way – I’m not that guy – but these days I will speak up if it’s not working for me, and I’ll try to find a way to fix the problem.

I’ve got much better at telling my brain to shut up. First during sex, then, over the last 12 months, during oral. I’ll never have perfect control over it though. There will always be the odd night when I feel insecure, or when the right switch doesn’t get tripped and the lights in my head are just too bright. When that happens, I have to take a deep breath and step back for a minute. I have to breathe. Some people understand that. They understand, and they know: it’s really not you…it’s me.

*There’s a difference here between thought and fantasy – between words and pictures. I have all sorts of hot/kinky/dirty/illicit images that I’ll occasionally scroll through in my head during sex, especially if I need something to push me over the edge. My friend. My sister’s friend. My mate’s wife. My mate’s husband. That office right next to the boardroom where everyone can hear us if we make any noise. The lift with the glass walls, and your tits squished against one of them as I fuck you in full view of the city below. Every now and then I’ll use those images to get me off, but it’s like loading a DVD, or a porn clip I bookmarked last week. It’s like engaging auto-pilot – not staring down over the nose of the plane at the ground below.

P.S. This is my 97th post. #98 will be about bucket lists, and #99 will be an image for Sinful Sunday. That means #100 will probably be up early next week.

This blog started off as a random collection of fairly boring dick pics. Since I moved to Poland, it’s been a mix of fiction, commentary, autobiography, and hopefully slightly better dick pics. For my 100th post though, I’d like to do something a little different.

As a white, male, heterosexual(ish) sex blogger, two things are undeniably true:

  1. I write from a position of privilege
  2. I’m in the minority when it comes to what I write

I don’t think those are mutually exclusive, and I try to bear both in mind when I post stuff, even if I don’t always succeed.

For my 100th post, I’m going to shamelessly rip off something Girl on the Net did a couple of months ago, and do a Q&A. Or a ‘Q & Exhibit A’, if you will. If the last few months on Twitter are anything to go by, lots of you have questions. There are a few that I won’t answer – my full name, for example – but for the most part I’m happy to satisfy that curiosity, whether it relates to me as a person, or to the male view in general.

Send me your questions by email, by DM, or in the comments section here, and if there are enough of them by next week, that will be my 100th post. You people are the reason I continue to blog, so it only seems right that you should all be part of this particular milestone.


The happy beginning

For the first time in quite a while, I found myself on a train this morning with no book, no mobile battery, and no filthy friend to stroke and suck my cock as the miles flew by. It was only as I was getting ready to lean my head against the window and doze off for a bit that I remembered my laptop, fully-charged and in my man-bag, complete with the Kindle software I downloaded a few months ago for exactly this sort of emergency.

Ok, that’s not quite true: I downloaded the software because a bunch of my favourite erotica writers have hot, dirty stories that they haven’t published in print form, and if I want to wank to their stuff, I have to download an electronic copy first. Still, two birds, one stone. I was horny, and the train wasn’t that busy, so I slipped my hand down inside my jeans and started to rub my cock, while flicking through my library in search of something I knew would get me off.

This isn’t a story about that though. Train wanks are fun, but unless someone catches you in the act, and either calls the police or drags you into the toilet and begs you to fuck them, they’re not generally much to write home about. At some point during the journey – you can decide for yourself whether you think it was pre-, post- or mid-wank – I read the chapter from Girl on the Net’s book about losing her virginity, and about the joys of teenage sex. Apart from being beautifully written, it made me realise that I’ve never written about my own ‘first time’, or about my early sexual experiences. This, then, is a story about those.

I can remember exactly how old I was when I lost my virginity. I was 21 years, 7 months, 5 days, and, if we’re being pedantic, probably about 1 hour. But don’t hold me to that. I know all of this because it happened on Valentine’s Day 2003, at the end of a spectacularly successful – and alcohol-fuelled – blind date.

We went to one of Oxford’s classier restaurants, ate food that neither of us could really afford, drank our body weight in wine, and moved on to a terrible bar, which that night was full of middle-aged couples swaying unsteadily to a succession of cheesy classics. We had the decency to collapse into a corner booth before jumping on each other, but that level of restraint didn’t last long. By the time she guided my hand under her skirt and told me to push my fingers inside her cunt, we were hovering on the edge of the dance floor, visible to anyone who happened to look our way.

