Random shit

On Fatherhood

I cry more now.

When people ask how life has changed since we found out that Liv was pregnant, I normally shrug my shoulders and tell them it hasn’t – not yet, not really. And that’s true, up to a point. Liv’s more tired, and she can’t really drink when we go to a nice restaurant or have friends over for a BBQ, but we can still do those things. We can sleep in, stay out late, and spend lazy Saturdays on the sofa in our dressing gowns. The daily cadence of life itself – all the routines and practicalities that usher us from one day to the next – will remain comfortable and familiar for a little while longer.

And that’s great. But we have changed. I have changed.

I cry more now.


Night Train (Part 1)

I’ve been tinkering with this story for a few months now, pretty much since Liv and I made this same overnight journey from Madrid to Lisbon. It’s not quite finished yet, but as it’s already well over 2,000 words and heading rapidly for 3,000, I’ve decided to take a leaf out of Jayne Renault’s book and publish it in installments. I hope you enjoy Part 1…

Night Train

I fucked my boyfriend for the final time in a public toilet cubicle at Chamartin Station on the outskirts of Madrid. His cock was so hard that he made a curious, half-choked sobbing sound every time he pulled me back onto it, but afterwards he didn’t say a word – just handed me a wad of tissue and slipped away with my coat and handbag to wait in the concourse while I sorted myself out.

As the door swung shut behind him, I sat on the toilet and let the unused tissues drop between my legs, into the bowl. I wanted to feel his jizz inside me for as long as possible; long enough to leave a physical memory of its presence, so that when I walked down the train later that night, at least one part of my body would still recall what it was like to be completely full of him.


Sinful Sunday: Social Justice Warrior!

A few weeks ago, I found myself on the receiving end of a nasty little rant from a troll on Twitter. Mid-diatribe, she accused me of being a ‘social justice warrior’, who wraps himself in ‘a cloak of pseudo-feminist virtue-signalling’.

Well quite.

Rather than let the whole thing get me down, I shared the offending messages with some brilliant people on Twitter, who pointed out that my virtue-signalling cloak would definitely have to be rainbow-coloured. And probably shouldn’t have anything underneath it (ok, I may have added that bit).

Cock shots Other photos


I have a new phone! My old one died a sudden, though not unexpected death early on Tuesday morning, so yesterday afternoon I went into my local Vodafone store to pick up a shiny, intimidatingly-large Samsung S9+.

It’s my third Samsung handset, though my first since the mid-2000s, when I traded in one of the old flip phones for a Blackberry – in hindsight, a move that sort of sealed my transition from stubbornly mobile-resistant grad student to digitally-aspirational white collar worker.

Back then, mobile cameras weren’t much to write home about, but I put them to good use anyway. I was in a long-distance relationship for much of that period, and on both my sleek silver flip phone and my chunky new Blackberry, I would snap all manner of filthy photos to send to my transatlantic love.


Cup of Tea & an Orgasm

Earlier today, I posted a (very) happy tweet about the excellent start to my morning:

20 minutes ago, a Twitter friend slid into my DMs with a very specific request:

“Tell me about your morning orgasm and brew – with the same level of detail for both please.”

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Reunion

Smutathon weekend was wonderful for many reasons. The writing, obviously, and the collaborative, encouraging environment in which it took place. The hot tub – much to my surprise, as someone who’s only ever been able to enjoy them for 5-10 minutes at a time. The music, conversation and laughter over wine and takeaway pizza on the sofa.

Even the dull or stressful bits of the weekend were redeemed by the company I had around me; a nightmare 6h journey on Friday was made bearable by the chance to chat away about everything and anything with Jayne Renault – someone I’d met a grand total of once before, at Eroticon this year, but now count as a firm friend.


Precision: A Just So Story (for Masturbation Monday)

This is my sixth post for Smutathon 2018! Eight of us are spending 12 hours today furiously writing erotica, blogging about sex, taking filthy photos, and generally producing smut in all its glorious forms, to raise money for the Abortion Support Network. To find out more, to enter our sex toy raffle, and most importantly to donate to an excellent cause, click here!

This piece of flash fiction is also a response to the latest Masturbation Monday post, featuring a photo of the lovely Amy Norton.

Sean shifted uncomfortably on the soft mattress and waited for Jess to come back from the bathroom. The stockings always fit her perfectly, but his thighs felt like they might burst out of them at any moment – and they weren’t the only part of him threatening to explode.


Smut Marathon: Rounds 1-6

This is my fifth post for Smutathon 2018! Eight of us are spending 12 hours today furiously writing erotica, blogging about sex, taking filthy photos, and generally producing smut in all its glorious forms, to raise money for the Abortion Support Network. To find out more, to enter our sex toy raffle, and most importantly to donate to an excellent cause, click here!

As my 5th Smutathon piece, I’m going to write my Round 7 entry for the year-long erotica contest I entered in January: Smut Marathon (confusing, I know!). Unfortunately the Smut Marathon entries have to remain anonymous till the public voting has taken place for each round, so I can’t post it here today. Instead I’m going to share the six previous pieces of writing I’ve submitted, starting with Round 1’s 30-word metaphor and finishing with the 650-word story I wrote for Round 6.

I’d say I’ve been really happy with two of my six pieces, pleased enough with another two, and relatively unhappy with the remaining two. I’ll leave it to you to decide which is which!

Random shit

Q & Exhibit A (6)

This is my fourth post for Smutathon 2018! Eight of us are spending 12 hours today furiously writing erotica, blogging about sex, taking filthy photos, and generally producing smut in all its glorious forms, to raise money for the Abortion Support Network. To find out more, to enter our sex toy raffle, and most importantly to donate to an excellent cause, click here!


On this blog, anyway.

I’ve been Exhibit A for over five years now, though my posting history here actually goes all the way back to 2010. I don’t know how many words I’ve written in that time, but I imagine it’s somewhere north of 300,000. I’ve also published 129 Sinful Sunday posts, 43 pieces of original fiction, and one improbably successful account of getting an erection in a life drawing class – seriously, it’s where soooo much of my traffic comes from, even now.

Most importantly, of course, Exhibit A is the reason I met the love of my life, and has introduced me over the years to far more friends, lovers, play partners, and generally good people than I ever imagined possible when I started writing here.


My Abortion Story

This is my third post for Smutathon 2018! Eight of us are spending 12 hours today furiously writing erotica, blogging about sex, taking filthy photos, and generally producing smut in all its glorious forms, to raise money for the Abortion Support Network. To find out more, to enter our sex toy raffle, and most importantly to donate to an excellent cause, click here!

This is my abortion story.

It is neither a long story, not an especially traumatic one.

In the summer of 2011, I got someone pregnant. We were in a relationship at the time, though it had entered the sort of terminal decline that is only really apparent in hindsight. Frequent arguments. Pained negotiation of a hundred different changes – big and small – that we each thought might improve things, followed by negotiation of the negotiations. Break-up sex and make-up sex, and all the silences in-between.