Erotica Random shit

Eroticon 2019: Meet & Greet

It’s Eroticon time again! This year we’re back at Arlington House in Camden, for what will be my 6th Eroticon weekend. There are a few changes this time round (see below), but one thing I imagine will never be different is my level of enthusiasm and excitement for this wonderful, nourishing celebration of sex positivity – and for all the people who embody it.

With that in mind, here’s this year’s meet and greet post. Check out everyone else’s here.

NAME (and Twitter handle if you have one)

I blog here as Exhibit A, and I’m on Twitter as @ea_unadorned. However, I feel a bit ridiculous asking people to call me either of those things in public, so I’ll happily tell you my real name if you ask.


21 Days

I last had an orgasm at around 9pm on Saturday. If all goes to plan, I won’t have another one till some time in the late afternoon or early evening of Saturday 16th March, a gap of almost exactly 21 days.

To understand why, you should first read this post from April 2017. You should also note that I am a) extremely competitive, and b) easily goaded into attempting ridiculous challenges. As a result, what began as an impulsive response to Liv’s semi-serious suggestion has become something of an annual project, with steadily escalating difficulty levels. Not least because the more people know about it, the more they seem intent on making things…hard for me.

So yes, anyway, 10 days in 2017 became 16 days in 2018, and now I’m three days into what will apparently become a three-week period of full-on orgasm denial. As I said in my original post, that doesn’t mean I won’t be having sex – far from it. If anything, I expect Liv to be more demanding in that sense, and not just because I’ll be walking around with pretty much a permanent hard-on; the opportunity to tease, torment, and generally mess with me is one she’s unlikely to pass up, so I’m prepared for the fact that I’ll be spending a lot of time gritting my teeth and counting slowly in my head.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Parallel Lines

Like a lot of couples, Liv and I don’t really ‘do’ Valentine’s Day. Yes, we exchange cards, and this year we used it as an excuse to cook a nice meal together and drink champagne, but for the most part we treat it just like another date on the calendar.

For that reason, I was both surprised and delighted when Liv presented me with the perfect gift on Valentine’s morning – my own bedside tea set! Complete with travel kettle, water carafe, milk thermos, pot for teabags, and cute new mug, it was exactly what I need for all those weekend mornings when neither of us want to get out of bed but I do want a cup of tea…or two cups…or three…

This morning I plugged in the kettle and took my thoughtful gift for a test drive. Both of my girls were fast asleep: Liv curled up next to me and Martha in her crib at the end of our bed. As sun poured in between the blinds of our patio door, I was able to settle back and relax with mug in hand.


12 Things That Feel As Good As Rimming

Late last night, a Twitter friend sent me this WhatsApp message:

First things first, it’s a great question! Done right, rimming feels spectacular – intense, intimate, and laser-focused on an area of the body absolutely full of nerve endings. It sets a pretty high bar!

Random shit

Godemiche OffBeat UV – Review

This morning, I rolled over in bed and pulled Liv into a big, spooning hug. With my erection pressed against her arse and my arm wrapped round her chest, it wasn’t long before she was squirming and wriggling back into me. Martha was fast asleep in her crib, so we had at least a few minutes to ourselves – we’ve learnt by now that even when she starts to stir in the mornings, it takes her a little while to wake up properly.

Liv reached round with her right hand to stroke my cock, still slightly sticky with lube and cum from sex a few hours earlier. I grabbed lube from the shelf above our bed and pumped a generous amount into her hand. With my face buried in her neck, she made a tight fist around the base of my cock and applied gentle pressure as I thrust into it.

You can probably guess the rest. Liv is great at jerking me off anyway, but there’s something just incredibly hot about fucking someone’s hand like that, especially when it’s properly slick with lube. She kept squeezing right through to the end, then laughed with delight as I jizzed all over her back and arse.

Other photos Sinful Sunday

Sinful Sunday: Schiele

For years now, I’ve been fascinated by Egon Schiele’s twisted, evocative, hyper-sexualised paintings. We have a framed print of his Sitting Woman with Legs Drawn Up on our bedroom wall – mainly because I think it’s about as sexy as any non-nude portrait you’re likely to find – and when Somerset House hosted an exhibition of his work back in 2014, I spent hours staring at each canvas.

Since November, the Royal Academy has been running an exhibition of Klimt and Schiele drawings, on loan from the Albertina Museum in Vienna. It closes tonight, and Liv and I nearly missed it (in case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been quite busy lately…), but after a brief panic we did ultimately squish Martha into her sling yesterday and head up the Victoria Line to Green Park for a late viewing.


Smut Marathon 2018: A Review

With just a few hours to go till the launch of Smut Marathon 2019, it feels like a good time to reflect on my experience of competing in – and winning – the 2018 edition.

I’ve already shared a few stray thoughts at various points over the last five months (along with eight of my 10 entries), in posts you’ll find here, here and here. What I want to do today is step back and answer a couple of questions that get to the heart of my broader feelings about Smut Marathon – feelings that definitely changed over the course of the year, and have done so again recently as I’ve mulled over whether to defend my crown.

Do I have a nerdy, pointless graph summarising my Smut Marathon 2018 performance?

Why yes, yes I do.


Smut Marathon: Rounds 9-10

I’ll keep this brief, as I’m about to cover the Smut Marathon more broadly in a separate post. If you want to read my stories from Rounds 1-8, you can do so here and here.

In Round 9 (Start your story with these words: The wind howled around the corners of the cabin…), I came 3/10. After it worked so well in Round 8, I again decided to try and play with the prompt a bit, which this time meant setting it in a ship’s cabin. I feel like the law of diminishing returns kicked in a bit – and the comments certainly weren’t quite as positive – but the scenario is still really hot to me, so I enjoyed writing it.

Cock shots Sex


On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I work from a brand-new office close to my client’s main building. It’s small and completely open-plan, with pods and pockets of desks at various heights, and a pair of L-shaped sofas in one corner.

I tend to park myself at a bank of high desks, next to one of the video screens that line the walls. From my stool, I can see the whole room, and because most people prefer a regular workstation – complete with monitor, plug sockets, and a swivel chair – I’m often alone up there.

Which is no bad thing. I like my own space, both in life generally and while I’m trying to work. It also means that for most of the day no-one can see my screen, leaving me free to flick regularly from Excel and PowerPoint to Twitter, WhatsApp, WordPress, and…other interesting sites.


Two Truths and a Lie

I was going to end 2018 with a recap post, looking back at some of the things I wrote last year and linking to a few of my favourite photos.

Best laid plans, huh?

Not for the first time recently, writing got crowded out over Christmas by other parts of my life. Good parts, absolutely – new baby, wife, two families, general festive cheer – and I wouldn’t have changed anything at all about the last couple of weeks, but I can’t deny feeling a smidge of frustration about the way various creative pursuits have been put on the back burner over the last few months.