Katy was far more experienced than I was, but even then we were apparently equal in our disregard for public decency. I suppose there must have been a moment when we looked at each other and paused, aware of where we were and the fact that we’d only just met, but if so, I don’t remember it. What I do remember is the DJ, who’d spotted us by that point. He was exactly the kind of DJ you’d expect to find in that kind of bar: too keen on the sound of his own voice, and desperately unimaginative in his choice of music. He clearly got a kick out of drawing attention to us, and people were watching more closely by then. When he shouted ‘is it in yet?’, we began to consider our options, and by the time he advised me to ‘take her home and fuck her properly’, she’d decided that I should do just that.

I’d already told her that I was a virgin. I’d assumed it would be a huge turn-off, but instead Katy seemed to get off on taking charge. She pointed us in the direction of her place and we walked through the cold – and suddenly very quiet – streets arm-in-arm, adrenaline still flowing from the bar. We kissed as we walked – I think I needed to keep touching her, to avoid giving myself too much thinking time – and when we reached the rather dilapidated student house she shared with her friends, we were ready to fall through the door and into each other. I was ready, anyway. Katy wanted to take things slowly. At first I thought she was trying to inject a bit of romance into what had otherwise been a pretty sloppy, frenetic encounter, but as she took my hand and led me into the bathroom, she told me that as it was my first time, she wanted to make it special. Special meant taking a bath together. Katy and I defined special in very different ways.

Actually, I have nothing against baths, and nothing against a long seduction. It’s just that slow, lingering foreplay is generally much easier and far more pleasurable when you’re not shaking with nerves. A quick, clumsy, fumbling fuck would’ve done just nicely at that point. The truth is, I was starting to panic a bit, and the longer we sat in the bath, kissing and touching each other, the worse I felt. It took me out of the moment and into the past: back to a time I definitely didn’t want to be thinking about just before trying to have sex.

There’s a Sliding Doors moment somewhere in the second chapter of GOTN’s book. It involves tits. She has them; I don’t. Until her tits entered the picture, I recognised a lot of my own slightly depressing teenage existence. Take this paragraph, for example:

‘I wasn’t particularly popular at school. I was the geeky kid, the one who did well in exams but badly with the boys. The ‘good’ one, for whom detentions were so unthinkable that the one time I did get one my mum reacted as if there’d been a terrible miscarriage of justice’

I could have written that. Seriously. In fact, there’s every chance I have written that at some point. You can substitute GOTN’s ‘thick glasses and depressingly lank hair’ for my terrible skin, diminutive stature…and depressingly lank hair, but otherwise I was the same awkward little ball of teenage lust, who shone academically and flunked pretty much every class on the social front. What I lacked was a certain pair of silver bullets. Over to you again, GOTN:

‘The problem with adult men is that they just don’t touch my tits enough. I’ve never met a straight man who says he doesn’t like tits. And yet as grown men they miss out on a million opportunities to touch them up. I can think of no occasion when I’ve been relaxing with a guy on the sofa that wouldn’t have been immeasurably improved if he’d had one hand idly exploring the inside of my shirt. Teenage boys were fantastic, for countless different reasons, but the most fantastic thing of all was their obsession— their pure and complete satisfaction— with touching my tits.’

Aside from doing adult men a bit of a disservice (believe me, we love touching your tits), that hits the nail on the head. As a teenage boy, I wanted nothing more than to play with a pair of tits. For a long time, my ambitions didn’t really stretch any further: I knew what was involved in sex, and I knew it would probably be pretty cool when I got round to it, but it felt like it could wait a little longer. Tits though – they couldn’t wait. They were the Holy Grail, and the more they remained just out of reach, the more frustrated and confused and unattractive I felt. I didn’t have anything of my own to offer in return – that was the fundamental problem – and I didn’t know how to go from helping a girl with her homework, or talking to her about the fantasy novel I was reading, to getting my hands on whatever she had under her school jumper. If I’d ever managed to square that circle, maybe the rest of my sexual education would’ve taken place a lot earlier.

Eventually, at the age of 18, I fell into a relationship with one of my best friends. I was just about to go to Oxford, she was taking a gap year before heading to Cambridge, and in the eight months we were together, we had most of our ‘first times’ together. First kiss. First grope (at last – tits!!). First “I love you”. First fingering. First hand job. First time either of us had been naked with another person…

…and that’s where we stalled. She wasn’t ready for more. She would come and stay in my tiny single bed, in my shabby college room, and we’d lie wrapped up in each other’s arms all night, my cock throbbing hard against her stomach till she decided it was time to jerk me off. That went on all autumn, then right the way up to the weekend before she flew to Hungary in January, to teach English till the summer. On the night before she left, we got up to my room and as I shut the door behind us she turned to me and, with an excited flourish, whipped a pair of condoms out of her handbag. It was time.

You’re clever people, so I’m sure you can guess what happened next. Or rather, what didn’t happen. We got naked, we kissed, I put my hand between her legs and felt how wet she was, but each time I tried to put the condom on, my erection disappeared. She tried to help, which only really made things worse, and I retreated several times to the bathroom to swear at my flagging cock and curse whichever cruel God didn’t want me to get laid that night.

I don’t often wish that I could go back and talk to my younger self, but I make an exception for that night, and for the months that followed. There was the month I dutifully flew to Hungary to visit my first love, only to get dumped. Then there was the month two of my friends got back from Budapest, and told the rest of us how they’d had to stuff pillows over their head in the youth hostel at night to drown out of the sound of my first love being fucked hard by her new boyfriend, who was presumably in possession of a fully-functional penis. Finally, there was the month she got back to the UK, and I was so nervous about seeing her at my best mate’s party that I vomited in the bathroom sink, drank all his parents’ booze, and snogged the object of his affections outside his kitchen window. That one took some explaining.

I wish I could go back and tell 18-year-old me that it wasn’t his fault. That it happens, and that just because it happens once, doesn’t mean it’ll happen again. He was a pretty rational kid, but he knew fuck all about actual sex, and I like to think he’d listen to older, wiser me. If he did, he’d have a much happier time of it at university.

He would also have been much more relaxed in the bath that night, with sweet, eager Katy running her hand down his stomach and over his cock.

Luckily, this is a story with a happy ending. Katy took me into her bedroom, which I can picture vividly even now, despite having been in it no more than half a dozen times. She invited me onto the bed and pushed my face between her legs, wanting my tongue there. When her mouth found my cock a little while later, I realised that this time would be different. Her mouth got me harder, not softer. The more she sucked, the more I squeezed my eyes shut and willed her to do it now. When she did finally sit up and roll a condom down onto my rigid cock, I was so relieved that I actually laughed. As she straddled my body and sank all the way down, a knot of fear unravelled inside me – the same fear that had lived inside me since that fumbling, awkward night three years earlier.

The sex itself, I would later learn, was nothing special, but to me that night was everything, and I still remember it with a tingle of excitement. I left the next morning feeling a foot taller, and far more confident in who I was, not just in bed but as a person. I carried it round with me like GOTN’s teenage tits – part weapon, part validation, and a memory guaranteed to put a spring in my step whenever I scrolled back over it.

Katy and I saw each other for a couple of months after that, and ticked off a few more of my first times together. First proper blowjob. First time fucking in a car. First time I made a woman come with my cock. In the end she ditched me for the guy she’d later marry, but there were no hard feelings. She gave me a gift so precious that even now I don’t know how I’d go about repaying her. This isn’t a story about Katy, but she’s definitely the heroine – my knight in shining armour. My happy beginning.


Winter is Coming

I have light red hair and light blue eyes. My skin is pale and freckled. The hair on my arms and legs is fine and soft. I hail from good, solid, Anglo-Saxon and Celtic stock, and it’s evident in every aspect of my appearance, from ginger tip to flour-white toe. My ancestors were sailors, dockers and fishermen; coal-miners, tin-miners and factory-workers. Between them, they ensured that I’m built for cold, biting winds, and the sort of rain that kisses you softly at the start of the day and tucks you into bed at the end of it, without leaving your side in-between.

My last serious relationship was with a Spaniard. We argued about all the usual things – religion, football, Gibraltar (mainly Gibraltar) – but the most heated and vicious rows always circled back to the same divisive issue: the weather. She would come to England in June and shiver as we walked down the street, bundled up in coat and scarf while I gave her side-eyes in my shorts and t-shirt. I would visit Madrid in October and sweat my way through the city centre, darting from one pool of shade to another. I slept with the windows open in December. She slept with them closed in July. Neither of us could imagine living in the other’s crazy country, with its crazy climate. An irreconcilable difference, in the end.

Because as far as I’m concerned, heat is not fun. Heat is certainly not sexy. The cold – the cold is sexy. The cold makes me feel sexy. I have skinny-dipped in a waterfall on Skye in October. I’ve stood naked in the snow in the Sierra Nevada mountains, my cock hard as iron while the rest of me burned with an icy, metallic fire. I’ve fucked in frost-flecked fields under clear, starry January skies, and I’ve fucked in dark alleyways at 2 in the morning with our breath billowing around us in big white clouds.

The cold is sexy because when the rest of the world feels stripped of heat, it’s still possible for another person to come along and set fire to your blood. Everyone knows that power is an aphrodisiac: well what could be more powerful than someone who can banish the bitter, howling wind with one touch of their finger or brush of their lips? Physical contact in the cold means something. Like penguins, we draw closer together as the temperature drops; we hug, kiss, and rub each other’s skin to encourage sluggish arteries and sleepy veins. We find the best ways to move our bodies, and to raise our heart rates. We draw heat from each other, and create it together, in whatever way we know will make us feel good.

It’s not that I don’t like the sun. Give me a warm August afternoon, an ice-cold beer, and the opportunity to doze off on a rug in the park, and I’ll be a very happy man. I just won’t want to fuck you. I’ll still be horny, so fine, maybe we can exchange lazy kisses for a few minutes, or you can sink down onto my cock and feel it twitch inside you. You’ll look beautiful in your summer dress, and I’ll shade my eyes against the sun so I can see your face glowing above me. It’ll be great – we just won’t fuck. Fucking is hot, sweaty, sticky business, and that’s absolutely fine by me, but when I’m already hot, sweaty and sticky, the last thing I want to do is make that worse. What I want is to eat an ice cream, or drink a glass of white wine, or have a nice lie-down in a cool room.

It’s been hot this week in Warsaw. High 20s (low 80s for those of you reading in ‘merica), with only a bit of a drop-off once the sun goes down. I’ve spent a lot of time on my balcony, reading, drinking, and generally taking in the view. It’s been glorious, in a quiet, soporific sort of way, but for the most part I’m glad I haven’t had to share it. When the weather’s like this, I want to be quiet and still. I want to avoid excessive movement – walking is fine, but anything more feels like a luxury. I want to sleep naked and alone, duvet thrown onto the floor and sweat-soaked pillows pushed to one side. I want to take cold showers, not because I’m frustrated, but because I’m fucking hot.

There are always things you can do to warm up in winter, and most of those things are very enjoyable. Running around. Sitting by the fire. Taking a bath. Drinking tea. Eating big meals. Holding someone close and kissing them. Getting into bed together and rolling the duvet around you, then feeling for each other in the darkness. Fucking. Fucking hard. Fucking often. Fucking to keep the heat in and the cold out, and damn everything and everyone else. You can’t do that in summer. Summer is more civilised. Summer is about keeping cool – literally and metaphorically. Summer isn’t sexy, which is a terrible irony given how amazing women look in their sundresses and beach clothes. Summer isn’t sexy…until the storm breaks.

When it comes to sex, I’m a Celt and a Saxon. I’m a Stark of Winterfell. Winter is coming? Fucking bring it on.


Elust #58

Photo courtesy of Pandora Blake

Welcome to Elust #58

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #59? Start with the rules, come back June 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

Do NOT take my rapeplay fantasy away from me!

Pulp Fiction

“O” is for Outlaw No More

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

The Second Letter

The Wake

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!



I’ve been away for the last week or so, and generally too busy/sick to think about blogging, so before I get to anything else, a bit of housekeeping is in order. A few days ago, I collaborated on a post with the wonderful(ly talented & acerbic) Em, otherwise known as Any Girl Friday. You can find it here. We each wrote about porn, and at some point I’d like to develop that into either a more extensive conversation with Em, or a wider piece about my feelings on the subject. In the meantime, please go read it, comment, Tweet, etc, and generally let me/her know what you think.

Like London buses, apparently my guest posts don’t appear for ages, only for two then to roll up pretty much one after the other. At some point, I’d like to make that three, or four, or… I want to write, basically. I want to write for smart, sexy people like Em and the Brit Babes, who give me interesting things to write about. That last bit is key: engage my brain, get me going with a dirty little idea here, or a hot lede there, and I’ll be ready to bash out 1000 words faster than you can say “put your pants back on – this is just getting weird now.”

If I’m honest, I’m not sure what’ll happen to this blog once I move back to the UK next week. I’ve posted here for a few years now, but as most of you will have noticed I only really started writing last Autumn, after I came out to Poland. Living here has been incredibly peaceful, but also very lonely at times. I don’t make friends easily, so a lot of my evenings have been spent here in this amazing apartment, reading, listening to music, and writing filth on/to the internet. After being given notice at the end of January, and especially once I left my job in late March, the opportunity and incentive to write have been even greater. That will change once I’m set up in London – a city where I know a lot of people, and where I’ll be swept straight back into a hectic lifestyle, both in work and outside it.

What I do know is that in some way, shape or form, I will continue to write. Here, for the most part, but other places too. Maybe not every day, or even every week, but now that I’ve started I can’t really imagine stopping for good. The barn door is open and the horse has bolted. Actually, the horse has already fucked off into the distance, giving you the finger as it gallops. For better or for worse, I’m here, a word-slut ready to down tools and assume the position whenever I get the right kind of offer. Hopefully they’ll continue to come.


Sinful Stories: winner!

1st place: The Second Letter, by Malin James (inspired by HappyComeLucky)

Prize: Fantasy Bondage Kit from Cara Sutra; and a $15 voucher for Dreamspinner Press

cara sutra


Between Thursday and Saturday, I whittled the competition entries down from 28 to 10, and by Sunday afternoon I had a pretty clear shortlist in my head. Over the next few hours, this achingly powerful piece of writing from Malin James bounced up and down between just about every position on that list. I know from the various bits of feedback I’ve had over the last couple of weeks that it’s a piece which divides opinion, and for a while I couldn’t quite decide what I thought of it either.

There’s pain in almost every paragraph, and a yearning that’s not so much erotic as it is tormented. It’s the written equivalent of watching a couple go through a tearful break-up in a bar: you can’t bear to see it happening, and you can’t bring yourself to look away.

The words though…the words themselves are HOT. The thick, black ink on her skin, and the way she’s reduced to ‘an arching back, a curving neck, a gaping, needy cunt.’ The catharsis in her recollection of every exquisite, erotic, emptying mark he left upon her is both haunting and compelling, but as a reader you’re left with no doubt that beneath it all, there’s this explosive sexual connection between them.

Malin’s story was one of the first I read, and I’ve gone back to it several times since then. It’s a truly superb piece of flash fiction, inspired by a very sexy photo. Each time I read it, it feels fresh, and each time I linger over a different sentence or image. I understand why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but in a very strong field, it’s the one story that I ultimately felt happy elevating above the rest.

So congratulations to Malin, who wins the amazing Fantasy Bondage Kit from Cara Sutra, and a $15 voucher for Dreamspinner Press! I’m sure she’ll put both to good use…

Finally, thank you so much to everyone who donated a prize – you’re all fucking awesome, and I was blown away by the generosity you all showed. And thanks to Molly (also fucking awesome, btw) for letting me tie this in with Sinful Sunday.

Till next time!



Sinful Stories: runners-up

2nd Place: Seven Inches, by Ian Jade (inspired by Ruby & Mrs Goodnight)

Prize: Countess Clit dildo from Sh!; and an e-book copy of Immoral Views from Sweetmeats Press

sh logo Sweetmeats Press header small jpg

In truth, Ian’s story takes this one by a nose, over four other excellent pieces about having a penis, wanting a penis, or craving/envying someone else’s. The Goodnights’ photo, as well as Rose Monrou’s and Molly Moore’s, brought out some seriously phallic urges in a number of authors, and this slot could easily have been filled by Oleander Plume, Tabitha Rayne, Anna Sky or Bawdy Bloke instead, all of whose entries I absolutely loved.

I gave it to Ian because I think he gets the dynamic between his two characters spot-on, even though as readers we don’t hear from one of them until the very end. It’s playful and mischievous, but there’s also an edge to it, and we get the sense that what happens next might venture into some pretty kinky territory. His touch is really deft, and the way he allows the transformation of his female character to unfold feels smooth, natural, and very insightful. I loved this story.

3rd Place: If you go down to the woods today, by HappyComeLucky (inspired by Bawdy Bloke)

Prize: Pyxis Finger Massager vibrator from Vibrator Kingdom; and a paperback copy of ‘Curious’ from Dreamspinner Press

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I’m sure the author of this story would be the first to admit that it’s not the most polished piece among the contenders. There are one or two minor errors, which a more experienced writer might have smoothed out before submitting it, and occasionally the flow breaks down a bit. However, I thought the idea behind it was really clever and incredibly sexy, and the whole thing is told with a dash of flair that more than makes up for the odd bumpy moment. It’s a piece of erotica with no sex scene, no orgasm, and no physical contact between the two characters, but it still managed to turn me on: for a debut piece of writing, it shows a huge amount of promise, and I hope the lady behind it puts pen to paper again in the future.

Honourable mentions


Sinful Stories: Readers' Choice Award

As I explained on Twitter the other day, I’m not going to give a full breakdown of the voting for the Readers’ Choice Award. With 27 stories to choose from, it was inevitable that some would fall through the cracks, in terms of both what people read and what they voted for, and I don’t see any need to list the ones which, for whatever reason, didn’t garner much support.

In total, there were 132 votes, of which 83 were shared by the five most popular stories. That’s testament to the quality of those pieces, and also, I’m sure, to how effectively their authors spread the word – an important (and often overlooked) element of building a fanbase.

That top five ended up as follows:

1=. Dark Fantasy, by Marie Rebelle (21 votes)

1=. Eleven Hours to Finland, by Ticky Sowdenham (21)

3. The Second Letter, by Malin James (17)

4. Penis Envy, by Tabitha Rayne (13)

5. The Sword in Miss Stone, by Oleander Plume (11)

That means we have joint winners! As there are two prizes, I’m taking the executive decision to split them between the two authors, taking into account where each is located.

Readers’ Choice Award #1 (sponsored by Sh!): Marie Rebelle

Prize: Handmade Satin Ties with D-rings

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Readers’ Choice Award #2 (sponsored by Alison Tyler): Ticky Sowdenham

Prize: Six erotica anthologies

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Congratulations to both, and thank you to both Sh! and Alison for the prizes. Marie, Ticky, the two sponsors will be in touch with you directly to make the necessary arrangements.


Sinful Stories: Thank You!

When it comes to ‘mainstream’ fiction, I read a lot of novels and hardly any short stories. When it comes to erotica, my shelves are full of anthologies, but I could count on one hand the number of novels I’ve read and enjoyed (and Kristina Lloyd is responsible for most of those). Why? Because I read erotica to get off.

I don’t need to invest emotionally in the characters. I don’t need the plot to unfold slowly before me, or to draw me into its complexities and nuances. Good literary fiction makes me want to hug myself with glee, or go straight to Amazon and have it delivered to half-a-dozen of my friends; good erotica makes me want to wrap my hand tight around my cock and keep it there till I’m a sweaty, sticky mess. One is a less complex reaction than the other – and generally requires far fewer pages.

Anthologies are also a safer bet, because my reaction to erotica is pretty binary: either it makes me horny or it doesn’t. If I’m at the airport, I’ll happily buy a couple of novels to read on the plane: even if I’m not familiar with the author, the back cover and the first couple of pages will normally tell me whether I’m going to hate it. If I don’t hate it, I’ll invariably get something out of the reading experience, regardless of whether it’s a masterpiece or something I’ll have forgotten by the time I pick up my suitcase at the other end. That’s not the case with erotica: I want it to get me hard, and if it doesn’t, I don’t feel like I’ve got value for money.

In an anthology of 30-40 short stories, I usually think the editor’s done a good job if roughly half of them turn me on in some way. It’s rare that more than a handful will get me so hot under the collar that I have to make myself come right then and there, but if 50% at least give me a bit of a buzz, I’ll be happy.

In the end, 21 of you submitted 26 stories, one Youtube video, and one poem for this competition. Of the 28 entries, I liked 18, and of those 18, I really liked 10. Over the last week, half a dozen of them have been directly responsible for orgasms I’ve had. As a group – and not forgetting all the people who generously allowed their Sinful Sunday photos to be used – I’d say you pretty much nailed it. Thank you.

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